How to identify authentic Louis vuitton bags
Louis Vuitton is with a long history in the fashion industry. Like many designer handbags, Louis Vuitton bags are stylish, trendy, and top quality. When deciding to own your own wholesale designer handbags business, Louis Vuitton is not a brand to overlook. However, selling authentic Louis Vuitton merchandise can be tricky. To be known as a reputable dealer of Louis Vuitton bags, here are some things to watch out for.
1. Serial Number: Each Louis Vuitton bag has a unique serial number that is printed right on the bag. If you come across a retailer with matching numbers on their bags, you know they are replica Louis vuitton.
2. Handles: Authentic bags have real leather straps, not vinyl, the majority of the time. The whole handle will be leather with no layering or vinyl backing on either the straps or handles. While the replica bags are not.
3. Stitching: The stitches on the straps and handles will match the leather almost exactly. The entire bag's stitching will be even, straight, and clean. They could not charge top dollar and promise high quality otherwise.
4. Buckles: With Louis vuitton bags, the buckles will be square. The buckles typically say Louis Vuitton on the sides. Other geometrically shapes, like circles and rectangles, are not used - only squares.
5. Lining: Louis vuitton bag lining is well stitched and may be either leather or satin. Also if the lining is glued on, you have definitely got a knock off.
6. Smell: Louis vuitton bags smell like calfskin and leather, not chemicals. Otherwise, they might be Louis Vuitton replica bags.
As with any designer handbags, quality is usually to top indication as to whether or not you have an authentic bag. The material, stitching, and structure of the bag should not contain any flaws. When choosing a wholesaler, look for a company that offers a 100% money back guarantee. If the supplier truly believes they are working with authentic merchandise, they will not hesitate to offer a guarantee for their products.
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