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Old 04-02-2011, 07:58 PM   #1
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Default 2008年10月16日

  《qq自由玄想》是一款由《qq玄想》团队原班人马全新制作的一款大型多人收集游戏。《qq自由玄想》 是在《qq玄想》根蒂根基上重新研发设计,将接纳不收费体式格式运营,不交来基本的游戏时长费用,而接收道 具及升值办事付费的标准款式运营。同时《qq自由玄想》在 《qq玄想》根蒂根基上,针对游戏内部实质意义举行了调停和重新设计,使之越发合适新的不收费运营尺度样式 ,同时也增加了部门全新的游戏内部实质意义,合适所有可爱不收费游戏的玩家体验认识,和《qq玄想》一样, 玩家可以施用本身的qq账号作为《qq自由玄想》游戏账号,同时也可以施用不异的q点q币充值付费账户举行 充值消费。
  《qq自由玄想》的公布和经营不会对现有《qq玄想》运营版本产生不论什么影响。《qq玄想》付费版本 的后续运营研发计划将接续准期履行,并将在暑期将颁布新的大型材料片《决战仙域》。为了保护现有《qq玄想 》玩家的利益,现有的所有付费办事器都将不会转为不收费办事器,玩派别据也不会与不收费办事器数值融会,互 转或者发生其它关系,后续所有的《qq自在玄想》将开设的游戏地域范畴均将通过新开设的办事器来实现,两款 游戏产物纯洁彼此自力运营,互不关联,两个办事器的玩家角色亦不会彼此转区或者合并。
  《qq自由玄想》在颠末内部实验阶段然后,将会增加更多的办事器举办公开试验,到时候将会对总和玩家开 放体验认识。未来《qq自由玄想》还将不停研发新的游戏内部本质意思,与《qq玄想》别离成长,以期给更多 玩家供应更富厚的游戏休会认识和更多样的花费抉择。但愿《qq自由玄想》能带来各人更多的快乐,愿各人能在 玄想世界中拥抱自由,放飞胡想!
  该游戏分为五大生业--方士(游戏称ss)、战士(游戏称zs)、剑客(游戏称jk)、刺客(游戏称ck)、药师(游戏称ys)。 其中,方士的邪术进犯无上,血最短,剑客的功势无上,性命值无上,进犯普通,兵士的物理进犯无上,刺客进犯 速率最快,每每怪物还没到面前就已去跟耶稣报道了,药师可以加防加辅,30级以上的药师可以回 生队友。
  qq自由玄想颠末投票,有59%以为可以抛却qq玄想的"飞升体系",qq自由玄想于2008年4月3 日周全公测,其中,上海天都和北京楼兰已起头公测。qq玄想仿照了古代武士杀妖建功的情景,富厚了游戏一族 的生活,可以说别具气焰气势。
  太空之初,世界充盈着模糊一团之气。盘古之神,是当时太空中独一的神,它与太空同形同质,领有着无上的 气力。
  太空颠末了几亿年的静止状态然后,盘古大神用太空间的全数气力,鞭策太空之中的隐约一团之气渐渐滚动起 来。
  这一股模糊一团之气动弹了一万万年然后,逐步疏散出一股清气,另外一股浊气,彼此循环,生 生不息--即为太极拳。太极拳同样在转动了一万万年然后,清气上扬,浊气下沉,造成了六合。
  太极拳就是创世之轮,太极拳的阴阳南边和北边极,分手对应了世界的本体与幻体--彼此既对峙,又同一。太极拳的转动,衍娩出了天,地,泽,火,雷,山,风,水八相。八相作为创 世因子。
  太极拳的转动不仅创造了世界,并且其轮回不息的转动所带来的变化,更是贯穿了全般qq玄想 的历史。
  六合降生然后,盘古大神用清气为神、用浊气化成的泥土为骨,创造了它的一些子平易近,并且付与了他的子 平易近们创造事物的能力。这些个子平易近对于本身的主人盘古大神十分崇拜,自称为"神"。
  众神们用盘古大神付与本身的才能,创造了社会形态上的花草树木,河道山川和飞鸟游鱼。全般世界一片欣欣 向荣的情况。
  随即的三族大战中,翼族险些遭遇没顶之灾,遗留下来的少量翼族逃进山林深处。而龙族则凭借水的优势,与 海洋上的神族斗个难分难舍,最后掀起惊天巨浪,洪水冲毁了神族的防线,monster beats by dr. dre studio headphones,覆没了大地,神族被迫脱离大地,飞到天上寻求避所。
  洪水在九百天撤退去,大地一片狼藉。众神不情愿宁肯掉败,纷纭相商对策,其中有1个仙女名叫女娲氏,在 那场神龙大战中,她与本身的哥哥伏羲躲在1个葫芦里刚回避了洪水的吞噬,她倡议创造出一种更适合战斗的种族 ,作为神的家丁,来帮忙本身抗衡龙族。于是,女娲氏偷偷归回大地,用水为神、泥为骨,仿造本身和哥哥的模样 ,创造了女高低团结男人。
  人族在降生然后,颠末几千年的繁衍生息,数目不停膨胀,并且已已成为了大地上数量最多的1 个种族。
  龙族一直对神族充满敌意,于是新的大战在几千年后复发,这次的战斗,神族在人族的配合之下 ,重创龙族。
  本来,在两次大战中死去的翼族和龙族的怨灵,已结集在水域的上面的天空,试图将所有的怨气化成咒骂,让 大地陷于万劫不复之地!
  就在地动山摇之际,甜睡的盘古大神复苏了过来,他对眼前产生的所有十分震惊,不论怎么,他决不容许不管 什么力量将自身苦心发明的大地扑灭!于是,他凝思拍发一枚开天辟地针,将六合间所有的怨灵佞气封印在了海底 ,大地也随之遏制了惊动。
  盘古大神脱离然后,众神再也不轻易涉足大地,而是将天化成九重,在九天之上,建了1个空中仙岛,取名" 仙山",众神住在岛上,不问世上的事,倒也消遥从容。日子一久,天劫之说也就慢慢被淡忘了。
  而人的总称,则接续在大地上繁衍生息,与天上的神族再无交往,很多人甚或已再也不想的起来本身与神族的 渊源和来历。
  ● 人间八位神仙
  神族本来始终笃守着对盘古大神的许诺,不涉足尘寰,可是直至某日,1个小仙人,终于克制不住好奇心,遛 到人间,四下里游玩了一下,就为人间的事物所吸引。这个小仙人回到仙山岛后,将在人间看见的货色告知了其它 仙人, 结果越来越多的仙人受没完魅惑,暗暗下到尘寰游玩。
  八位神仙,原本是尘寰的八个平凡人,各自生人于富贵位置低下之家,遇到了下界到西岳上修炼的太白金星, 在履历种种患难而后修道成仙,受玉阙搭理召唤,直上九天,在仙山岛上做了快乐安闲的仙人。
  八位神仙日常平凡很少至此,现在一见,果然是气焰恢宏,于是决议乘兴东游,以不雅其景。八位神仙各显神 通,飘洋过海,赏识美妙的风景,paul smith men
  八位神仙一起比试正酣畅的时刻,这时候海面突生巨浪,忽见龙皇太子满面怒色地浮此刻浪峰之上,原来吕洞 宾的宝剑矛头太甚,是以惊到了水下的龙宫。龙皇太子态度骄横,出言不逊,八位神仙不禁大怒,八位神仙中的何 道姑底本貌美,酒后更是柔嫩娇艳,龙皇太子见后,邪意顿生,竟想强抓何道姑回龙宫,八位神仙怒上加怒,再添 上之前的三分酒意,于是与龙皇太子在东海之上大战三天三夜,龙皇太子不敌,身受重伤,退回龙宫 。 这场东海大战,掀起了滔天巨浪,覆没了人间大片的地盘,常人逝世亡受伤无数,此事惊到了九天之上的玉阙。玉 帝召回八位神仙,斥责申斥她们给人间带来灾害,大违神仙的慈善心地,将八位神仙贬回人间,令其渡化凡人、建 功抵销罪过。
  ● 八位神仙遭贬
  八位神仙被谪贬世间后,各自化身为男、女、老、少、富、贵、贫、贱八种人,结下无数善缘,还各自渡化了 良多弟子。
  八位神仙之中,吕洞宾是献身在1个书喷鼻人家,化身为一名学识精深的教书先生,传授这家的蜜斯念书,蜜 斯名叫妙音,不仅模样生患上清丽绝俗,并且心肠十分慈悲,吕洞宾原本就是个多情之人,见到如许的女孩自然倾 倒,于是抛弛禁忌,与妙音睁开了一场缠绵心坎悲苦的仙人之恋。
  忽忽一年从前,眼看责罚之期已满,八位神仙要归回玉阙,吕洞宾虽则万般不舍,可是无奈玉阙之命不可违, 不患上不告别妙音,临行之前,承诺妙音每个月初七都会下界来与她相会。
  八位神仙归回玉阙然后,玉帝和太后为了平息仙界与水界的仇怨,特地宴请龙王和龙母上玉阙做客,一起前来 的另有龙王的女孩子,骄傲的龙女见到玉树临风的吕洞宾,不觉动了情,玉帝太后获悉后,感到正好可以此化解两 界的仇怨,换患上天下太平,于是怅然承诺,要吕洞宾和龙王之女择日结婚。
  吕洞宾本是1个性格旁边人,更况且他早已心有附属,于是当着龙女的面,谢绝了玉帝的指婚,龙王龙母不禁 大怒,恨恨地脱离了玉阙。
  且说龙女遭拒后,又羞又恼满腔怨气无处出气,发现吕洞宾脱离玉阙飘下九天,便偷偷跟在后面,竟意外发现 了他和尘寰之女妙音的约定,于是因妒生恨,归回龙宫后数日不食,想出了一条毒计。
  ● 天崩地裂
  吕洞宾虽则由于拒绝龙女的亲事而受到玉阙的责罚,折损了半百年的功力。可是依然不悔前约,每个月初七下 界与妙音相会。
  洞宾悲忿难当,七仙、誓言要将水族杀患上片甲不留。 这一大战,杀了七天七夜,直杀患上神鬼惊心。
  这次的天劫,不仅彻底损坏了八相之间原本的均衡,并且导致原本已显现裂痕的世界的本体与幻体这次更是彻 底发生了断开!――断开成了原界和幻界两个部分,原本已被攻破均衡的八相,在颠末了九九八10月1日天的激 烈震撼然后,终于形成了新的平衡,并且以新的形态浮此刻了原界和幻界之中。
  ● 六合重开
  六合重开然后,玉阙地点的仙山岛,因为远离陆地,受到的打击较小,算是全保了下来,可是参与大战的众仙 却伤亡惨重,尤其是八位神仙中的韩湘子、蓝采和和曹国舅不知所终,存亡不明。四千五世纪前盘古大神的预言, 让玉帝和太后对八位神仙下界激发的这次大难感应十分害怕和大怒,她们命五仙服下忘生丹,洗清所有影象,然后 褫夺仙籍,贬为凡人。玉帝太后同时申令,严禁天界的仙正月初七后再下界到人间。自此,神族与人族的交往再度 被阻隔了五世纪。
  而阿谁令吕洞宾一怒之下激发六合大难的妙音,在以身祭海然后,被西来的如来佛祖所救,转世 为不雅观世音菩萨。因为她前世与吕洞宾的宿缘给六合带来过大难,以是,不雅世音菩萨发下誓愿,从此再也不重 拾人社会状态上的情爱。
  五世纪过去了,水魔珠的气力已变患上越来越强大,受到它的感应,再加之钩年逃逸出来的怨灵佞气,要患上 不论是在天上仍是在人间,都浮现了各类各样的妖邪和怪物。
  面临着即将到来的应劫之期,jordan shoes pics,神族中的智者--太白金星忧心忡忡,他算出八位神仙恰是找出应劫者、化解这场劫运的关键,于是奏明玉帝,但愿可以容或重开天 上人间的通道,寻找流浪人间的五仙和掉踪的三仙,联合八位神仙的气力找出应劫者,抑止水魔珠毁天灭地。于是 ,天上人间的来往,在阻隔了五世纪然后从新开明。
  在昆仑山北的尖峰之上,生长着寰球最古老的古迹之树,人称原始古迹之树。相传原始古迹之树是盘古大神开 天的斧柄所化,高八百丈,广三千里,一木即为丛林,它的根系直落鬼域,领有贯串六合的灵力。是以,当六合间 的第一轮太阳光凝射到古迹丛林时,便在树顶上、树梢间,地面上,降生了许多欢腾着、跃动着的羽 人。
  羽族是由被古迹之树禁锢的清气所化,天生双翼,乖巧而软弱。白天,她们睁开双翼,面向太阳光,接收古迹 之树的灵力。当全身灵力丰满,她们就可能脱离大树,自由的在空中游玩飞翔;夜里,当灵力耗尽,她们收起双翼 ,回到古迹丛林,在夜色中沉甜睡去。
  云云安静的过了一百万年后,神族创造的飞鸟游鱼、蛇虫体大而性格凶悍的哺侵入了古迹丛林,羽人的身健康 水平单薄,没有办法正面招架袭击骚扰,被迫搬到了古迹之树上生活。就在与这些个外来物种的奋斗中,羽人训练 练习出两项奇特的本领。
  羽人对古迹之树越来越相识、意识,她们不仅接受古迹之树的灵力,并且学会了领导古迹之树的成长,可以让 古迹之树缓缓按她们但愿的样子容貌成长成房间、街道、互市的城镇等等,最终构成一座活的古堡。
  部门身板稍为强健的羽人,在与外来物种的斗中中,逐渐贯通了一种秘术:灵力灌注。领有这类秘术的羽人, 可以在日常平凡吸收灵力时,将部门灵力注入灵力石,以备夜里或其它太阳光幽微的日子施用。凭借这类秘术,羽 族形成了最先的专门从事战斗贵族--战羽。
  凭借这两项本事,羽族度过了最初的危机,繁殖开来。慢慢的,古迹丛林的生长速率已追不上种族繁衍的速率 ,羽族被迫飞出古迹丛林,在新的地点种下古迹之树的小树苗。世纪然后,新的古迹之树就长成了,部门羽平易近 就迁徙过去。云云来去,羽族的领地很快昆仑北扩大到了楼兰东,并以古迹之树为城,成破了蓬松城邦联盟的羽王 国,隐隐然有超越神龙二族之势。
  羽族的扩大和一贯自视为真神嫡派相传后裔的神族产生了锐利抵触。神族果断的认为本身是社会形态上万物的 唯一创造者和统治者,底子不屑理睬羽族的来历和生活癖性,派使节前往羽王国,大声命令羽人不患上在楼兰以东 莳植新的古迹之树,并要征调10万精锐的战羽跨越横波海,为她们在大陆与龙族的琉璃岛之间建起浮桥,利便神 族巡幸四海,弹压龙族。此等无理的请求当然受到了羽国王的决然毅然拒绝,并导致了龙族的不满意,大战一触即 发,两边都在暗暗防范着。
  但要跟神族作战,岂论羽族还是龙族,都没有相对驾驭。羽族虽则人次浩繁,但除开八各人族的战羽,大部门 羽平易近都只能在怪僻迹之树不远的距离航行,并且没有方法长期,一旦灵力耗尽,降落在原野的广大把土地整平 ,战斗力会急速降落;而龙族一旦脱离深水,也没有办法阐扬威力。为此羽族和龙族达成盟议:一旦和神族开火, 羽族卖力封闭天际,将神族赶向海边;龙族卖命掀起巨浪,将神族一举覆灭。获胜后龙羽二族以旷古草原为界,等 分大陆。
  盘古开天二千五一百万年后,三族的决战终于发生,羽族、风、翼、雷、电八各人族的精锐倾巢而出,以兵贵 神速之势将神族宰割成昆仑、瑶池、灵台几部,并举国高飞,在空中以密不通风的羽箭阵,将神族公共慢慢压向横 波海边。三日后,筋疲力竭的羽族终于将神族赶赴了海边,但商定的龙族却没有准期到来。神族乘隙回击,而羽族 由于史前怪迹之树,灵力耗费患上不到有用增补,在这一刻终成强弩之末,纷纷从空中掉了下来。落在地面的羽族 ,虽则人多势众,却底子没有办法结成有用的步地,苦战半日,终于一溃千里。就在此时,龙族发动了进犯,滔天 巨浪从两军阵后劈空而来,不仅吞噬了绝地还击的神族,也囊括了所有勾留在地面苦苦挣扎的羽族,一刹时就将大 陆变成了一片汪洋,仅余下昆仑北的古迹丛林等几片较高的山地,red supra,孤独单的耸立在那里,供那一些幸免于难的羽族降落。本来打算多端的龙王,压根就不想跟羽族等分大陆,他但 愿其它两族同归于尽然后,再坐收渔翁之利。正由于云云,部门法力高强的神族,总患上于在洪水到临前,逃出了 羽箭阵,幸存了下来。
  洪水然后,神族已无力再在地面同龙族对抗,于是退居玉阙。而羽族则城邦尽毁,精英损掉净尽,为了避免神 龙二族斩尽杀绝,羽族交出了八各人族的幸存者,做为对动员战斗的处分,其余的羽人退回古迹丛林的最深处,在 四周布成结界,严禁不论什么事物出入,包孕太阳光,羽族特此封锁。
  九百天后,洪水退尽,人族降生,而关闭中的羽族一无所知。濒临于灭族的残痛掉败,和最后时辰对八各人族 的背弃,使一贯狷介自卑的羽人不措施面临来自心坎的自责,内哄四起,王国陷于分裂。
  直至某日,天涯儿传来巨响,地动山摇,结界决裂了,原始古迹古树高涨而起,携带总和羽人落到了1个小岛 ,这就是---幻翼域。
  结界的分裂,使羽人重新接触了外界久违的天际与大地,勾起了她们对昔日翱翔天际的回想,但此时,羽许多 人才受惊的发现:虽则每小我私家都背负一对党羽,但全族居然没有一小我私人会翱翔!没有人懂患上怎么汲取灵 力,没有人懂患上怎么灌输灵力,甚或没有人能感应古迹之树的灵力--久长的禁闭,使本来很多羽人引认为傲的技能掉传了!
  影象如同泄洪的阀门,一点儿点翻开,积淀在羽人心中千年的苦楚就愈发明晰难受,风、翼、雷 、电 这些个高尚的被抛弃的亲族在哪儿?追风、隐月,这些个外族大惊失色的战羽精锐在哪儿?楼兰、天都,这些个山 川灵活奇丽的羽城又在哪儿呢?千年的韶光或允许以含混羽人对神龙二族的冤仇,但对本身前世的明白追述,是生 涯在世界上不论什么1个种族所必须具备的勇气和传授继续的基石!每念及此,每个幸存下来的羽人都痛彻心扉, 也更武断了她们在幻翼域恢复昔日种族荣光的信心!
  没有城,就依靠原始古迹之树建成比翼城;不会飞,她们就用脚踏遍了全般幻翼域;没有战羽,她们就选出最 强壮的羽平易近,形成战羽营;没有亲族,她们就重新给本身定名为风、翼、雷、电……
  只是,这复苏太迟太迟了。500年后,来自人的总称的飞空艇终于乐成下降在了比翼城,羽族人终于有时候 机开脱这多少千年的禁锢。
  但望着那一些形状丑恶的飞空艇,羽族人不禁仰天浩叹:那蔚蓝漂亮的天际,那自由爽气,难道真的要与羽族 绝缘了吗?极其崇高的盘古大仙,莫非真的已把咱们这群懦弱而崇高的生灵遗忘了吗?
  【游戏气焰魄力】游戏给人以豪放磅礴、大气的感觉,是一款不可多患上的好游戏。轻松愉悦的游戏环境,让 浩繁玩家解放双手,释放前脑,轻松游戏,不在为了枯燥的进级过程而烦恼,qq自由玄想为你创造了如许1个安 静的环境,让你事件生活两不误。
  名目 最低配置 推举配置
  cpu piii800mhz piii 1gmhz或更高
  内存 128m 256m或更高
  显卡 geforce2(显存16m) geforce2(显存32m)或更高
  声卡 支撑direct sound的声卡 支持direct sound的声卡
  操作体系 windows98/2000/xp windows98/2000/xp
  碧野岭: 夭夭,磷火,黄蜂
  下古岳广大把土地整平: 大蜗牛怪, 绿蛙兵,地藏小妖.
  芳草林东: 起旱鸟,雷电鼠,小黑狗
  听溪走廊:食人花,鞘翅目,蚯蚓. 龙城东郊:灯怪,狐妖,蛾蛹怪.
  寻仙道:大蜗牛怪, 狐妖,地藏小妖.
  西岳脚: 大蜗牛怪,碧蛇,山狼
  一叶岭: 大蜗牛怪, 地藏小妖, 蛾蛹怪
  阳泉广大把土地整平左: 食人花,鞘翅目,蚯蚓.
  阳泉广大把土地整平右: 猫妖,野猴,小野猪
  阳泉广大把土地整平上: 食人花,鞘翅目,蚯蚓.
  碧野岭: 夭夭,磷火,黄蜂
  上古岳广大把土地整平: 夭夭,木实人,绿蛙兵.
  下古岳广大把土地整平: 大蜗牛怪, 绿蛙兵,地藏小妖.
  飞鹤台: 大蜗牛怪, 狐妖,地藏小妖.
  快乐陶陶洞(阳泉广大把土地整平右):小小木箱怪,小小傀儡怪,构造兔.芳草林:粉粉兔2 (兔毛 75t),绒绒兔4(兔毛 75t)
  芳草林西:起旱鸟13(起旱鸟嘴),雷电鼠(松鼠果),小黑狗16(小狗牙 [60t])
  芳草林东: 起旱鸟13(起旱鸟嘴),雷电鼠8(松鼠果),小黑狗16(小狗牙 [60t])
  桃源:小夭夭20(初生的桃叶 106t),野猴25(猴皮 120t[150t]),小食人花29(花瓣).
  小桃源:小夭夭20(初生的桃叶 106t),野猴25(猴皮 120t[150t]),小食人花29(花瓣).
  源源洞:尖嘴鼠58(耗子尾巴 191t),胖虫蛹44(粘稠的蛹丝 165t),小虱子69(碎石 203t)
  龙城北郊:桃树妖58(桃叶 [950t]),白兔(明净的兔毛),火鸟蛋49(蛋壳)
  缘溪走廊:食人花38(带牙的花瓣),鞘翅目41(硬壳 [720t]),蚯蚓44(泥块{墨石 [250t] 翠石 [400t]}).
  听溪走廊:食人花38(带牙的花瓣),鞘翅目41(硬壳 [720t]),蚯蚓44(泥块{墨石 [250t] 翠石 [400t]}).
  龙城东郊:灯怪113(灯芯 246t),狐妖151(火灵珠 261t),蛾蛹怪131(蛾蛹粘稠液体 259t).
  寻仙道:大蜗牛怪201(大蜗牛壳 288t), 狐妖151(火灵珠 261t),地藏小妖175(地藏珠 275t).
  西岳脚: 大蜗牛怪201(大蜗牛壳 288t),碧蛇221(蛇胆),山狼259(狼皮)
  一叶岭: 大蜗牛怪201(大蜗牛壳 288t), 地藏小妖175(地藏珠 275t), 蛾蛹怪131(蛾蛹粘稠液体 259t).
  吟松谷:小蜗牛怪2(蜗牛壳[60t]),绒绒兔4(兔毛 75t)
  吟松谷西:蝴蝶8(蝴蝶党羽 [50t]),小黑狗16(小狗牙 [60t]),起旱鸟13(起旱鸟嘴)
  吟松谷东:蝴蝶8(蝴蝶党羽 [50t]),小黑狗16(小狗牙 [60t]),起旱鸟13(起旱鸟嘴)
  阳泉广大把土地整平左: 食人花38(带牙的花瓣),鞘翅目41(硬壳 [720t]),蚯蚓44(泥块{墨石 [250t] 翠石 [400t]}).
  阳泉广大把土地整平中:猫妖20(猫爪),野猴25(猴皮 120t[150t]),小野猪(野猪牙)
  阳泉广大把土地整平右: 猫妖20(猫爪),野猴25(猴皮 120t[150t]),小野猪(野猪牙)
  阳泉广大把土地整平上: 食人花38(带牙的花瓣),鞘翅目41(硬壳 [720t]),蚯蚓44(泥块).
  龙城西郊:夭夭113(绿颜色桃叶 246t),磷火82(磷火 216t),海龟69(乌龟壳 203t).
  木实人96(木实整机 226t).
  碧野岭: 夭夭113(绿色彩桃叶 246t),磷火82(磷火 216t),黄蜂69(黄蜂刺)
  上古岳广大把土地整平: 夭夭113(绿色彩桃叶 246t),木实人96(木实零件 226t),绿蛙兵131(蛙皮 259t[400t]).
  仙踪丛林:黄蜂69(黄蜂刺),赤蛇,大蜗牛怪201(大蜗牛壳 288t),碧蛇221(蛇胆 301t).
  下古岳广大把土地整平: 大蜗牛怪201(大蜗牛壳 288t), 绿蛙兵131(蛙皮 259t[400t]),
  地藏小妖175(地藏珠 275t).
  飞鹤台: 大蜗牛怪201(大蜗牛壳 288t), 狐妖151(火灵珠 261t),地藏小妖175(地藏珠 275t) .
  快活陶陶洞(阳泉广大把土地整平右):小小木箱怪44(小齿轮 165t),小小傀儡怪69(傀儡线 203t),
  结构兔58(驱动齿轮 191t).
  西岳北麓:小虎怪292(老皋比 334t),山狼259(狼皮 320t),碧蛇221(蛇胆 301t).
  西岳南麓:小虎怪292(老皋比 334t),山狼259(狼皮 320t),碧蛇221(蛇胆 301t).
  华山地宫1层:虫蛹406(蛹丝 410t)
  ◢ 宠物前缀声名
  宠物分为平常、野蛮、智灵、追风、荒原、再生五种。 平凡的:平凡宠物,无属性优劣 蛮横的:力量属性增增强于其它宠物
  (每升一级,气力增加值比平凡 1),智力属性增加弱于其它宠物(每升一级,智慧增加值比平凡-1) 智灵的:智力属性增加强于其它宠物
  (每升一级,智慧增加值比平凡 1),气力属性增加弱于其它宠物(每升一级,气力增长值比平凡-1) 追风的:火速属性增加强于其它宠物
  (每升一级,火速增加值比平凡 1),身体的力量属性增加弱于其它宠物(每升一级,身体的力量增加值比平凡-1) 荒源的:身体的力量属性增加强于其它宠物
  (每升一级,身材的气力增加值比平凡 1),火速属性增加弱于其它宠物(每升一级,火速增加值比平凡-1) 再生的:每次进级后可分内患上到两点自由调配属性 出格申明:带前缀宠物每升一级,总有1个属性增加值高于平凡宠物,1个属性增加值低于平凡宠物(若宠物该属 性增加值为0,则前缀宠物也为0,不会浮现负值)
  ◢ 宠物技能分为生活技能和战斗技能
  1生活技能:宠物生活技能作为一种先天,在被捕捉或进级的时辰,会按照肯定是概率自动获取 。
  a .宠物生活主动技能:收集,坐骑,灵通
  b. 宠物生活不自动技能:逃逸,虔诚,愚蠢,饥渴的学子,超过凡人的力气
  患上到路子一:捕捉 在宠物被捕捉的时辰,会按照肯定是概率自动获取护主、刚力、轰隆 战斗技能。
  患上到门路二:升级 宠物从 1 级开端,进级的时辰,会按照肯定是概率主动获取 护主、刚力、轰隆 战斗技能。宠物 30 级以上,进级的时辰,会依照肯定是概率自动获取 钢铁、石盾、蛮劲、灵悟、魔甲、厚皮、驱毒、阳春、活筋、解封、祛病、醒脑。
  患上到路子三:培养 可以在神奇货架上采办二星许诺石,施用后可以rand患上到宠物技能丸,施用技能丸后可以晋升宠物贯通技能 的概率。 29级以上,宠物每级可以喂养1颗晋升类道具,宠物未进级时,最后吃下的晋升类道具备用。
  举个例子来讲:玩家给30级苍狼皇前后喂养3颗厚皮丸、1颗魔甲丸、1颗蛮劲丸,当苍狼皇升到31级时 ,增大对蛮劲战斗技能的贯通概率.然后,苍狼皇31级,前后喂养1颗魔甲丸、3颗厚皮丸;苍狼皇升到32级 时,增大对厚皮战斗技能的贯通概率(只增添1颗厚皮丸概率)
  ◢ 宠物可贯通战役技巧
  1.草食类 宠物可以贯通邪术类技能可是不克不迭贯通物理进犯类技能 (可以贯通轰隆,不可以贯通刚力)
  2.以肉类为食类 不可以贯通邪术类技能 ,可是能贯通物理侵犯类技能 (可以贯通刚力,不可以贯通轰隆)
  3.杂食类 加强进犯类的技能都不克不及贯通
  ◢ 宠物设备系统
  宠物设备包孕身板、头部、饰品、和特别四种,差别吃食习惯的宠物都有差别特点的设备,衣着上衣备后,宠 物属性会有泼天的提升哦!
  ◢宠物捉拿:所有的宠物都要在昆仑界捕获,你能够通过各主城的npc"昆仑捍卫"步入昆仑 界捕获宠物
  捕捉操作:选中想捕捉的宠物,然后对其施用捕捉东西便可,刚捕捉的宠物为未孵育的"魂之精"状况,会被 放置在专门的宠物栏内。
  老君壶:用于捕获21~30级的中级怪物(不包含可骑宠物对应的原型怪物)。在宠物商贾处采办,或者通 过中级怪物掉捞患上到。
  玉净瓶:用于捕捉31~50级的高级怪物(不包孕可骑宠物对应的原型怪物)。通过中级、中高级怪物掉捞 患上到。
  捆仙索:用于捕捉可贯通"坐骑"技能的怪物(不包孕特殊宠物对应的原型怪物)。通过高级怪物、boss 掉捞患上到。
  1) 个别来讲,越高等的宠物越难捕捉。
  2) 带有前缀名的极品宠物捕捉乐成率较低。
  3) 怪物时下血量越少,距离怪物越近,捕获乐成率越高。
  宠物名 玩家等级 玩家声望值 捕捉道具
  海龟 10 10 捕兽夹
  夭夭 10 10 捕兽夹
  磷火 10 10 捕兽夹
  大蜗牛怪 20 60 老君壶
  山狼 20 60 老君壶
  地藏小妖 20 60 老君壶
  木制小飞兔 20 60 老君壶
  雪女 30 200 玉净瓶 风精灵 30 200 玉净瓶
  独角兽 35 200 捆仙索
  苍狼皇 35 300 捆仙索
  海月水母球 40 350 玉净瓶
  戈壁幻蝶 50 400 六合绫
  火鸟 50 450 捆仙索
  大闸蟹 50 450 捆仙索
  毒蜘蛛 50 450 捆仙索
  地翼魔 60 600 捆仙索
  干尸守卫 60 600
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Old 04-02-2011, 08:47 PM   #2
Second Lieutenant
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 366
hae2ni7shuo is on a distinguished road

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Daquan: 2525 recipe (do not let my wife learn to cook recipes to find that a) [2]

Spicy Fish (Graphic)

mild, mostly fragrant. Old is also not much to eat steamed mean, to buy fish, remove the meat, fish bones for the rest of the fish head soup, one fish two to eat, good.

a live fish, cuts clean, take both sides of the meat, cut butterfly pieces, marinate with seasoning for 30 minutes.

hot oil cooked.

pot and saute the garlic over a little oil.

then dried chili peppers and ginger until fragrant, add a little water, soy sauce, sugar to boil.

place wrapped fish soup, pour vinegar, hook thin qian, sprinkle with onion, turning spoon pan.

spicy, crispy, slightly sweet and sour fish to do a good job!

waffles super simple and easy to do from the beginning

mouth to eat, but also not take half an hour, fast and simple ~~~~~~

ingredients: flour, 150g, 2 eggs, salt amount, water amount (about 300ml), oil 20g,? take appropriate

the egg, salt , oil, water, salt and melted together to beat, slowly add the flour mix, flour, a lump on the pressure with the spoon, the last increase? spend no dough to the mix. Wake up a few minutes.

open in the fire, with a flat non-stick pan, pour a little oil, to batter down the middle to go down to the batter spread to the surrounding irregular, proved too much batter thick, and in the batter with water.

dilute the batter after a very even fallen to four weeks away, shaking pan batter quickly flow.

see the batter and shake the pan surface changes color when the batter has been fixed, you can turn it over to fry, and (best to use? way upside down, the one not hot, and secondly, training Shoujin)

turn it over to cover the pot, you can not be built. Well ... ... eat! Add cup of black coffee!

caramelized bananas (graphic)

material ultra-simple: bananas 4, flour 50g, 75g cornflour, 1 egg, water, sugar 250 grams, oil

banana cut, the flour, eggs, coupled with the right amount of water, mix well. Pot with lots of oil, fried bananas. The banana surface, like savory fried to crunchy. I once put up a few, and finally all the bananas back to a skillet, as far as possible all the surfaces are hard.

pot add a little oil, add sugar, stir constantly over medium heat, you will see from the dolphin to the sugar melts gradually, and then quickly from white to light yellow to deep yellow and then to light brown. This time we can pour the banana and stir to sleep bananas are wrapped in old sugar.

caramelized banana caramel crispy outside, soft inside waxy waxy, very good. Fly in the ointment and banana flour a little bit outside of the package softened to do after the batter to adjust the formula.

winter tonic soup and mutton (graphic)

bought a leg of lamb last night, what white goat, together with skin stew.

raw materials: a leg of lamb, cut into pieces, called the butcher cut the best bit chunks. Two potatoes, a green radish, carrots, two, light blue part of it, a piece of butter, pepper amount.

preferably whole white pepper stew, I did not buy, only a pan, add pepper.

leg of lamb into the soup over water fishing praise, add the right amount of water,团购网站大全, add pepper to taste (afraid to eat pepper can be wrapped with gauze), pepper can be good to go In addition to the smell of mutton, the fire heating.

lamb stew side, while other materials will be handled. Onion cut into sections, ginger cut large Paisui, potatoes, carrot chunks to Pi Houqie.

minced ginger is the best shot, so that can burn out ginger, ginger juice will absorb the spicy soup that taste good and keep warm.

materials are added to the soup all the praise, the fire to boil, to bubble, turn the small fire to burn slowly, at least 1 hour or more.

after the pan with salt and white pepper can be discretionary, but also have coriander!

can now drink! !

pine corn (illustration)

success for

necessary ingredients:

a bowl of sweet corn, pine nuts in a small bowl, pepper (small) one carrot (small) one, shallot one.

Seasoning: salt, half tsp.


1, the pepper, carrot, green onion cut all of the small size of corn kernels.

2, first of all pine nuts off the oil. This step to be more careful! ! Because Song Rente easy to paste! ! ! !

oil pan until the oil temperature 3 into the heat, put pine nuts into the pot, to keep a small fire, eyes wide open, while stirring and as soon as look at white pine nuts a little bit color, it is necessary to quickly remove and drain. Thus, use of residual heat, pine nuts can Zhashu, Krusty the change.

I was good with fried before the pine nuts, so there is no process map, and this step is too tight can not attend to take photographs.

3, the other from a pot, add base oil, while under the green onion and carrots stir-fried, stir, add peppers, fragrant, stir fry a few, you can add sweet corn kernels stir fry, and to cooked, add a half teaspoon of salt, dish pan.

fried corn!

4, to prepare a good pine nuts, pour into dish, mix well, to be open to eat)

Intimate Tip:

1, peppers, carrots, here is mainly from the role of color, pick a smaller one so basically it.

2, this dish though they do not add a little sugar, but sweet corn kernels and pine nuts of the reason, basically sweet flavor. But the plus half the normal cooking with salt or even 1 / 3, you can make this dish taste more fresh.

3, the reason why the pine nut mix in the final disk, you can better maintain its crispy taste spicy shrimp (Photos)

number of sea shrimp, back to open side.

main ingredient chili, pepper and some ginger, garlic slices, onion shredded pepper foam a few, have a piece of foam ginger slices.

pot into the oil, remember to little more than usual amount of meat dishes as fried oil and more oil to double it big fire hot, pour in shrimp.

fry for a while, add dried chili peppers and pepper, stir fry, heat the oil to taste the spicy and the Commission are \

a spicy and hemp taste, add ginger and garlic slices, pickled, hot ginger (do not put onions first)

Stir ginger and garlic flavor, add soy sauce, white sugar right amount, a little wine when going to pot, add onion, stir add salt.

a clean wok.

old jar of chicken legs (Figure)

remember a few years ago my mother came to Shenzhen, my home for dinner, served a look at Han did not put a white sauce of the chicken feet, and my heart whispered straight, like a white water boiled chicken feet, it dipped spices, spices can be found it was not any bowl, clip a bite, ah, how so refreshing, her mother said with a smile, is to use old pickle jars, blisters, ah! No wonder it this good, I like it, my mother see me so like, they often do, the fridge, I love watching TV while eating, really happy days ah ... ... ...

approach: Wash chicken legs, release the water pot no more than ten minutes, using chopsticks can penetrate the can, and picked up a cold water, put crisper, the scoop into the old jars of kimchi in water, swamp chicken legs, by the way fishing for a few pickled pepper, celery slices and then cut a hot point, after two hours in the fridge you can eat.

Note: Do not cook chicken legs a long time, gum out, and on into the skin froze.

burning two winter oyster (Figure)

raw materials: mushrooms 50 grams (dry), bamboo shoots 150 grams.

accessories: 1 tablespoon oyster sauce, onion amount, 1 tsp soy sauce, salt, sugar, MSG, water, starch, sesame oil the right amount.


1. dried mushrooms clean, bubble, change the knife into the 2,3 per block, the water soaked mushrooms retained.

2. bamboo shoots, cut hob, boiled, remove and control water.

3. oil hot, add mushrooms and bamboo shoots, onion, burst bit, add oyster sauce, soy sauce, salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, and a little bubble of water mushroom, a small fire to braise for 5 minutes.

4. soup is fragrant, the water thickening starch hook thin, Drizzle sesame oil, stir well then.


characteristics of mushrooms is a prime, fresh, fragrant, but some people do not like the aroma of mushrooms, but it is that Hong to bamboo shoots aftertaste. Note that with savory and sweet, we do to try it .....

Pickle Loach (graphic)

Starring play!

Loach (water raised to the first two days of the abdomen, the water a few drops of oil). Pickle, wild salamanders, fermented glutinous rice, ginger and garlic.


1, Pickle salamanders mince ginger and garlic,

2, put the oil pan saute the material 1

3, stir-fry the next moment Loach

4, pour a little hot water salamanders, cooking wine

5, put fermented glutinous rice

burning four or five minutes after the season, not long-burning, loach easily rotten, I burn for a little more.

loach fresh, Pickle Sauvignon, typical Sichuan dishes, said to have beauty beauty (what is now the United States should add beauty?)

then introduce a practice of the kids or the elderly, tofu, soy milk Loach

oil heat, after a little ginger and garlic until fragrant oil Under the loach fry, mixed with soy milk, tofu, cooked, add to boiling. Physical fitness for children and frail elderly people.

farm fish (graphic)

condiments are as follows:

shallot, ginger, garlic, parsley, Pixian watercress, mustard, pepper, Pickle, pickled ginger if we can make it more perfect, and Oh, the flavor of broiled fish, especially farmers, in the absence of more than pickled ginger, and soak in the flavor.


first fried fish, a lot of people are afraid of this link, because it is easy to be thrown into the hot oil, let the fish stick pan, fry skin broken out, in fact, as long as the preparation well, they would not have happened, the first fish to be hanging about after a good washing water vapor, and then fish with kitchen paper to drain the water

another pan fried fish must be washed, dried before firing into the pot, let cool a little flame, the use of ginger rub the pan and let the pot with a layer of ginger, then pour the oil fire, oil hot, the fire reduced, not too large, this time down to the fish, slowly fried on it.

other fish fry to golden brown on both sides, you can serve.

they going to pot another oil, pepper, hot ginger, pickled, mustard, stir Pixian soybean paste pot, and then under the soy sauce, vinegar, rice wine, adjust seasoning of sugar water under the fish stew, the next onion and garlic.

so quickly dries up when the next juice parsley, pot!

success! It looks good!

spicy broth (Figure)

Chongqing, the pig intestine called broth, greasy sound, there are many practices, such as stewed, stew , dry stir and so on, which I think to the number of \and spicy pepper taste delicious, but also remove the smell of the large intestine, eating up a Ma and spicy, very tasty, eat a bowl every time ~ ~ ~

talk about practice By the way I approach the large intestine to wash, wash it very clean!


1, pig intestine 500g

2, dried chilli 100g (adjust according to personal taste)

3, pepper 20g (based on personal appropriate adjustments to taste)

4, ginger, garlic little

5, cooking wine, salt, soy sauce, sugar, chicken amount


1, will be bought pig intestine wash;

By the way, the method of cleaning the large intestine: large intestine will be bought back into some flour into the pot to the (slightly more put a little) and salt, a bottle of beer, rub back and forth, until the dirt on the large intestine into the tank after the wash, rinse with flowing water for the large intestine, large intestine on the flour until the clean up. Then turn on the water to the pot and put it into the large intestine wash, then add cooking wine, ginger (purpose is to remove the smell of the large intestine) boil (that is, the meaning of flying water), remove the large intestine;

2, re-turn on the water pot, add ginger wine, and then put the large intestine, such as pot, cook the colon and cut small pieces of soft cold standby (Figure 1);

3, dried pepper from cut into two sections of the middle cut, add pepper spare (Figure 2);

4, the pot of oil until the oil temperature into the colon six hot, put some salt, turn the fire slowly The stir-dry moisture to dry and then drained some of the large intestine out of Yau Shing standby (Figure 3,4);

5, the ginger and garlic pieces into the pan just duplicating the incense into the ready pepper and pepper, stir fry over medium heat until peppers turn a little into the previous color after dishing out the colon continue to stir fry for a moment, into the cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, chicken stir fry for a while and then continued to pepper into the dark red after a transfer to a plate off Huosheng (Figure 5,6)!

from pickled salted egg (Photos)

First, choose coarse salt (fine salt also, if not coarse salt well)

boiling salt water, according to quantity of water to your eggs, the weight, until the salt is saturated so far (salt is no longer soluble in water), or line.

brine cool to be put eggs (duck eggs also, personal favorite) If you love to eat Zhang eye (that is, out of the salted egg yolk salted black, protein is white) can be a hot salt water to lay eggs, then dip pickled fifteen days, do not flip the egg.

this is a half months after my salty pickled eggs, take the food, the salt water can still go on to pickled eggs came alive again.

we look at it, a lot of egg yolk oil Oh, my yellow egg yolk, egg yolk if you want red salt in the boiling water with a red tea leaves when boiled with salt, egg yolk will red, and like to eat salted egg try!

bacon rice paper (Photos)

open blisters rice, more than an hour after the release of steam steam inside the pot for 15-20 minutes

cut bacon onions, and lettuce, lettuce must maintain the integrity of

the lettuce a little hot, hot soft

fried bacon, put the steamed glutinous rice, soy sauce chicken with raw salt (a little) cooking wine, stir, add onions out

pan fry it!

take half a slice of cooked lettuce leaves, a good amount of fried rice

wrapped like

steamed about 3,4 minutes

soft coconut loose ball (Diagram )


butter 100 grams, 130 grams powdered sugar (I use only 90 grams, enough for flavor), milk 40 grams , egg yolk 80 grams, 20 grams of milk powder, coconut 270 grams.


1, butter, powdered sugar together and mix;

2, Gradually add egg yolk, mix well;

3, Gradually add milk, stir well;

4, add coconut, milk powder and mix well (my pot is relatively small, so I also add in the points.)

to knead small group Banhao coconut pellets (the whole production process on a number of this step is the most accurate, and good oil well sticky yo, only tolerance, Coconut relatively loose group, using disposable gloves or plastic bags not to do), the small pellets be placed in the baking dish into the preheated oven. Up and down the fire of 120 degrees (I feel a little low, the temperature may be below standard household oven, so I used 140 degrees) baked to golden brown like the small pellets, and I spent 35 more minutes!

delicious yo, taste soft, full flavor! Authentic material from the household, meaning to eat than before, stronger and more profitable! Difference is obvious.

done such a box less than I expected, but also can eat for days!

mouth fragrant taste of ribs (Photos)

cola ribs

material: ribs 600 grams, 2 cans of Coke , ginger, onion, star anise, soy sauce, salt.


1. Wash and cut the ribs inch shape, and then fly water retention;

2. with peanut oil saute ginger (3), then add pork stir-fried;

3. and then a good fried pork ribs into the cooker, add a small amount of star anise and soy sauce, salt, cola;

4. with the fire burning to the sauce like, when you put a small amount of onion stage.

steamed pork ribs with garlic plum

materials: 600 grams of pork row, ginger, green onion, garlic, corn starch, Plum 5, pepper, sugar, rice wine.


1. Wash the ribs Zhancheng small drain the water retention;

2. add the right amount of salt, rice wine, pepper and marinate for 15 minutes, Black Plum with the clutch a little bit to cut, add sugar, garlic mix well sugar dissolves, pour ribs, add the dry starch and then mix;

3. the ribs tile in the plate on the water to boil, put the steaming over high heat 8 to 10 minutes until cooked;

4. and serve sprinkled point when the green onion, 1 tablespoon hot oil can be poured.

salt and pepper ribs

materials: 750 grams of pork ribs, onion, ginger, red pepper at the end, the end of green pepper, 2 eggs, black pepper, MSG , Hua Diao wine, salt and pepper.


1. the pig-shaped ribs, cut into small pieces (5 cm) washed, and ribs with a cloth to dry the water retention;

2. and then for curing, salt, black pepper, MSG, Hua Diao wine, ginger marinated 15 minutes;

3. the oil in the firing process, the main ingredient prepared an egg batter, stir it with a small spoon uniform;

4. the marinated pork ribs evenly coated in egg batter into the boiling oil, deep fry golden shortening picked up on the plate;

5. Jia Ruqie good red Law at the end, light blue end of green pepper at the end and after an appropriate amount of salt and pepper saute slightly and evenly sprinkled on the ribs, then this dish even do a good job.

�� steamed pork ribs at home when there is no steamer is available if the bowl instead of directly into the pot of water mixed, half flooded to the bowl can be high. When steamed or else add a little water to the pot when, so that the water has boiled away. Remember to add boiling water, or hot and cold, bowls easy to explode.

�� Salt and pepper pork ribs with a layer of custard outside, so the pot, the pot of sauce will thicken immediately, this time to stop to prevent the stick fry pan. Juice must be received dried, when the bottom of the pot are basically oil, between the ribs in the ribs will pull a separate thread of sugar, the juice collected almost the same. Confiscated juice will seriously affect the finished product dry gloss and texture

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