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Old 09-05-2011, 11:40 AM   #1
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Default belstaff moto Flight 52

Chapter OneMaybe this isn't such a good idea.I paced back and forth in the restroom, thinking everything over. My life was practically powerless. I was a hostage, there's nothing I can do. Even if I were to try to do this, it wouldn't work. It's pretty much a waste of my time.Three years I've been held as a prisoner by five terrorists. Everyday I sit and think of unrealistic and realistic ways to save me; to escape from this living Hell. I'm terrified though,Belstaff Niños, of what could happen to me. I would never get a way with trying to outsmart professionals. It felt like my head may explode from all of this, and I was sort of hoping it did so I could run away from this nightmare. The past year or so I've been prone to mind-blowing headaches,comprar mbt, and with no medicine it's horrible. I also think I'm beginning to lose my eyesight.I know my life is slowly coming to the end,belstaff moto, and I want it too. No one can imagine what I've been through. What I am going through. I use to have a wonderful life, with friends and family. Now I'm alone, with nothing. I'm practically nothing too. I'm 16 and probably weigh about 85 pounds. The last time I've had a real meal is two years ago. Some days I'm not even fed,nike air max donna, or given water. I hold my arm up in front of me and can see the bones. I'm sick.I turn up my eyes and look into the mirror to see someone I didn't know. My face was skinny and pale,MBT recién llegado, my once red hair was now blond and cut short. My body was a mess and unhealthy. My bright green eyes that used to be lively are now dull and boring. I was sohappy. I can feel the anger bubbling up inside of me and I hit the mirror with my fist. I watch as the glass shatters to the ground in what feels like slow motion. My lip quivers at the sight and sound,UGG Tasmina Sandal, but my fist doesn't bleed. I stare at it, not quite understanding. It wasn't even scratched.Something queer about me was my strength ability. Over the years I've grown small and weak, but my strength has somehow developed. My life was an utter mess. I stare in the mirror one more time before deciding to leave. My converse shuffle on the sleek floor to the door. I stop right before opening it and stare the the ladies sign. She's pink and wearing a small dress. I wish I could trade lives with this sign. My hand reaches out for the door and silently pushes it open, revealing the bright airport waiting room. I inhale a deep breath and make my way over to them. I still don't know their names, or why they've decided to play with me for three years. If I were them I would've killed myself by now.I stop and sit in a chair next to the real buff one. He's going bald and is more muscle than skin. He turns his head slightly toward me and pretends not to even acknowledge me. I sniff and rub my nose, trying to act normal. My legs are shaking and there's goosebumps on my arms. Why are we getting on a plane? It seems like a bad idea sending five terrorists on a full plane. We are in an international airport, what's the worse that could happen?Topics related articles:

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Old 09-05-2011, 11:42 AM   #2
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  14日凌晨2时许,在罗湖区建设路敦信大厦楼下发生悲壮的一幕:一名持刀歹徒正要对一名男子行凶时,被 路过此地的街头卖艺歌手钟音发现,钟音欲上前制止歹徒时被歹徒砍中脖子主动脉不幸身亡。事发后,歹徒挟持那 名男子又劫持一辆出租车逃窜。最终,mbt shoes,在酒店员工和民警合力围攻下,行凶歹徒被制服。


  14日凌晨零时30分许,现年41岁的钟音和往常一样在街头卖唱完被朋友请去吃饭。凌晨2时,他和好友 杨成波一起回罗湖区建设路敦信大厦休息。当走到敦信大厦楼下时,发现一歹徒手持菜刀挟持一名男子准备行凶, 钟音奋不顾身上前制止,被歹徒砍伤倒地。杨成波被这突发的一幕吓蒙了,等他缓过神后上前帮助钟音时,也被歹 徒砍了4刀,右胳膊鲜血直流。

  受伤后的钟音仍一路爬行,试图去追赶企图乘的士逃跑的歹徒。“钟哥爬到距罗湖桥社区警务室10米远的地 方时,身上的血都快流干了,趴在地上喘着粗气。围观的人有30多个,竟没有一个上前帮忙施援手。”杨成波伤 心地告诉记者。无奈,杨成波只好跑上10楼去叫钟音的妈妈和女友王继红。听到男友出事后,王继红不顾5个月 的身孕从10楼飞奔下来。当她看到像血人一样的男友躺在地上奄奄一息时,她不顾一切给他做人工呼吸。“我老 公看到我后,张了几次嘴想跟我说话,都没有发出声音,最后他死在了我的怀里,钟音他死得好惨!”王继红悲伤 地说。

  当歹徒逃至解放路蔡屋围大酒店附近时,附近保安和员工闻讯加入到追拿歹徒的行动中,其间一名保安及2名 员工被歹徒砍伤,凌晨3时许,巡逻的桂园派出所民警赶到,大家合力将持刀歹徒生擒。

  记者从罗湖警方了解到,警方正对行凶歹徒的身份及具体案情进行审理调查。而被劫持的男子至今尚无下落, 身份有待查明。


  痛失心爱的儿子,钟音67岁的妈妈刘秀琴老人一夜之间苍老了许多。老人说儿子说得最多的就是他从小就很 有爱心,当晚和持刀歹徒搏斗决不是偶然行为。

  刘秀琴老人告诉记者,钟音出生在吉林市,3岁的时候就没了爸。那时候家里穷,供他上学的费用都没有。但 儿子从小就懂事,小学毕业那年暑假,为筹措初中的学费,他用一个暑期的时间卖瓜子赚了70元。开学报到那天 ,他看到同学小军因缴不起学费面临辍学时,毫不犹豫地替他缴了学费。

  刘秀琴说,钟音17岁那年就去当兵了。到部队后,他是部队的文艺骨干,多次被评为“五好战士”,受到部 队的嘉奖。复员后,他组建了一个乐队,一家人就靠他微薄的卖唱收入维持生活。

  刘秀琴老人说,钟音的生意并不好,收入也是捉襟见肘。尽管这样,1998年长江大洪水、2008年四川 汶川大地震,钟音都捐了款,其中为四川地震灾区捐款3000元。

  采访中,钟音的好朋友杨成波来到家里,“扑通”跪倒在老人面前。他说:“钟哥走了,您就把我当亲儿子吧 ,我替钟哥孝敬您一辈子。”场面催人泪下。


  就钟音能否申请见义勇为称号一事,记者昨天采访了深圳市见义勇为基金会的宋主任,online mbt。他称,从记者讲的情况看,钟音的行为算是见义勇为。不过,要获得见义勇为称号还必须有家属申请,辖区派出 所出证明钟音是在与歹徒搏斗中牺牲的。宋主任说,见义勇为基金会收到相关材料后,skechers shoes,将组织相关单位的人员对申报的事实进行初审。如果通过初审,将会请求上级部门进行确认。如果事实清楚,一 般情况下,结果很快就会认定出来。



  据王继红介绍,她和钟音是去年在广州认识的,今年1月初才来到深圳,目前她已经有5个月的身孕,住在罗 湖区敦信大厦10楼一个十几平方米的出租房内。谈起以后的生活,王继红称,再难也要生活下去,把孩子生出来 养大成人。


  王继红:去年8月,钟音第一次到广州来卖唱,身上背个大吉他,在火车站徘徊,我是一个宾馆 的服务员,mbt sneaker,就介绍他去我们宾馆住,就这样认识了。


  王继红:没有。我们打算今年“五一”去登记的,刚来深圳还没有赚到钱,这里房租也很贵,他一天在街头靠 卖唱赚不了几个钱的。


  王继红:是的,已经怀孕5个月了。我和他都很喜欢孩子,所以一定要给他留个后代。今后无论生活多么艰难 ,我都会把孩子养大成人,让他好好做人,会告诉孩子,你的爸爸是一个英雄。


  王继红:这个很难说的,最多一天赚70元,少的时候只有10元。有时一天的收入连生活费都不够,我们吃 的菜都是婆婆从菜市场捡回来的。钟音是个孝子,他把妈妈和有精神病的哥哥都接到深圳生活。所以开支大,他就 拼命地在外面唱歌赚钱。

  我怀孕很想吃水果没有钱,mbt shoes sale,钟音就买最便宜的给我吃。出事当晚,他花了1块7毛钱给我买了3斤烂橙子,每斤还不到6毛钱。(望着还剩 下的几个水果,王继红触景生情,哭得像泪人一样。她说不相信钟音就这么走了,在她心中钟音还像以前一样陪着 她。)



  在钟音的电脑里,有一段视频,画面是钟音抱着吉他在唱歌,这首歌是他写给女友的《在这里永 远等着你》。

  “亲爱的,请你不要把我忘记/难道我们的相识相爱都变成了回忆/你可记得我们在月下许下的心愿/请你不要把我忘记/……”视频中,钟音熟练地弹着吉他,用他甜美的声音唱出了心中的爱。好像是有先知先觉,这首歌无意中真成了 他与爱人的“绝唱”。他走得很突然也很壮烈,撇下年迈的妈妈和有着身孕的女友到了天堂。


  虽然他和家人阴阳相隔,但勇士的歌声成了家人在思念和寂寞时最好的回忆。祝福钟音在天堂里 永远欢笑。


  卖唱歌手救人被砍死 未婚妻称应给见义勇为称号

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Old 09-05-2011, 11:42 AM   #3
General of the Army
Join Date: Sep 2010
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g3juh3zy3wh is on a distinguished road

Ma Jiang (left) in the identified scene of crime. Lang Lang bang bang

chains voice from deep pass over the dormitories. This is worn on the killer Ma Jiang (a pseudonym) feet shackled to the ground the friction sound, his pair of shackled hands have been filled with the blood of innocent people, live the life of 5, including a pregnant the fetus is about the life of the mother, because he suffered the abrupt end, two seriously injured people are still suffering from the pain of suffering.
completely out of control to arrest the head of the Just a month ago, went to the Republic of Kazakhstan, painstakingly, where the horse will be smuggled into the river extradition.
handcuffed in the Song Ma moment, the people fear the hearts of the dark clouds gradually dispersed. With the deepening of the trial, 6 homicides to light only along the world ... ...

11 17, a reporter at the Autonomous Prefecture Jinghe detention center and saw this demon: a well-developed limbs The burly man, he secretly used a pair of eyes looked blankly in front of people, and then lowered his head.
□ Text / Chart reporter Cantabile correspondent Tian Xiangdong

false fire scene

2008 年 10 23, Bo State Public Security Bureau, Command Center received a report of 110 : Mo Dunxiang Bole Beilin Ha at country markets in the
fire department in cleaning up the scene, found the two bodies.
Criminal Investigation personnel in the field by large fire after searching for clues, find the scene, many remnants of blood. After autopsy, the deceased is a man and a woman, during his lifetime sharp and blunt injuries were single-pole, male, 50 years old, died due to brain injury, female, 20 years old, died of hemorrhagic shock as more people worried that the woman is also pregnant. Was verified, both for the public daughter-relationship, the woman went to a few days of the pre-production.
investigators draw conclusions: first, voluntary manslaughter, after the fire was set off gas.
Who is the murderer?
extremely cruel methods of crime in the community causing a very bad influence.
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task force withstand heavy pressure, multi-start detection work.
investigation, interviewing, Mo Pai, the external inspection control, tracking dogs ... ...

Three days later, police task force visited according to the identification and investigation of cases concluded: incidence time in October at 1:00 on the 23rd to 4:30; according to a preliminary portrait of clues annoying fuzzy outline of the suspect; cases initially classified as Tucaihaiming, the possibility of large people who commit crimes.
cases caused by PSB's attention. The Regional Public Security Department of Criminal Investigation Criminal Investigation Corps of the DNA samples will be submitted for censorship in Kuitun City with the modus operandi of similar Jiang called the horse Jinghe a fingerprint match exactly, he worked with the theft investigation fingerprints.
this point, the case has been substantial progress. Bole City public security organs, Mark. The identity of the information Mark, born in 1969, height 180 cm, was originally three farm Bole loggers, foresters, has laid off buyout.
identified suspects, the panel of local and state police on the blog around a string of similar cases and, utilizing the river footprint results than the Fifth Agricultural Division of the
arrest Horse River, around the corner!
Majiang elusive, however, as with the theft, Ma Jiang's associates have been brought to justice, only that he fled, no one to say Ma Jiang gone.
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people started up, a reflection of up clues. Investigators footprints all over the remote ranch, the focus area is also carried out large-scale search. But without success.
2008 年 11 18, Ma Jiang's name listed as the nation's B-level fugitives wanted list.
river in Malaysia wanted the next day, there is a shocking piece of news came from the border Tacheng: Some illegal immigrants crossing the border, leaving a bicycle and a bag of clothes, the DNA identification, The property left by the Department of Ma Jiang.
chase to a halt, but the police in Xinjiang did not give up, determined to heinous Ma Jiang apprehension. Chinese police communicate the information to the police of Kazakhstan, April 22, 2009, Ma Jiang, Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan State Police was arrested.
by the State Ministry of Public Security and the Regional Public Security and the related multi-sectoral coordination and mediation, October 18, 2010, Regional Public Security Criminal Investigation Team and Bo state wooden figure, would have been in each other's horses in the river police control extradition.
the airport in Almaty, Kazakhstan Jiang related departments will be handed over to Chinese police horse.

murder trial again and again

11 17, task force members, Jinghe County Public Security Bureau deputy head of Interpol Zaire brigade, told reporters: a lot, let him down easily, encourage him to do a thorough explanation, but, when we questioned him, before he read out the relevant policies, he began holding the soft touch of luck psychological resistance, and only account theft no mention of killing things, he thought, after all, the case two years ago, the police will not necessarily know how many? Jiang said the horse: only he can hear his voice, said: a lot of evidence, which is endurance and resistance to the contest.
persevere in the task force members adhere to and efforts, Ma Jiang burst into tears, he confessed to the police from 6 cases of premeditated murder the whole story ... ...

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September 1, 2007, in Jinghe their own home,mbt walking shoes, Ma Jiang drink quarreled with his wife, Jiang caught drink-tempered wife horse head violently hit the concrete floor ... ...

The next day sober, only to find his wife dead. I was scared, and I do not want to go to jail, so she buried the bodies of his wife in the yard of a pit below ... ....
wandering horse jump into the river thermal company behind the Fifth Agricultural Division of a scrap yards and found the car, the driver drove the car window,skechers shoes, his head leaning against the window to sleep, Ma Jiang would like to steal money from drivers, So, he took toward the front side of the ax to cut off are asleep named Ma, named Ma was awakened the other side of the door from the car jumped out, running and shouting, out of fear of people, Ma Jiang did not pursue , it stood thus seriously injured Wenyou pick up a life.
than named Ma, Xiaoqin can be considered the midst of sadness. Motorcycles return Shihezi City. August 28 evening, drink and jump into the river horse Corps 85 Group 2 Fifth Agricultural Division Xiaoqin connected home, see a locked hospital parked motorcycles and then entered the room looking for motorcycle keys. He thought no one at home, who knows, into the living room holding a person fleet Xiaoqin a cat sitting on the sofa. He will be holding a dagger toward Xiaoqin. Xiaoqin terrified, threw the cat on the handle to run the hospital go out into the river horse. Can catch up to Ma Jiang, Xiaoqin to seize the head with a knife to her, arms, hands, face and so many scarification. Fortunately, this time to go home husband Xiaoqin Ma River before fleeing in panic.
Jiang went to Malaysia after seven divisions Kuitun City Farmers Erlian green Redhill farm, because it is sleepy, Yang entered the home of the main farm, insisted on sleeping in the farm. Yang saw the drunks, the natural reluctance, so the two sides had an argument. Quarrel, pick up a horse Jiang Yang Yang family with an ax to cut off the head severely, Yang immediately killed. Subsequently, the horse jumped into the river and Yang family kitchen, lit the gas before fleeing the scene.
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very little money, and said I stole that tank, to the police ... ... Hongqiao District, one of the So, carry out a dagger and tried to be named Ma wrestled to the ground, the dagger stabbing named Ma's throat, named Ma died on the spot. Jiang Ma Ma Wenyou handbag from the dug out more than 2,300 yuan in cash and ran away.
the motorcycle came at Bole Beilin Ha Mo Dunxiang agricultural trade cooperation in building the new Squeak He went, he did not go to close the shop owner said, and thrust him out. Ma Jiang murderous dagger to poke out his head to the Tianmou, Tianmou down ... ... Ma Jiang was about to leave, suddenly found on the second floor has happened, he rushed for a lamb to the second floor. In the second floor of the Tianmou's daughter heard the downstairs has happened to going down to visit, coinciding with the upstairs of the horse head-on collision Jiang, Ma River without any explanation, a knife and then stab wound to the abdomen and throat Tian daughter stabbed to He did not take into account that this is a production of pregnant women is about to ... ... after he robbed the store of more than 150 yuan in cash and more than 20 Heyan, wine, beverages and other items, and finally, a gas tank will be moved to the stove, lit fled.
in the escape, he forgot his motorcycle parked in what to look all the way over on the road, there is a dog store toward him, biting his hand, he angrily held knife to poke the dog, the dog lying in a pool of blood, then the number of police dogs in the edge a bit, enough to have a dozen.

Ma Jiang kill the simple reason that the purpose of killing is also very simple, did not he was born to kill evil spirits?
Jinghe County Public Security Bureau deputy head of Interpol Battalion Zaire River area was the responsibility of the horse, who had played many times with him. He told reporters: buried,mbt lami shoes, it has been very contradictory. After this, I dialed the phone more than ten times, but squeeze out another call, press another dial. He thought of surrender, but the thought of going to jail, then hesitated. I listened to later, it hurts, if he called my phone, it will rewrite this history, these tragedies might not happen,mbt sport shoes, but ... ... difficult and panic, the horse Jiang constant state of anxiety. He has been struggling in the deep contradictions, the over. So, I want to go farther to go, no one went to a place where I recognized,mbt shoes, so I secretly ran out of the boundary line ... ... there is no escape than the final escape the law.
Autonomous Region Public Security Department, Criminal Investigation Corps, according to the person in charge, this case is the public security organs in our region and surrounding countries more successful international cooperation in criminal case. In recent years, the support of Ministry of Public Security, the public security organs in our region and surrounding countries have established a good coordination mechanism in criminal cases, for the fight against transnational crime, the common interests of national security play a positive role in promoting.
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Old 09-05-2011, 11:42 AM   #4
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  中新社郑州6月20日电 (记者 李志全)20日,“中国印度节在少林寺”活动在中国河南嵩山少林寺拉开帷幕。身着黑色练功服、赤着脚的印度 武术家与中国少林功夫传承人相互切磋、交流,亲身感受这座千年古刹的魅力。


  盾牌对剑、长棍表演、匕首对练……少林寺方丈室前,10余位印度武术家献上了名为“卡拉里帕亚特―印度 的武艺”的表演。

  是日上午,当身着黑色练功服、赤着脚的武术家们甫一亮相,mbt sport shoes,就引得台下观众和过往游客的阵阵掌声,他们为中国观众带来了独具异域风情的武术表演。

  在名为“短剑对刺”的表演中,由一名赤手空拳的武者对决另一名手持短剑的武者,这让不少观众的心不由得 悬了起来。通过一番打斗,mbt outlet,赤手空拳者以腰间的白布为武器,最终将持短剑者捆绑在地,人们不禁为之喝彩。

  随后,少林寺的武僧们为印方展示了八段锦、醉拳、二指禅、少林棍等传统功夫,各种精彩的套路令人目不暇 接。相比印方,少林武僧们身着统一服装,穿戴整齐。

  两国功夫高手“交锋”,吸引了来自海内外的众多游客,就连在此参观的挪威大使夫妇也前来“凑热闹”,悄 悄地坐到台下观赏。

  鹰爪拳表演时,一名武僧腾空而起竟将数米高的柏树枝踢掉、折断,mbt shoes sale,现场引起不少人的尖叫。这一幕,被印方武术家或拍照、或录影,给记录下来,对中国功夫的喜爱 溢于言表,mbt walking shoes

  一位印度武术家接受记者采访时表示,他对少林武术仰慕已久,今天亲眼看到现场的表演,让人感觉“非常震 撼”。

  而当一名8岁的小武僧表演少林童子功时,大家不约而同起立,鼓掌叫好,印方武者更是一脸吃惊。表演结束 了,印方武术家们拉着小沙弥、围着方丈释永信要求合影、留念,此时此刻的他们,俨然成了少林寺 的“粉丝”。


  今年是中印两国建交60周年,作为两国文化交流的重要活动之一,“中国印度节在少林寺”活动包括佛教文 化图片展、印度武术家与少林功夫传承人交流与演练、联欢活动及其它文化交流项目。

  印度驻华大使苏杰生此间表示,若是“中国印度节”活动不在少林寺举行,将不会是一个完整的 活动。

  据介绍,印度表演团的演员们在参加完上海等地的表演后,最为关心的是何时到少林寺。苏杰生说,他自己也 读过有关少林寺的相关资料,当时觉得拜访少林寺是一个梦想,没想到今天就实现了。

  释永信表示,他于1996年元月去印度参访,感受到印度文化的厚重。而此次苏杰生大使来访少林,来参加 “中国印度节在少林寺”这一活动,对中印文化交流将起到一个里程碑的作用。

  历史上,曾有印度高僧跋陀、菩提达摩等到少林寺弘传佛法,mbt shoes,两者间的文化交流从未间断。释永信说,少林寺有缘迎来印度文化的使者,让我们一起续写1500年少林寺与 印度源远流长的文化交流新篇章,“愿佛缘、禅缘、武缘将中印文化交流推上新境界!”(完)
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Old 09-05-2011, 11:43 AM   #5
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g3juh3zy3wh is on a distinguished road

Ma Jiang (left) in the identified scene of crime. Lang Lang bang bang

chains voice from deep pass over the dormitories. This is worn on the killer Ma Jiang (a pseudonym) feet shackled to the ground the friction sound, his pair of shackled hands have been filled with the blood of innocent people, live the life of 5, including a pregnant the fetus is about the life of the mother, because he suffered the abrupt end, two seriously injured people are still suffering from the pain of suffering.
completely out of control to arrest the head of the Just a month ago, went to the Republic of Kazakhstan, painstakingly, where the horse will be smuggled into the river extradition.
handcuffed in the Song Ma moment, the people fear the hearts of the dark clouds gradually dispersed. With the deepening of the trial, 6 homicides to light only along the world ... ...

11 17, a reporter at the Autonomous Prefecture Jinghe detention center and saw this demon: a well-developed limbs The burly man, he secretly used a pair of eyes looked blankly in front of people, and then lowered his head.
□ Text / Chart reporter Cantabile correspondent Tian Xiangdong

false fire scene

2008 年 10 23, Bo State Public Security Bureau, Command Center received a report of 110 : Mo Dunxiang Bole Beilin Ha at country markets in the
fire department in cleaning up the scene, found the two bodies.
Criminal Investigation personnel in the field by large fire after searching for clues, find the scene, many remnants of blood. After autopsy, the deceased is a man and a woman, during his lifetime sharp and blunt injuries were single-pole, male, 50 years old, died due to brain injury, female, 20 years old, died of hemorrhagic shock as more people worried that the woman is also pregnant. Was verified, both for the public daughter-relationship, the woman went to a few days of the pre-production.
investigators draw conclusions: first, voluntary manslaughter, after the fire was set off gas.
Who is the murderer?
extremely cruel methods of crime in the community causing a very bad influence.
stripping cocoon murderers leak

task force withstand heavy pressure, multi-start detection work.
investigation, interviewing, Mo Pai, the external inspection control, tracking dogs ... ...

Three days later, police task force visited according to the identification and investigation of cases concluded: incidence time in October at 1:00 on the 23rd to 4:30; according to a preliminary portrait of clues annoying fuzzy outline of the suspect; cases initially classified as Tucaihaiming, the possibility of large people who commit crimes.
cases caused by PSB's attention. The Regional Public Security Department of Criminal Investigation Criminal Investigation Corps of the DNA samples will be submitted for censorship in Kuitun City with the modus operandi of similar Jiang called the horse Jinghe a fingerprint match exactly, he worked with the theft investigation fingerprints.
this point, the case has been substantial progress. Bole City public security organs, Mark. The identity of the information Mark, born in 1969, height 180 cm, was originally three farm Bole loggers, foresters, has laid off buyout.
identified suspects, the panel of local and state police on the blog around a string of similar cases and, utilizing the river footprint results than the Fifth Agricultural Division of the
arrest Horse River, around the corner!
Majiang elusive, however, as with the theft, Ma Jiang's associates have been brought to justice, only that he fled, no one to say Ma Jiang gone.
chase through twists and turns

people started up, a reflection of up clues. Investigators footprints all over the remote ranch, the focus area is also carried out large-scale search. But without success.
2008 年 11 18, Ma Jiang's name listed as the nation's B-level fugitives wanted list.
river in Malaysia wanted the next day, there is a shocking piece of news came from the border Tacheng: Some illegal immigrants crossing the border, leaving a bicycle and a bag of clothes, the DNA identification, The property left by the Department of Ma Jiang.
chase to a halt, but the police in Xinjiang did not give up, determined to heinous Ma Jiang apprehension. Chinese police communicate the information to the police of Kazakhstan, April 22, 2009, Ma Jiang, Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan State Police was arrested.
by the State Ministry of Public Security and the Regional Public Security and the related multi-sectoral coordination and mediation, October 18, 2010, Regional Public Security Criminal Investigation Team and Bo state wooden figure, would have been in each other's horses in the river police control extradition.
the airport in Almaty, Kazakhstan Jiang related departments will be handed over to Chinese police horse.

murder trial again and again

11 17, task force members, Jinghe County Public Security Bureau deputy head of Interpol Zaire brigade, told reporters: a lot, let him down easily, encourage him to do a thorough explanation, but, when we questioned him, before he read out the relevant policies, he began holding the soft touch of luck psychological resistance, and only account theft no mention of killing things, he thought, after all, the case two years ago, the police will not necessarily know how many? Jiang said the horse: only he can hear his voice, said: a lot of evidence, which is endurance and resistance to the contest.
persevere in the task force members adhere to and efforts, Ma Jiang burst into tears, he confessed to the police from 6 cases of premeditated murder the whole story ... ...

the number of drink Liansha one

September 1, 2007, in Jinghe their own home,mbt walking shoes, Ma Jiang drink quarreled with his wife, Jiang caught drink-tempered wife horse head violently hit the concrete floor ... ...

The next day sober, only to find his wife dead. I was scared, and I do not want to go to jail, so she buried the bodies of his wife in the yard of a pit below ... ....
wandering horse jump into the river thermal company behind the Fifth Agricultural Division of a scrap yards and found the car, the driver drove the car window,skechers shoes, his head leaning against the window to sleep, Ma Jiang would like to steal money from drivers, So, he took toward the front side of the ax to cut off are asleep named Ma, named Ma was awakened the other side of the door from the car jumped out, running and shouting, out of fear of people, Ma Jiang did not pursue , it stood thus seriously injured Wenyou pick up a life.
than named Ma, Xiaoqin can be considered the midst of sadness. Motorcycles return Shihezi City. August 28 evening, drink and jump into the river horse Corps 85 Group 2 Fifth Agricultural Division Xiaoqin connected home, see a locked hospital parked motorcycles and then entered the room looking for motorcycle keys. He thought no one at home, who knows, into the living room holding a person fleet Xiaoqin a cat sitting on the sofa. He will be holding a dagger toward Xiaoqin. Xiaoqin terrified, threw the cat on the handle to run the hospital go out into the river horse. Can catch up to Ma Jiang, Xiaoqin to seize the head with a knife to her, arms, hands, face and so many scarification. Fortunately, this time to go home husband Xiaoqin Ma River before fleeing in panic.
Jiang went to Malaysia after seven divisions Kuitun City Farmers Erlian green Redhill farm, because it is sleepy, Yang entered the home of the main farm, insisted on sleeping in the farm. Yang saw the drunks, the natural reluctance, so the two sides had an argument. Quarrel, pick up a horse Jiang Yang Yang family with an ax to cut off the head severely, Yang immediately killed. Subsequently, the horse jumped into the river and Yang family kitchen, lit the gas before fleeing the scene.
commit murder to drink

very little money, and said I stole that tank, to the police ... ... Hongqiao District, one of the So, carry out a dagger and tried to be named Ma wrestled to the ground, the dagger stabbing named Ma's throat, named Ma died on the spot. Jiang Ma Ma Wenyou handbag from the dug out more than 2,300 yuan in cash and ran away.
the motorcycle came at Bole Beilin Ha Mo Dunxiang agricultural trade cooperation in building the new Squeak He went, he did not go to close the shop owner said, and thrust him out. Ma Jiang murderous dagger to poke out his head to the Tianmou, Tianmou down ... ... Ma Jiang was about to leave, suddenly found on the second floor has happened, he rushed for a lamb to the second floor. In the second floor of the Tianmou's daughter heard the downstairs has happened to going down to visit, coinciding with the upstairs of the horse head-on collision Jiang, Ma River without any explanation, a knife and then stab wound to the abdomen and throat Tian daughter stabbed to He did not take into account that this is a production of pregnant women is about to ... ... after he robbed the store of more than 150 yuan in cash and more than 20 Heyan, wine, beverages and other items, and finally, a gas tank will be moved to the stove, lit fled.
in the escape, he forgot his motorcycle parked in what to look all the way over on the road, there is a dog store toward him, biting his hand, he angrily held knife to poke the dog, the dog lying in a pool of blood, then the number of police dogs in the edge a bit, enough to have a dozen.

Ma Jiang kill the simple reason that the purpose of killing is also very simple, did not he was born to kill evil spirits?
Jinghe County Public Security Bureau deputy head of Interpol Battalion Zaire River area was the responsibility of the horse, who had played many times with him. He told reporters: buried,mbt lami shoes, it has been very contradictory. After this, I dialed the phone more than ten times, but squeeze out another call, press another dial. He thought of surrender, but the thought of going to jail, then hesitated. I listened to later, it hurts, if he called my phone, it will rewrite this history, these tragedies might not happen,mbt sport shoes, but ... ... difficult and panic, the horse Jiang constant state of anxiety. He has been struggling in the deep contradictions, the over. So, I want to go farther to go, no one went to a place where I recognized,mbt shoes, so I secretly ran out of the boundary line ... ... there is no escape than the final escape the law.
Autonomous Region Public Security Department, Criminal Investigation Corps, according to the person in charge, this case is the public security organs in our region and surrounding countries more successful international cooperation in criminal case. In recent years, the support of Ministry of Public Security, the public security organs in our region and surrounding countries have established a good coordination mechanism in criminal cases, for the fight against transnational crime, the common interests of national security play a positive role in promoting.
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Old 09-05-2011, 12:03 PM   #6
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Morning News December 10 , declared the city decided to stop Xuanzhou District People's Congress according to Zhang Hong Bin ,mbt sneaker, deputy mayor declared the city Xuanzhou District office . Dec. 9 pm , Zhang Hong Bin suspected criminal gave himself up to public security organs in Hubei , and then was transferred to the Xuancheng the police.

initially identified : the afternoon of December 8 , Zhang Hongbin Meimou conflict for some reason and killed them ,online mbt, when the body day and night shift drivers to Hubei , on December 9 in Hubei Huangshi City public security organs themselves up , Yellowstone Police quickly declared suspects transferred to the city police. After the incident, Xuancheng municipal government attaches great importance to the public security department requires the rapid identification of cases, the requirements of Xuanzhou ,mbt shoes uk, the district government for proper disposal.

12月9 the night of the Standing Committee meeting held Xuanzhou District , the proposed law to stop Xuanzhou District People's Congress Zhang Hong Bin , deputy head of office. December 10 , according to the law Xuanzhou District People's Congress declared the city decided to stop Zhang Hong Bin ,mbt shoes sale, deputy head of Xuanzhou District office .

present, Zhang Hong Bin city public security organs have been declared criminal detention ,mbt sport shoes, the case is under further investigation.

reporter Fang Jiawei
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Old 09-05-2011, 12:40 PM   #7
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