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Old 08-27-2011, 11:42 AM   #1
Warrant Officer
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 300
9h013788com is on a distinguished road
Default 槽罐车载约50吨煤气侧翻 引燃桂油厂和16户民宅

  事故现场往信宜方向几百米处有一座很大的煤气站。“幸亏煤气站没事,不然后果无法想象!” 黄先生说。

  昨日凌晨,一辆运载约50吨煤气的槽罐车行驶至省道352线罗定市泗纶镇荣安村七星湾路段时翻侧起火, 并引燃路边的桂油厂和16户民宅,途经该路段的3辆小汽车、1辆摩托车被烧毁。槽罐车司机及一辆摩托车驾驶 员身亡,两名老人受轻伤。
  爆炸发生在自家门前的许永常跑出来时,一家人什么都没带。在爆炸火球冲击下,他家2004年建的房子被 烧得精光。“光是现金就没了58000元。”现在身无分文的一家人,被安置在泗纶镇政府。

  黄先生说,在槽罐爆炸前,司机一直在路边劝路过的车辆不要往前。“一个骑摩托车的小伙子以为是遇到拦路 打劫的人,不听司机的话,摩托车刚刚骑到槽罐附近,槽罐就爆炸了。”

  山墙被撞出一个大坑,砌墙的石头都被烧黑熔化,附近的树木完全被烧光。据附近居民许先生回忆,该事发点 经常发生交通事故,“省道352线建成十多年来,各类交通事故发生不下200起,几乎每一周都会有车辆在此 翻车。”他表示,类似昨日发生的这起大型交通事故,近两年还发生过2次。去年和前年各发生过一起酒精车翻车 事故,虽事后车辆燃烧,但没扩散开来,损失也没这次严重。


  “我们都有经验了”,许先生自小已经习惯看着吊车前来救援。前两次大型事故发生后,附近居民都在家门前 围观,后有政府人员前来组织撤离,大家才明白槽罐车翻车的危险性。“这次一看到是槽罐车,大家就赶快往山上 跑,不敢围观。”

  罗定市政府介绍,槽罐从翻车到爆炸,中间有十多分钟的漏气阶段,给附近的村民留下了宝贵的逃生时间。在 大火到来之前,这些民宅的村民已经撤离,手机监听器。目前被殃及的16户人家中,有12户已经安置在亲友家或其房屋已经排除危险可以回住,其余4户需要政府安 置。

  经罗定市房管部门初步鉴定,受影响的16户民宅中,烧毁严重急需拆除的危房有5间,面积共960平方米 ,其余民房只是玻璃和门窗有不同程度受损。
  ■罗定市通报 爆炸前村民全部撤离


  黄先生称,大约凌晨0时50分,油罐车发生第一次爆炸,接连3声巨响后,槽罐开始起火。大约8分钟之后 ,槽罐车第四次爆炸,炸出了一个直径约200米的火球。多名现场村民表示,爆炸声三里外都能听见。附近居民 楼均有强烈震感,许多居民楼玻璃被震碎。火势蔓延开来,将附近的民居和桂油厂点燃,火烧得天空 通红透亮。

  经初步核实,翻侧的煤气槽罐车牌号为“粤K12159”,属茂名市众安汽车运输公司。这辆槽罐车的轮班 司机周文在事故中死亡,当时他正坐在副驾驶座上。另一名司机则侥幸逃生。据罗定市委宣传部负责人透露,该公 司负责人已赶至罗定,商谈善后及赔偿等问题。



  在事故中受伤的两名老人均被送往罗定市人民医院。其中69岁的黄雪芳老人在逃跑中吸入有害气体导致头晕 ;64岁的老人许国球全身多处软组织挫伤,在医院骨科住院观察。3辆被烧毁小汽车的司乘人员,也赶在爆炸之 前弃车脱险。

  李秀婷 杨红雨


  槽罐滚落点是村民许永常的家门口。当时他与妻子和3个孩子在睡觉,被一声巨响惊醒,他起来一看,一个巨 大的煤气槽罐滚落在自家门前。“煤气喷得像雾一样,什么也看不见”。他赶紧将妻子和孩子叫起来往外跑,还不 忘叫上邻居,一口气跑到百多米远的公路对面山上。


  沿省道的一条小河边,一个养猪场被大火席卷。老板张海昌是泗纶镇南冲村人,面积近200平方米的养猪场 是他2010年建好的,事故发生时,里面有110头猪。




山区投递员徒步12万公里 每月走坏一双鞋




2名的哥坚持10个月送老人看病 1.5小时仅收20元


兄弟先后患病哥哥去世 母亲为省钱自己有病不看

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Old 08-27-2011, 11:47 AM   #2
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 1,870
obg72dhe8z is on a distinguished road

woman was raped after the

took 1.5 million hush money

Evening News Tao

Xiao Li (pseudonym), 22 years old, in the new Cheng City, a cafe waitress.
7 29, Xiao Li in their rent by the landlord at his son Zhao Fengjiang violence, then the next day early morning alarm Xiaoli.
few days later, Xiao Li when the prosecution has been asked, but retracted,pandora charms, said Zhao Feng voluntary ######ual relations with.
What is the truth in the end?
sign a 5, the landlord's son, Zhao Feng invited her to visit the new home, the other was raped.
police thereupon arrested Zhao Feng, Zhao Xiaoli its confessed to the crime of rape, in view of the fact that Zhao Feng suspected evidence of rape,pandora bracelet charm, the police arrest report to the prosecution.
but in the July 31, Xinzheng's Procuratorate asked Xiaoli, she had changed the original statement, the prosecutor said,
such an accident occurred, the prosecution had made no arrest of Zhao Feng decision. But the prosecutor has not given up and continue to expand the case on suspicion of rape Zhao Feng secret investigation.
later identified, Zhao Feng's father saved his son, many times through intermediaries to find Xiao Li and their relatives, requested Xiao Li admitted that
two sides also signed such an agreement: Zhao Feng Xiao Li reluctantly in the case of a ######ual relationship, to Xiao Li caused great spiritual damage and loss of reputation. By mutual agreement, Zhao Feng Xiaoli parents took the initiative to apologize and voluntarily compensate damages Xiaoli spirit of the matter is resolved by the judiciary, can not be held after the two sides of any other economic, legal responsibilities, such things are so beyond Xiaoli any physical injury, there is (from) the other party to take all the responsibility. In exchange, ZHAO Xiao Li to pay 26,000 yuan issued a
thank fees paid to broker 7,Pirates of the three suspects for the police to see through the trunk is too bright,000

is worth mentioning that the intermediary Lijun Liang Zhao parent to ask for cash 26,000 yuan, but only paid 22,000 yuan Xiao Li, the remaining 4,pandora store,000 yuan and other intermediaries Zhou Yaodong split; Xiao Li to thank Lijun Liang's help,discount pandora, and thank Lijun Liang fees paid 5,000 yuan, paid every Yang (middlemen) 1000 yuan, paid section Xiaoya (middlemen) 1000.
found by the public security organ, the original,pandora jewellery, review of the prosecution before the arrest Zhao Feng, Xiao Li Zhao Feng received to send to his father ZHAO 2.6 million (2.2 Xiaoli know million) and gold Xiao Li has once again paid the price for this.
view of Xiao Li's behavior has been suspected of harboring the crime, Xinzheng City Procuratorate on suspicion of harboring law to prosecute the crime of Xiao Li, together with the indictment against Zhao was also the father, broker every yang, Zhouyao Dong,Stabbed to death by fellow traders fled after 12 years as a scare the other trial, said Choudao, Lijun Liang Duan Xiao Ya 5, 5, after the alleged crimes to testify on charges of prejudice.
Zhao Feng on suspicion of rape has been handled separately.
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