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09-18-2011, 09:54 PM
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09-19-2011, 12:16 AM
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341855 2010 年 02 月 28 日 00:49 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (1) Category: QQ341588
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09-19-2011, 12:16 AM
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342348 2009 年 12 月 24 日 21:22 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (1) Category:
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09-19-2011, 12:26 AM
Commander In Chief
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35219 2009 年 05 月 18 日 11:17 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (7) Category: Personal Diary
; hot weather in Shenzhen yesterday, came to the scene found the Fair a more lively atmosphere here, rampant global \
1 is the industry trade Hall Museum exhibition tours are divided into provincial and municipal governments, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan Pavilion, Cultural Industry Model Base cum-exhibition of large cultural groups, overseas cultural exhibition, investment and financing project negotiations trading range and other zones, as exhibiting more than the government, live on is a little rough, but added in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Museum with a mind, showing a higher quality, or a difference ah!
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09-19-2011, 12:27 AM
Commander In Chief
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Posts: 964
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Reprinted from 769661836 at 08:46 on July 22 2010 read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Categories: Love World in a city a place to sit in a school, a boy named Jin Murong, he hated the school so people hate him, he is like aloof arrogance, something always thought he was great , other girls gave him a lot of love letters, but he always came after that to throw away, and some even do not pick him, red wing shoes sale, he is the focus of a lot of jealous men, but he always hard for a consultant, but he did have a white horse Prince looks, outstanding performance, which is proud of his bet.
in a library reading a book when he saw the time was like in the past to get it first, but got a girl, \Can not you see I first saw this book it? The boy spoke, but the girls understand the dismissive to say ah, but I get the first hand is not it? Boys want to rob, did not think the girl gave him a slap in the face, this is the first time the boy hit the girl, he never thought to fight back, he did not say what he Touyemohui's gone, afternoon When playing outside the bus the morning he saw the girl hit him, but the girl in a crowded bus is particularly beautiful, this is a thief in hand into the girl's pocket, the boy walked up grasping living in the hands of thieves gave him a solid punch that kid's Get out of here like I do not want to compromise you, but the best do not let me see you, it is also found that girls did not phone pocket, and looking at the hands of thieves girls understand, was forced out of the car thieves who know that this boy has planted seeds,
in the same station and get off with boys and girls, the girl said, just thank you, said the boy is still so cold Do not thank me, I just do what I do, the amount of girls Lang said with his mouth open, you are still a matter for the morning angry ah! Sorry ah boy that I like not so stingy, right? I'm the girl said, Ting-ting, you name? \
A few days later the girl thought the boy, he went to the library, he saw a very clever girl, this time around he took the girl intentionally walked book pretending to read, the girl saw the boy to run, \a restaurant to sit down to eat and also talked a lot, but the little boy said his story because he said he was a school girl shocked the students because they are the same school, she had heard the same class Students spoken of many things about the boy, but she just has not come to this school's and seen the situation in the school scold Cha Prince Charming, so do the boy that she will know.
another year has passed slowly gradually found that boys and girls, do not they say it is difficult to close, this is really quite pleased with her, and also have her on the way and the boy's broken a lot of rumors language.
another year to graduate, the boy realized that the importance of his girls, is this year really let the boy fell in love with the girl, the boy in the evening or the same as a call girl to go to dinner, the girl was promised after dinner the boy went to the lake, said on behalf of the girl to give her a surprise, came to the lake really shocked 900 girls put into a red rose Inside there are 99 roses placed into ILOUEYOU. girl really touched, but still turned him down, because she fell in love with a man does not love her, but explained that the girl gave the boy; I've fallen in love with someone he love me, I can not betray him, we are friends good friends, if you love me to bless me! Boy looked at the stars, the lake splendid rainbow lights Mi waves of the lake through the Taotao reflected in the faces of her two boys did not dare look down girl, because he was afraid of his tears, the plan does not live up to expectations fall, but even though his eyes looked at the sky, but the tears still live in the fall, as fall break the beads out one red rose at the top, and since then the boy no longer so enthusiastic girls because he wanted to forget the girl, but he can not let go girl, each school girls go first and then she will wait quietly in the back along with their own until the girl home safely assured that he would leave under a lot of school that day Forget the rain umbrella girls, and a man standing on a public phone booth at a loss which no one remember her only boy in her back, which is their umbrella boy came up to the girl out and let me say that this is Tao to you, (a statement, the girl who also love this school boy named Tao can be said to know him very well, but he did not know the Tao do not love the girl but he had loved a girl of the school .) Tao girl really thought it was so very happy for her, she thought their efforts paid off, the girl said about you? I have the umbrella ah he said it in the classroom, the girl said that the amount that I go first, the boy said, red wing mens boots, ah worship, red wing shoes, the girl did not notice her walk in front of the boy in the back or along quietly, because boys do not trust a person back to the girls home, this is heavy rain in October is clearly a very severe cold and cold the next day the boy did not go to school but was admitted to the hospital, but also because he saw the boy on the bus a year ago, the thief, but He is to lecture the boys, let him make a fool boy a year ago, he has been pregnant with ruthless mind, but the boy at school he could not start, this time each man in the hospital just 3 knife stabbed the boy then ran away, the boy unconscious, but fortunately the boy to the nurses also found the drug before rescue came. A few days in the hospital that no one thought of the boy, even his favorite girl did not look at him, leaving him sad things he had only last month, and hesitation that Mito stabbed in the liver, Although his rescue came the seemingly all right, but in a step by step, liver necrosis, the boy he was not afraid to put everything he told his best friend, because he believed his friend and said he should like to take this last A few days of running a thing he came to the Tao, where the boy, and he said treat girls (Ting Ting), she loves you want you can cherish her good, and remember every day after school she hopes she is very lonely you can Hand in hand with her and takes her home, when she can rely on your fragile shoulders, the boy knelt down and said Tao beg you take care of her, do not let her cry, Tao does not know what happened to the boy asked how, the boy said he was going to Japan, and Tao had nodded letter continued, so much the boy is gone, the boy left the girl came out that afternoon, we play Tao, Tao said, I do not want to go, we really Tingting The inappropriate, I thought someone else, it is impossible to accept you in, and Jin came to me he was going to Japan. The girl realized that she seemed to lose something, the next day the girl came to the residence of the boy boy boy is not only a friend, boy friend the boy left behind a letter to the girl, red wing shoe store,
My love Tingting,
Hello, sorry I did not personally say goodbye to you, I'll be gone after you take care of yourself, do not always the stomach is to eat instant noodles as well, not tired and the pain is always a man clutching his blanket crying, Tao He, although he does not understand the hearts of the girls in fact, I think he will understand you,
; As I do not worry, I will take care of yourself, I'm sorry I still love you girl cried,
boy's friends told her, you know, Jin injured, he last time he cold in the hospital was stabbed three knives, and now liver necrosis in slowly, he is only the last few days, because she loves you so he leaves you, he chose the last few days alone with the girl This umbrella is the original thought instead of TH to the Tao, the girl with tears asked how long he was gone, the boy's friends said that more than 40 minutes, the girl frantically looking for a taxi to the airport, she found a lot of places are not found, is she wanted to give up when suddenly she saw a boy walk hand the package was about to drive a girl called Murong Jin you have nothing to say, the girl cried, more powerful, and she went to the boy before the boy crying, she gave the boy a second slap in the face You coward, why do you love I will do that to yourself, why do you love yourself I will endure all the pain, why do you love I have to go alone, why are you so To me fair? Have you thought about a world without you I look like? After the rain who will give me the umbrella, who will quietly send me home, who would tell me not to old to eat instant noodles, TH Do not go, okay? Let us start again go back please? I will not let you alone to face a less painful, and I really know you are the favorite has always been me, I beg you not to go, okay? He also supported the TH does not go, because he was a blood ejected excitement fell,
girl crying alone, nearly 10 hours of audio training boys to wait or not, this is a doctor away the girl hurried out how he asked the doctor, how about a quick tell me? Doctors looked at the girl said he woke up, you see him one last time, right. The girl down is a complete disappointment, and she walked into the room, holding the boy's hand and looked at the boy's face with oxygen cried, you awake? The doctor said you all the know? We'll have to do with marriage, you do not sleep I know you tired but you want to chat with me ah, do not sleep you know? The boy said, Ting-Ting tough I really am so sleepy, you can kiss me? TH girls cried as long as you do not sleep I'll kiss you said the boy's mouth and her snout is so real so hot, the girl said that now I do, you have to do TH promise me not to sleep, the boy said, Ting ting to say you love me? The girl cried more powerful to say: TH I love you I love you I love you, you do not sleep, the boy said, Ting-Ting I really thank you let me sleep good storm will be right, I promise you a while, has not Always wait until the girls open the sleeping boy, the girl cried for a long time until the tears run dry, and she was gone, red wing heritage, who do not know the girl gone, the boy's parents to direct the next day the boys take it cold in the refrigerator before cremation found that the refrigerator door was ajar, red wing shoes outlet, and they opened the door only to find the boy lying on the body above the girl's body, next to a letter written on TH I know you are cold, lives on the road will be very dark, so do not worry Tingting a person you go, please forgive Tingting did not you say to come, Ting-ting really do not trust you, TH do not be afraid of the dark lives on the road, there Tingting will hold your hand with you to keep going .
scared all the people did not think girls would be spent for his personal considerations, they tried to separate the two bodies, but (because of the girl holding the wearer's body alive boy froze to death) So they can not use a lot of ways boys and girls separately, and finally the parents of both boys and girls negotiate with her two cremated, buried together, they finally came together forever. After looking at moving
turn away those who wish to turn away as long as 999 individuals of this article, you will, and you love life together, never separated, unauthorized modification of this article who were killed will never be subject to gas car not love. Author: ruthless young master star, Contact QQ 769661836 710261802:
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Reprinted from 213218 at 18:33 on August 4, red wing shoes sale, 2008 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
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