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Old 11-07-2011, 04:08 AM   #1
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那年,她十六岁,第一次喜欢上一个男生。他不算很高,斯斯文文的,但很喜欢踢足球,有着一把低沉的好嗓音, 成绩很好,常是班上的第一名。虽然在当时,早恋已经不是什么大问题,女生追男生也不再是新闻,她更不是那种 内向的女孩。但是她从来没有想过要向他表白,只是觉得,能一直这样远远地欣赏他,就很好了。那时,她常常为 在路上碰到他,打声招呼高兴个半天,常常放学也不回去,而是上运动场一圈又一圈地慢跑,只为了看他踢球。她 还学着叠幸运星,每天在那小纸条上写一句想对他说的话,叠成小幸运星,快乐地放在大瓶子里。她常常看着他想 ,象他那样的男生,应该是会喜欢那种温柔体贴的女孩吧,那种有着一把乌黑的长长直直的头发,有着一双水汪汪 的大眼睛,开心的时候会抿嘴一笑的女孩。她的头发很乌黑,但只短短的到耳际边,Womens abercrombie fitch,她有一双大眼睛,但常常因为大笑而眯成一条缝。她常常照着镜子想,如果有一天她成了那种女孩,他会不会喜 欢上她,belstaff For Mens。但想归想,她还是每个月都跑去理发店把稍微长长一点的头发剪短到耳际边,还是一遇到好笑的事情就哈哈大笑 起来,笑得眼睛眯成一条缝。
她十九岁,考上一所不算很好但也不差的大学。他正常发挥,考去了另外一所城市的重点大学,belstaff Outlet。她坐着火车离开这个生她养她的小城时,浮上心头的是她点点滴滴与他的回忆。大学生活是以二十几天艰苦的军 训生活拉开序幕的。晚上临睡前,其他女生都躲在被窝里偷偷打电话跟男友互诉相思之情,她好多次按完那几个熟 悉的数字键,始终没有按下那个呼叫键。十九年来,第一次知道什么叫思念,原来,思念就一种可以让人莫名其妙 地掉下眼泪的力量.四年的大学生活不算太长,活泼可爱的她身边从来不缺乏追求者,但她却选择单身。好事者问 起原因时,她总淡淡一笑,说∶ " 学业为重嘛。 " 她也确实在很努力地学习,只为了考他那所大学的研究生。四年来她的头发不断变长,她没有再剪短。一次旧同学 聚会时,大家看到她时都眼前一亮,一把乌黑的长长直直的头发,水汪汪的大眼睛因恰到好处的眼影而更显光彩, 白里透红的皮肤,时不时抿嘴一笑,都忍不出这是昔日的小活宝。他见到她时也不禁心神一动,但当时他的手正挽 着另一个女子的纤纤细腰。她看着他身边那个比自己更温柔妩媚的女子,很好地掩饰了心里的一丝失落,只淡淡对 他一笑,说," 好久不见了。 "
她二十二岁,以第一名的成绩考上了他那所大学的研究生。他没有继续考研,进了一间外资企业,工作出色,年薪 很快就达到了六位数。她继续过着单调甚至枯燥的学生生活,并且坚持单身。一次放假回家,一进门母亲就把她拉 过一边,语重心长, " 女儿啊,读书是好事。但女人始终是要嫁人生子的,这才是归宿啊。" 她点了点头,进房间整理带回来的行李。先从箱子里拿出来的是一瓶满满的幸运星,摆在书架上。书架上一排幸运 星的瓶子,都是满满的,刚好六瓶。
他二十五岁,凭着重点大学的硕士学历和优秀的成绩,很快就找到一份很好的工作,月薪上万。他这时已自己开公 司,生意越做越大。第三间分公司开业的时候,他跟一个副市长的千金结婚了,双喜临门。她出席了那场盛大的婚 礼,听到旁边的人说起新郎年青有为,一表人才,新娘家世显赫,留洋归来,貌美如花,真是一对璧人。她看着他 春风得意的笑脸,心里竟也荡起一种幸福的感觉,莫名的感觉,仿佛他身边那个笑容如花的女子就是 自己一样。
她二十六岁,嫁给了公司的一个同事,两个人从相识到结婚不到半年的时间,短到她都不知道两人是否恋爱过。他 们的婚礼在她的极力要求下搞得很简单,只邀请了几个至亲好友。当晚她喝了很多酒,第一次喝那么多酒,没有醉 ,却吐得********。她在洗手间看着镜子里那张在水汽蒸腾下逐渐模糊的脸,第一次有种想痛哭一场的冲 动。但终于,她还是把妆补好后走出去继续扮演幸福新娘的角色。她的外套的衣袋里,有她早上仓促叠好的一颗幸 运星,里面写着," 今天,我嫁作他人妇了。可是我知道,我爱的是你。 "
她三十六岁,过着平静的小康生活。一日在街上巧遇一旧同学,闲聊起他,竟得知他生意失败,沉重打击后终日流 连酒吧,妻离子散,spyder Store。她在找了好几天后终于在一间小酒吧找到他。她没有骂他,只是递给他一本存折,那里面是她所有的积蓄,然后 对他说, " 我相信你可以重头再来的。 " 他打开存折,巨额的数字让他不可置信,那些所谓的亲朋好友在听到他说了 " 借钱 " 两个字就冷眼相向避而不见,她不过是一个快让他淡忘名字的老同学,却如此慷慨大方?她依旧淡淡 一笑,说, " 朋友不是应该互相帮助的吗。 " 当晚她的丈夫知道了后,一个重重的巴掌立刻甩了过来,大吼道∶ " 上百万一声不吭就全给了他,你是不是看上人家了! " 她被那巴掌击倒在地,没流泪也没说话,更没有回答她丈夫的质问。虽然她从来没有向别人承认过她爱他,但她也 决不会向别人否认她爱他。
他四十岁,那年他的公司已经成为同行业里最具竞争力的几间大公司之一。那晚他带着两百万和他的公司的百分之 十股份转让书到她家。她的丈夫一边乐呵呵地说, " 不必这么客气嘛,朋友之间互相帮助是应该的, " 一边在股份转让书上签下名字。她没说什么,只说了句, " 不如留下来吃顿饭。 " 他没有不答应的理由。饭菜端上来时,他惊讶地发现自己最爱吃的几样菜都有。但他抬头看到她一脸恬静地为丈夫 儿子夹菜时,心里一下释然,觉得是自己想多了。临走的时候他从口袋里拿出一张请贴,笑笑说∶ " 希望你们到时都可以来。 " 她以为是他又有分公司开业,不以为意,接过随手放在沙发上。送走他转身回厨房洗碗的时候,突然听到她丈夫大 声说, " 人一有钱就风流这句话果然没错啊。看你这个旧同学,这么快又娶第二个了。 " 她的手一颤,被一个破碗的缺口划了一下,血一下子涌了出来,一滴接一滴不停往下滴。她看着那片泛着微红的水 ,突然想起十五年前那个笑容如花的女子那身婚纱,似乎就是这个颜色。
她五十五岁,一天突然在家里昏倒,被送去医院。一番检查后,医生脸色沉重,要把她丈夫叫到一边说话。她毕竟 是个聪明的女人。叫住医生,她很认真地问, " 我还可以活几天? " 三个月,电影里的桥段用得多了,没想到真应了人生如戏这句话。执意不肯住院,她回到家里开始为自己准备后事 。一个人活了大半辈子,要交代的事多着。收到消息的亲朋好友纷纷赶来见最后一面。他是最后一个。她躺在床上 ,已经开始神智不清,但一看到他手上那刻幸运星,立刻清醒了过来,似是回光返照。 " 这是给我的吗? " 她指了指那颗幸运星,脸上竟露出一丝笑容。他连忙回答, " 啊,是。是啊。这是我带来给你的。 " 真是无心插柳,这不过是他刚出机场时碰到那个为红十字筹款的小女孩送的,他当时急着来见她,接过来时都没看 清是什么东西就赶着上车了,一路握着也不知觉。她接过那颗幸运星,紧握着放在胸前好一会不放。终于,她指了 指旁边的桌子,那上面也放了一颗幸运星,那时她昨晚花了一个多小时才叠好的,缓缓对他说道∶ " 在我以前住的房子里,还有三十九罐幸运星。等我火化的时候,你把那些连同这两颗和我放在一起, 好吗? " 他还没来得及回答,她已经合上眼睛,一脸安详。她火化那天,他按照她的遗愿把那些幸运星撒在她身上,三十九 罐,不小心滚落一两颗在地也没人发现。他转身要走的时候,忽然发现地上还有两颗。拣
他七十岁。一天,Cheap north face,他戴着老花眼镜在花园里看书时。四岁的小孙子突然拿着两张小纸条,兴冲冲跑到他面前,嚷道, " 爷爷,爷爷,教我识字。 " 他扶了扶眼镜,看清第一张小纸条上的字, " 杰,你今天穿的那身蓝色球服很好看哦。还有,6这个号码我也很喜欢,呵呵。 " 他皱了皱眉,问孙子, " 这两张小纸条你从哪里找来的? "" 这不是纸条啊,这是你放在书桌上那两颗小星星啊。我拆开它,就发现里面有字了哦! " 他一愣,再去看那第二张小纸条, " 杰,有一种幸福是有一个能让你不顾一切去爱他一辈子的人。 "
" 有一种幸福是有一个能让你不顾一切去爱他一辈子的人。"他念着,念着,泪流满面。
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Old 11-07-2011, 04:09 AM   #2
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Putuo Putuo II Secondary School in Putuo District of Zhoushan City, the central area of ​​Shenjiamen streets. Its predecessor was the Putuo School, founded in 1949 and 1998, separate junior and senior high schools, junior high school to remain isolated at the site, known as September 2001, according to district education development plan, the former junior high school into the Putuo Lujiazhi Secondary School, a school division. Now the school covers an area of ​​over 23,600 square meters, with 2,251 students, class of 39, 173 staff, is the largest of Zhoushan City, a junior high school. He Deqing current president.
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In 2010, the former junior high school students in the Putuo Second, there are three students enrolled in the Tsinghua University, Peking University. The number of secondary schools into the Putuo 70%. Marine scientific research study course characteristics of schools in the islands, marine scientific research has opened learning courses. Marine Research Institute at the provincial and local government and relevant departments of the strong support of the flash in the West Island,skechers shoes, Ant Island, Zhujiajian Island, Peach Blossom Island, Qinglongshan other established marine biology, marine tourism, marine environmental protection, marine meteorology other research study base, while schools to use the campus network system of learning resources for library research for students to lay a good foundation for learning. Each year the school provides students must have five weeks to participate in research study, the use of schools in scope, the students freedom to choose research topics, the voluntary approach to combined research group in the organization and guidance of experts and teachers, through observation and analysis, investigation research, access to information, experimental operation, writing a scientific essays and lab reports, and to identify and thesis topics. Research study of science students develop awareness and spirit, but also enhance their mutual cooperation, independent living skills. Research study to stimulate students interest in learning, improve student social practice and scientific research capabilities. In recent years, complete the 2697 school student research study subject, there have been 96 young students to create provincial, the provincial science and technology innovation awards, and broke the Zhoushan City in the National Youth Olympiad in Informatics 0 records, 26 students were awarded second and third, the school's Educational methods in order to play the main body of students, motivating students to self-development, self-improvement, the static nature of the school from the past, utilitarian diversify the teaching evaluation, individualized, developmental, motivational teaching evaluation, the abilities of the students and cognitive development, intelligence and non-intellectual factors in the development of the learning process and learning to combine the results of the three. No one examiner carried out to apply for Exemption, which allows re-examination, open book examinations and other tests in the form of reform, together with a comprehensive exam, skills test, oral test, laboratory tests and other ways open exam, the students develop self-monitoring ability, the test a student self-evaluation, self-motivated way. Mental Health School for the current period of social transition, the uncertainties caused by psychological problems of junior high school in 1998, carried out the first whole-school mental health education activities to mental health education as the basis for comprehensively improving the quality of students. Established schools, families, community mental health education in the Trinity network, opened a counseling room, student chat rooms, intimate sister hotline, counseling-mail, psychological problems for students to solve problems. Schools and schools based on the actual development of subject characteristics of the The school also use self-guided, counseling, mutual conductance three-pronged approach of education, the use of seminars, talk, orthodontic treatment and other means to carry out mental health education activities. Mental health education activities in schools by students, parents and the community welcome. Education for International Understanding in order to meet China's accession to WTO,skechers shoes online, the situation changes and needs, in order to make education for the world and the future, the school several years ago to proceed with the international understanding education. Schools require teaching to fully tap the content of the various disciplines, in the classroom throughout the international understanding of education to enable students to understand the world and national geography, environment, resources, politics, economy, culture, customs and other knowledge. 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Since 1998, the school teachers, a total of more than 20 papers in the national award-winning education and scientific research papers or publications published 23 scientific research achievements by the provincial Education Award for outstanding educational achievements in scientific research. The Read: 1
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