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Old 09-16-2011, 01:16 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
Default A Gucci bag is not just an attention grabber

1.Look for the Gucci logo Red prada shoes. Impostors will brazenly use the Gucci logo illegally, but if you closely inspect the logo it might be slightly smudged, crooked,Christian Louboutin Shoe, or in some other way not quite right. If the price of the bag is just too good to be true,dr dre monster headphones, it’s probably a ########.
If you are a frugal shopper, Cheap Bags are your best bet. These cheap bags, often replicas of original designer bags, may be low on price, but score high on design and appeal. Often,discount louis vuitton bags, telling a replica bag apart from the original is difficult as the manufacturers of such bags have to make their reputation in the market and use as good material as expensive bags.
For buying genious Gucci bags, you have to surfing on the Internet, collect more information about it. Usually some kindly women will tell you more story when buying women bags. Or tell a friend who is fashion, she will help you find rare one too.
pink prada handbags>Even Gucci bags are disigned for youngers who are fashion and trend. Even the price are luxury, you can also buy Gucci bags online with low price. But the key to knowing whether a handbag is an authentic Gucci or a ######## starts with knowing the features specific to Gucci bags. Impostors will try to duplicate these features as closely as possible, so you’ll need to have a discerning eye to tell the difference.
2.Check the lining of the bag. It should fit neatly inside the bag, and not be bunched up or sewn in carelessly. While impostors will use liners very similar to what Gucci uses,Ecco Shoes, the quality of the liner will be inferior.
3.Investigate the quality of the stitching,Chanel Outlet Store, zippers and snaps on the bag. Gucci bags are all hand made, and have very small,Manolo Blahnik Shoes, neat stitches. If your bag has uneven, large stitches and just looks like it wasn’t made with a lot of care and attention to detail, chances are it’s not a real Gucci handbag.
There is no way that people will fail to notice you when you have a Gucci bags hanging on your arm. A Gucci bag is not just an attention grabber,Discount Christian Louboutin, but is representative of your style quotient. A stylish bag can even make a simple outfit look chic and trendy. To buy a designer handbag at a fraction of its cost,Ecco shoes uk, consider replica bags,moncler outlet store, which are basically mirror images of the original.
From oversized and duffel handbags to satchels and totes, you can find a plethora of options with replica bags. However,monster beats earphones,monster beats,monster speakers, don’t let this diversity of options puzzle you. Choose one that suits your personality,Cheap moncler, lifestyle and taste. For instance, if you are a working mom, juggling kids and work,Chanel Shoes outlet, an oversized bag would be a practical option to carry your things in. If you are a single woman active on the party-circle, a stylish clutch would suit you just better.
Women handbags always lead the fashion in women’s world. The scope of a handbag for modern women has transformed from a mere item for carring make-up to a style statement. Designer handbags are no longer a luxury for the elite, but a necessity for every woman. However, buying a genuine Louis Vuitton Handbags or Gucci bags is not within everyone’s reach.
4.Inspect the leather of the bag. Gucci bags are made from a single piece of leather, so you shouldn’t see seams where the bag was stitched using several different pieces. Remember that what you’re really paying for in a Gucci bag is the attention to detail and the quality of the bag, not the name itself.
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Old 09-16-2011, 01:32 AM   #2
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 929
9i5p6m5x3j6f is on a distinguished road


  “这条手机短信如果是真的,内容之恶毒,骇人听闻。”昨日,垫江县城,凡是听闻此事的当地居民,无不义 愤填膺,痛斥女孩的准后妈。




  10月25日,33岁的垫江人陈富民的同居女友尤某,给前妻黄成英发了一条短信,全文如下 :

  “你大可不必托人找我说。没得用的,你的女儿是来替我挣钱替你还债的,不是来用我的钱的。我不欠任何人 的,所以我是不会拿钱让她读书的。你一向都要钱不要脸的,我会帮你把女儿调教成为一棵摇钱树。天天给你找不 同的女婿来孝敬你,陈小二(陈富民)是阻挡不了的。也就是你那老不要脸的说的鸡婆……想让我不 得安宁,monster beats,咱们走着瞧,好戏还在后头,哈哈哈哈哈。”

  短信中,“女儿”指陈富民的大女儿婷婷(化名),今年12岁。黄成英收到这条短信时,手不停发抖,嘴里 不断自语:“才过13天啷个就变成了这样?”13天前,她跟丈夫接受法院调解,大女儿婷婷归丈夫抚养,小女 儿归自己。据悉,两个女儿都是未婚生育,monster beats dr dre,事后两人才补办结婚证的。

  为何与丈夫离婚?黄成英称,beats by dr dre studio,是丈夫陈富民先出轨,与网恋女友尤某公然同居。



  11月4日中午,垫江县城。黄成英几经周折,在前夫和同居女友尤某开的那间蛋糕店,见到了 婷婷。

  “她见到我不说话,一脸委屈,我心好痛。”昨日,黄成英叹息女儿可怜,pioneer headphones。尤某不久出现,两个女人争吵得不可开交。

  不久,两个女人抓扯升级,110民警接警赶来制止。抓扯中,黄成英的脸被抓伤,尤某抱起小脸盆般大的石 块要砸黄成英。

  目击者张小姐昨日说,当时围观者上百人,一些人知道了恶毒短息的事,异口同声地谴责尤某。但尤某当着众 人大吼:“我就是要按短信的内容干。”引来更多的谴责声。



  “当时,我在电话里骂他不是人。”昨下午,永安小学教导处主任王才凡,仍然对陈富民的失信相当气愤。半 个月前,陈富民以转学为由到学校带走了婷婷,还写下让婷婷继续念书的保证书,但随后婷婷失学了 半个月。

  “早晨吃过饭,我要洗搅蛋糕的桶。等蛋糕做好,我要用铲子,把桶上和烤蛋糕铁盒上的蛋糕渣刮干净。中午 吃了饭,要做清洁……每天我的腰杆和手都很痛,想哭。”婷婷说,她被爸爸从学校带回县城后,就没去上学了。 除了干活,她还得卖蛋糕。


  “有一天,有个叔叔说我像童工。叔叔,啥子叫童工?”她问记者。记者无语―――她双手不像同龄孩子那样 细嫩,细看偶尔有茧子。她比划每天洗的蛋糕桶大小时,弯曲的双臂像抱了个大木桶。

  “她每天都在屋头看电视,懒得碗都不会洗。……随便你啷个讲,你说我杀了人都可以。”对女儿的话,陈富 民这样回应。

  首席记者 黄艳春/文 记者 冉文/摄




  不过,黄成英讲了这样一件事:今年春节后,即丈夫公然跟尤某同居约两个月后,明目张胆把尤某带回家,还 把她结婚嫁妆扔出门。由此,她认为尤某是罪魁祸首:一个正经女人不可能跟有妇之夫同居,还打上门来,于是认 为这种第三者,跟“鸡婆”无异。当时她就这样骂了尤某。尤某气极抓扯,咬伤了她,monster headphones。婷婷和陈富民均证实了此事。

  另外,陈富民以转学为名把婷婷带离学校时,尤某随同。婷婷的外婆闻讯,跑到学校骂尤某是“鸡婆”。黄成 英说,可能是这种原因,导致尤某发来短信,扬言把婷婷变成“鸡婆”。





  记者告诉陈富民,他有让女儿接受义务教育的法定义务。“你说我现在干的是违法的事!”他很吃惊,答应随 记者把女儿带到永安小学。

  校领导安排婷婷返班读书后,要求陈富民必须再写一份保证书,且按手印。百余字的保证书,陈富民揉了3张 纸才写完,因错字打黑疤有四处。他说,自己小学没毕业就辍学了,不能让女儿小学没毕业就失学。




  “现在婷婷这个可怜,不晓得可不可以变更监护权,让她由我抚养。”看见教室内的女儿因失学,无法跟同学 一起朗读课文时的窘况,她问记者。

  “婷婷在前夫与尤某组建的临时家庭里生活,对她成长很不利。”她说,自己现在城里打工,收入才1000 块左右,不知这种收入状况,会不会影响监护权变更?黄成英说,回城后铁了心要再打一份工。若监护权变更成功 ,她想“拼了命也要把一对女儿抚养成人”。

  本报新闻律师团成员、重庆汉尊律师事务所律师沈仁刚称,《民法通则》规定,离异双方对未成年孩子的监护 权可以变更,前提是一方的监护不利于孩子身心健康。比如,未变更前的监护方,有赌博、吸毒等严重影响孩子健 康成长的行为,或监护中对孩子的成长使用“冷暴力”―――用不关心或不过问等手段,把被抚养的 孩子当空气。

  本案中,无论是何原因,陈富民最终造成婷婷失学半个月,并遭遇了不利于身心健康的事(比如恶毒短信,在 蛋糕店当童工等)。婷婷母亲可依法申请变更监护权。她过低的收入状况,不会影响变更。因为变更后,陈富民必 须依法支付婷婷抚养费,直至成长到18岁。
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