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Old 07-23-2011, 01:10 PM   #1
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一天女孩过生日,男孩子在她生日的聚会上送了她一只可爱的毛毛熊,在各种生日礼物中,这根本算 不上是礼物.
  女孩有些生气,也许更多的是愤怒,没想到自己男朋友这么小气,今天是她的生日,还来了这么 多朋友.
  去年男孩在她生日的时候送了她一把很名贵的藏刀,男孩发誓说,如果有一天他背叛了女孩,女孩可以用刀划 破他的胸膛.
  今年,两个人一直在讨论两个人的未来,这么多朋友都来为女孩庆祝生日,是男孩说在生日哪天会给女孩一个 终生难忘的礼物.结果似乎一切都出乎大家的以外,当然主要是女孩!
  聚会结束,他们要回到自己的小家,上了三环,cool shutter shades sunglasses,女生一直很愤怒,一直在埋怨,车的后排座放了很多名贵的礼物,当然还有那只毛毛熊.女生开始抱怨男孩不爱 她,刘能的话 句句经典,不珍惜他们的爱,男孩只是静静的开着车,什么也没有说,偶尔会有一丝笑在脸上.
  酒精在冲动的驱使下发作了.女孩吐了,男孩靠边停了车,女孩大发脾气,指责男孩给了她这样一个不愉快的 生日,说了一些很伤感情的事情,转-1个鬼卒的爱情轮回(2),男孩一直无语,只是一只手拿着纸巾,一只手拿着矿泉水.女孩突然跑到了三环主路,男孩没有拉住她,两个人 就这样在公路上拉扯着,突然,一辆飞驰的快车直奔两个人行驶过来,男孩想都没想的扔掉了手中的东西.推开了 女孩,女孩的头重重的摔到了地上,等她苏醒的时候,她已经躺在了医院,头上绑着绷带
  男孩被撞出了15米,当120到的时候,他嘴里一边涌着血一直说着〃别管我,看我女朋友怎 么样?〃
  到了医院,男孩已经去了另一个世界,他最后的一话是毛毛熊,毛毛熊在他的要求下,被医护人员带上了救护 车,他在这个世界上最后的一段路,就是这只小熊一直陪着他.
  女孩再一次从昏厥中醒来,看着小熊,上边有着男孩的血,似乎有着男孩的体温,她紧紧的把它抱在了胸前, 轻轻的抚摩着它,paul smith online outlet,突然摸一件很硬的东西,女孩从小熊的口袋里摸出了一件东西,fashion rayban sunglasses,一个戒指盒,里面有一枚漂亮的钻石戒指,女孩看到这一切,彻底崩溃了,juicy socks outlet,她拼命的哭,用力的撕着自己的头发和头上的绷带,ralph lauren scarf,但是一切似乎都没有意义了
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  女孩第二天就出院了,cool versace sunglasses,回到了他们曾经爱的港湾
  打开房门,她被眼前的一切惊呆了,房间里满是玫瑰,桌子上有一个大大的蛋糕,旁边的一个保温餐盒和一张 卡片.
  嫁给我,你一辈子都不会后悔,你一辈子都会感觉温暖,我会一辈子让你幸福,我会一直守侯在你的身边,我 会每天叫你起床,为你做你喜欢的早餐,送你上班,puma sunglasses,时刻惦记你,随时给你电话和信息,不让孤独的感觉伴随你一时一刻,晚上我会接你下班,为你做晚 饭,stylish versace sunglasses,晚上让你在我的怀中睡去后再静静睡去.家里事情你做主,但是家务还是我来吧,我身体比较好点.如果应酬, 我会在11点前回家,如果出差我会把你这几天食物准备好,当然还有你爱吃的零食.其实爱情就是简简单单两个 人的幸福,我们的幸福才刚刚开始,希望……
  女孩一个人静静的呆在他们爱的港湾,躺在他们经常****的床上,看着他们出去旅游时的录象,轻轻的用 去年生日哪天男孩送他那把藏刀割开了自己的手腕……
  是我错了,你走的这几天,我一直在回味我们在一起的日子,你的体温你的气味你的坏笑和你做的饭,你是个 骗子你说过一生守护我的,没有你,一个人睡觉好冷的,没有你做饭我肚子好饿,没有你在身边我好孤单,你慢点 走,edhardy men denim,无偿献血到底有没有危害?,我来了,虽然你没有实现你的承诺,但是我还是真的爱你,坏蛋我来了,慢点走,在前面等我,我 来了……
恋爱中的朋友们。。好好珍惜吧。。也许这个世界没有那么圆满的爱 但是这个世界有着最爱你的人和你最爱的人 当最爱你的人和你最爱的人是一个人的时候 告诉你 你 是幸福的 有些人往往是三角恋 也许你不懂我的爱 我想看了这篇日志你应该明白点吧 呵呵 不说了 希望看完这篇日志的人珍惜眼前的一切 不要因为一点小事闹别扭 !!!!!
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Old 07-23-2011, 01:59 PM   #2
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Reprinted from alumni of the user at 19:38 on July 28, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: fast? empty?

Taiwan, a girl suddenly died suddenly of bleeding for no reason, overnight, went to their lives, after a preliminary autopsy. determined to be due to arsenic poisoning death. The arsenic comes from a medical school professor was invited to come to solve the case.
professor carefully looked at the dead stomach, less than half an hour, the mystery was solved. Professor said: The deceased did not commit suicide, is not killed, but from ignorance of its killing, we understand.
professor said: arsenic in the stomach of the deceased. The deceased will be taken daily vitamin C, which is no problem in the problem was that she eat dinner a lot of shrimp, shrimp is not the problem, so nothing happened to her family, but was also taking vitamin dead C, the problem is out there,belstaff outlet!
University of Chicago researchers, found by experiment, shrimp and other soft-shell food contains a much higher concentration of - five arsenic compounds, potassium . The fresh food by itself has no toxic effects on the human body, but taking vitamin C, due to chemical reaction, the original non-toxic - five potassium arsenic \(As05) \a giant toxic effect of arsenic, can cause paralysis capillaries, mercapto Jimei inhibit the activity of the liver and fat necrosis varying Lobules Centre, heart, liver, kidney, intestine congestion, epithelial cell necrosis, telangiectasia. Therefore,belstaff online, in its toxicity of the deceased, often distributed to them bleeding.
so; as a precautionary measure, taking vitamin C during the period should not eat shrimp.
shrimp + D + C = cold medicine poisoning = poisoning
some cola, You know what? !
1, eggs, avoid saccharin �� �� with food poisoning, death
2, �� �� tofu with fresh honey avoid deafness
3, kelp avoid constipation with fresh pig blood �� ��
4, potatoes, bananas bogey �� �� freckles with fresh raw
5, beef, brown sugar �� �� avoid bulging with fresh dead
6, vinegar eel bogey �� �� with food is dead
7, snail meat �� �� avoid eating the same food product bloating
8, celery avoid rabbits off the hair with fresh �� ��
9, �� �� tomato with fresh green beans avoid debilitating
10, �� �� crab with fresh persimmon avoid diarrhea
11, bogey duck goose �� �� with fresh pear kidney injury
12, �� �� onion with fresh honey avoid eye injury
13, blackfish bogey �� �� eggplant with fresh stomach pain
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�� �� with food poisoning 15, preserved eggs, brown sugar �� �� bogey with fresh nausea
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17, bogey persimmon wine with fresh heart �� ��
can not eat boring food:
1. sweet potatoes and persimmons - will get stones
2. radish and fungus - skin inflammation
3. taro and bananas - bloating
4. peanut and cucumber - damage kidneys
5. beef and chestnuts - cause vomiting
6. carp and licorice - will be poisoning
the following foods must not be within two hours to eat:
--- lamb with fresh watermelon avoid debilitating
goose eggs --- avoid debilitating
onion with fresh honey --- avoid eye injury
cucumber with fresh peanuts --- avoid beverages with fresh taro --- avoid
with fresh banana avoid bloating
pork with fresh water chestnut --- avoid stomach pain
tofu with fresh honey --- avoid fungus --- deaf
radish dermatitis
eating dog meat with mung bean bogey - - easy to eat the same food poisoning, avoid fungus ---
horse with cholera
beef avoid eating ginger hair with food poisoning deaths ---
bogey dried vegetables and mutton - the same food Health Heart nausea
avoid mustard chicken with fresh debilitating
--- Donkey --- avoid yellow rabbit with fresh heartache avoid fatal
cabbage - with fresh pear easy to avoid vomiting
goose - - with fresh eggplant carefully avoid blackfish --- blast
easy to get cholera
with fresh crab avoid jujube --- easy to get malaria
with fresh pear mustard avoid food made with the vomit ---
avoid potatoes with fresh banana --- raw spot
face with some vegetables can not eat:
pork liver with food will hurt water chestnut, watermelon meet scheduled mutton mutual invasion;
dog in case of mung bean will damage the health, radish fruits adverse thyroid;
licorice combined with the harmful carp, crab and persimmon together will be poisoned;
pregnant women avoid soft-shelled turtle eel and crab, eggs, eat anti-inflammatory tablets clash;
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banana taro into the stomach pain, potatoes, bananas and spot face.

should not eat:
1, germination, blue potatoes poisonous to eat.
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3, do not fry the green beans, lentils toxic, can not eat.
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5, tender fried liver, contain toxins and should not eat.
6,belstaff jackets outlet, preserved eggs, popcorn, particularly lead, children should not eat.
7, burnt food can not eat, eat easily after cancer.
8, Black ginger are highly toxic, to necrosis of liver cells must not eat.
9, raw soybean oil contains benzene, will destroy the hematopoietic system, can not eat.
10, long cooking with Asian X salt water, eating is prone to cancer.
11, can not eat too hot food, easy to burn the digestive tract caused by cancer.
12, can not eat undercooked soy milk, eat easy poisoning.
13, pickled foods contain cancer-causing substances, should not eat.
14, baking the chicken category, fish containing carcinogens, should not eat.
15, persimmon persimmon flight susceptible to stomach stones, do not eat.
16, food additives, artificial vegetarian, spice, flavor, preserved eggs, instant noodles, luncheon meat, fried food should not eat.
diet Song:
salt and vinegar, a good anti-virus anti-inflammatory, kidney warm leek knee waist. phlegm eliminate flatulence
radish, celery can lower high blood pressure.
pepper to cold and dampness, onion spicy ginger for colds. inhibition of gastroenteritis
garlic, green beans the most wonderful hot weather.
pears good lungs and phlegm, stomach and kidney fresh dates.
blood beauty Yan tomato, egg puzzle nutrition high.
peanuts can lower cholesterol, melons, beans, swelling and diuretic.
fish can make milk, animal liver, good eyesight. several ebony
fluid nerves, lungs and UFA eat walnuts.
good lungs and phlegm honey, grape color Yue young people. Wei Huo laxative solution
banana, apple diarrhea and nutritious. containing calcium and sulfur
kelp, mushrooms contain cancer cells.
diuretic row toxin cabbage, cauliflower eat less cancer.
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Old 07-23-2011, 01:59 PM   #3
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,belstaff leather

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