moncler pas cher,无不透露着一种追求。艾米莉,在与世隔绝的生存环境下,把美丽的一生,献给了她所热爱的文学——诗歌的创 作中,
Abercrombie and Fitch France。作者由爱好她的诗,继而认真地了解她的一生,这种美丽,是出自脏腑的赞叹。推荐共赏,问候作 者! 我为美而死,但是
随手从女儿阅读的藏书中拣出一本装帧考究的“随身典藏”版图书,草草一翻,便心生欢喜,不愿释卷。这是 美国女诗人艾米莉•迪金森的诗集,书名《为美而死》。全书录诗150首,中英文对照,分为“生活”、“自然 ”、“爱情”、“灵魂”、“时间与永恒”五辑,诗风凝练婉约、细腻丰富、意象清丽、晶莹剔透,流溢着诗情画 意的美感。
艾米莉•迪金森(EmilyDickinson,1830~1886),又译为艾米莉•狄 金森,
air jordan,是美国最富有传奇性的抒情诗人。她25岁开始弃绝社交,自我幽闭,深居简出,终生未嫁,在家伺候缠绵病榻 的母亲,过着与世隔绝的生活,甚至拒见一切访客,连她家人也不得不隔着门缝和她说话。
然而,这个行为与世人格格不入,又长期在一个封闭狭小的空间孤独地生存的女人,却筑造了自己丰富而深邃 的精神巢穴,
abercrombie。她埋头写诗30年,留给后世1775首诗风独特、令人耳目一新的短诗。除了未经她本人同意朋友给予发表的 7首外,艾米莉生前几乎没有在美国文坛上留下其他任何痕迹。直到她逝世一个多世纪以后的1955年,全部诗 作才公诸于世。
生前在世默默无闻,死后却掌声纷至沓来。迪金森被尊崇为20世纪现代主义诗歌的先驱者之一,西方有史以 来最杰出的女诗人,
ralph lauren pas cher,美国诗歌新纪元的里程碑,和美国文学之父欧文、诗人惠特曼比肩,其崇高的声誉影响了整个美国文坛。美国人 献给迪金森的铭文是:“啊,杰出的艾米莉•迪金森!”
这些桂冠,这些赞誉,对于已故的迪金森,一切皆为虚名;即便在她有生之年,也决然不会动心。她平生厌烦 显要张扬,甘做平凡之人。这曾在《无名之辈》阐述:
迪金森,一个远离时代潮流、长年沉浸在孤独沉思中的人,没有什么传奇的经历,摒弃了一切世俗之杂念,也 许更能用纯洁无邪的目光去看待世界,去评析万物。她以她的质朴清新,
doudoune moncler,率真敏锐,为自然、为死亡、为爱情、为宗教,勇敢而执着地歌唱着。
“没有一个舞台能让我扮演自己的戏,但思想本身就是自己的舞台,也定义着自己的存在。”迪 金森如是说。
一个离群索居,有着深刻思想,生活经历又如谜一般的诗人,才会写出浅显又晦涩的如谜般诗作。她的诗融明 朗直率和含蓄委婉为一体,感情真挚,甜美隽永,
doudoune moncler pas cher,短小精悍,意蕴丰富,有时读来意像模糊,难解晦涩,但却耐人寻味,充满魅力。于是,人们称迪金森的诗作是 不可删改的天然艺术品。
polo ralph lauren pas cher,但天性鲁钝,总是难以走进诗的意境,所以如今与诗渐走渐远。然而今天却在迪金森纯粹隽永的诗作中,找到了 前未所有的感觉。
记得迪金森说过:“如果我读一本书,而这本书能够使我浑身发次冷,什么火也无法使我暖和,我知道那是诗 。如果我切实感觉到我的天灵盖被揭开了,我知道那是诗。我认识诗的方式仅限于此。难道还有别的 方式吗?”
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UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said here Thursday that the fate of Palestinian aspirations for statehood or non-member observer statehood is in the hands of member states.
"The UN Charter is quite clear that the recognition of a State and membership in the United Nations are issues for Member States to decide and other UN intergovernmental bodies," Ban said.
His statements came during a press conference where he addressed issues that have been prominent in the global organization's work of late.
At the forefront of the list of issues is the question of whether or not Palestine, which is currently only an "observer" at the UN, will receive an elevated status within the organization by aiming to get full-fledged statehood through the Security Council or by seeking the lesser status of non-member observer state via a General Assembly vote.
Although Palestine has yet to announce which route it will take, the U.S., which has full veto power in the Security Council, has hinted it will use this power to prevent a Palestinian statehood measure from passing.
"On the admission of a state into the United Nations, this is an issue to be decided by member states in accordance with the Charter provision: first, they should go to the Security Council and get the recommendation by the Security Council, and that should be decided by a two-thirds majority of the General Assembly, " said Ban.
If Palestine submits the bid for statehood, it would do so on Sept. 23, the same day that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is slated to address the General Assembly at its plenary session here.
The secretary-general stated that his role in the process of achieving UN statehood for Palestine remains limited to evaluating "technical" questions.
"When I receive an application from a state for admission into the United Nations, I review all these technical issues - whether this application is in proper form and stating that they are committed to implementing all the Charter provisions," he said. " Then, I refer it to the Security Council."
Ban said that he has not yet received any application for Palestinian statehood.
Riyad Mansour, the permanent observer of Palestine spoke to reporters here Thursday, confirming that Palestinian leaders have yet to announce a final decision on which of the two possible approaches they will choose for boosting Palestine's status at the UN.
"The decision has not been finalized but once it is finalized, we will deal with the technicalities and the rules of procedures of how we can implement it and we will try to implement it as soon as possible," he said.
Abbas has been engaged in talks with leaders from the Arab League, as well as the European Union (EU) on the topic of Palestine's UN aspirations.
"After all of these discussions are finalized, we will decide, President Abbas will decide, and we will follow while we are pursing our objective of acquiring what belongs to us -- to become a full member of the United Nations," said Mansour.
During his press conference, Ban also commented on the ongoing deadlock in negotiations between Israel and Palestine for a two- state solution in the region.
"I am profoundly troubled by the lack of progress in the peace negotiations," said Ban. "It is vital that they resume."
Direct talks between Israel and Palestine stalled in October 2010, when Israel declined to renew a moratorium on its settlement building.
Ban said that time is not on the parties' side in finding a solution to their decades-long disagreements.
"Ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and achieving a two- state solution is long overdue," he said. "Time is not our friend. "
The diplomatic Quartet for Middle East peace, consisting of the UN, the EU, the U.S., and Russia had set the deadline for negotiating a final settlement between Israel and Palestine for September 2011. Thus far, there has been no indication that direct negotiations between Israel and Palestine will resume.
"The two parties have been negotiating, the negotiations have been up and down," said Ban. "And it is really high time to resolve this issue, to realize a two-State solution where Israelis and Palestinians can live side by side in peace and security. That is the vision agreed upon by the two sides and supported by all the countries around the world. So, I am asking them to enter into a meaningful negotiation."