Newport cigarettes experience has taught me a lot about people in general, and why our efforts in this country standing up for the minority rights of smokers has failed, and always will fail.

when something starts going a little south, we beg and plead and cry like little babies, "Oh please help me, give me free money and charity, give me donations, I deserve it ... blah, blah blah, boo hoo hoo." The Speakeasy debacle is a prime example of this and angers me to no end.
Cheap Newport cigarettes started Speakeasy several years after I started Smokinglobby for the express purpose of taking my traffic away and funnelling resources away from Smokinglobby. They could have offered to help me run SmokingLobby,
newport cigarette, so we could have created a huge forum for everyone to go to for Smoker's rights to smoking
Newport 100s Cigarettes , but they didn't. And then Smoker's Club added a forum to steal traffic, and then a few years later Forces created one. 相关的主题文章:
smokers rights isn't cool anymore