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Old 05-09-2011, 12:24 AM   #1
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Default 《涩果》 (连载中)

   火红的夕阳静静邻近了这个世界,当夜幕行将拉下的那一刻,暗黄的街灯亮了,和着夕阳,将这个校园打扮的那样 祥跟。
  这是一个处处占满绿荫的半关闭一般高中校园,此刻树叶正茂,暗黄的灯光不经意间映射到悠动的叶面上还真 是扎眼......下自习了。安静的校园徐徐被几声欢笑攻破,继而是熙熙攘攘,再而便是一片哗然。一群一群 的学生穿插而过,嘈杂声中模摸糊糊飘着琴声,那是肖邦圆舞曲,而在这个校园,也只有我才会在这时静下心去弹 琴。
  阴暗的琴房里,我沉醉于圆舞曲的音乐中,双手温顺地弹动着黑白键,身材随声飞舞,那是那样的宁静・协调 。在曲子即将终曲的时候,我恍然感到身侧有一个身影,缓缓扭头,一位美丽但又略缺艳貌的女人手拎着两袋大包 裹,浅浅失笑地看着我。我将旋律减慢地随便停止了,心里略显自得地向她走去。
  她是我的母亲,一位四十出头但看起来还算年青的母亲。我是母亲一手带大的。母亲与我一开始一直都生活在 上海,靠着一手好的手艺在上海还算是破稳了“小足”的。可母亲的命不好,赶上了一个毫无义务的男人,与母亲 结婚的第二年便开始搞外遇(当然,谁也不知道外遇的背地是否还有外遇),生下我未几,那男人便提出了离婚, 而且外加一再也缺德不过的前提“儿子我不论,归你。”。这话我不知道身为一个男人是怎么厚着脸皮讲出来的, 不,单凭一张厚厚的脸皮我想是不够的......而主要的是,母亲批准了。是的,她赞成了,出于一种世上最 巨大的母爱,也稍微出于对一个脆弱男人的同情。当然,这些事并不是我一开始就知道的。母亲当时 为了 不影响我的成长,与那个我切实不想称之为“父亲”的“男人”独特生活了十多年。所以说,从我1991年诞生 到往后的十多少年里,我一直都在被自己最信任的家人诈骗着......在此我认为我有必要写明我对那位所谓 的父亲还是有情感的。实在在我小时候还是比拟喜欢爸爸的,但直到后来我慢慢明确了一切之后,我才知道怎样的 爱是实在的,怎么的爱又是虚假的。这个进程就好像一个人痴信对漂亮的流星的许诺会兑现一样,你对它有千万个 依附与期盼,但当它向你飞来炸得一片散乱的时候,给你的只是一种撕心裂肺的沉寂。
  我接过母亲手中的袋子,微微地叫了声“妈”一边走一边告知她我的近况,看到妈妈来看我我很开心,但我的 表情总带有一种深厚。但母亲显然很开心,左手搭在我的左肩上,不断难忍露出丝丝微笑,对我的讲话有百分百的 留神力,使尽了关心的眼神。
  我知道她这样子只是因为她想不到在别人都在吃饭・玩闹的时候我还会在练琴。但实际上,这种事对我而言已 是粗茶淡饭了。这不是我刻意的,只是我太爱音乐,再者就是因为我的性格了。
  时光过得好快,比我设想中的要快得多,夕阳似乎一点都不迷恋这葱茏的世界,毫不犹豫跳下了山坡。于是, 天彻底黑了。
  “走,妈妈带你去外面吃饭。”妈妈把随身拎的小包往肩上一搭,随我放下那两袋包裹,挽着我的手向校外走 去。
  哇哦,校门口停着一辆Benz e300。这会是谁的车呢?校长的?不会啊,据小道新闻报道,这破学校的校长的全体家产还不够买一辆国产起 亚K5呢......想着想着,一辆车驶过将那辆Benz e300的车牌照得分外刺眼。“京A555!”!这不是学校的车,也更不会是本地的。哇,好酷!我开始对那 车空想了......
  “上车吧。”妈妈站在Benz e300的右侧门眯笑着说。
  “啊?......噢......噢。”我一下子停住了。Oh,my god!这车是怎么回事?我记得妈妈一贯很节省的啊,这炫眼的高等轿车总不会是包来的吧。呵,摆明的胡猜, 就算包车也犯不上包一奢华奔跑来距住处不到五公里的学校看我吧,更何况还不是青岛的车,是北京的“A555 !”。一看这车牌号也想得到这车的主人可见不凡。但这所有跟我大无关联,我稍犹豫片刻便翻开了与妈妈同侧的 后门。
  砰砰两声后,我开始把手放在腿上练指法,心不在焉地看着窗外校园里那安静昏黄的街灯。途经的学生用爱慕 的眼神盯着这辆玄色的Benz e300,以及坐进这车里的我。我心里毫无情感地轻笑了一下,但又不太像冷笑,算是一种随然吧。
  “呵呵,人家方才始终在练琴。”妈妈有一次开心肠笑了笑。哦,不,母亲身从在琴房见到我之后似乎就一直 在笑,固然不在脸上,但她的心坎已被我洞察透了。那种开心应是源于对将来幸福生活的信念。
  坐在妈妈旁边的男人回首看了看我,向我传了一个十分友爱的眼神。出于一种礼仪与我的性情,我微微拍板微 笑,很天然地说了声:叔叔好......
  “那...小叶吃什么呀?我们去龙谊饭店吧,据说那儿的虾不错。”这男人对我仿佛一点也不陌生,他居然 晓得我最爱吃的就是虾类。
  “嗯~好啊,什么都可以。”我顿然间变成了一只温柔而又害羞的小猫,被这位素未平生的男人牵动着,不敢 另出自见,而且,原来也就没有理由提什么倡议。我安静地靠在舒畅的座椅上开始筹备伪装睡觉.. ....
  车子动员了,优质的音响里还播放着一张CD。这是什么歌曲呢?好熟悉好熟习...这是汪明荃的《万水千 山总是情》
  听着这些旋律,一幅幅画面从脑海中勾起。我知道那些画面已被我遗忘在了我遗忘的角落。但这品种型的歌曲 在我小的时候的脑海里留下了深深的痕迹,因而事隔多年再次听一听还是有很大感想的。
  我同妈妈在上海生活的那十五年里简直天天都可以听到大巷冷巷中传来的五零年代至八零年代的经典歌曲。比 方李娜的《运气不是那辘轳》・邓丽君的《月亮代表我的心》......妈妈特殊喜欢叶倩文的《曾经心痛》, 这种歌曲的小调调旋律比起古代的Pop・Rap・R&B当然要简略得多,但意在歌词的蜜意。
  管他地久天长,ferragamo salvatore,只有曾经领有,我是真的这么想
  我还记得在我六岁的时候,父亲有时会带我到海边和东方明珠那些处所去玩,而且身边还带着一个很年轻的姐 姐,但父亲却总是要我称谓她为“阿姨”。呆头呆脑的我还真是个乖乖仔,二话没说便称了声“阿姨”。实际上她 不过才22岁。我不记切当她听到我称说她为阿姨时的表情,但我想没有一个人会想让自己的面貌提前“衰竭”。 没错,她便是父亲的“小三儿”之一,当然不会是第一个,假如让我当初见到那个在我出身时引诱我父亲的那个女 人,我想我定会cao他个够,因为别人都称这种女人为“狐狸精”“臭狐狸”。这样虽然未免会沾上些骚气,但 为了发泄,就顾不得明哲保身了,沾了就沾了吧.....但实际上也不能只怨那些女人,重点是男人就靠不住。 他还经常带他的那些所谓的“狐友”去家里做客,所以伤痛了心的做作就是母亲了。在我儿时的记忆中父亲常常是 一副得意眯笑的嘴脸,因为他总是觉得自己得到了又一个年轻貌美女人的青睐,就好像是小偷对自己欲得已久的货 色偷到未遂一样。而母亲在我的记忆中则常不在家,尤其是他在家的时候。母亲在我的记忆中一直都是个爱哭的女 人,她总“爱”在黝黑的角落里偷偷呜咽,当年幼的我递上一包湿巾纸时站在她眼前的时侯,90 air max,她便猛地抱紧我,哭得更加厉害。而在她平时心里含酸眼眶欲滴热泪的时候,她总是对我尴尬地笑一下,说是沙 子进眼了。那时的我虽然只知道母亲抱着我会弄的我一身的泪鼻涕,但我也知道沙子总不会那么青眼母亲的眼睛吧 。更何况又是安静的大晴天。
  母亲虽然同意了父亲的离婚,但一直都在盼望回到最初。她愿望自己的尽力可以让父亲翻然悔悟,而后复婚。 不为别的,就为母亲对父亲付出的感情太多,陷得太深;不为别的,就为了可以让自己的儿子可以与自己的亲生父 母一起生活,健康成长(这种健康天然更着重于心理上的健康)。母亲开始紧随着父亲,试图激动父亲那颗善变的 心。
  有一次父亲说要去北京出差,于是母亲也非要跟着去,忍心把八岁的我留在了奶奶的家里,断然取舍了看好自 己不舍的丈夫......成果呢?可怜的母亲被他骗上了火车,然而他与一个女人相约在石家庄“叛逃”下车了 ......当母亲逝世气沉沉地托着疲乏的身体回到家时,她已是魂不守舍・憔悴不堪了。趴在床上便是三天两 夜的狂哭。那撕心裂肺的哭声至今还是而在我耳边回荡,极其悲哀,极其揪心,那种声音有着孟姜女哭长城的惊天 地泣鬼神的“魄力”......不堪回想,的确让人心颤,如即将会断了的撑紧的弓弦,那种恐慌与无奈无人可 懂。
  “哎呀......叔,我随意吃点就好了,在这里吃晚饭......会不会太奢靡了啊?”我不禁得为难 起来,按下门车窗,低伸着头看着头中用LED灯管拼成的“龙谊大酒店”,迟疑着说道。
  “呵,不会不会,吃饭嘛,哪有什么奢侈不奢侈的。这儿的虾还不错......就停这里吧。走,咱们下车 。”他一边停着车,一边说道。
  车停稳了。下车。他在前面给我们引路,母亲挽着我的胳膊随后紧跟着。我似乎感觉到怅惘了,看着这雄伟的 五星级酒楼的墙壁上用银白花岗岩雕刻的优美工艺,还有到处的霓虹灯,我的心里有种说不出的感到。是骄傲?是 无奈?是高兴......不,我的内心至始至终都没有情绪。但我也不知道自己这是为什么,就算是坐上了高级 的奔驰也只是稀罕那片刻。我好像已经看淡了一切。
  “哇哦,这里也太过了吧。”我大吃一惊,被这酒楼的设计所震动。请谅解我的惊奇,因为我从小到大从未在 这样高尚的酒店里享过食,别说享食了,就连进都没进过。这酒楼太过富丽了,用“金碧光辉”来形容它,必定也 不为过。呵,还记得我去过最好的酒店仍是上海的“娇子酒楼”,不外那是没星没级的。那次去还是由于妈妈的好 朋友梅姨买了屋子要宴客......妈妈去了结怎么也愉快不起来,甚至在十过剩条胳膊举酒碰杯时我还能模糊 看到她那又红润了的眼眶。她心碎于本人的家庭,她在想,同样是女人,为什么各自的生涯会有这样大的差别?! 对了,母亲那天第一次喝了个烂醉。
  进房间了,三个人坐在直径大略为两米的大圆桌上还真是别扭。母亲跟他坐在相邻的两个座位上 。
  “来,小叶来点菜,看看有没有你爱好吃的”,接着又说:“你们先看着,我去一下卫生间。”他把一本看起 来极为古典的菜谱本向我递来,眼神当然是无比友好的,而且还带着微笑。但吸引我的是他另一只没有拿谱本的手 。他手上带着一个大金戒指与一只设计相称悦目的劳力士......我稍滞片刻又立刻接过菜谱摇头示意。此刻 ,晶莹的灯光终于让我看清了他的样子。他身着一身整齐的西服,脸型微胖,头发油光,看待我老是微微笑,表现 得很亲热,对我似曾相识个别,绝不陌生。他转身稳稳地向楼道走去,步调是那样的持重轻巧。当他走到门口时我 才发明他身体高大魁伟,那两肩如同一座靠山普通,吸引着每一个盼望有所依的人。当然不算我咯,那种魅力是用 来吸引女人的。
  “妈,这位‘文叔’是谁啊?”我不想多问,或者说我不想干预母亲的私事,只是表示好奇・关怀地小声问道 。
  “哦,他是妈妈意识的一个友人......别人很好。”妈妈整理好餐具,端正身子双肘支在餐桌上,双手 紧握,微笑着对我说。那种笑显然是在向我征求些什么......
  “朋友啊?噢......知心朋友么?我怎么不知道您还交了个这么有钱的朋友?”妈妈的一句“他人很好 ”来得让我有些意外,为什么要对我说这个呢。我犹豫了片刻,暴露出稍稍清楚的样子,眉毛缓缓随头仰上,又问 了一句。
  “呵呵,怎么了,你老妈还交不得有钱的朋友啦?嗯......跟你文叔认识有快两个月了吧。他为人很好 ,很坦诚,是妈妈目前的知心朋友。”妈妈一边倒茶一边美滋滋而又当真地说。
  “哦,没啦,你别误解,朋友自身就没界线嘛,谁说妈妈交不得有钱的朋友了。”我笑着说。她在此强调了文 叔的为人。我匆匆地转入了缄默,又豁然开朗――我说之前在我过礼拜回家住的时候妈妈怎么总是那么忙:一凌晨 就找不到人影,只留下一桌的早餐和一张便条“叶,妈妈有事出门了,中午自己做饭吃吧,我晚上回来。乖!”。 然而到了晚上八点多才回来,每次回来都带的有我爱吃的脆骨与烤羊排......本来妈妈去“约会”了,无可 争议,那个相约的男人一定就是这位“文叔”!
  自从那次母亲第一次阅历了“三天两夜”之后,整个人便垮了。她时而发愣时而流泪,有时头痛的一言不发, 有时心痛的泪流满面......她始终没有对任何人诉说过自己的苦闷......她看起来似乎是得了抑郁症 一般,整个人失去了灵魂,像是活生生的一具尸体,缓缓地在我面前飘来飘去,飘着送我上学,飘着接我回家.. ...但我知道那不叫欣然,也不叫颓丧,是一种无奈,是一种累极了的心态。这在我看来更像是母亲的一种解脱 。不,是一种解脱前的征兆。荣幸的是时间并没有因为母亲的伤心而走得太慢。很快我便长大了,ferragamo,初一那年我已经懂得了许多,甚至比起那些比我高年级的大哥哥懂得还要多・成熟得多・慎重得多。我十三岁升 入初中,那时的我已经知道了些对于妈妈的事情,但母亲总是教育我要爸爸......她还是不情愿,她还是想 救命这个世上最不懂得爱护的男人,cheap gucci。所以有一次她因为我对同窗骂了父亲而狠狠地扇了我两个耳光......记着,那是母亲第一次打我,而且那 时我已经十三岁了。十年的记忆中(摈弃最前面的三年,因为那三年自己的记忆只有自己的哭声)母亲一直都是出 言不逊的,从未骂过一句脏话,更从未打过我,更不必说还打的那么洪亮那么狠,我的心差点都碎了。可就是因为 他,母亲独一一次地打了我,她说我没教养・不懂得尊敬别人,说我不乖,说我是个坏孩子!但心中对母亲的怀恨 并没有连续多久,很快我便忘却了,反而更加明白了些什么东西。对,冥冥中,那两个耳光教育了我 太多太多!
  ......妈妈对爸爸的爱毕竟有多深?岂非赛过了英国的“朱丽叶”?只惋惜她爱上了的不是“罗密欧” ,而是中国的“陈世美”。莫非母亲还没有伤够吗。或许吧,因为母亲后来才彻底废弃了她十五年的跟随。那是个 2006年的冬天,更正确的来说那是2006年的正月初。虽是过年,但母亲与平常一样憔悴不堪(她把自己折 磨得日趋懦弱),实际上每次过年她都这样,只是那一年的正月,她十万年来所受的累(心)全部积聚到了一起, 因此显得格外“狼狈”。寒风在窗外嗖嗖地肆虐着世界仅剩的那定点暖和。屋内,母亲在煮饺子,沸腾的开水隆隆 直响,雾气徐徐洋溢了全部厨房......我陪着母亲去给父亲送饺子(父亲常常住在门市里)。一打开门市的 们,一个陌生的女人正赤裸裸地趴在他的身上贱笑着。那声音犹如电视里“春红楼”的花姑娘招客正常,让我想吐 ,让我有种撕烂她嘴的激动感。母亲手中的饺子啪的一声摔在了地上......全场安静,首先发声的竟是那个 不该语言的贱客,她在一声打碗声之后,满脸尴尬・怀疑地向外扭了一下头,看见我和母亲,猛地叫了起来。呵, 弄的我还一顿惊讶,我搞不懂为何一只鸡连这点心理素质都没有呢......或许是因为我是个男人吧。在安静 而缓和的氛围里,她像一只落汤鸡一般急忙窜进了被窝。我看看母亲,她一脸茫然,然后一声不响・有些尴尬地走 出了房间。我也跟着母亲出去了,临走前,我看到了父亲脸上有一种忐忑但又似乎无所谓的表情。
  “好了......”。父亲系着衣扣走了出来,刚一张嘴,母亲便赐了一个狠狠的巴掌,那巴掌比起打我的 那一个要“爽”得多。
  “好了。事件已经到了这个田地,也没有必要再瞒下去了......小叶也大了......”。这是父亲 的话,是我这辈子听到他的最后一句话,也能够说是倒数第二句话。只因为我走得太快,没能听完他说的一切,没 能听清他是用怎样委婉的润饰语打发了妈妈......我都不知道自己是怎么走回去的,更奇异的是,我回到家 便开始收拾起行李。别问我为什么,我只能说,中国有几个成语叫做:情不自禁,不由自主,人不知鬼不觉,不由 自己......任选其一便是我的理由。
  “嗯?走?小叶......你想去哪儿?”妈妈显了些吃惊,对与未来打算束手无策的母亲竟然得到了儿子 的激励与启示。妈妈开始笑了。那种笑像是一种摆脱的象征。
  “......北方吧。无论去哪里,这座都市不是已经没有我们可迷恋的东西了吗。我们离开上海吧,这样 ......天空才不会再有阴郁。”
  “小叶,你还小,不理解......”妈妈犹豫了片刻,象征深长地对我说,但很快被我的冲 动打断了。
  “不!或许别人的孩子还小,但我......正因为有一个四分五裂的家庭,从小受着您的教导和这个‘家 ’的影响,我懂得了良多!”我确实是激昂了。那是我在那之前第一次用这样的神色・语气去对别人讲话,而且也 是讲话讲的最多的一次。当然,除了在课堂上读课本。
  ......母亲悄悄地想了许久。悄悄地,那眼眶又开端红了,但很快,妈妈用纸巾擦了擦眼,深呼吸,带 着酸红的鼻子微笑地说了声:“好,我们晚上走。”
  我不知道母亲的那句话是自己早有盘算还是因为我的鼓动......总之,在2006年的大年正月的晚上 ,我们拖着空荡的行李离开了上海,分开了那个曾经肉痛了十五年的港口。我们抉择了北方一个听起来清秀怡人的 城市――青岛。那时我十五岁。
  就这样我们开始了新的征程。我不记得妈妈在踏进上海车站时脸上是怎样的表情,只记得她坐在车上给她最好 的朋友梅姨打电话离别时总是说道这样一句话――“已经伤得够深了......无所谓了,有小叶陪我就够了。 ”这话讲得很小声,但我不管怎么听都觉得它太过沉甸了!
  司机把钥匙缓缓一拧,我跟妈妈的新生活便从此开始了,踏着夜星悄悄地驶向了未知的远方。安静的高速路上 ,我听到了风的祝愿,它祝贺生活不再哀伤......从那当前,“青岛”这个名字便开始呈现在我的性命中。 那不是我的家乡,却是个我跟母亲生活的宿地,所以......那里注定会产生些什么。或者还会继着上海未完 的故事,也许会是一个新的篇章。
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Old 05-09-2011, 02:29 AM   #2
Brigadier General
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 924
ug7ioi2md is on a distinguished road

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141065 2007 年 09 月 20 日 05:50 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
1 ) CCB transfer of a comrade: Today through a front door, the door has a cash machine. One old man, has been looked at me and walked beside him, suddenly stopped me. He said he can not read, get an ATM card to me to help him in the front door of the ATM withdrawals. I said I can not help you get, called security to help you. The results, he replied no, keep looking the other passers-by to help him get money. Friends to remember the camera --- yeah, but there are ATM machines. Robbery, or if he said I stole his ATM card, or even his card is stolen, to help him pick up the money left in the ATM video, definitely makes you one hundred fair hearing! I will alert! Is because my colleagues have taken, are still lawsuits. Obviously this is a scam looking for a substitute,new balance running shoes! Please spread the power of deception is really ~ ~ ~ endless, believe it will enter the trap, I am really very hard to detect! More careful to remind my friends out!

2) Shaoyaoju a landlord, a sudden power failure at home, outside the window to see another family has the power to go see their own meter box, opened the door to be touching the knife - a knife burglary wounding a sudden power failure at home, do not rush to open the door view, a cat's eye to observe for a while outside the movement, not cat's eye also Gezhao Men listening for some time, there was no unusual ring and then open the door

3) Members fellow female attention! This is the latest scam
female compatriots Please note that your fellow men called out to his friends pay attention to the new situation, a female friend to pay special attention to friends: a young lady working the way home from work to see a child crying, very poor, and then asked the children how the past. kids just like the young lady said: home address. and then she went stupid with the children. Most people are sympathetic, and then taken to the so-called children's home after she rang the doorbell like a high voltage to lose consciousness. awake come to be stripped in an empty house,new new balance shoes, nothing around, she did not even see the prisoners long Sha Yangzi. So now people are used to commit crimes compassion ah, if you encounter this and similar, and Do not take him, to take to take him to the police station to go well, the child wandered off into the police station will go wrong, please let all the women around, for the general safety of Ms., after reading all the trouble to forward it to .

4) met today to beg new tactics, all of you to beware of the ~ ~
rest at home today, someone rang the doorbell,new balance 574, open the door and saw an old woman 50 years old, hand out 2 packages candy, I thought it was a neighbor to sub-candy, and the results of an opening, could hear not a local, what she said to us that two bags of sugar, and plan a festive, want to change some money to her, said after a piles do not know what, I could not hear clearly, the feeling is wrong, scared to close immediately, halo! This year, there are so many to ask for money just one.

5) Forwarding: We pay attention to it! When the ATM withdrawals must be doubly careful,+ Ranked cities in Anhui Province (Classic Fun Edi! ! ! ! !
last night in the sea of gold the bank ATM withdrawals when the old woman came back and asked if I could get money,new balance sneakers, and said what cash machines have a key may be bad, I do not know what time the next one The little girl, always wanted me Ji, I did not care, naughty children do, but that she should hand over the money towards the discharge port, ready to take my money, I feel wrong, and immediately pushed her to the side , waiting for the money taken out. After that I thought for a moment, they both gave me a set of set up: the old women are in charge and I Xialiao to attract my attention, the little girl while I was not looking, stole my money! If I did not prepare for it, maybe the money was taken away, so I went into set up: (I immediately go for a little girl, to recover my money, but who would believe a girl can I grab an adult's money? more alarming is that the old woman standing behind me will get light all the money in my card because my ATM card still inside; two little girls I do not immediately chase , so get the card, catching, then the little girl disappears, the money has gone ah: (they are really > 6) My parents are retired. Yesterday morning, to a strange middle-aged man, said he did not open motorcycle oil, and gas stations too far, motorcycles and heavy can not move, so would like to ask my parents to buy a Coke bottle of petrol, began, said, it is not out of 2,3 million to buy an empty bottle better. My mother took the empty bottles to him, not to mention he was really out of his pocket money, but a few hundred dollar bills, but also let my parents find the money. My mother Dunsheng alert, saying forget, but it is an empty bottle. He broke open the non-take 100 dollars to buy down, but still goes on hundred dollar bills. Fortunately, my mother has not yet Longzhong, not the kind of people who love petty advantages. Www.6park.com female friends must be carefully read, pay attention to self-security, ah, now evil society. . . . Friends send me a report, is transferred to you take a look, away from home, be careful, be careful million. . .
www.6park.com first six quite credible, with reference, the back four a bit alarmist, and everyone can easily see www.6park.com
7) a newly married couple to Paris honeymoon. In Paris, the wife of a trendy clothing store trying on clothes, as her husband waited outside in the dressing room. But wait for more Shique not see his wife come out and asked the clerk to help her husband strained to see inside, they discover a fitting room empty. Husband wife jokes that make fun of people, asking him nervous. So back to the hotel waiting for her to come back. A few hours later but there is no trace of his wife, I discovered that the situation was serious. Husband rushed the police, and all the clothing stores and hospitals in Paris asked the whereabouts of his wife. Three weeks later, his wife disappeared as if from, no reply, sadly pack up and move back home to her husband only. Unable to take heart from despair, the husband motivation to work, has been living alone, decided to self-banishment, wandering to various places. A few years later, his impulse to Bali, in a dilapidated house to visit a deformity show (freak show). He saw a dirty, rusty metal cage, there is a woman no limbs, body including the face, like a rag-like dilapidated, full of scars. She twisted on the ground, and issued a wild beast like a groan. Suddenly, a man screamed in horror. Since he is no kind of woman who saw his face, his familiar, belonging to his newly married wife, soon after missing a red birthmark on his face.

8) Another version occurs in Shanghai. Notify the public security a few years ago a woman of her cousin when shopping in the Shanghai unexplained disappearances, but could not find, until five years after the cousin of a friend and saw that the street beggars in Bangkok, Thailand. Terror is her hands and feet somehow gone, the body was tied to a lamp post next to the chains.

9) recently told me that his friend heard a crying baby on the door, but was already late and she thought it was strange, so she called the police. The police told her: The police told her: We have sent people to, in any case can not open the door. Police believe a serial killer, the use of infant cry recorder, inducing women to think that the baby was abandoned on the outside, they go out to look. Have not verified it, but the police have received many calls by women saying that they at home alone at night, I heard baby cries outside the door, please pass this on and DO NOT hear the baby crying sound and open the door.

previously heard of the missing large living scene, and later was sold to the circus, what organs are sold only as a myth. The results really see the horror in the real story.

10) it is mass-mailing colleagues informed. Her friend, referred to as small a bar last week, and two girls, referred to
small b and small c, teach the Lo Wu Commercial City. Lo Wu Commercial City is Shenzhen counterfeit goods distribution center, Longshehunza, close to Shenzhen Railway Station and Hong Kong at Lo Wu control point, the flow of people is very great. Small c in the words of anxious and went to the bathroom,new balance mens, small a and small b in the bathroom outside. Such a long, long time, or not see a small c out of two people a bit strange. So two people urged her to go. Who knows went in and saw no shadows. Two people stood on an air-conditioning, a cell phone has no answer. A large living, do not see people die but not to such a living corpse of the missing? So quickly to the police. Police came and asked what had happened after the situation, said a wonderful chilling words, Because it is impossible with a living person out of 100 kilos,new balance outlet, but they do not pay attention. At this time a sudden think of it small, there have been a cleaner pushing a man dressed clean car inside, then came out again ... ... the police told them that this kind of thing is not the first place, and now Shenzhen police initially suspected a criminal gang ,.. Night is a sleepless night - Qzone log, loosely organized in the management of low-grade commercial city, taking advantage of people, especially women cleaners did not prevent the psychological sense, the organized kidnapping, trafficking in human organs crime. Do not forget, the Lo Wu Commercial City, Shenzhen from Hong Kong and how close to the train station. Now a few days later, that poor little c girl, still alive but not dead but not die. My colleague said, small a, that is my colleague, friend, still waiting for news of a small c. But it is possible, maybe if lucky, living in a small c will be thrown which corner, but lost her kidney, but, more likely, perhaps a few days or months, years, a small c head and body,10 Common Skin Problems - Qzone log, limbs will be in Shenzhen, urban-rural garbage dump was found. If you see this side of living in terrorist incidents, please tell close female friends and relatives, must take precautions cleaners dressed, because he / she is likely to hit you while you do not pay attention halo, pull into the clean car go, then wait for your living is very scary drawn and quartered
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