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Old 05-10-2011, 10:54 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
Default asics whizzer 女子被抢包遭殴打 残疾村民追歹徒被刺7


  5月1日15时15分左右,在羊曲公路距离藁城市南孟镇南孟村一千多米的地方,一名女子被一名骑摩托车 的男子抢包并殴打。在四辆路过的汽车无一伸出援手时,正在附近干活的南孟村村民吴文德开着“小铲车”(用拖 拉机改装而成)赶到别倒了准备逃跑的抢包男子。结果,吴文德当场招来该男子的报复,被连刺七刀 。

  16时30分,吴文德48岁的生命被宣布结束。受害女子郭敏(化名)赶来时,才知道这位出手相救并献出 生命的恩人是一名行动不便的残疾人。昨日下午,受害女子与家人长跪恩人灵柩前久久不愿起来。



  女子白日遭抢 连过四车无一援手

  昨日下午,受害女子郭敏与自己的小姨来到了吴文德家。一进吴家,面对吴文德的灵柩,两人就扑通一声跪了 下来,不停哭泣,任众人拉劝久久不愿起来。

  郭敏脸部满是淤青,左脸更是肿得老高。她告诉记者,这都是5月1日被歹徒殴打造成的。今年20岁的郭敏 来自藁城市张家庄镇,当日她骑电动车去南孟村的小姨家。15时许,她行驶到距离南孟村一千多米处时,从身后 冒出一名骑摩托车戴墨镜的男子,他笑嘻嘻地问我“你上哪儿。”郭敏称,她感觉不是好人便没好气地回道“你管 我上哪?”

  郭敏说,男子将摩托车停在她的前方,向她走来喊道“你还挺狠!”并开始抢她车筐里的提包。郭敏赶紧撂倒 电动车死死拽住自己的包。“我俩来回拽了几下,包里的东西撒了一地。”郭敏说,男子十分恼怒地掐住了她的脖 子,向她脸上打了一拳。瞬间,郭敏感觉鼻子有热乎乎的东西流出来。男子掐着郭敏的脖子继续向路旁的麦地里走 。没走几步,郭敏脚下一滑,身子滑倒在地上,男子的拳头也如雨点般砸了过来。

  “我开始又哭又喊。”郭敏说,在男子殴打她的时候,一共有四辆车从他们身边经过,但无一伸出援手。“第 一辆是白色的别克车,停在我们前方,副驾驶的人摇下玻璃看了一眼,车便开走了。随后又来了两辆大卡车都是放 慢了速度后又很快开走。”郭敏说,让她又气又难过的是,第三辆车里的驾驶员还冲着他们微笑。

  开“小铲车”拦歹徒 吴文德被刺

  郭敏说,男子又打了她几拳后跑向摩托车开始逃跑。惊魂未定的郭敏站起来准备收拾自己散落的物品时,突然 发现一名开着“小铲车”的男子从前方开来,两次别向逃跑的歹徒,MBT Boost Red White,并将其别倒在地。

  “他(歹徒)倒地后,从摩托车里拿出一个报纸包着的物品,抽出一样东西向坐在铲车座上的男子挥去。”郭 敏称,因为铲车背对着她,她只看到两人扭打的样子,很快,歹徒再次骑摩托车逃跑。

  “我跑到铲车前时,看到帮我的这位大哥吴文德浑身是血,已经趴在方向盘上一动不动。”郭敏 说。


  恩人是残疾人 血流了三米多

  郭敏说,事后她才知道帮自己的吴文德是一位行动不灵活拄着单拐的残疾人。“我感觉内心十分愧疚。”郭敏 说,她唯一的希望是尽快抓住凶手,进行严惩,以此来告慰自己的恩人。

  吴文德的小女儿吴世红回忆说,5月1日15时许,父亲吴文德开着“小铲车”与她来到村西一处位于羊曲公 路旁的垃圾场。当日,父亲要为一家铁厂运送垃圾到这里,在去铁厂前,父亲准备将垃圾场的垃圾往起拱拱。“我 的自行车刚停好,就听见远处有人喊救命。”吴世红说,他与父亲循声望去,发现距离他们几百米的地方,有一男 一女正在互相拉扯。“男的不断打那个女孩,还掐着女孩的脖子向麦地里走去。”

  吴世红正想着发生了什么事情时,突然发现父亲已经开着小铲车向两人争执的地方开去。吴世红说,她看到父 亲与人纠缠起来便立刻给一名亲戚打电话,并向父亲跑去。

  当吴世红跑到父亲身边时她完全呆了。“(父亲)身上、铲车上全是血。”吴世红数次强忍住泪水,无奈眼泪 还是夺眶而出,从脸上滑下,滴到地面。她说,当时,她父亲的鲜血也是一滴滴落到铲车上,又从缝隙里不断滴落 到地面。

  随后,吴文德被赶来的亲戚送到了南孟镇卫生院,asics whizzer,又转到了藁城市中医院。最终,吴文德经抢救无效死亡。

  昨日下午,记者在事发地看到。暗红的鲜血清晰可见,在一摊鲜血周围蔓延出几道“血河”,最长的流了三米 多。停在南孟镇派出所里的小铲车已经永远失去了主人,只有吴文德的血迹在小铲车上随处可见。



  昨日,吴文德的遗体接受了法医的的尸检。吴文德的堂哥参加了尸检,他称,他数了数吴文德的伤口一共有7 处。据郭敏称,她曾经在事发后打电话给自己的小姨并描述了歹徒模样,要求拦截。但在南孟村口,歹徒刺伤了其 小姨家一名亲戚的双手后逃跑。目前,伤者正在医院救治。


  目前,藁城市刑警二中队已经介入此案。记者从该中队了解到,事发时间为15时15分左右,案件以抢劫案 立案。警方称,他们正在积极排查,全力抓捕该犯罪嫌疑人。



  昨日的南孟村与以往有所不同,街道上都是冷冷清清,而村西吴文德的家里却是人来人往,不断有村民赶来安 慰死者家属,MBT Fora Red Shoes


  据吴文德的妻子王香台介绍,从小患有小儿麻痹的吴文德属于二级残疾。但吴文德从来没有因为自己是个残疾 人而放弃自己,等待别人救助。王香台哭着称,吴文德的离去,她感觉家里的顶梁柱倒了。他上有年近八旬的父母 ,下面三个女儿两个女儿都没成家。

  吴文德的亲戚称,因为家庭原因,吴文德未上完小学,为了减轻家里负担,在十来岁时便开始学维修。“手巧 ,看看研究研究就会捣鼓。”吴文德的弟弟吴文会称,因为以前维修也就是修理收音机之类的东西,感觉不赚钱的 吴文德开始养猪。没有赚几个钱,吴文德又开起了修理铺,给村民们修理农机等设备。因为身体残疾受到限制,吴 文德的生意并不好,几年前,MBT Changa Shoes,他四处打听终于找到了一份运送垃圾的活。为了省钱,吴文德将家里一台用了十多年的旧拖拉机改造成了一辆“ 小铲车”方便运送垃圾。

  王香台说,虽然家里依然贫穷,但吴文德从来没有放弃,努力撑着这个家,几年前在亲戚帮助下还翻新了房子 。


  比吴文德大一岁的村民王金贵也是一名残疾人,谈起这位老弟,他满是感激之情。因为身体残疾,王金贵的家 庭十分困难。几年前,吴文德揽了一份送蔬菜的生意,但却主动将这份生意让给了王金贵。王金贵没有资金,吴文 德便从自己为数不多的积蓄里拿出了钱。“前前后后给过几千块钱了。”王金贵说,逢年过节吴文德会时常来看望 他,并给他一些过节费。

  村民王君花提到吴文德重复着两个字“好人”。她称,有时候自己干活忙,让吴文德帮着看看孩子,吴文德都 毫不推辞。


  因为家庭贫穷,2003年,吴文德开始享受低保户待遇。每个月政府给予的数百元钱,成为了这个家里一笔 重要的收入。今年4月中旬,新一次的低保户再次评选,吴文德作为以前的低保户再次领取了低保户登记表。几日 后当其他人都交来登记表后,吴文德却并未上交。

  南孟村村委会副主任吴平一称,村里找到吴文德询问原因时,吴文德告诉他们,最近几年他的生活状况比以前 强了不少,他想把名额留给更困难的家庭。

  吴平一称,按照吴文德的家庭情况,他是有机会继续享受低保待遇的。“作为个残疾人主动让出低保名额,让 不少年轻人都佩服。”吴平一说,吴文德勇敢与歹徒搏斗的行为,是南孟村村民的骄傲,Asics Onitsuka Tiger Mexico 66 Beige Blue Red


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Old 05-10-2011, 10:55 AM   #2
Lieutenant General
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,225
ua1tg6hs8ooe is on a distinguished road

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59755 2008 年 03 月 12 日 09:23 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (2) Category: Personal Diary
and to the time of recruitment each year, recruitment hall full of people, as if riding a horse jumping iron bank door because people
open up new international markets, as the marketing director was sent to recruit several international trade company personnel to supplement my team to achieve higher international market share being held HR positions
me, as if a 25-person mission RL, come here, hoping to find a qualified soldier, as the team's 2T (overseas business representatives, was asked the kind of strikes me, I am MT).

our recruitment position is quite good, a good reputation in the industry, good treatment from the uniform of our recruiting team can see it, T5 sets (BOSS suit) + T6 parts (PRADA bag)
These are last year's year-end awards. S3 weapons got there is a colleague (a CARTIER watch, this is his reward with the commission last year, his business)
out all the time these are bright, as if in / Channel 4 team shouted \

we are waiting and watching, no one wins
market sales because people learn better management and more learning.

management could have been a graduate program abroad, but do not know when, the country also set up the undergraduate curriculum, said good job, for a time you choose this career
rush to see if the message BUFF Suddenly, after more of the FS and the DZ, suddenly, all the groups are not missing a

DPS has always been the recruitment recruitment business class, so the scene is 85% of people watching the DPS
DPS lackluster one by one around, hard to find a team that needs them,
they kept looking at someone else's resume (talent tree), watching other people's dress (equipment)
from time to time also, and peer exchange with experience (insert flag)
DPS of the Society need a more than a NB
\br> \\Logistics Management... (Well? ==, you are a hunter? we need a FS) \The scrape together happily see a FS in the past.
(recruitment advice: When choosing a career, according to their own preferences, your personality, not others, and popular professional learning process may be fun, just like so cool
DPS career upgrade or upset but the real sought-after occupations, such as defense fighters, such as milk, animal husbandry. I've seen up to a few different 10 FB 9 = 1 4 = 1 24 = 1 39 = 1 to MT)

Although our booth to see a lot of people
But no one in a long time to candidates
then crowd around a thin guy, disheveled, his face acne.
Typical otaku look like the image of the agent in fact is very important, although not directly related to this, and business, the business relies on ability and skills but also nothing more than taking
TANK career as a Zhuangzhuang Tauren warrior, psychological sense of security to his teammates more clearly than the dwarf warrior
(recruitment advice: interview must pay attention to their image, some techniques and experience will make up for deficiencies on)
this house before us a man to sit is NB looking at us.
We are passionate about our people an M
he first asked: \embodiment, if the realization of your values, we will give you a satisfactory salary (TM If you have 30 minutes YX this, T live all the blame, one die, we can not OT, we need not,gucci shoes, and you ROLL \
He asked: \of \and FS to open the door, I do not like to fly)
I answered: \asked: \We will notify you \What, for example, I do not BUFF 14000 blood, measurements 322,227, the strange pull of large companies have no problem
complete personnel evaluation system, he would have done the best according to your program, salary, benefits will be considered more comprehensive than you, we even give you free FM and precious stones, these are not our duty
up to his mouth to be a will for the recruiters to leave a very bad impression)
and over a person, appearance, conditions are good, slightly immature
I read his resume, a very simple kind, and only the date, XXXX graduated from high school, XXXX graduated from university.
(I watched him equipment,gucci sunglasses 2011, a green, Dire of XXXX, the power of XXXX)
I asked him: \\that shabby?)
He said: \: \I see you good, or you first come to our Association, with others under the first under the FB, to play a few pieces of equipment)
high voice he suddenly asked: \not that it can not get equipment T5 level?)
I said: \? \health, nanny now 1500 \, and the market demand, some of you should be free from anxiety, so be it, back when we call, thank you
(SM although the status is not high, although the heart of each SM has increased, but the NB SM who is not milk come from? )

(recruitment advice: just left of college young people, should put the heart normal, low-key life, having peace of mind to do things. Although we lack talent, but still want these people from the little things
Do not have an annual salary of 10 million out of school to dream. There is a good pursuit, but not unrealistic, and only increase their ability and experience to let others need you.
the same time, do not despise other occupations, You do not work hard, much worse than they are.)
good, and finally to a MM, some timid to resume on my hands and asked, \Female Warrior to you?)

I gave her a definite answer: \smile, sitting in front of me, I looked at her resume (see equipment, talent)

\(Oh, do you wash is the anti-war, ah, good talent, why did you move to wash the honor of talent?)

\will be missing a large number of such personnel, local professionals are switched to foreign companies, so I think this is the opportunity to \MT went to JJC old, so I think this is my chance this white)

\points, why did you test this? \Foreign market as a salesman, is an important means of communication in English, I communicate well with clients, and other people in order to better business. I'm at school and certainly not enough to those in English, so I learned to save money on their own IELTS \forging)

have a future, to know their own position, there is even a company employee in charge of training, it is worth
(more good members ah, your FM gem, I was responsible for the Society this receive a return on investments)
I began to like the MM, a know location and professional orientation of the people, will be able to have an excellent team performance
(as a TANK, to know what FB What is often seen holding a two-handed sandbags, well, then again, their attitude)

girl began to ask me: \This, the group me with you?)
I began to install B: \environmental protection, KLZ not been to, M RL, generally will not set you, but it is a lack of people will set in, the \
I stop with B: Well, the phone next to where you stay, we will inform you within two days of interviews, I hope you have a good performance
(XXX invite you to join a team
OK Cancel
XXXX joined a team
[team] A: HYHY
[team] B: Welcome, ah, MM ah ~
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...)

(hiring recommendations: Now many people booing along with the mainstream media, said graduation means unemployment, many people called, after graduation, MD how companies are to work experience, you will not let me go to work I have experience? along with a lot of people
to criticize the employer company, as if you open group KLZ groups, and some M you, you see a green one, do not want group Then he brushes your screen, \RAID operations and, like every spring to open the boss shouted FB group, and he hopes to set a speed team, a strong team, so that the owner of the regiment, in the fall, when brushing the FB, everyone has the equipment and a large number of brand, do not want a personal experience or technical problems, so that we destroy mission again and again,gucci bikinis, even before the end of the FB CD are not DOWN BOSS, that this is the RL's dereliction of duty. RL to the interests of the Association, in order to DPS, the treatment the interests of the group you do not, because you are not good enough because you can drag the progress of everyone.

I will give you suggestions, seeking, to enrich their own, red business skills ( their reported training courses, test a certificate or something), brush reputation, YX doing daily tasks (what to practice English every day), JJC brush several battlefield equipment (take part in some social practice). and so the body has installed a few purple (certificate, ah, ah work experience), RL and saw over 1000 spell damage, and treatment of 1600 was, AP1400 a good group come on. Because people rarely complain about a
you can not install without the green one group, so their first efforts.

have friends around me all the daily tasks done every day, including YX this, battlefield, prestige, etc., once a week ZAM, KLZ
but the word back, back only three days, reportedly had a IT training courses have been to 1
weekend to a few back, and then home to sleep.

and then continue to find work and then continued to complain of
This is a situation you do now?

in WOW, he was in the YX this in, just finished the first DOWN BOSS, say, something, the first flash of the 888, do you think of how he?
In WOW, he was in battle, you have washed the middle, he still hung in the place of birth, you look desperate group of people stepped on your body, do you think of how he?
in WOW, the You JJC, you pull out all the tricks, jewelry badge fully open, in the match when the blood and 2% down, you ask your teammates, we are not lunch? Do you think how he?
in WOW, the 24 individual, ambitious to stand in front of the palace balls, MT or MH delay on the line, do you think of how he?

posts are watching you, is not in real life, people also so see you?

in the house in WOW, you will be respected, in the work house, and today you will
, some group What?
Postscript: the end of the recruitment A total of 2465 copies of resume, 135 interviews, only 5 people

qualified I do not want competition, talent excess of these old-fashioned topic
just want to stand in the perspective of the employer side, and tell some remains of their working conditions are not satisfied with some of the advice and recommendations of people who long
WOW player I have always thought that high-quality crowd
group is looking at some friends around the malaise was very painful,
tell them truths are listening Can not go
want the life they are familiar with the scene
arouse their enthusiasm for life
I SM, I have opened a brave, and you get to be full meaning of what you mean skills?
I continue to run

the city where I am now extremely high cost of living, and there is no free lunch, land of big cities exaggerated force you to spend more time than others to work on the road consumption,
only barely keep fighting to the cost of living here

(as if an F, G worthless, FS group of water should be 10G, if the slag on the Shacheng, then a night to 200G,gucci sunglasses, so people regard the slag on the 52 areas, blade mountain, Hellfire Peninsula, where a night as long as the 50G, of course, some people on the Stranglethorn Vale, Thunder Bluff, where as long as the 10G. And what those who live in remote plague the people, as if does not belong to this city, Shacheng life for them, so rumors impossible. 8 open group FB, people get up to 6 points, and then rode a horse from the 60% speed flying Stranglethorn Vale to Shacheng, no one control you arrived early, but late is to buckle DKP's. flying TAXI? is Zuobu Qi's. Those people in the Great Society, perhaps better life, 100% of the horses, one behind Shuaixia 60% who Yiqijuechen. But he looked at the 280% flying them from time to time, it seems that there is still a far way to go.)
long journey to the Shacheng, we must quickly replaced colorful T-shirt, holiday dress
be forced to lie for thousands of battlefield equipment,cheap gucci heels, FB loaded, (the company provides to wear suits and girls in uniform)
Perhaps the only difference is only a different color of the Society's badge. (company logo badges)
Shacheng entrance from Austria and more buildings to the road, (the company office)
confronted by a few blood elves went blankly competitors building (the legendary astrology are building)
surface in this context we live in harmony at peace
Once into the outside world, is bound to pinch the bitter end.
company building a high standing in the elevator downstairs, etc. when was wondering why there are no buildings Focus Media Advertising?
here every day who can not stand the pressure and the collapse of some
standing ########## dancing on the mailbox, and win the trust of people around the blind
and some people just jumped down from the office building elevator
so often see large and small around the tomb
executives sitting in the huge office, the head of a big blue exclamation point
\Welcome, my friend, \mission to XX YX FB, mission rewards are bonuses + commission. (one for each sign + BOSS is done out of the sign)
leaving the sound when the boss said: \blood and thunder it)
reputation of course work to the boss.

every day we live in as prestigious.

boss's reputation has been respected, and is said to worship after the to have the opportunity to live in Shacheng

customer reputation,gucci sale, but friendly, do not buy anything because the current discount, in order to get the most favorable treatment, to continue its efforts to

girlfriend's reputation, and poor that is revered by. Only respect to the follow up after the \This task involves another prestige --- \rushed to worship. worship the can do the \tasks, not as silly play)

that far, saying that these are just to remind you not to indulge WOW, reality is still cool and friendly lot of prestige, some prestige have not even triggered, these are what you need whom to work for a day.

return the following topics career choice and interview.
to still play WOW, a good warning unemployed innocent civilians and in the model role, especially the last paragraph, if you can finish daily tasks every day, whether you can come up with the same determination to learn a little every day knowledge, is your money (which may be the knowledge and skills) will continue to grow
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