The first public release of Moonlight — the Silverlight on Linux project from open-source leader Miguel de Icaza and his band of coders — is out.De Icaza,
Office 2010 Serial, Novell Vice President for Developer Technologies,
Office 2010 Code, noted the release in a blog post dated May 13. De Icaza noted the release is available to testers in two forms: A no-media-codec-based version and one which will allow users to compile FFMpeg codecs themselves.The release supports Silverlight 1.0 only. The developers plan to move to support Silverlight 2.0,
Windows 7 X86, which is currently in beta and expected to launch in final form later this summer.De Icaza noted that Moonlight will work on Firefox 2 and 3,
Office 2010 Pro Plus, but some recent changes in nFirefox 3 “preent Silverlight and Moonlight from working.” There is a user-contributed Greasemonkey script that provides a work-around for some sites,
Microsoft Office Standard, he said.De Icaza said in December to expect the very first release of Silverlight to be done by mid-2008.