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Old 08-10-2011, 06:30 AM   #1
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Default ugg {channel} 22岁女孩组织制贩假证集团 成员多达二

  经过70多天昼夜奋战,在行程上万公里,走访公司、单位20余家,询问证人、传唤嫌疑人160余人后, 济南市公安局城市管理警察支队“8・25”专案组成功破获了这个号称“济南假证第一案”的制贩 假证大案。
  琳琳是整个制贩假证集团的最上端,她的下线就是收取办理假证资料的这5个人,一个叫萍萍、一个叫洋洋、 一个叫兰兰,另外2人一个男的一个女的,只有联系电话,不知道名字。

  洋洋卖出去的假证有身份证、出生证、二级建造师证以及健康证等。据她交待,许多购买假证的人都是开着轿 车或面包车去接证。
  琳琳交待,假证制作过程并不复杂,国家证件是通过电脑打印机打印出来的,塑封机用来给驾驶证、身份证压 膜。公章是树脂做的,先用打印机打印出来,再用晒板机晒。身份证是一代和二代的样板,把姓名和个人资料用扫 描仪扫描到电脑上,打印出来。军官证和驾驶证等都是用打印机打印。制作最多的是身份证,多时一天10多个, 少时一天七八个。对外销售价格是:公章10元、毕业证20元、身份证30元、军官证30元、驾驶证30元、 残疾证30元等等。
  在明知制造、买卖、使用假证违法的情况下,这些人还是走上了违法犯罪的道路。他们的犯罪历程如何?制贩 假证的庞大利益链条又是怎样运作的?请看本报一线采访报道。
  市公安局城市管理警察支队有关人员介绍,使用假证与买卖假证都是违法行为,都要受到处罚,asics running 餐馆拎包团伙半年盗窃50余起,将依法被拘留或拘留并处罚款。据介绍,以上购买或使用假证人员都已受到相应处罚。(文中人名均为化名)( 本报记者 赵英明)

  今年10月15日是这个名叫琳琳的女孩的23岁生日。就在这一天到来的前20天左右,在济南某小区的一 处租住屋内,她被在此蹲守了三天三夜的公安人员抓获。

  2009年,琳琳花2万元从一个老乡手里买来电脑、打印机、扫描仪、封塑机、晒板机、切卡机等11台机 器以及各类假证的半成品和私刻的印章,在我市某小区一出租屋内成立了自己的“工作室”。为丰富办证种类和内 容,她又花三四千元从浙江购进一批假印章,并自己刻了一部分。

  其实,这名具有中专文化程度的湖南女孩早在2年前就开始了贩卖假证的生涯。不过,当时她的道行似乎还浅 ,仅是一名“马仔”,具体工作是为制贩假证的老板接送资料。后来,老板被抓获,她返回原籍。2年后,她重返 济南,这是她的身份已不再是“马仔”,而是自己创制的制贩假证集团的“龙头老大”。

  小强交待,每次卖假证收的钱都通过另一个人交给老板了,具体钱干什么用不知道,老板是谁也不清楚,“只 知道老板是女的,没见过她,也不知道她的名字,每次都是通过电话联系”。也就是说,在整个制贩假证过程中, 小强只是一个小小的“马仔”,假证谁制的,他不知道;卖给谁,他也不知道,ugg outlet。他的职责就是帮两边传递,并承担着一旦被发现就会被首先抓获的风险。

  琳琳做的假证、假章交到下线那里,能卖多少钱?看看下线洋洋的交待:各种证件的收费不同,身份证、驾驶 证一般100元,各大院校毕业证一般收费50―80元,其余各种证件收费基本上也在100元左右。有时费用 比这远远要高,如她曾卖给一个名叫“珊珊”的35岁女人的假身份证,收费150元。每办一个证件洋洋给琳琳 20―30元,剩余的就归自己所有。多的时候一天能接四五个办假证的信息。
  公安人员调查发现,这些人对自己从事活动的非法性非常清楚,他们互相之间很少联系,上下联系多是单线, 就是来办证人的资料、电话,交易之后也是马上删除,尽量不留痕迹。
  所谓“马仔”就是在制贩假证集团里不担任重要角色,只会跑跑腿的人物,tods mens shoes。他们对自己从事的非法勾当心知肚明,但为了一点蝇头小利,甘愿以身试法。

  萍萍是琳琳的又一名下线,也是湖南老乡。这个35岁的女人有3个孩子,最大的13岁,最小的3岁。初中 毕业后在家务家,2003年随丈夫来济南,ugg boots。其丈夫就是琳琳当马仔时的老板,后来被判刑。2009年3月萍萍也因制造假证被公安机关查获,劳动教养1 年,因其孩子患有严重的脆骨病,无人照顾,supra shoes uk 网帖称老师因校领导涉贪被纪委追讨加班费,被所外执行。今年6月起这对母子在济南市暂居。

  被抓获后琳琳交待:“建起‘工作室’后,有5个人开始给我收取办理假证的资料。我一般在晚上七八点钟通 过手机联系后,骑着电动车背着一个黄包,去一条河边拿办理假证的有关资料,然后回来制作。第二天10点左右 把制作好的假证、假印章分别包好,联系他们约好时间地点见面,再骑电动车分发给他们,他们再分发到买证的人 手里。”
  小涛,男,泰安人,无业,1990年10月6日出生,初中文化。“10月26日上午,我和工友小刚一起 来到劳务市场等活。约11点钟,来了一个四十七八的男子,他问我们干不干活,supra shoes 退休工人走私古钱币面临无期徒刑,小刚问他是什么活,那个男子说就是涂个办假证的电话号码,涂30条给100块钱,我俩就同意了,互留了联 系电话,让我们下午给他打电话。下午5点半到了某公园东门口,我给他打了电话,他说他已经在东门口北边桥下 等着我们了。我和小刚到桥下见到了那名男子,他带着我俩到东门西南方路边小店里吃饭。吃饭的时候,老板给了 我们每人一支水彩笔、一筒金鸟牌黑色液体鞋油和一个小纸条,上面写着‘办证’两个字和联系电话。晚7点左右 吃完饭,那名男子带着我俩到某公园东门前的小花园,让我俩往走道上的大理石柱子上用水彩笔涂写,我涂了2条 ,小刚涂了1条。涂完之后老板觉得还行,就又带着我俩到一公园北门,让我们在围墙上依次涂写,并说他在墙东 头等着我俩,一会算钱。我和小刚沿着这家公园北门附近的墙由东向西开始涂写,louboutin sale,我涂了10余条后即被当场抓获了。”
  萍萍交待:“今年7月,琳琳突然给我打电话说她已经到济南了,自己置办了制假证的设备,让我给她提供假 证货源。我使用我丈夫原来办理假证时使用过的小灵通号码来收集信息,接‘客户’的电话后,先谈好价格,然后 让他们准备好所需要的照片和资料,约定好接头的地点,我去把资料拿回来。晚上琳琳到我家统一取走,第二天她 将制好的假证送给我,我再约办证人员将证送给他们,收取办证费用。”

  小强:男,湖南人,1993年8月出生,初中文化。小强今年曾因喷涂制办假证广告被天桥公安机关治安拘 留15天,走出拘留所没几天,他又替一女“上线”打工。他称呼“上线”为老板,这个老板从不与他见面,每月 给他1000元,然后通知他接收制作假证的材料,并把假证送给取证的人。与他同时做这项工作的还有另一个同 是湖南人的名叫文文的16岁小伙子,两人实行轮班制,今天你干他休息,明天他干你休息。

  琳琳说:“制作这些假证、假章最多时一天能获利300元左右,从7月到被抓获总共获利1万多元。”她交 待的这话到底有多大可信度?办案人员告诉记者,她的实际收入应该高于这些,说得少点无非是想把犯罪后果减小 到最低,被处罚得轻些,但最终是以违法犯罪事实和证据决定其处罚结果。

  珊珊:女,济南人,1969年5月出生,现在济南某商场工作。她交待,因为商场招工要求年龄35岁以下 ,自己超龄,所以想办假身份证把年龄改小。她的一个同事给她提供了办假证的电话号码。“9月24日下午2点 25分我在家中接到电话,一个女的让我到一家居商城拿证……我给她150元钱就离开了。坐公交车回家,下车 后就被警察抓住了。”

  小业:男,济南人。1998年学出驾驶证之后在一家出租车公司上班,联系办假证人员是为孩子购买假高中 毕业证,“女儿没有获得高中毕业证,单位不录用,又不想在家务农”。购买的是济南一个中学的毕业证,外皮是 红色的,里面有一个中学的公章、一个校长名字的公章,还有会考成绩单。

  购买假证的人是怎样找到销售假证的人的?洋洋交待:客户根据他们喷涂的电话号码与其联系,需要什么样的 证件,就办理什么样的证件。那么,到底是谁在为这些犯罪分子喷涂办证电话号码呢?

  在被抓获之前,这个女孩本有机会改变自己的人生之路。2005年她跟随的那个制贩假证的老板被抓后,她 曾一度放弃这个职业,转而到广东一家鞋厂打工。但由于种种原因,最终仍选择了重操旧业。

  文文:男,河北人,ugg clearance,干个体。为给孩子落户口,回老家办出生医学证明要花二三百元,还耽搁时间,就找办假证的人员给办了一个假 的出生医学证明。

  小军:男,济南人。爱人想找个商场的家电营业员工作,应聘时需提供健康证明,当时急用,而查体办证需要 时间长,来不及,supra skytop,就想办个假健康证明,不耽搁应聘。“2009年9月中旬我在汽车站附近一个电线杆上发现一个办证的号码。 9月17日打通这个电话,咨询办一个假健康证多少钱,接电话的是一个南方口音的女子,她说150元,经过还 价她答应100元。”

  萍萍还交待,违法卖证所得的钱都给孩子看病花完了,“孩子经常发病,因没有钱及时医治,每次只能简单治 疗一下”。

  琳琳的下线之一是老乡洋洋,33岁,被抓获时带着一个1岁左右的孩子。这名只有初中文化程度的女子,曾 在家务过农,到广东鞋厂打过工,到济南后想做点生意,找了好几个地方都没有做成,就同别人一起走上了贩卖假 证的道路。卖假证的得利基本用于她和小孩的吃饭以及给孩子买点奶粉。

  一个不到23岁的湖南女孩利用2个月时间一手炮制出一个成员多达二三十人,集制造、拉客、销售以及广告 涂写于一体,进行产业化运作的庞大制贩假证集团。8月25日,济南警方在该团伙的制造假证窝点,搜出150 00多个假证、6000多枚假公章、100多种各类伪造的资质证书、职称证书。这是济南近年来查处的最大制 贩假证窝点。
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Old 08-10-2011, 06:31 AM   #2
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Old 08-10-2011, 06:31 AM   #3
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teach you quickly identify the phone quality is good or bad. Press * # 06 # on your phone and then a serial number will appear to you, you count the number of seventh and eighth.

If your number is the seventh and eight correspond to the following two numbers, then your phone to determine their quality.

0,2 or2,coach outlet, 0 on behalf of the Arab production is a poor phone

0,8 or8, 0 * is the German representative of the production is a little better phone

0,1 or1, 0 production on behalf of Finland, is a very good phone

0,0 is the origin of the company on behalf of the production, is the best quality of the phone (original phone)

1,3 A race on behalf of Azerbaijan is produced, is very, very poor mobile phone secret code

Daquan, hope you like the dark on the phone the following code has the following code uses

dark Application Remark

* # 06 # check all phones IMEI number * # 7370 # to format common Series60 mobile phones dedicated

* # 7780 # restore factory settings Series60 and Series40 phones generic

* # 0000 # check the current software version number of all mobile phones generic

* # 7760 # check number Series40 phone line dedicated

* # 2820 # Bluetooth device address inquiries Series60 and Series40 phones generic

* 3370 # Activate EFR some models of mobile phones available

# 3370 # EFR off some models of mobile phones available

* 4720 # Activate HFR some models of mobile phones available

# 4720 # off HFR some models of mobile phones available

* # 92702689 # check the total call time is limited to 6630

* # 92702689 # to enter the data mode for mobile phones Series40

* # 7370925538 # unlocked mobile phones dedicated

a Series60 phone, * # 06 # Show IMEI code

b, * # 0000 # Display Software Version

part If models do not work, according to type code * # #, such as * # 6110 #)

the first line - the software version;

second line - Software Release Date;

third line - phone models

c, * # 92702689 # Display serial number and IMEI code, with a scrolling menu

the first screen that - phone factory time: 1197 ( mid-month);

said second screen - serial number and IMEI;

said the third screen - to buy time: 1197 (mid-month) can be changed once

(but one can no longer be changed by the input, the date will be permanently recorded)

said fourth screen - the last repair time: 0000 (mid-month) maintenance setting.

fifth screen that - Transfer user data: Exit to close the phone, and then return.

If the above does not work correctly, and the phone asks you to enter a valid code,coach shoes, you can try:

1) .6232 (OK): shows manufacture month and year

2) .7832 (OK): Display cell phone to buy time and months and years

3) .7332 (OK): Show last month, and year repair time: 0000 (mid-month) maintenance Set

4) .9268 (OK): shows serial number

5) .37832 (OK): Set the time of the month and year of purchase (Warning: only once)

6) .87267 (OK): Confirm transfer, and software update

four rate coding

* 3370 # or * efr #: open (EFR) full-rate coding

# 3370 # or # efr #: off full rate coding

(open full-speed-enhanced coding mode, voice quality can be improved but will power)

* 4720 # or * hra0 #: open (HR) Half Rate coded

# 4720 # or # hra0 #: closed half-rate coding

(lower voice quality, but about 30% longer battery usage time required to network support)

type the code, it will shut down re-opened, and then to take effect.

five, SIM card lock information

* # 746025625 #(=*# sim0clock #): If the SIM card can be locked, type the command when tested,coach bags, the phone display SIMCLOCKSTOPALLOWED

SIM card lock information: includes four different locks

1). the State Lock - Lock the designated national

2). Network Lock - Lock the specified Network

3). supplier lock - lock service providers

4). SIM card lock - lock the SIM card

designated six, check whether the phone lock Frequency

must first set the phone must be used to identify a few key. Among them, press the * key twice continuously appears Then, you can enter the appropriate key combination followed by the order.

# pw +1234567890 +1 #: country code check whether the lock

# pw +1234567890 +2 #: check whether the network lock code

# pw +1234567890 +3 #: check whether the network providers lock the lock code

# pw +1234567890 +4 #: check whether the SIM card lock


touch power button Power button , the screen will display the profile menu, you can quickly up and down keys to switch between the various modes. Open the keyboard lock mode,With the engine up for the server rental - Qzone log,coach sneakers, the screen lights,Xifeng to Quanzhou and explosion, , you have felt the dark at night, open the phone's keypad to lock the trouble? In fact, you can touch the power button, when the night light the screen and keyboard will open, so you could easily distinguish between the keyboard keys to open locked.

eight,coach women shoes, view the phone status

operation command: # pw + (mastercode) + X #

(mastercode) is a 10 digit (no parenthesis) X is a 1 to number 4, which shows the above locks, not sure what the number corresponding to any lock.

SIM card does not restrict information, which means not lock your phone.



3). XMICMICinput60mV-1V



6). MBUS9600B / S

7). FBUS_RX9.6-230.4KB / S

8). FBUS_TX9.6- 230.4KB / S


nine, NOKIA9000/9000i

1). display IMEI number: * # 06 #

2.) show the software version: * # 682371158412125 # Latest version of the telephone information below

3). display manufacturing week and year: * # 3283 #

4). Phone Type: GE8

X. 5110 lock code machine decoding

steps: press C, press -> press and hold C -> press * and hold -> press and hold * -> ;

type 04 * PIN * PIN * PIN #, you're done.

XI, the replacement of the current number

hold the # key and hold for about one second, the screen will appear The phone can not dial out but can answer the call. Cancellation operation again, using it can achieve locking effect. In the non-calls into the call menu, hold down the function key for two seconds, will enter the call menu and this menu will usually only appear when a call comes in the.

second, 6110 the name of the standby screen shows

select one of the most infrequently used modes of operation, usually pager Menu3-5, the personal choice Menu3-5-2 complete set After renaming Menu3-5-3 for their own name, starting immediately after. NOTE: To restore the pager, rename Menu3-5-3 for the blank to

invisible backup battery power is low on your phone , in order to allow it to continue to use, press * 3370 # key, the phone will restart after boot, you will find that electricity consumption increased by 50%. This part of the hidden reserve capacity you have to run out of charge, and recharge time, invisible, also charge a spare battery, low power consumption when the next time they can use this method. Know that in case of emergency if the phone is running low very useful.

2. car landed in the car with a remote control?
your car by remote control to open it? If you can, you will one day fall in the car with a remote control car and the spare remote control and at home, you will find a cell phone really easy to use mobile phone to call people's cell phone at home, will take away from your cell phone the door a foot, while holding the remote control in the family his phone rang next to the lock button on the remote control, here you can open the door. This method is whether you drive too far away from home are working.

emergency phones around the world can call a common emergency number is 112, adding the area where you find yourself without cell phone coverage, and you have encountered an emergency situation, use your the mobile phone to call 112 to be sure, because this time your phone will automatically search all available networks and establish an emergency call. Particularly interesting is that even if your phone is the state of the keypad is locked, you can also call 112. Try it!

4. cell phone was stolen? View mobile phone's serial number, just type * # 0 6 #
15-bit serial number will appear on your screen,coach sunglasses,Zodiac depressed haggard Index - Qzone log, each world has a unique mobile phone serial number, serial number of this record and Save. One day, unfortunately, if your phone was stolen, call the phone provider, and provide the serial number of your phone, they will help you a mobile phone screen, so even if the thief changed the SIM card, still can not use your mobile phone thieves are becoming useless. If every cell phone holders around the world are doing, then there is no point in stealing mobile phones.
in Australia, the police even set up a database of stolen mobile phone, if your phone is found to be returned to you.

added: NOKIA mobile phone can test genuine licensed, dial * # 0000 # you can view the factory models and date information. (Only NOKIA)
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Old 08-10-2011, 06:31 AM   #4
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