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Old 05-17-2011, 09:43 AM   #1
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Default 53个民间偏方!神奇的震惊世界!

1、 怎么戒酒:取生杏仁二两少量味精化成水,然后浸泡二在放在酒里两滴,一同少喝,可以戒酒。
2、 怎么戒烟:槟榔一只,钻个小孔,再往小孔里灌入一点烟代油用水泡两天取出凉干,想吸烟时,闻一下就不吸了, 谁闻都可以戒烟。
3、 怎么醒酒:醋、白糖、茶叶水各100克,醉酒以后,立即喝下,可达迅速醒酒,多喝醒多更快。
4、 牙齿变白:刷牙时在牙膏上加上一点小苏达,刷三次后牙齿洁白如玉,牙锈自然脱落。
5、 怎样除去口臭:每天放几片茶叶在口中嚼三遍,这样可使你口中保持清香,三天后除去口臭。
6、 嗓子哑了怎么办:醋精50克,白糖50克,用凉水250克搅拌均匀后,慢慢饮用,一天即可,严重患者晚上增 加两次。
7、 大便干燥怎么办:将小手指粗大葱一节,蘸少许香油后,插入肛门,上下抽动,常年干燥用醋精。
8、 牛皮癣:半斤米醋浸泡一两去皮的松树籽,泡二天后,一日擦三次,效果更佳。也可用一匙桔皮粉加半匙香油调勺 涂抹。
9、 牙痛绝招:用桃仁放在火上烧热以后放在痛牙上咬,如此几次永不牙痛。
10、 鼻子流血怎么办:当鼻子大量流血时,患者放平躺下,将鼻眼相反的手高举,穴位自动封死,血立即 可止。
11、 鱼刺卡喉:用陈醋漱喉部,然后慢慢咽下,反复几次即可治愈。
12、脚气小窍门:米醋一斤,将醋倒入盆内,浸泡或浸洗,每日两次,每次约一小时,消炎杀菌,可治脚化,又 简单,见效又快,轻者四天根治。
13、病后耳聋、耳鸣:大蒜味猫鼻猫自尿。猫尿滴耳三次一次两滴可根治病后耳聋。耳鸣可将蛇皮焙成灰,吹入 耳中,连吹三次可治耳鸣。
14、控制糖尿病新方法:新鲜玉米粒一斤。加水适量煎煮,至玉米开花后分四次,每天喝一碗,此方不能去根, 只能控制病情。可以降低血糖。有浮肿尿量增多的患者服用,效果特别好。
15、 睡觉打呼咬牙:睡觉时口含桔皮一块,含十五分钟后吐出3-5次可根治的呼咬牙。
16、 脚臭、脚出汗:白矾研成细末,擦脚掌心10分钟3-4次脚以后不再出汗不臭。可保持七八个月。
17、 癫痫(羊角疯):蚯蚓一条,白矾半两放入大碗中用开白水冲开。一次一碗晨起空腹,连喝十天。
18、 口腔炎症:每天早晚吃梨一个,慢慢咽下,保持3-4天,立即好转。病情严重的也可以用本方治疗。
19、 冠心病:黄豆50克,煮熟加食盐适量多吃连吃3-4天,此方对控制冠心病不发展,特别理想,犯病以后再用此方。
20、 治偏头痛窍门:用白色的萝卜皮贴在两面的太阳穴上,每晚贴20分钟,可达速效,头不痛就不用再贴了,此方主 治头晕脑涨。
21、治痔疮偏方:尿素三两放盆中开水冲开后将毛巾放入沾湿后拧干放凳上腾。一次十分钟一天三次,边腾七天 。可治内外痔,便血脱肛。
22、 急速催奶:芝麻炒熟,加入盐少许,最好是产前10天就开始吃,进餐时作副食,可快速增乳汁,吃得越多奶来的 越快。
23、治失眠小窍门:将大葱白切碎放在小盘内,临睡前把小盘摆在枕头边便可安然入睡,连续几天可根治,常年 睡不着觉者,边疆治疗5天便可去根。
25、 视力减弱怎么办:杏皮晒干撕碎作个小枕头可醒目养神。对视力减弱。见风流泪近视远视等都有一定 的疗效。
26、 手脚裂口:药用风湿膏,贴在患处,一天后取下即可长好百发百中。
27、 皮炎小窍门:将线瓜叶搓碎在患处磨擦发红为止,每七天搓一次3次即可,严重者连用6次即可治愈 。
28、 鼻炎:用棉花球沾一滴香油放在鼻内15分钟后取出连续2-3天,每天三次,严重者多用2次。也可用大蒜泡醋插入鼻中。
29、 高血压:新鲜海带二两,作成一碗海带汤,不要往里放虽的青菜,清晨空腹喝下,连服十日即可,海带能快速恢复 血压正常。
30、 肾虚:新鲜江豆100克,加水煮烂加食盐少许,每顿饭前服用3-5日可恢复健康,如经常吃对强身壮力效果最佳。
31、 脸上去斑法:杏会用水泡后去皮,捣烂如泥,加一个蛋清调匀,每晚睡前,次晨用白酒洗去,直至斑 退,Mens Nike Air Max 91 in White Black red
32、胃病民间治法:取红皮鸡蛋壳二十个放在成瓦片上用火焙干研成细末,用糖水服用,饮前服一小勺,一日2 次,服完为止,此方十分珍贵,polo handbags 45,同时对补钙和软骨病都有很好的疗效。
33、 跌打伤筋:将韭菜捣烂,少对一点小男孩尿,贴在伤处几小时即可消肿,三日后可以恢复正常。
34、 快速减肥:去国营茶庄买二两乌龙茶,喝一周乌龙茶能快速融化脂肪促进脂肪代谢,达到减肥,又能预防肥胖症的 发生。(茶浓)
35、 长寿秘决:经常运动,不气不愁,年年保持多吃糖蒜,糖蒜是延长寿命的最佳良药,它可杀死体内多 种有害菌。
36、月经不调:到乡下取苏子叶二两,用热水泡后饮用轻者四杯即可,重者多饮几日,它能速效调经安神作用, 对痛经寒大经期不正常有特效。
38、 粗皮肤变嫩:每口晚上用一个鸡蛋清擦脸,一小时后用清水洗掉,如能经常擦,皮肤越来越嫩。
39、肩周炎、腰腿痛、坐骨、腰脱:将土元(上憋子)七个焙成灰,polo handbags 42,黄酒七两,共放一瓶内泡七天七夜,每晚七时喝七钱黄酒,并用拳头用力调皮打患处七七四下九下,病重者多服 几疗程可痊愈。
41、关节炎止痛法:用谷草烧成灰,装入小袋中,哪痛往哪贴,每晚贴一小时,贴3次治愈。此方又简单。效果 又好,对腰腿痛有明显好转。
42、 腋下狐臭:米醋100克,茴香粉5克,Mens Nike Air Max 24-7 White Purple。调和匀涂擦腑下数次狐臭立即消失。
43、 瘙痒怎么办:取一块生姜切开擦脚心,男擦左女擦右,一次擦十分钟。
44、 骨质增生:羊胫骨四根,用大柴火烧成焦黄色后捣碎成面,每天晚饭后用一两黄酒送服,连用数次。
45、 误吞金属硬物:将韭菜炒熟大口下即可便出,碎玻璃片,吃肚里以后,也可以用此方。
46、 手脚麻木:浸泡好的黑木耳、桃仁、蜂蜜各120克,共捣如泥,放碗内蒸热,分4天吃完永不麻木 ,孕妇禁用。
47、掉头发、起头皮:大白菜根去泥洗净切片放入锅内加两升水煮开后加醋精洗头,连洗七八天,可使头发柔顺 ,光亮,头皮很快消失。头发一根不掉。
48、灰指甲怎么治将紫皮大蒜捣烂如泥,再加少许白矾涂在灰指甲上。不要抹的太厚。然后用塑料布将指甲封好 。塑料布透光封闭效果好只需七八天,觉得有涨的感觉就好了。
49、 怎样打掉蛔虫:南瓜子(去壳留仁)50-100个研碎加水糖适量拌成糊状,空腹服用一次可好,本方能打掉小儿多种病虫。
50、 乳腺炎怎么治:仙人掌一小块研碎加三滴香油后患处。
51、怎么治脚鸡眼:用一块胶布中间剪一小眼,贴鸡眼上,小眼出现鸡眼,再撒眼上一点尿素面(化肥)再用一 块胶布压住,三日换一次,换六次,鸡眼自消自灭。
52、 前列腺炎:干枣三两,雄鸡肝三个,用火炖烂,连汤喝,连喝三次。
53、 类风湿症:用鲜嫩的桑树枝,多少均可,切碎,拌一点酒用锅炒黄色后,加水熬水眼,早晚各服一杯 ,见效连服。

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Old 05-17-2011, 09:45 AM   #2
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Roams is often a Repair Obtain Analysis in addition to Management Procedure that integrates together with your dealer supervision system. ROAMS is actually delivered via online as any Software to be a Service (SaaS) entry ROAMS through any computer system with net access firmly. Dealer Supervision Systems are centered on accounting and also the routine operation of an service section. ROAMS has concentrate on Key Efficiency Indicators, following that ROAMS procedure can change a fighting service section and create a well manage department greatly profitable. one particular Item ROs,YouTube to MP3 Converter, as shown in Roams on-line 12 in the Key Efficiency Indicators Survey (KPI), are shown as each a count number or one particular Item Buyer Pay (CP) ROs for any current night out range in addition to what percent those one particular Item ROs represent dried up CP ROs from the current night out range. By way of example if twelve / 25% is actually returned on-line 12 in the KPI survey, it shows that there tend to be 10 one particular Item CLUB PENGUIN ROs from the current night out range, and which those twelve represent 25% dried up CP ROs from the current night out range.
To grasp this details we want first to recognise exactly just what Roams considers that they are an Piece (or Line) in addition to what no consider for Item, i will attempt to be able to explain these kinds of facts from the paragraphs to be able to follow. One thing to think about, is which Roams was made to improve CLUB PENGUIN net benefit, so that KPI survey line twelve is calculating and canceling ROs with just one Item connected with CP labour. Internal in addition to Warranty Labour has hardly any impact on-line 12, one particular Item ROs. As a result, If a good RO offers 12 outlines of Assurance work in addition to 22 outlines of central work amassing $50, 000, in case a single distinct CP perform was put into remove any nail coming from a tire, it's going to be counted to be a 1 Piece RO on-line 12 in the KPI survey. Because i am only calculating CP work with line twelve, this data needs to be used for additional calculating tool to watch out for relative improvements within your Menu Profits and FDCI (Multi-Point) Pc professional Up-Sell products. The next issue take into account when thinking about 1Item ROs is the fact that CP Labour Sales Pounds and Smooth Rate Hours are needed,Convert MP4 to MP3, and the fact that line needs to be resolved to be able to "Competitive",DVD Ripping Software, "Maintenance" or maybe "Repair" that they are counted for Item (or line). So virtually any line about an RO which is resolved to be able to N/A or maybe has lower than $1. 00 connected with Labor Profits, will not necessarily count for Item within Roams for the reason for counting one particular Item ROs. This can be important, because in the event an RO offers 2 CLUB PENGUIN lines about it and one too is any sublet in addition to correctly sorted to N/A,Convert VOB to AVI, then it really is considered any 1 Piece Ro. You'll find also noticed ROs by using 2 CLUB PENGUIN lines wherever 1 collection is accurately resolved to be able to "Maintenance" and also the second collection incorrectly utilised an op-code from the N/A category in the Labor project area so line sorted incorrectly to be able to N/A and didn't count for Item, so again you do have a 1Item Ro. Menu Sales is a third concern to simplify, as they get on with 1 Piece ROs. Careful consideration was handed to the problem of possibilities being distributed where one particular op-code consists of multiple surgical treatments or (Items). If any stores Menus Mileage Information contains the precise intervals becoming sold and the quantity of Items within each period is effectively defined from the Menu Distance Chart,Convert DVD to AVI, then Roams may credit which menu great deals line while using number in the event Items the idea contains,How to transfer music from ipod to computer, in the event the op-code used is additionally properly established in that Menu Distributed Box in the Labor Groups screen's Menus Tab.
What that every means is actually this, Whether a 30K service comes using any 30K op-code which is set " up " correctly after that the Collection containing that 30K op-code won't count to be a 1 Piece line. But whether a 30K service comes with any "Misc. " op-code which is not established for menus sales after that that 30K Collection will count to be a 1 Piece Line in addition to possibly be over a 1 Piece RO if it really is the simply CP line to the RO. Last but not least, there is difficulties common challenge we notice with stores which have a higher occurrence connected with 1 Piece ROs, which is the by using one op-code (or line) to perform multiple un-related vehicle repairs. For case in point an RO offers one CLUB PENGUIN line which has a single op-code plus a customer gripe that reads this way, " Buyer states complete LOF in addition to change still left rear stress & several Struts for each previous approximation. ". This can be combining several different unrelated vehicle repairs all about one collection. (Not to say that they tend to be 3 a variety of CP labor also ( "C", "M" & "R" ) almost all on one particular line. ) If the only CLUB PENGUIN line to the RO then it's going to be considered any 1 Piece RO with regard to those several repairs are call it quits and each one of these put over a line connected with it's own while using correct op-codes for any repairs (which is the right way to prepare them up to begin with! ).
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Old 05-17-2011, 09:46 AM   #3
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Default дом 2 Влад Кадони видео

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