Friday, March 18, 2011 Palin accidentally uses up her very own book November 14, 2009 • Email it ANTWILLIE, TENN — Former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin attended a guide burning rally Friday, where she unwittingly participated in the incineration of hundreds of copies of her upcoming autobiography “Going Rogue.”
Palin made the planned stop at the small Church of Righteous Indignation to join the congregation as it tossed over eighteen tons of literature into a massive bonfire.
According to the program,
Office 2010 Home And Student, a record number of books were to be destroyed, including Barack Obama’s “The Audacity of Hope” and any literature that used the word “gay” in any context.
When church organizers came across cases of the former Vice Presidential candidate’s memoirs stacked inside a U-Haul trailer, they had no idea the newly pressed hardbacks were intended as promotional copies.
“We saw all those boxes of books,” explained a church official, “and naturally thought they were intended for the fire. It was an innocent mistake.”
Palin and her husband Todd initially cheered as a twenty-foot craned lowered the cases into the towering flames, joining the crowd in chants of “Burn, baby, burn!”
But then, according to witnesses, Todd became startled and whispered something into his wife’s ear. “She shrieked like a moose with an arrow in its num-nums,” noted one bystander,
Buy Office 2007, “and shouted ‘Oh my God,
Windows 7 Home Premium, those are the wrong books!’”
The crowd chanted responsively, “The wrong books! The wrong books! The wrong books!”
Attendees soon realized their mistake and began dousing the blaze with a nearby hose and a sitrring rendition of “Kumbaya,” but their attempt to spare even a few copies of “Rogue” were in vain.
As the flames subsided, the only books to be found intact amid the smoke and debris were Richard Simmons’s “Shimmy into Shape” and a 500-year-old copy of the Talmud.
Church elders offered an apology,
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“You hillbillies better vote for me now, dontcha think?”
Palin entered the limousine with her husband and drove off, disappearing into the remnant smoke and ash of her life story.