The furthest distance in the world ,
not life and death of distance,
GHD IV Straighteners,
yet I stand ahead you,
GHD Green Straighteners,
you do not kas long asI love you.
the world's most remote distance,
not I stand before you,
GHD Red Butterfly 2011,
you do no kas long asI love you,
but obviously love each other,
but not together.
the world's most remote distance,
not apparently love every additional,
but not together,
GHD IV Dark Straighteners,
The furthest distance in the earth ,
GHD Straighteners,
but have never been in love.
the world's most remote distance,
not creature individually while being in love ,
GHD Leopard Grain,
but have not been in in my heart ,
but indifferent apt the love you can not excavate ditches cross .