Newport Cigarettes is the best menthol cigarettes, ay – it’s to
get rid of it all. Once I was drinking some orange cordial
and thought “this tastes a bit weird” and looked at the label.
It wasn’t just orange, they’d gone and slipped in some pine-
apple that they couldn’t get rid of. This is happening more
and more. I recently used some shower gel that had kiwi in
it. That’s another fruit no one wants. Oh and pomegran-
ates, what a load of hassle they are. I once watched me mam
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Los Angeles
eating one with a needle, one seed at a time, while watch-
ing Dallas. She only got through half of it. Like I said, we’re
not short of fruit
Wholesale Newport Cigarettes, so why are we eating ones that are just
made up of seeds. Stop growing ’em.
Anyway, I didn’t actually do much , most of white people like the
Marlboro Cigarettes.