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Old 09-15-2011, 05:45 AM   #1
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Default 后口旧石器遗迹:

  后口旧石器遗址位于原平城西北五十八公里处的后口乡新郭庄与牛高阜村之间的台地上。其前面临河流,背靠 大山。从断崖上看,石器夹杂在黄土层下的砾石层中。现发现有大量的石核石器石片石器。从采集的标本中大抵可 分有砍伐器、尖状器和刮削器。制作方式是用彼此打击和一面直接打击法打制。石器体积较小,造型粗糙。应用痕 迹明显,质地均为燧石。对研究我国旧石器时代人类的生涯和发展供给了宝贵的材料。该遗址是在一九八四年四月 文物普查中发现,并采集了一些石器资料和兽骨残片。后经省考古所和迷信院等有关单位的考古专家亲临现场勘探 鉴定,确认属旧石器时代晚期文化遗物,基础与山顶洞人同属一个时代的文化。
  卫村遗址:卫村遗址位于距原平城西南二十二公里的阎庄镇卫村村西南一华里处,地名为南山地面上。遗址东 北为云中河,西紧靠有大山,西南为连绵起伏的丘陵,遗址就座落于云中河西岸的二级台地上,其东西长约一千五 百米,南北为五百米。据记录:此地南山古代森林浓密,土地肥饶,气象也平和,很合适人类生存。从遗址的断面 分析地层关系:第一层属耕土层,厚约四十公分。第二层就是文化层,厚约一到二米。该遗址的遗迹有灰坑一处、 陶窑四处。在遗址的中心断壁上有清楚可见的灰坑痕迹,宽三米深两米。到处陶窑均在灰坑左侧百余米的断壁上。 遗址中的遗迹有大量陶片,还有少量石器、尸骨和烧结块。现采集的标本有石斧、刮削器、砍砸器灰陶片、红陶片 ,有鬲足、口沿、陶环、石刀等。纹饰有粗、细绳纹兰纹、附加堆纹、名义磨光黑陶片等。该遗址属于新石器时代 晚期文化,近似龙山文化类型。在原平境内的新石器时代遗址中有一定的代表性。所以定为县级重点文物保护单位 。
  该遗址位于原平城东略偏南二十公里,上庄乡南寨村东北百米处的池梁板高地上。遗址北靠同河。正南及西南 是尖山和气虎山,处于同河南岸的二级台地上。地舆地位很适应古人类生存。从遗址的断面剖析地层关联,可分为 三层:第一层属耕土层系黄沙腐殖土;第二层系灰黄土层,该层是遗迹的重要文化层,土层中夹有大量的陶片;第 三层为黄土层。该遗址中的陈迹有灰坑和灰土层多处、陶窑一处。该遗址中的遗物有大量的陶片和未磨制的石器。 陶器的陶质有夹沙灰陶和少量的细泥灰陶、红陶。纹饰以粗绳纹为主,次有少量的磨光陶和戳刺纹。器型有柱状鼎 足、夹沙陶鬲、规、豆、罐、碗等残片。还有陶环。这些器物大批为手制,其陶壁厚薄很不平均,表面也很毛糙。 该遗址属新石器时期中、晚期,近似於庙底沟跟秦日寨文化类型。因遗址文明沉积丰盛,采集标本较多,对进一步 研讨新石器时代文化有必定的代表意思。故在一九七九年文物普查中就列入县重点文物维护单位。
  东社遗址位于原平城东二十八公里的东社镇温东社村西二华里的呼家崖高地上。遗址南临同河东靠福寿山清泉 ,西北两方均为沟壑纵横的半丘陵地带。其地理位置很适应古人类栖身生存。该遗址的遗迹有灰坑十余处、陶窑一 处。陶窑与灰坑在遗址边沿的断崖上,距地表深度在三米以下,周围有很多尸骨和兽骨,并夹杂有大量碎陶片。该 遗址的遗物有石斧、石臼、石刀、石环、石球、陶鸟、犀牛臼齿化石、白灰片、火灶及大量的红陶片和灰陶片等。 依据陶片的分析有鬲、罐、甑、箅和过滤器等,纹饰有粗绳纹、细绳纹、兰纹、划纹、素面磨光等。其中石环、陶 鸟犀牛臼化石于一九七六年七月交省文物治理处进行考古研究。该遗址属于新石器晚期文化,与龙山文化类型相似 ,air jordan shoes on sale。该遗址文化堆积丰富,采集标本较多,为研究新石器时代文化提供了丰富的资料。所以在一九七九年,就定为县 级文物保护单位。
  峙峪遗址位于原平城东十六华里,中阳乡峙峪村南一华里的“七亩地”高地上。遗址西临滹沱河,北有季节河 ,air jordan shoes kids,东靠五峰山,山脚下有赵家脑东周古墓群。文化层厚度在两米以上。地表和断崖上发现有灰坑,状态为袋型,内 夹有大量陶片和骨块。采集标本有石器、骨器、红陶片、彩陶片、灰陶片,陶质以细泥陶为主,有少量夹砂陶,陶 壁较薄。纹饰有红彩陶磨光为主,绳纹较少。器型以直领罐为主,次有小口大腹罐、双耳罐、盆、碗、陶杯,均为 轮制,器物较精巧。石器有磨光小石斧。骨器有未磨制胜利的骨簪。根据上述现状分析:陶质较细、火候较高、器 型精细、彩陶有图案式彩绘、石器磨制精小,该遗址属于新石器时代的仰韶文化。该遗址文化堆积丰富,又有大量 彩陶,在原平境内的新石器遗址中存在代表性,被列为县终重点文物保护单位。
  辛章遗址位于原平城东北三十四华里,中阳乡辛章村东一华里许。该遗址规模甚广,南北为三华里,东西约五 华里,文化堆积在二米以上。遗址西临滹沱河,东靠大山,北面和南面均临时节河流,处于二级台地上。在遗址的 表面和地层断面中,到处都可以发现有陶片和石器,采集标本有斗足、规足、器物的口沿、腹部,纹饰有粗绳纹、 细绳纹、兰纹、方格纹、附加堆纹。其中大都为夹砂灰陶。据当地人所述,曾发现有不少磨光石斧等石器。在断壁 上到处可发现有灰坑,内夹杂陶片和兽骨。遗址范畴叫前城地和后城地,相传曾筑过古城。从采集标天职析也可以 以为是几个时期文化层的叠压关系,现断定属新石器晚期龙山文化类型到商文化遗址。该遗址至今还很完整,无受 到大的损坏,很有保护价值,所以一九八五年二月列入县级重点文物保护单位。
  唐昌遗址位于原平城北五十四华里,崞阳镇唐昌村东一华里处的火石脑地。遗址东临滹沱河,南北有唐昌前后 河,座落于两河穿插之地的二级台地上。面积为东西四百米、南北五百米。在遗址的断崖上发现有四处灰坑,内搀 杂大量陶片及兽骨,遗址南端曾发现有两座锅型陶窑,陶窑距地表约一米,顶宽两米,深一米五。陶窑四周除有大 量陶片外,还发现了一个完整的三角陶鬲和一个残露空豆。全部遗址陶片随处可见,并有石器。采集标本有口沿、 裆部、鬲足、红陶、石斧,纹饰为粗绳纹、细绳纹、方格纹、附加堆纹、兰纹。据当地人很述,在遗址内距地表一 至二米即可挖到陶鬲、罐和其它器物,随处可见有玄色火石。经省级考古专家鉴定,该遗址属新石器晚期龙山文化 。因遗址内遗迹物丰富,所以一九八五年二月,被列入县级重点文物保护单位。
  西会遗址位于原平城西北三十四华里,大林乡西会村西一华里之处的小山岗上。遗址所处地名叫禹王梁。此遗 址前有阳武河流由西向东绕岗而下,背靠层层大山。处于河流北岸二级台地上,其面积东西约二华里、南北一华里 。地层中堆积有近四米深的文化层。采集标本有石器、陶器、白石装潢品。石器分为磨制捣砸器、圆盘砍砸器、石 斧、石刀等小型刮削器、三棱尖状器,器形制造较粗拙。陶器有羊角鬲、豆、直领罐等。纹饰有绳纹、方格纹、附 加堆纹。发现少量磨光陶。陶质以夹砂粗陶为主,有少量细泥陶。器物均为手制,陶壁较厚而不平匀。专家分析鉴 定,该遗址定为新石器中晚期文化,类似于秦王寨文化类型。该遗址文化层堆积较厚,包括实物丰富,对进一步研 究新石器文化有一定的代表性意义,因而在一九八五年二月列入县级重点文物保护单位。
  峪里遗址位于原平城东四十华里,上庄乡峪里村东北八华里的大脑山顶端高地上。遗址西山脚下临同河发祥地 石门沟,南有同河绕山而流。总面积为东西二千余米、南北一千余米。其文化层堆积在一米五十公分左右。遗址偏 东北的断面上发现有半地穴式住宿一处,白灰面厚四毫米,总长四米。两边用石片垒起,白灰面上有一层烧土的痕 迹。在地表上到处可见到圆形和卵形的灰土层。采集标本有鬲足、大口尊残片、磨光石刀等。根据分析鉴定,此遗 址属于新石器时期龙山文化类型。其居址仍为半地穴式的白灰地面,对研究我国原始社会人类的寓居情势有一定的 代表性。因而在一九八五年二月列入县级重点文物保护单位。
  王北尧遗址位于原平城东北三十五公里,东社镇王北尧村南二华里处和村东三华里处的古城地、高家岗地上。 在这十余平方华里的地表和断面上,到处都能够见到古代文化的古迹和遗物。遗址北有北窑河,南沿上社河,北靠 金山,处于金山脚下的沟壑梁地上。在古城地遗址,air jordan shoes news,一九七五年曾出土过战国时期的青铜器,还有完全的陶鬲、陶罐、陶豆等器物。在遗址的地表和地层中,有大量 的陶片,而且叠压档次十分显著,堆积很厚,文化层深达二米多,并发现有陶窑两处,窑呈环底状袋型窑,火膛较 为明显,窑壁坚挺。遗址东部高家岗遗址处发现有地穴式屋宇的白灰面,总长为四米五十公分,穴壁上也有用白灰 的痕迹。采集的陶器标本以豆为代表,其余有灰陶、红陶、鬲、罐等。该遗址属于新石器晚期至战国时期的文化遗 存。此处文化堆积较厚,叠压显明,什物丰硕,陶窑、住穴遗迹较为完整。因此在一九八五年仲春列入县级重点文 物掩护单位。
  东营遗址位于原平城东北五华里的东营村西南。地处平川地带的滹沱河西岸。其面积东西长约一 千&
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Old 09-15-2011, 05:48 AM   #2
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Reprinted from 997264761 at 16:31 on November 10, 2010 Read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Automotive
Royal Buick reset oil maintenance methods
1. Turn off the ignition switch
2. while holding down the right side of the dashboard to set keys (MODE SET and a and four on the arrow next arrow keys) in the two arrow keys, and then turn the ignition switch;
3. about 3 seconds, release the two keys; maintenance menu appears, asking whether the reset
4. and then hold down the SET button for 3 seconds or more
5. Press MODE button
6. off the ignition switch, reset the maintenance light Hummer successful

zero method
change oil soon lights that had to change the oil, oil change after using the following procedures in the maintenance light reset:
1: Press the (a) of the oxygen sensor warning light (OXYGEN SENSOR WARNING LIGHT)
1.SANMURAL vehicles maintenance
(1) when the mileage of 96000km, car, when the speed 1500-2000r/min SENSOR SERVICE INTERVAL WARNING LIGHT)
1. SIDEKICK the federal SANMURAL and maintenance of vehicles
(1) mileage of 80000km, 128000km and 160000km, warm up running, system or the necessary replacement parts, not on behalf of a failure.
(2) mileage of 80000km, the need to replace the PCV valve, check the EGR system, the replacement of oxygen sensor (Canada).
(3) mileage of 128000km, the replacement of the oxygen sensor (Federation).
(4) when the mileage of 160000km, replace PCV valve, check the carbon canister, check the EGR system, the replacement of oxygen sensor (Canada), the replacement carbon canister, check the ECM and related sensors.
2. zeroing procedures
(1) maintenance is completed, must be zero.
(2) zero switch below the steering wheel column bracket.
(3) counterclockwise toggle switch to zero.
(c) Check Engine Light (CHECK ENGINE LIGHT)
1.SIDEKICK and SWIFT vehicles
CHECK ENGINE light is a diagnostic computer system failure light, when the computer system failure , the light will flash light will go out automatically after troubleshooting (auto clear).
2.SWIFT Canadian Island SIDEKICK vehicles
After trouble shooting, fault codes are still stored in the computer memory.

BMW 5 Series (E39) 5 Series (E28) maintained zero

3 Series model year vehicles (E30) 1986-1994
3 Series (E36) 1990-2000
5 series (E34) 1988-1996
5 Series (E39) 1996 →
7 Series (E38) 1994 →
maintenance of a light zero
, oil maintenance light-emitting diode
diagnostic connector in the engine terminal 7 and the connection between a testing ground lights, diagnostic connector is located near the left or right side of the vault or in the bulkhead.
turn the ignition switch
3 seconds 5 green light-emitting diodes ignition switch off lights

Second, check the maintenance of light-emitting diode
diagnostic connector in the engine ground terminal 7 and the connection between a test light, diagnostic connector is located near the left or right side of the vault or located in the bulkhead.
12 seconds after the ignition switch 5 green LEDs will light up the ignition switch off

3 Series models (E30) 1982-1985
5 Series (E28) 1982-1988

a zero maintenance lights, oil maintenance light-emitting diode
diagnostic connector in the engine ground terminal 7 and the connection between a test light, diagnostic connector is located near the left or right side of the vault or in the bulkhead.
turn the ignition switch
3 seconds 5 green LED will turn off the ignition switch light

Second, check the maintenance of light diode
diagnostic connector in the engine ground terminal 7 and the connection between a test light, diagnostic connector is located near the left or right side of the vault or in the bulkhead.
turn the ignition switch
12 秒After five green LEDs will light up the ignition switch off

BMW 745 after the oil change and how to eliminate other light maintenance
1. Do not hold the start button for five seconds after the meter on the brakes there will be a row of English, hold down the left side of the meter to keep ten seconds or so which button BLOCK began into such options, click will jump, long after the press shows whether the selected zero, and then once OK out!
one meter oil lamps zero maintenance methods:
IG ON (insert the ignition key, press the seat left off the ignition key button about 8 seconds after the release, this time left area LCD screen meter will display the following:
BR.FLUID 8MTHS brake oil
ENG.OIL 30TKM engine oil 30,000 km
FR.BRAKE 40TKM front brake pads 40,000 km
R. BRAKE ; 40TKM brakes after 40,000 km
VEH.CHLK 50TKM body check 50,000 km
SPKPLUGS 60TKM spark plugs 60,000 km
COOLANT 32MTHS coolant
(Note: When more than the specified date or mileage , LCD display will show the central maintenance information, and the instrument zero, the zero main menu will display ! then hold down the zero button to keep until the upper right area of display screen on the instrument will show the following:
then click the zero button to select > Second, the instrument test function program:
first press the zero button on the upper left of instrument, the ignition key into the ignition lock, press the 21, the test will display the following menu:
Identification Display car VIN number, part number, manufacture date, the number of engine cylinders and other
System test instrument self-test system
--- empty
range have been driving fuel consumption, the average fuel consumption and driving distance
tank fuel tank sensor values
sensor values, such as the current water temperature, outdoor temperature, engine speed, vehicle speed value
momentary speed instantaneous speed
system voltage battery voltage
language setting ; language setting
set unit UNIT CODING
arrival to the destination to the average speed and time
acoustics bell test
fault memory Test error memory
I / O ports
Bitmaps ;
ADC values
PUM values
unlocking the lock status of test functions (not locked)
corr. correction factor consumption coefficient
Reset / reload to reset, the memory of the instrument and record clear.
zero-click button 1 second (or press the turn signal switch The BC two buttons), which will go to the next test project. selected test items required to keep hold the button until the meter on the right screen shows the specific content of the test project, release the button. In each test, the test function should TEST19 unlock, from button on the dashboard until the bottom left of the message appears.
2. Click the left button to flip the bottom left of the information.
3. retum message appears, hold down the button.
4. dashboard information area above the left there will be a variety of zero items such as Brake 0i1.
5. turning to zero items selected, hold down the button, select zero project.

new BMW E38,timberland boots uk, E39 brake light maintenance zero
1. ignition switch to hold,
3. ignition switch to has been at the 19 Meter displays side of the button to 21, instrument displays switch to / STOP key), press the zero button on the upper left instrument, about 8 seconds after the release, this time left area meter instrument upper left area shows the following:
RETURN ; back
BR.FLUID 9MTHS ; brake fluid
ENG. OIL 30TKM engine oil 30,000 km
FR. BRAKE 40TKM ; front brake pads 40,000 km
R. BRAKE 40TKM ; after the brake pads 40,000 km
VEH. CHLK 50TKM body check 50,000 km
SPKPLUGS 60TKM Spark Plug 60,000 km
when coolant more than the prescribed number or date of kilometers, LCD display will show the central maintenance information,mens timberland boots, and the instrument zero, the zero will display the main menu! two buttons), select RETURN
3, then click the zero button to select until the screen shows with function to select the setting, there are the Chinese text. The instrument is only one button, located in the upper left of the instrument, the LCD screen is divided into three zones: upper left area,timberland uk, right upper central area and the LCD display. upper left area to display the instruments classified zero test function and instrument main menu main menu. the upper right area shows the main menu and the content of specific test items, such as bodywork VIN code, average fuel consumption, zero maintenance and other specific projects. LCD display LCD display area of the central dynamic monitoring information, such as lights, oil level, brake, engine, A / T, SRS, ABS, CAS vehicles entering the system, the current functional status of the entire vehicle system fault information.
Figure 1 BMW E65 series cars, the oil maintenance light meter instrument
Zero Method:
(1) IG ON (insert the ignition key, press the Left Block off the ignition key release, this time left area meter LCD screen will display the following:
Figure 3 oil 30,000 km
FR.BRAKE 40TKM front brake lining 40000 km
R. BRAKE 40TKM after the brake lining
VEH.CHLK 50TKM 40,000 km 50,000 km body check
SPKPLUGS 60TKM spark plugs 60,000 km
COOLANT 32MTHS coolant
(Note: When more than the prescribed number of kilometers or date, LCD display will show the central maintenance information, and the instrument zero, the zero the main menu will display (You can also turn light switch by pressing two buttons on the BC, see Figure 3), select will display the following:
(3) then click the zero button to select
Figure II
Figure III

2000BMW zero maintenance lighting method
1, the ignition key in position (in combination meter), and rotate the ignition key to position maintenance inspection), with cycle, instead shows the brake fluid replacement cycle. The above information appears on the display: clock symbol and
6, again hold down the button for 5 seconds until
7. When the display flashes briefly hold down the button to reset the brake fluid cycle.
8, the display briefly shows a new cycle after the last in the display the following message appears about 2 seconds

lights BMW 520I zero maintenance procedures
① KEY-OFF, press the instrument the left of the
① KEY-OFF, press the meter on the left of depressed until the screen shows Reset brake fluid cycle - ignition key in position br> 2, until the following message appears on the display: br> 3, until the Briefly in the display shows the new cycle, the changes to show the brake fluid replacement cycle.
4, on the display the following information: the clock symbol and the When the display flashes briefly hold the button to reset the brake fluid cycle.
5, the display briefly shows a new cycle after the last in about 2 seconds to display the following message appears: BMW clock setting method
CODE Password AUX HEAT / VENT auxiliary heating / ventilation
SET set MONITOR OFF switch
more monitoring function display profile
1, tape mouth
2, telephone status indicator (1 yellow being logged on behalf of telephone network, the connection is confirmed on behalf of 2 green, 3 red for the operation fails if the phone, flashing that telephone networks are not logged in)
3, light
4, display
5, select the key
6, volume adjustment keys
7, station selection key
the second by turning the select key 5 to select
third selection key 5 once again pressed to enter the
continue to rotate the fourth selection key 5 to select
fifth pressing selection key 5 to enter the menu to adjust the clock or the said period of adjustment is completed, exit the system.

04 new BMW 3 Series
maintenance indicator zero How the new BMW 3 Series (chassis No. E46) Maintenance of light (SII, ServiceIntervIndication) to zero, the dashboard can be used within a single journey
zero button to zero by hand. Specific operation is as follows:
1. Ignition switch OFF
2. First press the trip button A (the speedometer lower left)
3. Turn the ignition key to 1 position.
4. Press the button A continuous 5S, until you find
5. Release the button A. Press the button again to journey to maintain 5S hold until
6. Release the button A, then hold down the button A.
7. The new service intervals will be displayed.
8. A button appears then click Ignition switch OFF. 2001 BMW models

zero maintenance light off all the accessories
appliances,timberland boots sale, with a digital voltage / resistance meter (recommended resistance 10 megohms), turn the ignition, confirm the diagnosis connector (on the thermostat housing or left front fender on the inside) of 7 feet (blue / white line) have 5V voltage. Passive detection of light, negative ground, positive then 7 feet. Ignition switch to ON position for 12 seconds, all the green light (LED) should light, indicating zero success

BMW E38, E39's brakes maintenance lights zero
1, turn off the ignition switch.
2, hold down the right and hold the dashboard.
3, turn the ignition switch to
4, instrument panel displays
5, press the left button, has been at the 19, instrument will display
6, press the right button until the display
7, then press the left button until
9, turn off the ignition switch, zero end.
Summary: first 19 lock, and then to 21 (Reset). Press the right by the left on it.

Volvo S80 window regulator how to set?
been to the press on to the next in the has been kept
or else the next one on a Volvo S80 on car maintenance

zeroing procedures
Waugh lights Calvo S80 sedan zero maintenance procedures
light communication content:
(1) the ignition switch to
(2) hold down the odometer reset button.
(3) Turn the ignition switch.
(4) 10 s hold down the reset button after the maintenance of light flashes.
(5) 5 s release the reset button inside the reset instruments issued after the success of
Note: 5 s did not release the reset button inside the set top unsuccessful.
Bulletin Subject: 1999 Mercedes-Benz S320 sedan zero maintenance procedures
light communication content:
(1) the ignition switch to then the ignition switch If the key hit a file, the dashboard has a the need to implement reset operations and maintenance period, the specific steps are as follows:
(1) Turn the ignition switch, within 1 s at 2 meters on the right button, disconnect the ignition switch.
(2) hold down the button and hold, turn the ignition switch, wait for about 10 s, will hear

4700 Toyota timing belt maintenance light zero
T-GELT (timing belt) mode display.
(a) set ODO / TRIP (total length / short distance) display on the ODO, turn off the ignition switch.
(b) set the ignition switch on the ON position, press and hold the switch for 5 seconds short distance
(c) the release of short-distance switch, again within 5 seconds, press and hold the short-distance switch
(d) go T-BELT mode, the screen will display the following initial settings km: 150,000 (km) miles: 90,000 (mile)

Shanghai GM Buick Yu maintenance light zero
1, the ignition switch to ON position, and immediately pressed the button A2 times.
2, the ignition switch to OFF position.
3, when the ignition switch to ON position, while maintaining the button depressed and A.
4,10 seconds, the new maintenance interval will appear in the display, accompanied by a sound signal is issued.
5. release button A.
6, the ignition switch OFF.

Chery's existing models reset maintenance light side
1. Eastar
assembly ACTECO2.0 models, engine maintenance indicator light once every 5,000 km, [pre-production of some of the vehicles to 7,500 kilometers], turn on the ignition switch when cleared, will adjust the button to switch the instantaneous fuel consumption, hold down more than 3 seconds, automatically cleared.
2.A5 series;
assembly ACTECO1.6 and 2.0 engine models, engine maintenance indicator light once every 5,000 km, cleared off the ignition switch, then press and hold the mode switch and hold, then turn the ignition switch , then release the mode switch, simultaneously in the 30S and the clock switch trigger mode switch to [touch time 2S], maintenance of lamps can be removed.
3. Tiggo;
2.4AT powertrain assembly of Mitsubishi models, engine maintenance indicator light once every 5,000 km, cleared off the ignition switch, press and hold the adjust button does not move,timberland outlet, turn on the ignition switch, Continue to hold button for 3 seconds after the release adjustment button adjustment, maintenance indicator light automatically removed.
assembly ACTECO1.6 engine models, engine maintenance indicator light once every 5,000 km, clear methods and assembly models of Mitsubishi 2.4AT the same powertrain.
assembly ACTECO1.3 engine models, engine maintenance indicator light once every 5,000 km, cleared off the ignition switch, press and hold the adjust button does not move, turn the ignition switch, continue to hold button 3 seconds after the release adjustment button adjustment, maintenance indicator light automatically removed.

5. Chery A15 maintenance of the ignition switch lights
zero. Select meter odometer to ODO mode (total mileage). Ignition is off. Hold the instrument button, turn the ignition switch. Moment when the odometer screen will display with a maintenance mode is to adjust button to select 15 or 20, then hold down the button to confirm, turn off the ignition switch. Start vehicle inspection instrument lights (T-BELT) is off.
generally by the above method will succeed.
hold the instrument button, turn the ignition switch, press and release the button a few seconds, and then in the click of a button, the odometer value 18 will display the screen, then press the button value will be from 1 Start, select 20, then hold down the button, turn off the ignition switch.

99 Mercedes-Benz S320
1 zero maintenance light switch turn the ignition . Press and hold the right button and hold
2. Have heard uttered in such instruments sound can be let go.
If the key hit a file, there is a (small wrench) the symbol appears, and there are (-100). Little wrench symbol warranty period is up, button twice. Turn the ignition switch.
2 Press and hold button hold. Turn the ignition switch, wait about 10 seconds, will hear You can let go.

FIAT zero maintenance:
a .1999-2003 maintenance of Fiat oil maintenance oil to suppress zero zero
button turn the ignition switch, press and hold the oil maintenance light to maintain zero twisted about 10 seconds until the display value becomes the said sensor to be replaced with raised, sensor replacement, according to the following steps to zero,
1.BRAVA and SPIDER vehicles
remove seals and screw caps, zero pressure switch with a screwdriver, replace the screw cap and lead.
2.STRADA vehicles
remove heating control panel. the switch assembly to fall, remove the seal and screw cap. pressure zero switch. reverse can be loaded back.
3.X1 / 9 vehicles
visiting from the good direction to find the central panel of the switch assembly, remove the seal and screw cap. zero pressure switch.

Mercedes-Benz S280 zero maintenance after the meter how?
1 second tranche of the ignition switch to position
2 repeat pressing the steering wheel on the left under the button until the total mileage and miles traveling in the liquid crystal display on the tachometer
3 repeat pressing the buttons on the steering wheel on the left, until the hands of a board next to zero maintenance from the symbols and drawing appears in the odometer display
4 meters on the right button pressed, about 3 seconds, until the multi function display DO YOU WANT TO RESET THE SERVICE INTERVAL? CONFIRM BY PRESSING THE R BUTTON character appears in the odometer display
5 in 5 seconds, the pressure meter on the right button until the new maintenance interval appears in the odometer display
6 ; release button, the ignition switch OFF

Mercedes-Benz ML350 W164 oil maintenance light zero
1, the ignition switch to there instrument display A1p13 miles or temperature display
3, quickly press the reset button mileage A1s3 3 times the battery will appear in the display A1p13 information
4, press forward / back button S110s1, until > 5, press the
8, press select OK button S110s3, select the 11, press the
14, press select OK button S110s3, A1p13 show
Description: A1s3 mileage reset button on the instrument display
S110s3 A1p13 confirm key S110s1 forward / backward button S111s1 Mercedes-Benz S320 steering wheel maintenance light zero
use to find the left selection key to zero the reading display, then press the R button.
99 Mercedes-Benz S320 zero maintenance light
1. Turn the ignition switch ON, press the right button the dashboard twice, then the ignition switch OFF. 2. By Zhu on the right button and hold, turn the ignition switch ON, such as hearing instruments in the sound uttered to let go. If the key hit a block, there is a [small spanner] symbol appears, and there are [-100]. Little wrench symbol warranty period is up; Specific steps are as follows:
1. KEY ON, in a matter of seconds by the second instrument on the right key, KEY OFF;
2. Hold down the button and hold, KEY ON, wait for about 10 seconds, you hear a beep sounds, and display the next maintenance mileage, you can let go.
1998/benz/s320 maintenance light zero
1. OB-91 can be used to carry out maintenance light zero.
2. 104 is the W140 with the S320. Open to the ignition keys, while retaining the instrument panel within three seconds press the left button three times, there will be a small wrench and mileage, not to relax, while the left button to return to the second stop will be the key to the third 15-20 seconds, stop, etc., to hear

Mercedes-Benz C Class (203 Chassis), E-class (210 chassis) and S-class (220 chassis) car light zero maintenance procedures are as follows
1) 2 of the ignition switch to file location.
2) press the zero button A (Figure 6 and Figure 7) until the mileage appears on the LCD display on the tachometer so far.
3) press the button on the multifunction steering wheel C, until the emergence of a wrench on the odometer to zero signs and symbols from the next date of maintenance.
4) Press the button on the multifunction steering wheel A of about 3s, until the odometer display shows
5) press the button in the 5s in A, until the new maintenance interval until the display appears in the odometer.
6) to relax the button A, turn off the ignition switch. Mercedes-Benz R350 Oil

1, the electronic ignition switch to a file.
2, Press system selection button until the display shows the basic mileage and temperature.
3, a short distance press the button for three minutes, the voltage display appears on the display.
4, scroll around until you press the maintenance menu Seivice menu.
5, repeatedly press the volume control for special settings and the + and - buttons to select menu items Confirmation.
6, press the select button to confirm the system, displayed on the screen Confirmtion.
7, press the select button to confirm the bottom of the system, multi-function display shows the Service confirmed.
8, repeatedly press the upper part of the system, until the Service menu.
9, press the + and - buttons to select the special work Special Work.
10, press the system button below to confirm.
11 press the + and - to select Service3.
12, press the button to confirm the bottom of the system.
13, with the + and - choose to use the engine oil specifications.
14, press the select button to confirm the bottom of the system.
15, repeatedly press the button until the upper part of the basic length of the system or the temperature can be. Mercedes-Benz W140

zero maintenance light
1, turn the ignition switch to ON.
2, twice within one second left by instrumentation, the second to keep hold it down.
3, turn off the ignition switch. To keep hold
5, turn the ignition switch, wait for 15 seconds (keep holding down).
6, zero complete. Maintenance light Benz W220

1,cheap timberland boots, turn the ignition switch.
2, the main course with one-button on the steering wheel (the steering wheel on the left, left with 4 covered buttons: two circular main menu button, select the cycle of two sub-menu button) to select the menu to the mileage.
3, with the sub-menu button to switch to maintenance tips (small wrench) appears.
4, according to meters on the right
5, such as instrument displays Release the R button.
6, press the R key, zero complete. Maintenance light Benz W221

1, turn the ignition switch to the first file (ACC).
2, hold down the pressure and keep the phone (accept or reject) key for nearly 5 seconds.
3, select
5, left by the steering wheel forward or backward button to select
6, increase the current range of services to additional terms.
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