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Old 03-30-2011, 10:49 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 559
mill90771 is on a distinguished road
Default 原市纪委书记狱中忏悔 情人是套上脖子的猎物夹

  《法制周报》记者 蒋伟

  “我以自己的罪行和血的教训,告诫别人不要贪,不能贪,警示那些至今仍在做着发财梦的大小领导干部,告 诉他们腐败之路是死亡之路,是走不通的,不要走!”――曾锦春的狱中忏悔



  曾:我以前犯了罪,现在受惩罚是应该的,谁叫我犯罪呢?不管怎么处罚我,我都没有怨言,这是我应该受到 的处罚。

  我反思自己为什么会走上犯罪的道路,想通了,还是自己的世界观、人生观、价值观有问题,沦为了金钱的奴 隶。以前的想法是:人活在世上一辈子只有这么久,要搞什么呢?搞些钱,有了钱好办事。我的小儿子需要钱,亲 戚也需要帮助。以前下乡看到名人留下的古迹,我想将来自己也要留下点什么才好,于是,帮我和妻子的老家搞点 建设,让村里人也给我竖个碑,让后人铭记。

  有了这些想法,我就去搞钱,主要是搞矿产开发,所有的钱都投在了矿山里。我早先在临武花塘乡当党委书记 时带领大家放炮开矿,尝到了甜头,后来当了临武县县委书记,因为当官不能直接参与开矿,但我想开矿搞点钱, 将来有钱养老,我小儿子、兄弟姐妹、亲戚朋友都没有钱。

  所以,我现在经常回想,在位时工资那么高,社保、医保都有,比起那些农民、下岗职工,还不够、不满足吗 ?亲戚朋友那么多,你管了这个没管那个;村里建设新农村,最终还是要靠党和政府;想留名,做官也不需要留名 。



  《法制周报》:贪婪是人性的最大弱点,金钱和权力固然诱人,但金钱和权力本身却潜伏着毁灭和危险的种子 。走到今天,你心里有什么感触?

  曾:今年(2008年)中秋我跟儿子见面,只讲了3句话,第一句:这个地方不能来,不能再来。第二句: 不义之财不可取,侥幸之心不可有,贪得无厌总要犯错。第三句:现在我才真正理解什么叫后悔,世上没有后悔药 ,即便有也晚了。

  (曾锦春承认,当贪得无厌和侥幸之心成了习惯,既害了自己也害了别人。他说这次和儿子见面,他努力控制 住情绪,自始至终没有哭出来,他想留给儿子一个坚强父亲的印象。)

  我给纪委干部上课的时候说,人如果能战胜自己,天下无敌。2000 年我提出这句话,就是强调要管好自己。我当时这么讲的初衷是要纪委的干部首先管好自己。

  (2003 年春节后,曾锦春召集郴州市纪检系统进行集训,他发表了一番非常震撼人心的讲话,中心思想是“战胜自己,天 下无敌”。但是,从检方的起诉书上看出,2003 年之后,正是曾锦春腐败案的高峰期。)


  《法制周报》:你走到今天这个地步,影响你的因素中,是客观方面的因素多,还是个人方面的 因素为主?



  曾:我的个人素质低劣……(说完他低着头,停顿良久,欲言又止,脸上充满了尴尬。)我是上个世纪90年 代末才开始变质的……

  首先是放松了学习,放松了改造。我担任领导干部以来,学习只是装门面,没有结合实际,没有触及灵魂。世 界观的改造放松了。天地之间,物各有主,不是你的莫拿取。从拿土特产到拿红包,再到走向犯罪;从不收,到收 了以后心安理得。我记得,第一次变相受贿是在花塘乡担任党委书记时,那是上世纪90年代初,我到商场买彩色 电视机,带少了钱,差2000元,一个在花塘乡开矿山的老板主动付了款,我事后还钱给他,他死活不要。我开 始也忐忑不安,后来发现没什么事,也就心安理得了。

  后来,他用我的权力获取了更大的利益,其实他一开始变相送钱给我时,就已经设计好了这个圈套。这样一来 ,送钱的人越来越多,数额也越来越大,形成了恶性循环。

  不义之财不可取,侥幸之心不可有。送钱的老板没一个好人,都是来害你的。“刀架在他们脖子上也不会讲” 的承诺都是假的。(曾锦春被“双规”前找一些矿老板打过招呼,他们在曾锦春面前都信誓旦旦称“刀架在他们脖 子上也不会讲”。)你拿了钱,替他办了事,他知道的都交代了。

  对这些人,(领导干部)要提高警惕,最好是不跟他们交往。他们要是有事找你,就按正规的程序办,不要搞 私人感情、幕后交易。正是因为搞了幕后交易,他就有办法对付你。

  其次,我忘记了自己是领导干部,是共产党员,忘记了为人民服务的宗旨。看到一些只读过小学的老板开着高 级轿车,甚至带着“小蜜”,多神气!这些人的腐败没有约束,过得很风光,这对我是个很大的诱惑 和刺激。

  第三,我的亲戚没有有钱人。我想搞点钱,可以扶助一下他们,这就需要用权力来作交换。我的老婆、儿子、 女儿,对钱的需求太大,也太贪心。但养不教父之过,我没有教育好他们,我毁了一个家庭的幸福。

  第四,名利思想影响了我。2001 年左右我到郴州桂阳县去观光,看到古代一个三品官,当地老百姓为他竖碑纪功、千古流芳。我也想多搞些钱,等 退休后到家乡投资搞建设,让老百姓为我立碑。

  第五,不吸取教训,在腐败的道路上越走越远。省纪委收到举报后,先后3次调查我,都被我巧妙地躲过去了 ,导致我侥幸心理加重。“话说出去就收不回了,箭放出去也收不回了,机遇失去了也回不来。”我没有珍惜组织 给我的机会,在错误的道路上越走越远……


  曾:环境肯定有影响。当时的郴州,矿产丰富,矿老板多,外来投资也多,跟那些老板相比,我感到很寒酸。 富贵生活的诱惑和影响使得我慢慢变坏了。“勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之”,要防微杜渐。


  曾:家庭对我的影响很大。我变腐败,妻子也有一定的责任,没有当好贤内助,她主动代我收了别人的钱。儿 子的需求也高,也间接导致了我走向犯罪。那些矿老板简直无孔不入,我不认识他们,他们就通过我的妻子儿子送 钱,求我办事。我妻儿收的钱很多都没有经过我的手,钱拿了他们就花掉了。我妻子受贿50多万,我儿子(受贿 )一两百万,女儿(受贿)20多万。

  2003 年左右,我儿子留学、谈朋友、买房子、买车子、办公司、调动工作等等,对钱的需求很大。这些我都要去搞钱满 足他。我告诫现在还在做金钱梦的领导干部,贪是死亡之路,罪恶之路,这条路走不通,它只会让你走向地狱的深 渊。

  《法制周报》:富兰克林说过,控制住第一个欲望比满足随之而来的欲望要容易得多。你第一次接收别人现金 是什么时候?当时是怎么想的?

  曾:1993 年前后,我已经到国土局当上了局长,有一次,当时临武县统战部的一位副部长给我拜年时送给我1000元的红 包,开始我不肯收,但他跟我算账,说是送烟酒折成钱也差不多,cheap youth nfl jerseys,于是,我就收下了。这样一来,渐渐地,我就开始突破自己的底线。


  曾:最大的一笔是黄某(某煤矿老板,曾锦春的“干儿子”)到广州送给我50 万元现金,黄某投标承包了一个煤矿,是行贿中标的,按规定要废标,(去)法院打官司。黄某通过别人请我帮忙 ,我就到法院打了招呼,维持了黄某的中标。后来我跟黄某就有了关系。


  曾:我家连用自来水都是非常节约的,洗完脸的水都要留着冲厕所,纸巾都要两面用,家里都很朴素。我的钱 都投入开矿中了,家里的现金存款总共才20余万元。



  曾:我当乡党委书记时,抗拒过很多诱惑,当时一个情妇都没有,在1998 年前都没有过。主要是到郴州当纪委书记后,开始有了情妇。卜某是我的第一个情妇,她在外面利用我的关系,打 着我的牌子,到处搞工程搞项目,有的我知道,有的我不知道。

  我把她从临武调到郴州某大专院校图书馆工作,她找我要过钱,跟一个老板合作项目,要我打招呼,然后从中 捞钱。她离过婚,有个小女儿要抚养,我从一个老板手里拿了120 万给她。她办了一个乡村餐馆,每个月有几千元的固定收入。之所以帮助他,是因为她父亲曾是我的老领导,临终 前要我照顾好他的女儿,从一定意义上说,我是还老领导的愿,以后就没有再来往了。

  还有一个(情妇)是我的保姆,是我老婆的一个远房亲戚,有一次在郴州火车站碰到认识了,当时,她正准备 去广东打工。她是农村人,是个没有什么文化的村姑,我的账目就放在她那里保管。


  曾:情妇就是套在脖子上的猎物夹,只会越夹越紧,成为你的祸害。情人、美色不能要,她们无非是为了你的 权和钱……
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Old 03-30-2011, 11:00 AM   #2
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,448
g3sh7sf0mf is on a distinguished road

23 shall charm plate made of methods
plate made way first
1, ponytail
2, the hair around the left hand up and get the rubber band a little, save buried in the hair can not find my rubber band is black, for we can see clearly, so brush Miaocheng yellow
3, the hair and then came around
4, hair rubber band around to the position
5, the rubber band around to the hair stuffed inside them equal with the rubber band tied
6, tied over the hair to the left perimeter, pay attention to the hair around the back to back around the first lap, that is hidden in the back of the first lap. Note that the left index finger hold, is the second time round the hair, then left a fat tail of the fundamental.
7, to the root of the tail to continue stuffed it inside the rubber band, tied it with a rubber band.
8, finished

plate made of methods paragraph

1, Figure, twisted hair.
2, the hairpin into the hair.
3, around the hairpin on the ends.
4, the hairpin tip down, Bob tail turned upward to take advantage of the hairpin into the hair, the finished product.
plate made way third paragraph

plate made of methods Disi Kuan

plate made way Di Wukuan

change from the Disi Kuan, such as the Disi Kuan front of all the steps in front of the same
plate made way Di Liukuan

change from the Disi Kuan, such as the Disi Kuan front of all the steps in front of the same
plate made way Di Qikuan

change from the Disi Kuan, such as the Disi Kuan front of all the steps in front of the same
plate made of methods Diba Kuan

plate made of methods ninth section

plate made of methods tenth paragraph

plate made of a method for X

1. like to stay in the hair OL clavicle posts often have trouble against the hair, then bundle up the hair is a good solution. But plate from the middle of the hair but not put aside
2. will be screwed to the inside of the hair tied back from the fixed to the lower right corner, with a small card fixed
3. in the bun of hair on the hair spray and hair styling grasping open
4. Finished
plate made of methods twelfth paragraph

1. will pick a bunch of hair in the middle, with a duckbill clip grip
2. Tighten all the hair, put to rotate clockwise to close
3. tightened after the duckbill hair counterclockwise around to put the folder on the
4. duckbill hair clip around the end, the tail will be tucked inside, if the MM more than the hair, use a small card fixed
5. Finished

plate made way thirteenth paragraph
1, the top of the hair, from the temples to the back of the neck, divided into two parts, the upper part of the fat content slightly
2, which is divided grasp the other side of the hair, making it very simple
3, grabbed the top part of the tie up
4, carved from Zhaqi hair strand from a small, winding circle of hair bundles, which can cover the hair ring
5, to seize the pony tail in a clockwise direction to reverse
6, the hair has been twisted in a circle counter-clockwise rotation of the hair with hair just ring beam in place. Additive hidden small hairpin-type fixed.
7, comb the hair along the forehead. Modeling is completed.

plate made way fourteenth paragraph
1. butterfly card with all of the hair bundle up
2. the hair are split into two beams were tightened around the wings of the butterfly card
3. cross-hair around the butterfly wings, a small card with a fixed, finished the

plate made of methods fifteenth paragraph

1. hair tied back, from left to right turn, put his hand on the middle hair positioning
2. hair tightened, has been around the inside, as if the package hair
3. straighten hair with a comb, and can help the hair around the tight
4. by issuing fixed, add a few pretty little hair accessories, finished the

plate made of methods sixteenth paragraph
1. After the hair bundle, tighten the rotating round and round
2. shoves the last of the hair tail hair, with a small card fixed
3. selected their favorite Bob into his hair,louboutin shoes, my hair stir when inserted after the plug, so as not to loose
4. Insert two Bob is not very nice Oh, finished the

plate made way seventeenth paragraph

plate made way eighteenth paragraph

plate made way nineteenth paragraph
1. a good hair tied back, tighten to the side, rotate, and around the inside
2. with beautiful hair and tooth comb to stir up anti-insert in the
3. then comb, in turn, to stay at the top of grasping what the extra hair styling, finished the
Article paragraph
plate made of methods
a plate made of methods

1. first comb the hair up, hand grasp.

2. the hair in a clockwise direction, to the right twist, twist as far as possible bearing in point.

3. twisted into a circle the way, and finally the tail down.

4. to Bob from the hair on the right, from right to left into the hair, provoking part of the hair, wear out. Try to stir up a little more hair.

5. hairpin up, over the top of the circle before the screw in the upper left corner, when the bottom of the hairpin turn, and then inserted into the hair inside.

6. hairpin turn the corner and then into the hair, from top to bottom, left to right to wear clothing hair.

7. finished.

plate made approach the twenty-second paragraph

Step 1: prepare a rubber band, tie a ponytail, in a clockwise direction.

Step 2: Rotate clockwise around the center of the hair.

Step 3: put two fingers into his hair in the middle of the hole, step up loose hair.

Step 4: put all the hair into the hole. With the other hand grasp the rolled hair on your head this will tie a knot.

Step 5: the hairpin inserted into the hair, the hair if you put a rubber band tied to a hairpin inserted into the rubber band so tightly some.

Step 6: Bob with the second root, the same way, but in different directions into his hair.
Methods Twenty-three
plate made
1, will be divided into three strands of hair behind the back of the hair will be evenly divided into three shares, and an intermediate twisted knot.

2, cross-beam will be issued after the twisted knot of hair left and right twist beam cross each other form a hair bundle.

3, will be issued after the tie beam to beam overlap the middle of the hair bundle and another bundle twist the hair after the conclusion coincides with a rubber band fixed to live the tail.

4, to insert a finger into the top of the head to take care of fluffy hair root, rub out random fluffy.

5, finished positive.
g3sh7sf0mf is offline   Reply With Quote

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