The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services naturally knows its audience. As Adam noted earlier, the agency signed up Andy Griffith to arise in television ads now airing and touting changes to Medicare brought about by the new health reform law.
This has reasoned a morsel of a stir,
MBT Nama Shoes, with five Republican senators bringing a letter yesterday to Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius – who oversees CMS – expressing their “profound concern” that impose greenbacks are creature accustom “for movement purposes.” (Griffith did the ads for free, but HHS spent a reported $700,000 on ad buys on the Weather Channel, Hallmark Channel, Lifetime, CNN and Headline News. Like I said, they know their crowd.)
In their letter, the senators write:
We believe this ad is a explicit violation of the spirit of allied laws that deter the use of taxpayer dollars for campaign purposes. The justification for this ad, as expressed by Stephanie Cutter, an Assistant to the President, demonstrates the clear political motivation for the ad.
Ms. Cutter wrote on the White House blog: “As we went to pass the Affordable Care Act, seniors were the target of a major misinformation campaign that was devised to scare and confuse older Americans about the real impact of reform….We are committed to correcting the record and ensuring seniors have the information they absence and obtain the high-quality care they have earned and deserve.”
The job of the Executive Branch, quite simply, is to execute and implement the law, not re-litigate a political discussion. Using the power of the state and the Treasury to advance the program of one political gathering is an abuse that ought not be tolerated, regardless of which party is in power.
Thafter all bit was a nod to the fact that in 2004, the Bush Administration came beneath fire from Democrats for an ad campaign touting the benefits of the polemical Medicare Modernization Act of 2003. (The General Accounting Office finally base that the MMA ad did not violate the law prohibiting taxpayer dollars from being used as “propaganda.”)
Over the years, in truth, CMS has funded lots of TV ads promoting Medicare and they usually scamper them before the program’s fall open enrollment duration,
MBT Lami Shoes, which is perhaps politically relevant, but just coincidentally the same time as co-optation season. Here’s one from the fall of 2008, before Obama took office:
And here’s one that ran last fall:
What makes these ads different than the Andy Griffith one – merely alike apt the ad almost the 2003 decree – namely that the present ad takes a stand, as disapproved to equitable telling seniors to seek extra message. Here’s the script as the current ad:
“1965. A lot of nice things came out that year, favor Medicare. This year, favor always, we’ll have our assured benefits and, with the new health care law, more good asset are coming. Free examinations. Lower recipe costs and better ways to protect us and Medicare from fraud. See what else is new. I meditation you’re gonna like it.”
Let’s take the ad on the merits and what the White House has said about it.
Does anyone actually doubt that seniors were subjected to “a major misinformation campaign” during the health reform debate? Death panels, anybody? To review,
MBT Vizuri GTX Shoes, here are the basics on how Medicare will change for of the law.
Medicare Advantage, the program that allows private insurers to provide Medicare benefits,
MBT Barabara Shoes, is losing loads of funding and seniors who have these maneuvers ambition probable lose fringe benefits that are not necessitated along law. But standard health warranty codified into Medicare will not alteration. This comrehensive, authentic, wildly renowned coverage is the heart of the Medicare program and it’s residing intact. Many seniors do not achieve this. According to the July tracking vote from the Kaiser Family Foundation 50% deem the new law will “cut benefits that were formerly provided to entire human aboard Medicare.” (accent mine) Another 16% said they didn’t understand. Thirty-six percent deem the law will “allow a government plate to make determinations about end-of-life attach to folk ashore Medicare.” Another 17% said they didn’t know. The poll also reported 50% of seniors believe “the mean human on Medicare will must cost more out of their own pocket.”
This send us to the merits of the demands in the ad. Andy Griffith touts “free checkups” and “lower prescription costs.” This is true. The law requires Medicare to pay 100% of prevention care, which includes checkups. The law will also gradually near the Medicare prescription pill gap known as the doughnut aperture.
Now whether “you’re gonna like” the new health reform law is certainly up for debate. It’s not factual information and may not belong in a government-funded PSA. But is the ad, as John Hart, communications director for Sen. Tom Coburn, a signer of the letter to Sebelius, says, “A Soviet manner tactic where the ruling regime uses the power of the state to disunite the against.”?
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