r for the U.S. CyberConsequences Unit, a nonprofit group that monitors Webthreats.
Sony said no hacking had taken place on this website andthat PlayStation Network account holders can still change theirpasswords on their PlayStation consoles at home.
On Tuesday
Cheap Jerseys Wholesale , Chief Executive Howard Stringer fired back atcritics for saying Sony had not acted quickly enough to informconsumers about April's data breach. [ID:nN17141235]
The notice to users about the website shutdown can be foundhere: bit.ly/JkCma
(Reporting by Liana B. Baker; Editing by Richard Chang)
* Stolen data could include credit card information
* Birth dates
Cheap Jerseys Wholesale , addresses, emails, names taken-Sony
* "Largest breach of its type"-analyst (Adds analysts comment, background, company statement)
By Liana B. Baker
NEW YORK, April 26 - An unauthorized person brokeinto Sony's PlayStation video game online network and stolenames, addresses and possibly credit card data belonging to 77million user accounts in what could be one of the largest-everInternet security breaches.
Sony learned that user information had been stolen from itsPlayStation Network seven days ago, prompting it to shut downthe network. But Sony did not tell the public until Tuesday.
The "illegal and unauthorized person" obtained people'snames, addresses, email address, birthdates, usernames
Cheap Jerseys Wholesale ,passwords, logins, security questions and more, Sony said onits U.S. PlayStation blog on Tuesday.
The shutdown of the PlayStation Network seven days agoprevented owners of Sony's video game console from buying anddownloading games as well as playing with rivals over theInternet.
Alan Paller, research director of the SANS Institute
Custom NFL Jerseys Japan's crisis pressured Japanese ADRs, saidthis was the largest-ever breach of its type.
The breach is a major setback for the Japanese electronicsmaker. Although video game hardware and software sales havedeclined globally, the PlayStation franchise has been a steadyseller and remains a flagship product for Sony.
Sony learned of the breach on April 19 and shut down theservice immediately, a spokesman said.
Children with accounts established by their parents alsomay have had their data exposed
Cheap Jerseys Wholesale , Sony said.
Sony said it saw no evidence that credit card numbers werestolen, but warned users that it could not rule out thepossibility.
"Out of an abundance of caution, we are advising you thatyour cr