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08-17-2011, 02:25 PM
商报见习记者 王轩昊
这条微博是网友“琪缘”发给女友权静的。两人通过微博相识、相知、相爱,又演绎了一场轰轰烈烈的微博求 婚。
对于9月两人的婚礼,网友也出了不少主意, kobe iii。“我提议!小静在结婚当天也可发微博进行抢花球活动,你随机点到的楼层即算抢到。”网友“coffeea ngela”说,“到时候把结婚视频放上来分享吧, asics cooper。”
8月28日凌晨起,一条简短的“求婚宣言”自新浪微博发出,短短117个字,却被网友转发 了3万多次。
微博求婚成功,让不少网友既羡慕又感动,网友“tina叶婷”就称其“开创微博求婚先河”。网友“深海 深蓝Angel”说: “见证了一个浪漫过程的实现,而且自己也参与了这个过程,真好。”网友“flytiti”则表示,也希望自 己能有一个如此浪漫的男朋友。
除了这117字的求婚宣言,微博中还有他和权静的合影, 白血病女孩网上求助一年筹得50万元善款,照片中,两人的“宝贝儿子”――拉布拉多犬“肥大多”, 23岁青年为救女工被刺身亡 父母获奖20万,呈站立姿势趴在“琪缘”腿上,“一家三口”其乐融融。
8月28日中午11点37分,权静通过微博表态:谢谢祝福,婚期定在9月份,其实无论有没有10000 条转发,我爱他,都会嫁给他的。不过真没想到在微博上能收到这么多祝福,好感动呢。其实求婚只是仪式,是明 知道结果却一定想去享受过程的浪漫,也是女人一辈子最美好的回忆,谢谢大家给我这么美好的回忆 , tods usa, 干部靠捡废品资助9名贫困生(图), 好姐妹结婚我当伴娘时抢到了花球,很灵呢。
没想到,有3万多网友来捧场 连闾丘露薇、李开复、梁咏琪等名人都来助兴
求婚成功后,“琪缘”发微博讲述当时看到权静惊喜的情景:当昨晚回来看到熟睡的你, ferragamo high heels cheap,我发了这条围脖,轻轻叫醒你,看到你读完这条微博惊喜的表情和幸福的眼神, cheap north face,我就满足了, supra skytops gold。我们走的每一步,可能会遇到困难和挫折,但只要我们在一起,就一定会幸福。这次更多的我们要感恩那么多祝 福,这将成为我们最美好的围脖回忆!
最终,她答应了他的求婚,婚期定在9月 网友还建议他们届时用微博直播婚礼
微博的转发速度超出了两人的预期。截至昨日中午12点,这则微博已被转发33493次,14696位网 友发表了评论。
为两人“捧场”的网友中,不乏闾丘露薇、李开复、刘兴亮、梁咏琪等名人。刘兴亮还作了副对联送给两人: 古有神雕侠侣,今见围脖眷属。
微博于1点18分发出,内容是这样的:一年前在微博上认识了她,从加关注、发评论、成粉丝和发私信,从 相遇、相识、相知到相恋,因为她,我感到幸运和幸福,她就是权静。我想大声在围脖上对权静说:我爱你,嫁给 我吧!希望我能和你一起实现我们的梦想:建一个幸福的家庭,做一件伟大的事情!
“好吧,既然是通过微博认识的,那求婚也得有点门槛吧。如果,能有10000个人帮你转发,我就嫁给你 !”1点39分,权静在微博中向男友提出要求。
网友“雪唐”则说:“两个人干脆办个微博婚礼算了,用微博直播婚礼过程,也算是E如既往,E网情深了。 ”
08-17-2011, 02:26 PM
Information Times (intern reporter Shen Zhou Yu Huai Wu Yaping correspondent) ripple. Migrant workers in Dongguan, Wu family, how he never imagined his son was born healthy and lively one month after suffering from a lack of rare k-dimensional brain stem hemorrhage caused disease. Since then, the couple took to the road of debt save the child. Sentenced to death by more than a small hospital on the spring never betray his family, ultimately break through two related death, miraculously recovered and was discharged yesterday.
son was born the first 37 days, suffering from brain hemorrhage
two months ago, workers in Dongguan Chang Yang, his wife finally looked forward to the birth of a son, a child birth weight up to 4.1 kg, lively, healthy and lovely, and what did not appear abnormal. However small the spring when the 37 days of birth, his mother found him crying at night is always kept, a body temperature of 38 degrees Celsius that has burned, the couple quickly rushed to take their children to a hospital in Dongguan, the doctor discovered that his face yellow, The inspection that spring is on the small cerebral hemorrhage. ICU ward in the hospital for two days later, doctors determined the child can not do anything,
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08-17-2011, 02:27 PM
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08-17-2011, 02:28 PM
Rain during his lifetime and dad together Vonnie Source: Evening News , true religion straight
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5-year-old daughter, Yan Yu Xie inexplicable suffering from a rare Last month, suffering from severe again can not hold his wife in his arms and never closed his eyes. Wiped away tears, put away grief. Xie Zhengguo to Shanghai to seek treatment with her daughter, full of hope, but so to a despair. Way back in their hometowns, Vonnie rain passed away in his father arms.
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not suitable for surgery, that is, surgery, survival is unlikely.
listened as the doctor's diagnosis, Xie Zhengguo the bitter tears streaming down Shua Shua. Before treatment in Shanghai, the daughter body has deteriorated, could not eat. process. Our reporter Liu Xun
◆ dialogue
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Reporter: How do kids do it?
Xie Zhengguo: Jianli returned home the day before yesterday, had just run a child funeral. His wife had just died, true religion store, and now the child is gone, leaving her behind me ... ...
Q: hope to Shanghai, why abandon it?
Xie Zhengguo: Absolutely not give up. To Shanghai to help with her daughter, I really placed a lot of hope. When the doctor told me categorically I have only one idea, to take her home.
Reporter: his wife have wanted to say it?
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Reporter: Is there any plan after it?
Xie Zhengguo: I do not want to remember, too painful. For later in life, my mind went blank, and now I do not want to think about. Child's photo, I will keep as a souvenir.
together graphics
08-17-2011, 02:28 PM
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text / Chart reporter Chen mining
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