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Old 09-07-2011, 09:18 AM   #1
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Default moncler piumino uomo 百万富翁结识瘾君子两月砸车盗


  日前,枣庄警方捣毁一个疯狂砸车盗窃50余起的“砸车帮”。令人叹息的是,就在一年前,这个“砸车帮” 的头目还是一名经营多家铁矿的百万富翁。因交友不慎,沾染上毒品,一年间他不仅败光了家产,还沦为盗窃团伙 头子。


  2010年12月11日上午8时许,枣庄某小区居民刘某上班时发现,自己的轿车车窗玻璃被砸得粉碎,放 在车里的笔记本电脑、数码相机和4000元现金不见了踪影。与其相邻的3辆轿车同晚被砸,车内物品被洗劫一 空。

  半个月后的26日晚,市民王女士的马自达轿车车窗被砸,2000元现金及一部手机被盗,moncler piumino uomo



  今年1月1日,枣庄市公安局联合市中分局及所辖城区派出所成立专案组,开始细致地摸排走访 。




  民警靠近这辆可疑车辆后,要求车内人员出示证件。岂料车内的中年男子神色慌张,甚至准备弃车逃跑,被民 警当场制服。





  据石某交待,他以前从事铁矿生意,有几个铁矿和铁厂。前几年铁矿石涨价,他很快便积累了几百万的家产, 在枣庄购买了别墅和豪华轿车。有钱后,石某出手阔绰,结识了很多朋友,每天出入高档消费场所吃 喝玩乐。

  一年前的一次朋友聚会上,身边的几个朋友吸毒。在他们的劝说下,石某也走上了吸毒的不归路。由于天天吸 毒、赌博,无心打理生意,石某几百万的家产很快败光,名下的铁矿和铁厂也卖了。他还借高利贷,用来吸毒和赌 博。

  转眼高利贷到期,他无法偿还,就用自己的房子抵债。老婆和他离婚,带着孩子出走。此后,他更加堕落,毒 瘾和赌瘾更加膨胀。



  当夜,他在一居民区偷了一辆轿车。可因为没有任何手续,偷来的车没有卖掉。不过,他并没有就此放弃盗窃 的念头。想起当年自己开车时,常将现金、烟酒放在车上,砸车盗窃的念头由此产生。


  四人一人负责开车,寻找作案目标;一人负责用钢珠枪打车玻璃,盗窃车内物品;两人负责望风。作案选在凌 晨两三点,专挑停在暗角或无人看守的车辆,如果报警器响了,他们就立即躲开观察。

  第一次四人就砸了四辆车,盗窃现金5000元、手机两部。从此一发不可收拾,从2010年10月起的近 两个月内,他们疯狂作案50余起,盗窃的物品价值十万余元,全部被用于吸毒及消费。

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Old 09-07-2011, 09:25 AM   #2
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 419
ddsfgdsa9b8 is on a distinguished road

1、富家女:见过名牌儿么? 我这包上写着LV!我:学过拼音,读 “驴”是吧?
2、客轮要沉了,领导抢了一件救生衣,秘书提醒说:局长,船上还有不少女人呢,领导怒道:都什么时候了,还 想那 事!!
3、煮饭时,一只螃蟹顶出锅盖,对你说:“我热!”,答曰: 想红就忍 着!
5、据说大地震前有三个明显征兆:1.井水异常;2.牲畜反应异常;3. 专家出来辟谣。但是细心的人指出,第二条和第三条重复了。
6、昨晚踩了一条美女蛇,它反身咬了我一口,没过一会,蛇全身发抖,口吐白沫,转眼就挂了。我朝他吐口沫, 鄙夷对它说:老子从小喝三聚氰胺牛奶、吃吊白块面粉、用地沟油炸的油条、苏丹红腌的红心鸭蛋、避孕药喂大的 黄鳝、打激素的鸡和注水的肉,从小还打过假冒的疫苗,我早就百毒不侵,你敢咬我,真是找死!
7、索马里海盗:“三百万美元,一口价!”中方官员:“二百五十 万!” 海盗:"你当我傻啊?我知道你们说二百五是骂人的!”中方官员:“三百万就三百万!但发票要写七百万!”海 盗热泪盈眶伸拇指:“抢钱还是你们狠!!!”
9、历史老师说:秦朝统一六国的顺序可以记为“喊赵薇去演戏!” (韩赵魏楚燕齐)全场汗颜……
0、和同事开车出去吃饭,到了吃的地方没有停车位,只好停在了路边。问朋友会不会被贴罚单。他说没事,从箱 里拿出来了一张罚单,自己贴在了车窗上。吃完饭回来果然平安无事……
11、白天看中国股市,晚上看中国足球,belstaff shop,用不了半年,你就离进精神病院不远啦!
13、在超市里,看见一只五花大绑着的螃蟹从18.9元的水箱里往28.9元 的水箱里爬,我泪流满面,你太TM有上进心了!
14、中国第一廉官:他是副厅级巡视员,跟国家领导人有亲戚关系, 去西方考察访问只带3个随从,从不警车开道,也不用公款吃喝,有时甚至要自己找饭吃。3随从因太清苦常闹辞 职。他在西方考察多年,见过多位外国元首,成绩很大,国后也没要求升官,一生教书育人,死后没任何家产。他 ,就是唐僧。
15、她丈夫在河北当建筑工人,工程塌方,被砸死在下面。她要求赔偿,包工头不肯。她起诉到法院,败诉。她 上诉,再次败诉。她只好上访,从山东一次次来到河北,当局抓她,关她,在精神病院喂她吃药。她逃了出来,上 网求助,被屏蔽、被删帖。她不会翻墙, 一天天坐在墙下哭,belstaff leather,最后终于把墙哭倒了,她就是孟姜女
16、某市近来每到夜里,许多领导的办公室火光熊熊,有人打119报 警,消防队无动于衷,拒不出警。民众投诉后得到的答复是:领导们在烧日记
17、昨天问一炒股朋友:最近股市暴跌了,睡眠怎样?他说:像婴儿般睡眠。我说:不愧是高手!这都能睡得着 !他沉默半晌道:半夜经常醒来哭一会再睡。
18、记得儿子刚出生的那天,护士把儿子从产房抱出来。初为人父那叫一个激动啊,急忙接过儿子,嘴里还习惯 性的说着:来,叔叔抱一下,乖……周围立刻一片沉寂。
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Old 09-07-2011, 09:26 AM   #3
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oujoyha8l7 is on a distinguished road



















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Old 09-07-2011, 09:25 AM   #4
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Reprinted from alumni of the user at 03:27 on June 21, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

started singing for beginners to understand, learn and master the four departments pop singing, really know how to sing ~!

(in fact you may not sing well, but not sing, who sing well is not necessarily the result of hard work and practice just do him a bit less on the action made some wrong moves only )

the vast majority of my friends, can learn the following order:
No.1 [Original] Primary Voice 1: Voice review
No.2 [Original] Junior Development Voice 2: Beginners must see the transformation sound starting point for bubble
No.3 [original] primary voice 3: Bubble sound of vocalization Dafa
No.4 [original] primary flavor 1: Members to chi-bar ----- our breath
No.5 [original] primary flavor 2: to practice breath to the body to use where?
No.6 [original] primary breath 3: the action from the life breath, step by step to master
No.7 [original] 4 primary breath: breath exercises coming continuous
No.8 [Original] 5 primary breath: breath and then practice Majestic Spirit in
No.9 [original] primary Articulation 1: would say do not sing
No.10 [original] primary pronunciation 2: To read the clear words can be more touching
No.11 [original] primary pronunciation 3: mouth and facial expressions
No.12 [original] 4 primary pronunciation: pronunciation of the development effort the most important and most difficult to do
No .13 [original] the primary sound transmission: There are after before there is a small big
No.14 [original] the primary sound transmission two: the formation of the two corner edges (lines)
No.15 [Original ] the primary sound transmission 3: bring to sing with a voice
told friends:
1 vocal systematic and comprehensive study is needed, please do long-term learning of the plan, intended to read a few lines today, tomorrow, as early as possible to give the people a master.
2 just look at the text tutorial will produce errors, it is best to see video tutorials, listen to the teacher's demonstration and explanation, to avoid the practice crooked!
(later with practice, patience Kane)

No.1 popular music in order to sing well, first of all singers have to be extremely rich!
popular music in order to sing well, first of all singers have to be \! !
Sound: refers to the vocal skills (also used to sing those actions)
situation: when the concert to express a mood or an atmosphere (usually seen as not investment, is not there Singer temperament)
even a skilled person voice, his voice still have flaws, as in vocal performance, the human voice is always better, and if the lack of emotional support, he is at best a voice machine, and is flawed.
the contrary, if by a moment of courage, feeling a moment to vent, then it is often inseparable from the K songs, shouting and other behavior.
misunderstanding: the sound of love is not a good combination of both, the blind leading the training of voice tools into a numb, and too much of the Some Like It Hot was too vulnerable to marketplace concert atmosphere, and in the future to hard to change it!
No.2 into the sound, the situation in these two areas to explore popular music concert to be divided into the following rule
our sound, love to explore these two laws of popular music concert!
course, in the literal expression and movement training process, based on acoustic-based, supplemented by the situation, but hope that in the course of the use of performance the other hand, value of.
improve vocal skills lessons are divided into four gates: breath, sound, sound transmission, Tongue.
love: at the beginning of time, mainly to be able to hear a good voice \(In the performing arts, enjoy the song to learn the process becomes rational from the emotional to return to sensibility)
practice singing a lot of people blind, but he does not know the process of singing, the sound of the four departments in the work This is meant to sing, practice is effective. But at the same time, the song is good or bad singing appreciate a whole, a mood, not in testing the level of these four subjects!

Example 1: practicing singing voice does not mean that good people turn out to sing well.
column 2: like Jacky Cheung, Andy Lau, not like people, they never more than anyone else's singing skills are high, but more than anyone else sing nice!
No.3 What is the atmosphere?
since about four lessons, we'll elaborate on one by one:
First of all, what is the atmosphere?
singing must be gas, popular music in the air, is a breath composition of these two actions alternately. (No action to have the third generation, such as pause, heavy smoking, heavy call, stealing gas, leakage, etc.)
to breathe, run, call the art of singing, not ends. (Now available in the market, most of the chi-training methods, too much emphasis on breathing, it would greatly weaken the ability of the singer's performance, communication skills)
exercise essentials, to use gas, it is necessary for a breath, turn work, stability air intake, coherent action.
practice methods:
1, weak sustain exercise
made of \
with \> breath \br> flavor of action. Here we are abdominal breathing, the first action we have to recognize the atmosphere of the upper abdomen and lower abdomen.
the lower abdomen: pubic region (three fingers below the belly button), abdominal groove (the very bottom of the lower abdomen and the edge of the composition of semi-circular area), the body above the waist on both sides of hip bone, and form a circle behind the same location.
the upper abdomen: the diaphragm and around the circle. Including the upper abdomen, stomach, lower lobes, Liang Lei, chest and back of the two ribs.
1. Take a deep breath breathing three times to ensure that two actions are to be fully and breath of 5 seconds to find the rhythm
2. Take a deep breath breathing three times to ensure that two actions have the full 5 seconds, but still calls the shorter the better absorption
3. 2, the action will be repeated three times just do not call do not smoke Bingzhu breath (breath of the fixed point only muscle work)
4. Action of the call will be 2,3, smoking muscle action reversed (key) and then started a deep breath for 10 seconds three times a call is as short as possible suction
5. Will call the action for 4 to extend from 10 to 30 seconds, slowly sucked or as short as possible and called to promote the vocal cords when the vowel (a, e, i, o, u, which is phonetic)
6. Slowly for 5 vowels into action to maintain sound and lyrics to sing
breath positions of the practice:
1: length with the number of audio exercises quick
1,2,3 ..... .9,10 breath ,5-7 the number of 20-30 times the tone for a group, each practice group
3-5 requirements: talk about breath, voice, pronunciation separately, and strive to pronunciation clearly, the average intensity.
2: Strong skip practice
still number 1 to 10, each interval between the second, one breath 2 times the number of tone ,5-7 as a group, each practice group
3-5 Requirements: short, fast, uniform, net
3: Exercise 1 and 2 in the breath Alternate exercises, such as the first exercise 2 from 1 to 5, 5, and then practice a few times, so practice will turn over
Note, first, recognize the atmosphere of working muscles; secondly, to correct these muscles work in accordance with the above action.
Myth: chi-practicing singing in the ability to work when the atmosphere is not in the air longer than anyone else. A multi-tone as a group, not to breath the basis for judging.
No.5 What is sound?
Next, we talk about sound.
voice is a human instinct, but the talk, sing it all day after the formation.
What is sound?
gas through the trachea to promote the vocal cords, the vocal cords vibrate, this process is called sound. (Breath, trachea, vocal cords, muscles which is human instinct to muscles needed for sound)
Since voice is so constituted, it needs the air that we have described above, the trachea as long as the situation in the absence of disease ,belstaff outlet, the upper body can remain upright in the future, when we talk about voice, refers to the work of the vocal muscles.
We must become a purpose sound instinct, controlled voice.
First of all, to be able to feel the vocal cords at work, we can relax the conditions in the issue of the \(We will be described in the audio and video)
Second, understand the \
exercise: \the audible sound and acquired ability to form mixed.
2. talking and singing when the action moves too similar.
No.6 Why use bubble sound
Why use bubble sound: bubble sound is the best starting point for vocal active state (as the aircraft start)
vocal exercises can not be too sure to pay attention to sensory experience, which is necessary to practice the feeling of movement to adhere to the training. Under
throat to speak (to relax the throat and mouth, gently hair bubble sound, feel than usual to speak of the Throat bit low)
speak with feeling under the throat, location to recite, and then singing training.
requirements: the first word of each word should have a bubble sound (vocal cords from the movement), the first slow song and then train to a different song, the overall sound we must have state but also to relax.
No.7 Summary
after practicing the first few speakers will be the next key if the action is separate from the work area
breath of the four movements; sound movement; Tongue movements are mentioned, and the remaining is the \
example: breath exercises to practice it in the atmosphere is, of course, but let us not forget that voice needs to be used as long as \.
with this state to practice as a singer basically a beginning.
No.8 pronunciation action
pronunciation [mirror practicing] in fact, before the lessons about the best time in practice can also look in the mirror
1. concert revealed at least four or more teeth, of course in a relaxed approached cases, the better
2. the lips of the outer 1 / 4 up / ramp raised above (the highest point lip liner, Zou nose)
3. face open, surprised expression
4. [the most important and most difficult to] release the jaws,
for action, to send forces to teeth of the mouth opening and closing of the power is [with the most inside the molar]
teeth is loose is not open [action] you can do exactly the actions of these two
5. the mouth of the upper part of the work (under the lip commissure above the boundary) to relax half of the mouth does not move with the object
live support to practice chin the angle of the neck and chin to keep more than 90 120 in the following
6. to keep his mouth before the big after the small, into a trumpet shape
No.9 small
after speaking before the big Articulation mentioned actions, the main is to increase the oral cavity anterior space, and many friends in the concert when the blind pursuit of your mouth, which led to back-end blind expansion of the mouth, the mouth into the barrel, and even funnel, which is not consistent with the physical nature of voice transmission, contrary to popular music is more intimate properties.
So the first big, we want to maintain a relatively small following, so that a horn-shaped mouth
we see this greater than, to constitute it,belstaff jacket, there must be a vertex and two edges, vertices in We are actively working on the vocal cords, or glottis breath after that point (remember: in the vocal cords on the floor of the mouth rather than inside the mouth)
that the two sides, below, is our tongue, to the about to start, and keep straight (this action in many of the singer's live performance can be clearly seen)
above, is our catchy cover, but also started to relax, with a large tongue before formation of the corresponding small after angle.
No.10 catchy cover
catchy cover, tongue, tongue licking his upper front teeth, along the center line of movement inside, and then click encounter roots, a protruding muscles [particle, point where the word, the following Detailed], concave part is the hard palate, soft palate through to the amygdala is, in concert, we call it catchy cover.
because only it can in the mouth or half of the mouth does not move under their own work / changes, so in the microphone, the piece of muscle action is essential. used in conjunction with the pronunciation
action after missing you cover your mouth with his tongue slowly played a focus until the glottis, this should all practice hard, we do not have this habit Popular!
the pharynx is usually our throat nature conservation, and in concert, we have to do is loose the pharynx, larynx exposed (to relax the muscles of our throat, but throat muscles is to work) , the throat is no longer one.

No.11 resolve the conflict is about the top 10 has basically been
talked about singing four parts, in other words, if you sing, you can also make this four-part work and it gradually become a habit, then congratulations, you have really sing.
the same time, I do not know in practice have not found that these actions will affect each other at work, a song the whole song, a tight all tight, in principle,belstaff uk, to solve it is to achieve the unity of contradictions.
almost all the muscles in the singing of work action, it is necessary to actively work the muscles, but also relative to the natural relaxation that I hope you bother to understand, take some time to practice.
No.12 tone how to solve the puzzle bubble! ! !
you practice the bubble sound effect used in concert should be obvious but some people will ask:
how training has changed when the usual kind enough to sing the same as before? A: Do you practice singing with the usual sub-singing up??? This is clearly a misunderstanding of the training school of the most important thing is to use! ! ! !
Some would say singing with a bubble sound did not sound? A: That I will tell him that I did not say did not sound pleasant it used to be a simple action songs sound skills base is the listener feel good or bad singing technique is that the feelings of the singer!
a singer with a lot of fans do not sing the scientific understand? ? ? Use the bubble sound to concert and to rely on the natural expression of feeling of the song nicely! !
practice bubble sound can sing the Song of the Month? How to practice? ? A: Any one in the world and then advanced all the way to go in the end dead-end to reach the goal is clearly to the direction of
bubble sound is not everything when you do not need to deliberate on the future skilled individual state practice because of its muscle has been integrated into your concert at this point you have to make new moves to your concert such a real increase in the level of technological progress in the No.13 why qi! ! ! (A fine solution)
must use when the first concert and life on the number of different and a different atmosphere and life
What is different? Is basically used in concert with the normal atmosphere is the opposite of why the action simply because the atmosphere of the work usually do not work when the vocal cords can also be said at this time the direction of breath with exertion force vocal direction is basically the same and correct vocal concert is a positive action in the work itself can also have a strong work force at this time the direction of breath with vocal direction by the force of what is proposition of
This is a good number of different understanding of what each person in general have inherent sound habits, tone, speed, volume and so on. . . . However, when the concert level, strength, brightness, speed, weight. . . . Are so variable also must become one of the elements constitute a sound atmosphere is full of daring has Qiruoyousi the field until the
No.14 how qi! ! ! (Fine solving two)
1. Take a deep breath breathing three times to ensure that two actions are to be fully and breath of 5 seconds to find the rhythm
2. Take a deep breath breathing three times to ensure that two actions have the full 5 seconds, but still calls the shorter the better absorption
3. 2, the action will be repeated three times just do not call do not smoke Bingzhu breath (breath of the fixed point only muscle work)
4. Action of the call will be 2,3, smoking muscle action reversed (key) and then started a deep breath call is 10 seconds three times as short as possible suction
5. Will call the action for 4 to extend from 10 to 30 seconds, slowly sucked or as short as possible and called to promote the vocal cords when the vowel (a, e, i, o, u, which is phonetic)
6. Slowly for 5 vowels into action to maintain sound and lyrics to sing
breath positions of the first essentials of practice and norms about it the next fuel oil [/ b]
No.15 chi-trick! ! ! (Lecture)
vocal about in the atmosphere is a breath of iterative two movements is the main expression of atmosphere in the \not too much emphasis on \stop
3, a multi-tone as a group, do not breath in the \\(ibid.)
fat \uniform, the net
3, \to express the song with the same
(Exercise part:)
vocalization voice shouted:

first stage: the first did not say anything qi research data shows that in normal circumstances, breathing 16-19 times per minute, about 3,4 seconds to process each breath, and singing,belstaff coat, sometimes in one breath to extend ten seconds, or even longer, and the inspiratory time is short, exhaled a long time, must have the will to keep gas in the lungs slowly exhale the essentials, so to do first:
(a) \Hu extended breath control exercises slowly. \
The essentials are: first, learn to \Qi Shen Dan Tian, slowly relax Sternocostal, so that gas exhaled slowly as the steady-like, call evenly control the longer the better, over and over 4-6 times.
(b) \\repeated a few number of digital \At the same time softly: \until the gas to do and see how many you can count date. Repeated 4-6 times.
C. \In the \times.
number of figures, \Abdominal pain began to appear, practiced for some time, will consciously greatly improved.
(c) \This practice is still chi-based, voice, giving the same choice at the push of a bass-area boys made lightly, \), fat girls, \;
(d) \dominated by the bass, elastic, abdomen and diaphragm use force while stretching the pop-up, we introduce three types of exercises:
A. Hold the breath, mouth issued a quick \Rights \(repeat) (speed up) Ha, ha, ha ... ... \stretched enough, the first issue of slow after the fast, \gas is the sound of the country, the commander of air atmosphere for the sound, has been basically full, \practiced.

second phase: gas, sound, word exercises

opera actor, especially amateur Peking Opera performers including opera voice in calling on the vocalization and easy to make quick success of the problems, wished he could soon be able to call for a voice high and bright, the acute the call treble, and even a blind call Luanhan Meng shouted, this is often counterproductive. We call throat vocalization in the study, the potential to be in no hurry to sound practice atmosphere is conducive to sound practice, wants everyone to clear a progressive law and perseverance and determination. In the third stage, we recommend calling or not eager to climb the treble scale, and from the air, the sound of the word combination of practicing. These three relations should be arranged in a sequence: gas for the audio services, audio services for the chamber, chamber services for the word, the word for the word service, the word for the intelligence services. From this sequence, we can see the position of the word is in the center, holding in front of \One of them collapsed, loser. Pronunciation of the real, determines the mellow sound, \The sound of shouting voice training in word, sound, gas relationship, care should be enough \The specific method is: The way to put words in Pinyin head, belly, slow zoom suffix to the word vocalization, and then speed up, while training more than taking the tongue and lips and teeth, throat flexibility.
�� lip exercises: (first slow down, read it again to enlarge gradually accelerate to read the tongue twister)
August marked a soldier of a hundred and Ben - a
North North a slope a slope along a shot of a soldier a row of a run -
afraid of a gun of a soldier a soldier of a standard touch a mark of a soldier a
an instant touch of a fear of a soldier shot a
�� a dental practice (as above)
IV - is four,
ten - is - ten,
fourth is - fourth,
forty - is - forty,
not to ten IV - said - forty,
they should not forty - that - fourth,
�� retroflex practice (as above)
sixty-year-old Mr. Liu, pushing six ten,
six large oil basket,
sixty-six Chuiyangliu,
tied sixty-six Malaysia monkey.
�� guttural practice (as above)
Piedmont have tigers,
foot a monkey,
Nian Hou tiger, monkey fighting tiger,
thrust is not on tiger monkey,
monkeys can not fight the tiger.
�� retroflex sound dental practice (as above)
Street South to the lame, and his right hand holding a plate, left hand eggplant; street children have a break off the nail stumbled lame, right hand and fell plate,belstaff online, left hand throw almost exactly thirteen eggplant
�� pronunciation practice
wind (Middle East) a reminder (ashes) of a summer (Suzhou) a to (a g) a bearing (spindle waves) of a flower ( blur) a DR (Miexie)
autumn (from request) a cool (Jiang Yang) a cloud (person e) a high (away section) of a goose (Introduction ago) one from (sticks think) the one (Huailai)
Qiao (away section) of a good (blur) a person (person e) twist (by request) pinch (Miexie) a (Suzhou) a room (Chiang Yang) a to (Huailai)
East (Middle East) One West (a g) the south (made before) and the north (the ashes) sit (wave shuttle)
such a practice, you which way audio round, which way audio and dry, capable of distinguishing between, find a prospective. Gas, sound, word exercises are very practical and effective.

third stage: poetry, singing exercises
to reciting poetry, singing on the fourth stage is to practice and mining purposes, \high, but the consolidation of alto, bass, it sounds gorgeous, pure sound, keep a nice pleasant voice, and treble the tough elastic exercise. At this point the concept of white practice my singing is a cappella, singing more difficult, demanding, in the third phase of training, there is gas, sound, word bottom, is a step to climb a step, the voice is not fatigue, exercise has results, grasp of the big.
�� poetry and the general election scheduled games of each line of business of the poem, because the role of just play, to give viewers a first impression and make them to stop arguments, quiet down, so should be a tone poem set a higher field, not urgent not slow, is interested in the role of their own aspirations of self-analysis, strong rhythm, must be a good practice, but also for voice calling, vocalization, practice. Such as \Yue Fei's signature poems in the \In the wake of all things, Vientiane updated training to play early in the morning you can enjoy the voice.
�� singing: a study of white-phase folder chanting, half singing half-read each other's characteristics, more difficult than poetry, more should express their emotions, their temperament is more desirable stretch, just to shout voice sound. Yin half singing half as primers, for example, \sing) Atlas alone, Qixun been built earlier, (semi-Yin read) in name of Han Fu Zuo, (singing) the times of Wei moved. \Direct sing such as \must have lost a husband and wife for the Jiao loving children. \White
�� Beijing (Mandarin) poems: words and concepts for the modern opera performance practice, such as the use of poetry and melody, and read \\Another example read some of the classic modern opera character asks, \Large segment of the traditional white and a number of consistent oral reading practice exercise at this stage can also smell and sound.
fourth stage: the sound exercise
arc gas is a very unique kind of opera, vocal technique, it was like dancing in the bouncing, jumping up and squatted down and bounce, like sports in the Shot Put , turn up, withdrew it, and then throw to, breath and sound introduction to form a /-type, parabolic, pull back, throw it out.
as Takefu: ah / cough /
older students: MA / to /
painted face: Wine / Oh ah \ to /
ugly: ah / ha /
Tsing Yi: bitter / wow / \br> Yung �� intrinsic /
such dual-arc gas, sound, if not a good practice, easily a \General essentials are: good air transport - asked a good character (like \ring, complement each other. In particular, recited allocation process, \Go go rhyme sound is practice and need to master.
fifth stage: scale and high-difficulty climbing tremolo
\The sound of the shouting voice training exercises this way audio, careful not more training, the key is to find a way to find the location, if the hard Qu Han sent for, will all do the exercise in front of waste, but also hurt the voice. Very sensitive to squeeze practice this way audio, cards, pinch, press, strong efforts, recklessly horizontal gas. The old man said, \the law will send gas lift ... ... the listener is clear and bright, the singer not strenuous. \
singing voice training method (9 method):
singing the most depressing thing, than out of tune.
a microphone in hand, it is thought that a return to easy to sing, who know that no one present can also be considered quite satisfactory. Know to sing in front of it, and her voice becomes the tone and was breathing without command.
good songs to practice slowly, since like singing, \
the Basic Law, Article I: qi, qi cut throat and chest and abdomen should relax together, and then a resumption of a place, a sound, a light breath, after more than ten times back and forth, singing a favorite songs must be sung to mouth,belstaff jackets outlet, such as a half months? \
as saying after the first \
method �� �� relax, breathe deep breath, followed by a slight smell from the I-I rode singing, then were exposed to the other breath, rapid and smooth bright sound of \
This method will help increase the volume and sound bright. However, some practice my singing are shallow narrow resonance may be through a \If you experience this situation. Please pour a cup of warm boiled water, ... ...
poem says: drink, patted his chest. Hand massage and then the whole neck and throat, so it goes, helps blood circulation and open the chest and oral resonance.
(s c)
the words \Please light near the left and right hands ribs (waist point), then inhale, feel the suction when the ribs on both sides of horizontal expansion, the hand you still maintain the status quo, followed by closing the lower abdomen to exhale air, breath to keep expanding both sides of the ribs when . Then relax the body, and then repeated once, twice, three times until the seventh, eight suction. This \The first condition is a singing voice with gas. Well, if that chest up, nausea, dry throat or heaviness in the head? Tea with a small teaspoon of red add some rock sugar, the last written review: \effective.
(of four)
fourth type. Look up the distance, Tsui favorite song to sing it, sing when the hands touch the lower abdomen, the so-called meaning keep the pubic region. Why have two hands touch the lower abdomen
? Thought this could lead concentrate. Person's ideas are very uncertain, according to the lower abdomen is to ensure the sound \Since the beginning of the pubic region
voice, that is, have higher requirements to practice singing, so, so, friends please keep in mind one, two, three type, can not be neglected.
(of five)
pubic voice is all smooth, bright, beautiful sound starting point. However, to achieve the sound transparent and bright, really overnight effort to try to do so. Come to the fifth type �� ��
together Tsui \Slightly on both sides of the ribs when vocalization horizontal expansion to the sound to reach from the bottom of the lower abdomen through the nose, and throat must be relaxed.
Objective: to develop between the nasal and oral resonance.
is the old saying, and learn new things.
sixth type, tremolo and bouncing sounds �� ��
1. Suction, gas to be sucked too deep.
2. Play with the lip 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I scales, voice, the sides slightly expanded ribs, lower abdomen and lips with the bounce.
3. Mouths Zhang Kaicheng round, with \
Objective: trained to a powerful and flexible voice.
(of seven)
focus is to practice pronunciation clear. First, the vocal part of the adjustment
one. Patted his chest, the clear cavity mouth.
II. To inhale deeply, breathe on both sides of the ribs to the transverse expansion is intended to regulate resonance and coherent.
III. Spit out aloud, \
This is the first step in practicing clear articulation, please bear in mind the kinds of exercises.
(of eight)
a friend asked: \really is a very large singing defects, now \
1. Slow expansion \
2. Support for the air to a peak, a fast beat immediately hand; patted his chest with irregular loud \
3. Around, flapping his hands and massage the head, the intensity should be moderate, the first purpose is to enhance the cavity resonance.
Note: This trick non-beginners singing \
practice with sound �� ��
first inhale, breathe on both sides of the ribs slightly open, gas can full of smoke to the seven, because breathing is too deep, too It is easy to discourage anti-filled. FA
sing tone by 1---/2---/3---/4---/5---/6---/7---/i
then repeat the MA sound interval, each singing a four-shot suck gas.
remember when practicing scales, inspiratory breath to be quiet and do not let the sound of voice shaking.
Objective: This type is the training of the penetrating power of song. Nine-day-style singing
acoustic power into the clouds, you determined to karaoke friends; may have one by one and step by step training qi practice singing voice?
I use the \\Because he was teaching, because of physical conditions to determine the sound method of training is wisdom. the nine Type I
sound law practice is dedicated to all friends as lay the basis for the sound of singing the end of recipe. Dear friends, please persevere, the repeated practice of each type, the time will certainly prove that you had beautiful voices.
(video education)
SWF format as the template does not recognize the school, the school can not add the video template, so everyone here can only be made about the video URL, please understand that these videos are able to play. It is still very easy to learn da ~ please order to learn, I think the teacher reading about the fine.
the order of vocal learning basic skills
1�� ��

pronunciation learning basic skills in order ��3��

of voice in order to learn basic skills ��4��

bass practice ��5��

order to learn a little in order to learn the skills ��6��

1 1 1 training to learn the order of 7�� ��
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Old 09-07-2011, 09:26 AM   #5
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Reprinted from alumni of the user at 03:27 on June 21, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

started singing for beginners to understand, learn and master the four departments pop singing, really know how to sing ~!

(in fact you may not sing well, but not sing, who sing well is not necessarily the result of hard work and practice just do him a bit less on the action made some wrong moves only )

the vast majority of my friends, can learn the following order:
No.1 [Original] Primary Voice 1: Voice review
No.2 [Original] Junior Development Voice 2: Beginners must see the transformation sound starting point for bubble
No.3 [original] primary voice 3: Bubble sound of vocalization Dafa
No.4 [original] primary flavor 1: Members to chi-bar ----- our breath
No.5 [original] primary flavor 2: to practice breath to the body to use where?
No.6 [original] primary breath 3: the action from the life breath, step by step to master
No.7 [original] 4 primary breath: breath exercises coming continuous
No.8 [Original] 5 primary breath: breath and then practice Majestic Spirit in
No.9 [original] primary Articulation 1: would say do not sing
No.10 [original] primary pronunciation 2: To read the clear words can be more touching
No.11 [original] primary pronunciation 3: mouth and facial expressions
No.12 [original] 4 primary pronunciation: pronunciation of the development effort the most important and most difficult to do
No .13 [original] the primary sound transmission: There are after before there is a small big
No.14 [original] the primary sound transmission two: the formation of the two corner edges (lines)
No.15 [Original ] the primary sound transmission 3: bring to sing with a voice
told friends:
1 vocal systematic and comprehensive study is needed, please do long-term learning of the plan, intended to read a few lines today, tomorrow, as early as possible to give the people a master.
2 just look at the text tutorial will produce errors, it is best to see video tutorials, listen to the teacher's demonstration and explanation, to avoid the practice crooked!
(later with practice, patience Kane)

No.1 popular music in order to sing well, first of all singers have to be extremely rich!
popular music in order to sing well, first of all singers have to be \! !
Sound: refers to the vocal skills (also used to sing those actions)
situation: when the concert to express a mood or an atmosphere (usually seen as not investment, is not there Singer temperament)
even a skilled person voice, his voice still have flaws, as in vocal performance, the human voice is always better, and if the lack of emotional support, he is at best a voice machine, and is flawed.
the contrary, if by a moment of courage, feeling a moment to vent, then it is often inseparable from the K songs, shouting and other behavior.
misunderstanding: the sound of love is not a good combination of both, the blind leading the training of voice tools into a numb, and too much of the Some Like It Hot was too vulnerable to marketplace concert atmosphere, and in the future to hard to change it!
No.2 into the sound, the situation in these two areas to explore popular music concert to be divided into the following rule
our sound, love to explore these two laws of popular music concert!
course, in the literal expression and movement training process, based on acoustic-based, supplemented by the situation, but hope that in the course of the use of performance the other hand, value of.
improve vocal skills lessons are divided into four gates: breath, sound, sound transmission, Tongue.
love: at the beginning of time, mainly to be able to hear a good voice \(In the performing arts, enjoy the song to learn the process becomes rational from the emotional to return to sensibility)
practice singing a lot of people blind, but he does not know the process of singing, the sound of the four departments in the work This is meant to sing, practice is effective. But at the same time, the song is good or bad singing appreciate a whole, a mood, not in testing the level of these four subjects!

Example 1: practicing singing voice does not mean that good people turn out to sing well.
column 2: like Jacky Cheung, Andy Lau, not like people, they never more than anyone else's singing skills are high, but more than anyone else sing nice!
No.3 What is the atmosphere?
since about four lessons, we'll elaborate on one by one:
First of all, what is the atmosphere?
singing must be gas, popular music in the air, is a breath composition of these two actions alternately. (No action to have the third generation, such as pause, heavy smoking, heavy call, stealing gas, leakage, etc.)
to breathe, run, call the art of singing, not ends. (Now available in the market, most of the chi-training methods, too much emphasis on breathing, it would greatly weaken the ability of the singer's performance, communication skills)
exercise essentials, to use gas, it is necessary for a breath, turn work, stability air intake, coherent action.
practice methods:
1, weak sustain exercise
made of \
with \> breath \br> flavor of action. Here we are abdominal breathing, the first action we have to recognize the atmosphere of the upper abdomen and lower abdomen.
the lower abdomen: pubic region (three fingers below the belly button), abdominal groove (the very bottom of the lower abdomen and the edge of the composition of semi-circular area), the body above the waist on both sides of hip bone, and form a circle behind the same location.
the upper abdomen: the diaphragm and around the circle. Including the upper abdomen, stomach, lower lobes, Liang Lei, chest and back of the two ribs.
1. Take a deep breath breathing three times to ensure that two actions are to be fully and breath of 5 seconds to find the rhythm
2. Take a deep breath breathing three times to ensure that two actions have the full 5 seconds, but still calls the shorter the better absorption
3. 2, the action will be repeated three times just do not call do not smoke Bingzhu breath (breath of the fixed point only muscle work)
4. Action of the call will be 2,3, smoking muscle action reversed (key) and then started a deep breath for 10 seconds three times a call is as short as possible suction
5. Will call the action for 4 to extend from 10 to 30 seconds, slowly sucked or as short as possible and called to promote the vocal cords when the vowel (a, e, i, o, u, which is phonetic)
6. Slowly for 5 vowels into action to maintain sound and lyrics to sing
breath positions of the practice:
1: length with the number of audio exercises quick
1,2,3 ..... .9,10 breath ,5-7 the number of 20-30 times the tone for a group, each practice group
3-5 requirements: talk about breath, voice, pronunciation separately, and strive to pronunciation clearly, the average intensity.
2: Strong skip practice
still number 1 to 10, each interval between the second, one breath 2 times the number of tone ,5-7 as a group, each practice group
3-5 Requirements: short, fast, uniform, net
3: Exercise 1 and 2 in the breath Alternate exercises, such as the first exercise 2 from 1 to 5, 5, and then practice a few times, so practice will turn over
Note, first, recognize the atmosphere of working muscles; secondly, to correct these muscles work in accordance with the above action.
Myth: chi-practicing singing in the ability to work when the atmosphere is not in the air longer than anyone else. A multi-tone as a group, not to breath the basis for judging.
No.5 What is sound?
Next, we talk about sound.
voice is a human instinct, but the talk, sing it all day after the formation.
What is sound?
gas through the trachea to promote the vocal cords, the vocal cords vibrate, this process is called sound. (Breath, trachea, vocal cords, muscles which is human instinct to muscles needed for sound)
Since voice is so constituted, it needs the air that we have described above, the trachea as long as the situation in the absence of disease ,belstaff outlet, the upper body can remain upright in the future, when we talk about voice, refers to the work of the vocal muscles.
We must become a purpose sound instinct, controlled voice.
First of all, to be able to feel the vocal cords at work, we can relax the conditions in the issue of the \(We will be described in the audio and video)
Second, understand the \
exercise: \the audible sound and acquired ability to form mixed.
2. talking and singing when the action moves too similar.
No.6 Why use bubble sound
Why use bubble sound: bubble sound is the best starting point for vocal active state (as the aircraft start)
vocal exercises can not be too sure to pay attention to sensory experience, which is necessary to practice the feeling of movement to adhere to the training. Under
throat to speak (to relax the throat and mouth, gently hair bubble sound, feel than usual to speak of the Throat bit low)
speak with feeling under the throat, location to recite, and then singing training.
requirements: the first word of each word should have a bubble sound (vocal cords from the movement), the first slow song and then train to a different song, the overall sound we must have state but also to relax.
No.7 Summary
after practicing the first few speakers will be the next key if the action is separate from the work area
breath of the four movements; sound movement; Tongue movements are mentioned, and the remaining is the \
example: breath exercises to practice it in the atmosphere is, of course, but let us not forget that voice needs to be used as long as \.
with this state to practice as a singer basically a beginning.
No.8 pronunciation action
pronunciation [mirror practicing] in fact, before the lessons about the best time in practice can also look in the mirror
1. concert revealed at least four or more teeth, of course in a relaxed approached cases, the better
2. the lips of the outer 1 / 4 up / ramp raised above (the highest point lip liner, Zou nose)
3. face open, surprised expression
4. [the most important and most difficult to] release the jaws,
for action, to send forces to teeth of the mouth opening and closing of the power is [with the most inside the molar]
teeth is loose is not open [action] you can do exactly the actions of these two
5. the mouth of the upper part of the work (under the lip commissure above the boundary) to relax half of the mouth does not move with the object
live support to practice chin the angle of the neck and chin to keep more than 90 120 in the following
6. to keep his mouth before the big after the small, into a trumpet shape
No.9 small
after speaking before the big Articulation mentioned actions, the main is to increase the oral cavity anterior space, and many friends in the concert when the blind pursuit of your mouth, which led to back-end blind expansion of the mouth, the mouth into the barrel, and even funnel, which is not consistent with the physical nature of voice transmission, contrary to popular music is more intimate properties.
So the first big, we want to maintain a relatively small following, so that a horn-shaped mouth
we see this greater than, to constitute it,belstaff jacket, there must be a vertex and two edges, vertices in We are actively working on the vocal cords, or glottis breath after that point (remember: in the vocal cords on the floor of the mouth rather than inside the mouth)
that the two sides, below, is our tongue, to the about to start, and keep straight (this action in many of the singer's live performance can be clearly seen)
above, is our catchy cover, but also started to relax, with a large tongue before formation of the corresponding small after angle.
No.10 catchy cover
catchy cover, tongue, tongue licking his upper front teeth, along the center line of movement inside, and then click encounter roots, a protruding muscles [particle, point where the word, the following Detailed], concave part is the hard palate, soft palate through to the amygdala is, in concert, we call it catchy cover.
because only it can in the mouth or half of the mouth does not move under their own work / changes, so in the microphone, the piece of muscle action is essential. used in conjunction with the pronunciation
action after missing you cover your mouth with his tongue slowly played a focus until the glottis, this should all practice hard, we do not have this habit Popular!
the pharynx is usually our throat nature conservation, and in concert, we have to do is loose the pharynx, larynx exposed (to relax the muscles of our throat, but throat muscles is to work) , the throat is no longer one.

No.11 resolve the conflict is about the top 10 has basically been
talked about singing four parts, in other words, if you sing, you can also make this four-part work and it gradually become a habit, then congratulations, you have really sing.
the same time, I do not know in practice have not found that these actions will affect each other at work, a song the whole song, a tight all tight, in principle,belstaff uk, to solve it is to achieve the unity of contradictions.
almost all the muscles in the singing of work action, it is necessary to actively work the muscles, but also relative to the natural relaxation that I hope you bother to understand, take some time to practice.
No.12 tone how to solve the puzzle bubble! ! !
you practice the bubble sound effect used in concert should be obvious but some people will ask:
how training has changed when the usual kind enough to sing the same as before? A: Do you practice singing with the usual sub-singing up??? This is clearly a misunderstanding of the training school of the most important thing is to use! ! ! !
Some would say singing with a bubble sound did not sound? A: That I will tell him that I did not say did not sound pleasant it used to be a simple action songs sound skills base is the listener feel good or bad singing technique is that the feelings of the singer!
a singer with a lot of fans do not sing the scientific understand? ? ? Use the bubble sound to concert and to rely on the natural expression of feeling of the song nicely! !
practice bubble sound can sing the Song of the Month? How to practice? ? A: Any one in the world and then advanced all the way to go in the end dead-end to reach the goal is clearly to the direction of
bubble sound is not everything when you do not need to deliberate on the future skilled individual state practice because of its muscle has been integrated into your concert at this point you have to make new moves to your concert such a real increase in the level of technological progress in the No.13 why qi! ! ! (A fine solution)
must use when the first concert and life on the number of different and a different atmosphere and life
What is different? Is basically used in concert with the normal atmosphere is the opposite of why the action simply because the atmosphere of the work usually do not work when the vocal cords can also be said at this time the direction of breath with exertion force vocal direction is basically the same and correct vocal concert is a positive action in the work itself can also have a strong work force at this time the direction of breath with vocal direction by the force of what is proposition of
This is a good number of different understanding of what each person in general have inherent sound habits, tone, speed, volume and so on. . . . However, when the concert level, strength, brightness, speed, weight. . . . Are so variable also must become one of the elements constitute a sound atmosphere is full of daring has Qiruoyousi the field until the
No.14 how qi! ! ! (Fine solving two)
1. Take a deep breath breathing three times to ensure that two actions are to be fully and breath of 5 seconds to find the rhythm
2. Take a deep breath breathing three times to ensure that two actions have the full 5 seconds, but still calls the shorter the better absorption
3. 2, the action will be repeated three times just do not call do not smoke Bingzhu breath (breath of the fixed point only muscle work)
4. Action of the call will be 2,3, smoking muscle action reversed (key) and then started a deep breath call is 10 seconds three times as short as possible suction
5. Will call the action for 4 to extend from 10 to 30 seconds, slowly sucked or as short as possible and called to promote the vocal cords when the vowel (a, e, i, o, u, which is phonetic)
6. Slowly for 5 vowels into action to maintain sound and lyrics to sing
breath positions of the first essentials of practice and norms about it the next fuel oil [/ b]
No.15 chi-trick! ! ! (Lecture)
vocal about in the atmosphere is a breath of iterative two movements is the main expression of atmosphere in the \not too much emphasis on \stop
3, a multi-tone as a group, do not breath in the \\(ibid.)
fat \uniform, the net
3, \to express the song with the same
(Exercise part:)
vocalization voice shouted:

first stage: the first did not say anything qi research data shows that in normal circumstances, breathing 16-19 times per minute, about 3,4 seconds to process each breath, and singing,belstaff coat, sometimes in one breath to extend ten seconds, or even longer, and the inspiratory time is short, exhaled a long time, must have the will to keep gas in the lungs slowly exhale the essentials, so to do first:
(a) \Hu extended breath control exercises slowly. \
The essentials are: first, learn to \Qi Shen Dan Tian, slowly relax Sternocostal, so that gas exhaled slowly as the steady-like, call evenly control the longer the better, over and over 4-6 times.
(b) \\repeated a few number of digital \At the same time softly: \until the gas to do and see how many you can count date. Repeated 4-6 times.
C. \In the \times.
number of figures, \Abdominal pain began to appear, practiced for some time, will consciously greatly improved.
(c) \This practice is still chi-based, voice, giving the same choice at the push of a bass-area boys made lightly, \), fat girls, \;
(d) \dominated by the bass, elastic, abdomen and diaphragm use force while stretching the pop-up, we introduce three types of exercises:
A. Hold the breath, mouth issued a quick \Rights \(repeat) (speed up) Ha, ha, ha ... ... \stretched enough, the first issue of slow after the fast, \gas is the sound of the country, the commander of air atmosphere for the sound, has been basically full, \practiced.

second phase: gas, sound, word exercises

opera actor, especially amateur Peking Opera performers including opera voice in calling on the vocalization and easy to make quick success of the problems, wished he could soon be able to call for a voice high and bright, the acute the call treble, and even a blind call Luanhan Meng shouted, this is often counterproductive. We call throat vocalization in the study, the potential to be in no hurry to sound practice atmosphere is conducive to sound practice, wants everyone to clear a progressive law and perseverance and determination. In the third stage, we recommend calling or not eager to climb the treble scale, and from the air, the sound of the word combination of practicing. These three relations should be arranged in a sequence: gas for the audio services, audio services for the chamber, chamber services for the word, the word for the word service, the word for the intelligence services. From this sequence, we can see the position of the word is in the center, holding in front of \One of them collapsed, loser. Pronunciation of the real, determines the mellow sound, \The sound of shouting voice training in word, sound, gas relationship, care should be enough \The specific method is: The way to put words in Pinyin head, belly, slow zoom suffix to the word vocalization, and then speed up, while training more than taking the tongue and lips and teeth, throat flexibility.
�� lip exercises: (first slow down, read it again to enlarge gradually accelerate to read the tongue twister)
August marked a soldier of a hundred and Ben - a
North North a slope a slope along a shot of a soldier a row of a run -
afraid of a gun of a soldier a soldier of a standard touch a mark of a soldier a
an instant touch of a fear of a soldier shot a
�� a dental practice (as above)
IV - is four,
ten - is - ten,
fourth is - fourth,
forty - is - forty,
not to ten IV - said - forty,
they should not forty - that - fourth,
�� retroflex practice (as above)
sixty-year-old Mr. Liu, pushing six ten,
six large oil basket,
sixty-six Chuiyangliu,
tied sixty-six Malaysia monkey.
�� guttural practice (as above)
Piedmont have tigers,
foot a monkey,
Nian Hou tiger, monkey fighting tiger,
thrust is not on tiger monkey,
monkeys can not fight the tiger.
�� retroflex sound dental practice (as above)
Street South to the lame, and his right hand holding a plate, left hand eggplant; street children have a break off the nail stumbled lame, right hand and fell plate,belstaff online, left hand throw almost exactly thirteen eggplant
�� pronunciation practice
wind (Middle East) a reminder (ashes) of a summer (Suzhou) a to (a g) a bearing (spindle waves) of a flower ( blur) a DR (Miexie)
autumn (from request) a cool (Jiang Yang) a cloud (person e) a high (away section) of a goose (Introduction ago) one from (sticks think) the one (Huailai)
Qiao (away section) of a good (blur) a person (person e) twist (by request) pinch (Miexie) a (Suzhou) a room (Chiang Yang) a to (Huailai)
East (Middle East) One West (a g) the south (made before) and the north (the ashes) sit (wave shuttle)
such a practice, you which way audio round, which way audio and dry, capable of distinguishing between, find a prospective. Gas, sound, word exercises are very practical and effective.

third stage: poetry, singing exercises
to reciting poetry, singing on the fourth stage is to practice and mining purposes, \high, but the consolidation of alto, bass, it sounds gorgeous, pure sound, keep a nice pleasant voice, and treble the tough elastic exercise. At this point the concept of white practice my singing is a cappella, singing more difficult, demanding, in the third phase of training, there is gas, sound, word bottom, is a step to climb a step, the voice is not fatigue, exercise has results, grasp of the big.
�� poetry and the general election scheduled games of each line of business of the poem, because the role of just play, to give viewers a first impression and make them to stop arguments, quiet down, so should be a tone poem set a higher field, not urgent not slow, is interested in the role of their own aspirations of self-analysis, strong rhythm, must be a good practice, but also for voice calling, vocalization, practice. Such as \Yue Fei's signature poems in the \In the wake of all things, Vientiane updated training to play early in the morning you can enjoy the voice.
�� singing: a study of white-phase folder chanting, half singing half-read each other's characteristics, more difficult than poetry, more should express their emotions, their temperament is more desirable stretch, just to shout voice sound. Yin half singing half as primers, for example, \sing) Atlas alone, Qixun been built earlier, (semi-Yin read) in name of Han Fu Zuo, (singing) the times of Wei moved. \Direct sing such as \must have lost a husband and wife for the Jiao loving children. \White
�� Beijing (Mandarin) poems: words and concepts for the modern opera performance practice, such as the use of poetry and melody, and read \\Another example read some of the classic modern opera character asks, \Large segment of the traditional white and a number of consistent oral reading practice exercise at this stage can also smell and sound.
fourth stage: the sound exercise
arc gas is a very unique kind of opera, vocal technique, it was like dancing in the bouncing, jumping up and squatted down and bounce, like sports in the Shot Put , turn up, withdrew it, and then throw to, breath and sound introduction to form a /-type, parabolic, pull back, throw it out.
as Takefu: ah / cough /
older students: MA / to /
painted face: Wine / Oh ah \ to /
ugly: ah / ha /
Tsing Yi: bitter / wow / \br> Yung �� intrinsic /
such dual-arc gas, sound, if not a good practice, easily a \General essentials are: good air transport - asked a good character (like \ring, complement each other. In particular, recited allocation process, \Go go rhyme sound is practice and need to master.
fifth stage: scale and high-difficulty climbing tremolo
\The sound of the shouting voice training exercises this way audio, careful not more training, the key is to find a way to find the location, if the hard Qu Han sent for, will all do the exercise in front of waste, but also hurt the voice. Very sensitive to squeeze practice this way audio, cards, pinch, press, strong efforts, recklessly horizontal gas. The old man said, \the law will send gas lift ... ... the listener is clear and bright, the singer not strenuous. \
singing voice training method (9 method):
singing the most depressing thing, than out of tune.
a microphone in hand, it is thought that a return to easy to sing, who know that no one present can also be considered quite satisfactory. Know to sing in front of it, and her voice becomes the tone and was breathing without command.
good songs to practice slowly, since like singing, \
the Basic Law, Article I: qi, qi cut throat and chest and abdomen should relax together, and then a resumption of a place, a sound, a light breath, after more than ten times back and forth, singing a favorite songs must be sung to mouth,belstaff jackets outlet, such as a half months? \
as saying after the first \
method �� �� relax, breathe deep breath, followed by a slight smell from the I-I rode singing, then were exposed to the other breath, rapid and smooth bright sound of \
This method will help increase the volume and sound bright. However, some practice my singing are shallow narrow resonance may be through a \If you experience this situation. Please pour a cup of warm boiled water, ... ...
poem says: drink, patted his chest. Hand massage and then the whole neck and throat, so it goes, helps blood circulation and open the chest and oral resonance.
(s c)
the words \Please light near the left and right hands ribs (waist point), then inhale, feel the suction when the ribs on both sides of horizontal expansion, the hand you still maintain the status quo, followed by closing the lower abdomen to exhale air, breath to keep expanding both sides of the ribs when . Then relax the body, and then repeated once, twice, three times until the seventh, eight suction. This \The first condition is a singing voice with gas. Well, if that chest up, nausea, dry throat or heaviness in the head? Tea with a small teaspoon of red add some rock sugar, the last written review: \effective.
(of four)
fourth type. Look up the distance, Tsui favorite song to sing it, sing when the hands touch the lower abdomen, the so-called meaning keep the pubic region. Why have two hands touch the lower abdomen
? Thought this could lead concentrate. Person's ideas are very uncertain, according to the lower abdomen is to ensure the sound \Since the beginning of the pubic region
voice, that is, have higher requirements to practice singing, so, so, friends please keep in mind one, two, three type, can not be neglected.
(of five)
pubic voice is all smooth, bright, beautiful sound starting point. However, to achieve the sound transparent and bright, really overnight effort to try to do so. Come to the fifth type �� ��
together Tsui \Slightly on both sides of the ribs when vocalization horizontal expansion to the sound to reach from the bottom of the lower abdomen through the nose, and throat must be relaxed.
Objective: to develop between the nasal and oral resonance.
is the old saying, and learn new things.
sixth type, tremolo and bouncing sounds �� ��
1. Suction, gas to be sucked too deep.
2. Play with the lip 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I scales, voice, the sides slightly expanded ribs, lower abdomen and lips with the bounce.
3. Mouths Zhang Kaicheng round, with \
Objective: trained to a powerful and flexible voice.
(of seven)
focus is to practice pronunciation clear. First, the vocal part of the adjustment
one. Patted his chest, the clear cavity mouth.
II. To inhale deeply, breathe on both sides of the ribs to the transverse expansion is intended to regulate resonance and coherent.
III. Spit out aloud, \
This is the first step in practicing clear articulation, please bear in mind the kinds of exercises.
(of eight)
a friend asked: \really is a very large singing defects, now \
1. Slow expansion \
2. Support for the air to a peak, a fast beat immediately hand; patted his chest with irregular loud \
3. Around, flapping his hands and massage the head, the intensity should be moderate, the first purpose is to enhance the cavity resonance.
Note: This trick non-beginners singing \
practice with sound �� ��
first inhale, breathe on both sides of the ribs slightly open, gas can full of smoke to the seven, because breathing is too deep, too It is easy to discourage anti-filled. FA
sing tone by 1---/2---/3---/4---/5---/6---/7---/i
then repeat the MA sound interval, each singing a four-shot suck gas.
remember when practicing scales, inspiratory breath to be quiet and do not let the sound of voice shaking.
Objective: This type is the training of the penetrating power of song. Nine-day-style singing
acoustic power into the clouds, you determined to karaoke friends; may have one by one and step by step training qi practice singing voice?
I use the \\Because he was teaching, because of physical conditions to determine the sound method of training is wisdom. the nine Type I
sound law practice is dedicated to all friends as lay the basis for the sound of singing the end of recipe. Dear friends, please persevere, the repeated practice of each type, the time will certainly prove that you had beautiful voices.
(video education)
SWF format as the template does not recognize the school, the school can not add the video template, so everyone here can only be made about the video URL, please understand that these videos are able to play. It is still very easy to learn da ~ please order to learn, I think the teacher reading about the fine.
the order of vocal learning basic skills
1�� ��

pronunciation learning basic skills in order ��3��

of voice in order to learn basic skills ��4��

bass practice ��5��

order to learn a little in order to learn the skills ��6��

1 1 1 training to learn the order of 7�� ��
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Old 09-07-2011, 10:25 AM   #6
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33928 2010 年 03 月 12 日 17:49 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (4) Category: Personal Diary
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Old 09-07-2011, 10:53 AM   #7
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