Proportion is the key to properly fit a handbag. The bag should neither get lost in your frame, nor overwhelm it. For instance, if you are short, you should go for small bags that are more proportion to their body size. Tall women who are thin should choose handbags that are big enough to balance their tallness. It is also very important to pay attention to where the bag hits your body. A bag has the power to draw attention, so stay away from bags that hit your problem areas.
Again, balance is the key. Smaller women are safe with smaller handbags. Bright designs and colors will serve you well as long as you choose a small bag. However
air jordan 9 retro, if you really need to use a huge tote, opt for the smallest size available and remember to select a neutral color. Neutral colors such as brown, beige, or black will surely help minimize the handbag's size and look.
v. Use PayPal or another payment type which gives you recourse to contest a purchase
Don't do a bank transfer it's too risky and you have no recourse should the purse end up being ########. I like PayPal's dispute resolution, which allows you to dispute a purchase if it does not work out due material misrepresentation of an item. Also use PayPal and back it up with a credit card. You must protect yourself as much as Get the item authenticated
Before you bid or soon after the purchase you can have the purse authenticated.
There are several professional authenticators who for a small fee (around $10) will authenticate a purse for you. These folks have years of experience and can also help you with any Paypal disputes. I highly recommend Castira for Gucci, Carol Diva for Louis Vuitton and MyPoupette for other designers.
As with all fashion accessories, it is essential that you know the right shape and size that will work best for your body type. It is important to note that carrying a handbag that is wrong for your body type will somehow accentuate flaws and draw attention to your problem areas. The right bag however, will do wonders for your body and create a fabulous overall look.
Women's leather handbags are available in a wide array of designs and styles. Of course most designs try to keep up with the latest trends and the consumer's demands. It also varies depending on the occasion, such as club parties, school events, and office seminars. They also come in a wide array of shapes and sizes, such as an evening pouch, clutch bags, shoulder bags
AIR JORDAN XIV, and touch bags.
If you are tall and thin, you are lucky. Your body type offers the most flexibility in bag selection. Just avoid tiny bags because these will make you seem even taller, otherwise, you are free to carry a handbag almost any size. It is prudent to stay away from huge totes and satchels, as they have the tendency to weigh you down on one side. Big backpacks are okay.
Another great source is Craigslist, which if you live in a big city like NY and LA, makes it easier to find designer purses. If this the venue you choose, exercise the same caution as listed above. Get a lot of pictures, DO NOT do a bank transfer -EVER!!! and ask a lot of questions.Be Safe! If after following the above precautions, the purse looks good and you're ready to buy. Meet in a public place and bring a friend if necessary. Make sure you're not followed home. Pretty much exercise common sense.When I was a teenager, we used to take our annual holidays in Italy and my mum insisted my father drive non-stop through France rather than risk another horrifying encounter with a French pissoir.
A leather handbag has become an expression of a woman's unique taste and personality. As a result
boyfriend nike blazer, women today are more selective and passionate when it comes to choosing the perfect handbags for them. Leather handbags can be very expensive, yet you can be sure that you'll get value for your money as they are known to be both durable and exquisite. You will be sure to find an endless selection of women's leather handbag on the internet.