"Looking for a little light reading?" Sydney walked up and stood beside me. She
hadn't been around earlier but had heard the news.
"Very light,
discount chi flat irons, seeing as I don't understand any of them," I replied. I gestured to the
scurrying family members. "What's going on here?"
"They're planning Dimitri's funeral,
youtube p90x workout," Sydney explained. "Or,
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I frowned. "But he's not dead-"
"Shh." She cut me off with a sharp gesture and glanced warily at the others as they
hustled around. "Don't say that."
"But it's true,
what is the p90x workout schedule," I hissed back.
She shook her head. "Not to them. Out here... out in these villages... there's no in-
between state. You're alive or you're dead. They aren't going to acknowledge him
being one of... those." She couldn't keep the disgust out of her voice. "For all intents
and purposes,
p90x workout book, he is dead to them. They'll mourn him and move on. So should you." I
didn't take offense at her blunt attitude because I knew she hadn't meant to give any.
It was just her way.