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Old 07-25-2011, 05:58 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
Default the mac makeup 我懊悔看晚了啊!行将有孩子的跟刚有

父母也不可以随意批评宝宝,一天只能批评两次,两次用完了就等来日的配额吧。美国老师这么稳重交代的。于是 ,宝宝外婆说:“你的孩子一天10次都不够,2次的话我10分钟就用完了,这太难了。我大笑。在婴儿的时期 ,批评有用吗?拉个便便也被阿姨批评“宝宝又干坏事了”我会反诘阿姨,timberland pro boots,你有哪天不拉屎吗?
医生说,一个快乐的BABY会睡在床上唱歌的(不是真唱,是婴儿咿咿呀呀)!婴儿的大局部时间都需要在床上 渡过,这里请爸爸妈妈们记住,床是不会动的!所以,抱起婴儿的时候不要摇摆,不要往返走动,更不要这样哄孩 子睡觉,微微放在床上让他本人睡就好。再说一次,床是不会动的。爸爸妈妈你们没有权利剥夺孩子躺在床上享受 快活的权力。还有更重要的就是,高兴的家长不要使劲和孩子“疯闹”,孩子的大脑在婴儿时代仍是胶状的果冻状 况,很容易受伤。
爱哭的BABY都是爸妈教出来的。才出生的小BABY听不懂话,discount tory burch shoes 最痛心的间隔,他们靠前提反射来做断定。中国的家长一听到孩子哭就抱起来。JANE GU医生重复告诫我:孩子一哭就放下来,不哭才抱起来,正好反过来。这样一来,再小的孩子都能清楚,不哭的 时候才有得抱,这招极灵,tory burch flat sale。放下爱哭的孩子开端训练,看着时钟,不要抱让她哭,筹备等10分钟再抱。第一次可以设定5分钟,当前一次 比一次时间拉长,我的妞妞第一次就没有熬到5分钟,大概3分半的时候就停了,我已经疼爱得肝肠寸断自己都快 哭了,一定要忍住了。让孩子晓得哭声是叫不来妈妈的。训练“不哭的孩子”要消除4个哭的其余原因:尿了、病 了、饿了,困了,the mac makeup。上帝保佑,我家两个孩子都不会无理由哭,偶然哭一下当作活动也是极少数,妞妞和妙妙100%是快乐的宝宝 ,躺在床上都咯咯笑出声的孩子。
我的2个宝宝健康的另外一个原因是每天洗澡,每天洗澡是必要的。记得我生完孩子出来,预备听我妈妈的教导躺 着不动,盘算熬到第二天才洗澡,护士惊奇地拉我起来洗澡“不论你什么传统,把汗水和细菌都洗掉才会健康”。 我被误解成个脏妈妈被拖去洗澡,当然要阐明的是我生两个都是顺产。产妇如此,何况小孩子?孩子天天运动量大 ,臭汗奶腥味便便尿尿什么滋味都有,一定要洗澡,不能隔蠢才洗。这也是健康不生病的重要原因,他们不会着凉 的,抵抗力比成人强十倍。医生交代:宝宝洗澡尽量用清水,再名牌的婴儿产品都不如净水好,不要用任何沐浴露 、洗发水,清水最最好!医生说尽量不必,一定要用的话一个礼拜用一次沐浴露就好,我家是三天用一次(我感到 一周太长了,心理作用),cheap tory burch flats
妞妞大略10来天的时候,一只眼睛发炎化脓了,我和妞爸吓得抱到医院,还是急诊,儿科的男医生问,你喂奶还 是奶粉,我说母奶。他说挤点出来放进孩子眼睛,BABY就会好。What? 我排队等急诊老半天就这么打发我回家了。于是如法炮制,母奶当药,几天后妞妞果然见好,是否母奶的原因还是 不清不楚,美国医生忽悠得或者有点情理吧。总之母奶是好东西。

能吃到2岁半是天下最幸福的宝宝。JANE GU医生说,没有奶不够吃的妈妈,只有不想喂奶的妈妈,孩子的食量多大,妈妈的奶就有多少,生双胞胎的妈妈 的奶同样够两个孩子吃。这一点我很失败,只管GU医生用笔画了一个圆圈,她告诉我,你的孩子吃多少,你就能 出产多少,你觉得奶不够,加奶粉进去,奶就会真的不够,最后就没了,事实证明我后来真的越来越少直到没了。 孩子不会说话,她吃饱没有很难知道,妈妈认为奶少了就废弃母奶,就补奶粉,其实是告诉自己的身材,我只能生 产这么多了。要相信自己能当头称职的奶牛。如果再生一个,一定要证实一下。生完小孩第三天就去医院加入“喂 奶班”,几个妈妈带婴儿围成一圈,有黑妈妈白妈妈和亚洲妈妈,喂奶课用的是那种很舒服的沙发,脚下有垫脚的 专用凳子。医生们将孩子脱光,包含尿布,然后称BABY的分量准确到小数点后面2位数。而后让我们抱孩子喂 奶,不准穿衣服只穿尿布。医生一对一教妈妈们如何让孩子一口就咬准奶头,如何维护奶头,一次一次训练,期间 有别的妈妈来用免费供给的吸奶机下奶,用塑料袋装回家。我刚开始的害羞和为难慢慢没有了,呵呵,我在家完整 不知道妞妞吃了多少,这下好了,一堂课下来,马上称孩子份量,我妞妞吃了不少,好像是那天的第二名,前后数 据证明,我有奶。
姿势二:让孩子侧坐在腿上,左手托着孩子的脖子,撑起下巴,右手拍后背,这样效力极高,通常十几下就拍出嗝 了。临睡的最后一顿奶,一定要喂饱足了,拍完嗝持续喂,我家妙妙2礼拜就睡整晚就是用这招,拍完嗝还可以再 喂2-3次,直到她真的不吃了,小嘴巴往外推奶瓶的状态,妙妙就能睡到天亮。

BABY被妈妈抱着舒畅又保险,没吃饱就睡着了,醒了又吃两口,折磨妈妈,宝宝也吃不饱睡不好,害人害己。 训练班里学到最有用的一招,如何弄醒孩子让他们一心吃奶,就是脱衣服!脱得就剩尿布,医生告诉我,放心吧, 你抱着她有妈妈的体温,这体温能保障婴儿不会着凉,温度刚好,BABY有一点凉意,他们会居心进餐(她说的 真是进餐,呵呵)。释怀吧,这些看起来弱不禁风的小东西,从妈妈母体带出来的抵抗力比成人强10倍,喂奶的 产妇也不容易病,这就是滋生的力气。(当然室内的温度是有一定暖和的,海内无空调严寒地域的人不要对比模仿 误会)

个人教训,孩子趴着睡觉比仰着睡得平稳,才出生的孩子心脏朝下,几乎不会一惊一惊的状态,模拟子宫被包裹的 状态。另一个最大的好处是转变亚洲人的大饼脸,5天之内的婴儿需要1个小时帮忙翻脸,5天之后,我家妞就会 自己左右转向自若了。妞是尺度的小脸,和生出来的时候慷慨脸好像变了一个孩子,呵呵,得意。老二妙妙的脸没 有刻意这样做,那时候妞妞需要人照料,没有精力1个小时翻头的精神了,很惋惜。这个机遇只有在出生到3个月 之内有效,大了就没用了。

感冒发烧是孩子成长的进程,是加强抵抗力的过程。我家宝宝发烧了最常用的就是用冰敷,用有拉链的保鲜袋装冰 块,用清洁毛巾裹了冰敷在全身,30分钟必定退烧。烧厉害了配点美林或泰诺。假如是着凉了感冒没有发热,就 让孩子吊着鼻涕没有事,几天就好。不要信任任何药能医治感冒。到目前为止,除了去年的手足口被病院骗进去那 一次之外,我家2个孩子素来没有挂过盐水和注射过抗生素。在美国,是那种要逝世的病才注射抗生素的,在中国 打针室的景观,吓坏了妞妞的爸爸,那个气象让人发毛他说。一排一排的吊针,打手打头打脚的小孩子们在妈妈爸 爸爷爷奶奶的陪护下挂盐水。集中营莫过如斯,很可怕。花钱不说,更恐怖的是体内的细菌大战存留的各种毒越来 越多,周期性的需要挂盐水来压下去,经常听到妈妈们说,有一点症状立刻挂水压下去,十分自得。我为她们的无 知非常可惜。我的孩子越来越硬朗,从不生病,病了也几天自己好,基础不治疗。街坊的孩子深夜跑医院,累的人 仰马翻乐此不疲,从这点看我是好妈妈。
4个月吃米粉再大点跟大人一起吃东西,孩子长大不太会偏食,早点吃和成人一样的食品对孩子有利益。6颗牙的 时候,JANE GU医生说,她已经能够用这多少颗牙齿吃许多货色了,什么都可以喂,不不能吃的。

美国医生再三批评我:你不是好妈妈,隔壁的孩子一睡到天亮,隔壁的妈妈是好妈妈,你不是!每次去看家庭医生 我都挨批驳,起因是我晚上要喂奶1-2次,埋怨养孩子很累很辛劳。医生告知我一个观点:人类晚上不须要进食!我傻乎乎问,为什么呢?医生没措施 ,只好大声说:由于我们是人类!我印象极深,妞爸早就笑哈腰了。很显然,我担忧BABY晚上会饿基本是过剩 的,10-12小时的持续睡眠,对孩子来说比吃奶主要100倍!咱们被老大妞妞折磨很惨,晚上吃一顿奶的坏习惯始终连 续到快2岁。养老二的时候依照医生说的,彻底让我跟老公摆脱出来,从刚诞生到一个星期我家妙妙被练习间隔5 个小时才吃奶,2个礼拜之后,孩子就能睡天亮了。晚上不需要吃奶!!!(三个感慨号是请妈妈们 切记的意思)
爸爸妈妈穿2件,paul smith wholesale,宝宝毫不能穿2件半,只能比你穿的少,不能比你穿的多。我家两个孩子都十分强健,冷热实在很好把持,偶然 看到儿童医院发烧的孩子被花被子棉袄裹着一层一层的,可怜啊,孩子不会说话,都是家长害的。

空话,养孩子的谁不会换尿布呢?不一定哦。你是否有被孩子喷到尿或臭便便的时候呢?一天洗5次床单是我的最 高记载。换尿布的时候,每次来的新阿姨都要从新教一遍,诀窍就是把干净尿布放在臭尿布下面,再翻开尿布,擦 干净抽出来,这样即使孩子正好那时候又便又尿,你的床单保住了。习惯这么做以后,永远没有意外 产生。

我在美国生了两个孩子,生养前后都有培训班,家庭医生每次洗脑让我受益匪浅,我的两个宝宝在婴儿时期灵巧得 似乎家里没有小婴儿,我甚至怀疑她们会不会哭?如今外婆常拿这句傻话笑我。回国后看到友人或邻居们被小祖宗 折磨得筋疲力尽,想着将妈妈经写下来,也许可以帮到被小祖宗弄得慌手慌脚、身心疲乏的年青爸爸妈妈。再次感 激南加州有名的儿科医生JANE GU,这几年在她的领导下学到很多一辈子都受益的育儿宝典。

事必躬亲很重要,大人怎么的孩子都会学。难得碰到上海一位陆老师,教孩子渐渐走路,轻声说话,人家听得到就 好了,别那么大声。回了故乡,小区的幼儿园老师教孩子们扯起嗓门唱歌,我在一旁看,心想完了,培养了半天的 小淑女被汉派文明同化了,哈哈,现在的妞妞热干面一样的个性十足,全部儿一辣妹。大环境很厉害,简直没有不 被同化的可能。
中国父母礼仪有余,胆子太小,black coach purses 高端人才必看。“别动,危险,站起来地上脏,别摸,会刺到。。。。不许这样,不许那样”美国父母最常说的却 是“Try it! ”尝尝看,摸摸看。激励宝宝,只有没有生命危险,不要阻拦孩子用他们的小手尝试和意识世界。大不了衣服弄脏 ,地上滚来滚去的宝宝时光很短,饭粒菜汤翻了一地,大不了扫一下他们会早学会吃饭甚至用筷子,玩水大不了感 冒,玩沙子大不了进鞋子好受难干净。总之有很多妨碍孩子快乐的条条框框,促使我们的小天使们越来越快地变成 成人,变成听话和懂事的孩子,timberland womens shoes 毕生要懂得的中国历史100位天子。快乐第一重要,衣服脏了不重要,只要没有性命危险,不要禁止我的孩子。

再小的宝宝玩玩具或看电视或看丹青书的时候,请家里的阿姨或者任何人都别打断她们。即便是吃饭的时光到了, 晚一点也没有关联。培育孩子的专注力就即是造就她们长大了能留神力集中做任何事件。我家妞妞专注力很好,她 爱好的事,比方拼图,一个下战书几个钟头不仰头,没有人叫她,除了尿尿之外。最怕那种大呼小叫逗孩子的长辈 们,sundresses,自认为聪慧,边看电视边问问题。闭嘴,请宁静。给孩子一个专注的环境吧。
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Old 07-25-2011, 05:59 AM   #2
General of the Army
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 1,543
ug6ht3mh8tg is on a distinguished road

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Reprinted from 363538 at 10:57 on July 15, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Classic reprint wood show in the forest, the wind will destroy it. You're just great, you brilliant, but in a dark corner, there is always a handful of people staring at you, trying to kill you. They do not tell you What hatred, just because of jealousy,belstaff outlet, they openly of unknown hands with you, often with the help of a shop and go to this thing right idiot. see this injustice since we often no open flame, to stand up scolding. It is also Another charm of history: people to anger, sadness and helplessness.

NO10 Fan Jin Ju

from slander to kill white since white is the Spring and Autumn Period, after following the grandson of the best Wu Qi General, Qin unified the country in the process, White has been involved in the command of the two enough to affect the history of World War II: Zhangpingzhizhan Zhao forty million people abusing the horse, so Zhao bedridden; crusade Chu war, became the Spring and Autumn Following the grandson of the Warring States period after the second capture of the general capital of Chu Ying Du, Chu also excavated the tomb of kings, the six countries of the East frightened. scare the general lost the will to resist.

there was Qinguo Wen Fan Ju, Wu white since the reunification of the country seems to soon. Sadly, Fan Ju also committed a suspicious character had ---- jealous. use of a good relationship between themselves and the King of Qin, always grasp the opportunity that the white ill effect. Then one day the king out to war from the soldier with the requirements of the white look. White mobilized since that is not worth the battle, give the king a suggestion that you do not go as well. This is a purely technical proposals, the result was Fan Ju advantage of the loophole, said Bai Qi to rebel, the King of Qin already on the invincible white from a fear, then give the white from the sword, let him commit suicide. White from angry asked to: \Fan Ju hired a fellow who called Zheng Anping, the results of this worthless wretch of a troops to poke a funnel, was captured alive. king inadvertently once before in the range of Ju said: \? \: 9

NO9 Bo Wu
swelling of the liver into the slander kill Sima Qian Wu is one of the most admired historical mission in the Records of the Historian Sima Qian wrote: \waiting for an opportunity, after decades of efforts to remain, and finally thrust backwards to his hometown to kill all his enemies, is really a strong bloody husband! \One look, in his view, is to use cold water extinguished the fire, is to use force to subdue the wicked!!! So when a good friend Shen Bao Xu blame He said: \National ah. \less than good results. This is the continuation of the formula for thousands of years unshakeable, Wu member died, he killed a villain Fei Wuji, swelling of the liver and killed by another villain Bo, history, and he seemed a joke. Since then, China's heroes the beginning of a helpless fate: to live Fengfengguangguang, death Wowonangnang.

wrong index: 10 readers indignant Index: 10

NO8 Empress trapping Han Xin Han Xin

cute is him with a kind of contemporary American self-confidence and frankness, his heart would have dared to say what came out, no matter who you are No matter how your heart to. Such as a few examples:

Example one: he was put down after Qi, regardless of taboo and open letter to Liu Bang said: \(false king), the suppression of evil about this place. \Some people say that Han Xin to Liu Bang, which is threatened by the credit, but I think relying on the kind of light wind Han Xin Qi will not mind this month, I believe he is from a purely technical point of view.

example two: Han was banished after he had been seen in the streets Fan Kuai Empress Lu's brother in law, if the use of people now view this happen to me when relatives saw the Queen! That is not quickly look up curry favor with the Empress sets of cotton! (Peng Yue is so good for nothing, Shu was sent in time to see the Empress Empress knees cry for him to be transferred back home to old age.) Unconservative Han Xin, Fan Kuai curse smiles: \not bowed! \no need to kneel down again ���������� it! Oh, I really did not think today I actually got to Han Xin and uneducated like you and the company of Zhou Bo! \pernicious in the eyes.

three examples: in the palace after being demoted and Liu Bang chat, Liu ventured to ask him: \How many soldiers ah? \Han flash head, imagined to blurt out: \think: \, and quickly made a step to the next: \

expected, the Empress was to kill Han Xin, Liu Bang was very, very happy, really proud of forget-shaped, several times actually asked the Empress: \(This is not fiction, Historical Records on record, emperor and sorry and pleased. The two together can be enough of an ugly face.) and then the two couples to get away, fabricated the story about Han Xin Chen Xi joint conspiracy (a small role, is rogue opportunists, rebellion was suppressed Liu Bang.) rebel, I think Liu did not believe this reason, Han Xin Fan Kuai have even disdain, would rush to find the upper Baba Chen Xi? ? ?

wrong index: 8.5
NO7 kill the Han Emperor Jing Han Chao Cuo

established, that the Qin Dynasty, Liu Bang was harmful to the system of prefectures and counties, and local rights too small So what appeared rebellion, counties had no power to cope. So learn the Zhou Dynasty, the king each packet, also sworn to kill the White Horse, only surnamed Liu as Wang. He got a dozen different places when the son of the king, thinking that no matter who rebelled when the emperor is surnamed Liu, never mind.

but hard on the later emperor, a king of one of these increasingly larger forces, to the emperor, when some of the king himself to mint coins in circulation, the central do not control. Yang Ling, to find someone to plan this thing, Chao Cuo is this view, so both men hit it off, became a partner, began to engage in cut-fan. The king quit, revolted, is the history of the famous rebellion of seven countries. Teachers have known that, ah, that overthrew the emperor himself publicly to replace too ##########, so am still a whole had a \Listening to this thing it looks like a fool in the big lie, Military Governors Who is the threat? Who is the most ripped off for good? Obvious is the idea of the emperor himself. But the emperor it? Not a bit like a dare dare the man, in order to curry favor with the seven countries so that they Babing, yielded to say: \listen to him. \China is the moral thing, you'll never do not understand the whole. Eyes closed, lie on the stage of leading cadres, but also that the rhythmic TMD! Chao Cuo this material is really a pity.

personally think that the Spring and Autumn Period to the Qin, China's climate is very good, the life is more important than our integrity (such as finished masters Xinling Jun Hou wins in return, I feel sorry state deceived the king, actually committed suicide ; there are such as to visit Tianguang Yan Gongzai light, talk to him about secret things,belstaff online, asked him not to disclose, Tianguang said that the son of light is an insult to their integrity, but also committed suicide..) Is from the Han dynasty after the climate began to deteriorate, are descendants of Liu Bang and his gang made sin.

wrong index: 9
NO6 kill Sima Zhao Sima Zhao Deng Ai

I personally think that the history of China is one of the most negative figures, I will not speak Sima Zhao of the heart known to all. Ji said he killed the emperor ordered his into it, and laid them out of the posture of the emperor's palace to go to attack him, half way to kill a group of soldiers. Blind to see Sima Zhao was ordered out, and can be shocked this kid is crying holding the body of the emperor, but also scream into the economy to the lingering death of the emperor revenge! ! ! Even his men just could not have passed, a man named Chen Tai said: \the emperor.) to kill, but also slightly deceived about the world's eyes and ears ah. \

such people certainly could not see any good thing dry, then Deng Ai, Zhong Shu crusade will be two, go before the bell will be more just like big brother Sima Zhao Zhong said: \Wizards themselves as the world has been, so soldier I am afraid he will go wrong. \The more minutes left, turning on to the trusted Sima said: \Shu plays a punitive expedition against many difficulties, many generals do not dare, but if not the guts to force them to start, it will ruin the army. bell will this person have the courage, will succeed, things are I'll fix him later. \br>
bell will be really jealous of Deng Ai was the credit, a letter that Deng to rebellion, please authorize themselves to crusade against Sima Zhao Deng. Sima Zhao has not been completed at this time for the bell will be the deployment to help things along and agreed to his request, so that he rushed to attack Chengdu. Their irrigation secretly sneak into the Zhong Huijun Wei in order to contact the generals against the bell, and ordered Jiachong rushed into Hanzhong, a broken clock will be the posterior. Thus, poor preparation in the absence of Deng Ai circumstances, Sima Zhao became a muddle of a delay pawn child! ! ! Generation is not worth so famous dead, really feel sorry.

Later, a minister is called the section of sunburn do not see the past, to his son Sima Yan wrote a memorial, said: said Deng Ai rebellion be justified, the bell will be four times the troops was his to stationed in Chengdu, not far from the valley, are in control arteries, a complete idiot would not choose the kind of form in the rebel ah. And Deng both in their seventies, and there are people today, not tomorrow, do not they also want to be emperor? Know the secret of Sima Yan, Sima Zhao alive, probably on account of the little that Deng Ai by their own use only, and said his rebellion is simply nonsense. So Sima Yan immediately gave rehabilitated Deng Ai, but people are dead, this belated Han useless.

wrong index: 8
NO5 DI kill economic

Southern Tan Tao Liu Song in the beginning, when the time is very fierce, Shandong and Hebei, the north has been hit, relations in the region west of the capture and nearly uniform across the country in advance, it depends on the two outstanding generals, the west is the town of Wang Meng's grandson, the evil king of the north is the famous Reggie Tan Tao Nan Ji. The two men killed their own people are the hands of evil than the death of Wang Zhen, Tan Tao Ji more wrong.

little deeds of Tan Tao Ji said, raising the amount of retirement to sing Sha Qiao Wei Bing, flowering trees, quiet withdrawal. Not only is very brave, and the superior strategy is most afraid of the Southern Dynasties Northern Wei Reggie. Liu Yusheng very valued him before, when it comes to dying for his son entrusted Tan take effect. Liu Yilong his son inherited the throne, Emperor Wen said the history and objective to say that this guy is not a stupid person, but players still on the government, the country's good governance. Unfortunately, he was a bit taboo Tan bravery and Wal-Mart, which gives the opportunity to create a villain into slander. Later, the development of events is entirely Chinese-style plot, a villain, rearing provocation, reason is also vague, the Emperor ordered it to help things along even ordered Tan to commit suicide. Tan

purpose to where the hair shaft Tan angry, broken throwing hand bow to the ground, loudly scolding: \> N years later, the Northern Wei's more powerful, constantly engulfed the south of the territory of Song, one of Wei's army and even played the Yangtze,belstaff leather! DI scared fled east on Beigushan Zhenjiang. Wei Bing looked at the foot of the freedom of movement, trembling lips Emperor said: \NO4 kill Gao Ying Yang Guang

We know the history of Emperor Wen is a rare good emperor, surrounded by his treatment of the world is flat directions of light, extremely good, the history of the record, he maintained the Treasury in when the food to the Emperor had finished eating! ! ! Henpecked but he still considerable, with the statement made two people Enenaiai Queen Tokgo wife, and his wife were sorry, and that the emperor were three palaces and six homes since ancient times, you do not have a concubine is not good, so that people of the world looked like as if I am not virtuous. To find a few shots to his concubine.

Minister of Emperor many famous men, one of the most prestigious is the most powerful Gan Ying Szeto high. This person civil and military, playing a young man to follow the Emperor, all his many good ideas out, and dispatch center to help Emperor unified the world. He respected, was the people praise praise, even the emperor's sons are respected him. But the Emperor died, his son Yang Guang on stage, children do not know how it began to spoil his children with death-defying father left the family property. Gao Ying dynasty, tried to dissuade him less dry ridiculous thing, Ying Yang Guang fear of high prestige, but also not too mess, but it was very hate Gao Ying. At that time a man named Yang Guang Yang Su and Yuwenhuaji men's, the two children are hate Gao Ying, complain that he is not allowed to stand in front of their access to the emperor, held up their own future. Began collecting evidence, framed Gao Ying. Finally, what has finally caught a handle, I did not remember too well (can not blame me for writing the history books is not clear), unclear in the high to kill.

Gao Ying's death, Yang Guang removed one of the largest heart, began to do whatever they want, men also began to salicin and Yuwenhuaji usurped the affairs of state. But Yang Guang this person is very interesting, with special emphasis suspicion heart, not heart to heart with anyone, whether you are a gentleman he was the villain, your pet today, maybe tomorrow, you made a whim to find a reason. So salicin Their days are not comfortable, there is a salicin ill, the family say see a doctor about it, salicin mouth wry smile: \, can be sealed and reward you. If Bushi Xiang's very hard to live, do not know when the family were destroyed. \This could be considered high-Ying retribution framed it.

wrong index: 7
NO3 Zhuangzong of Latter kill Guochong Tao Tang

Li Ke Li Cunxu
son is with a very capable person, even more than his old man has skill. Rick by death, leaving behind a lot of dry sons, and all the prestige grand, illustrious military exploits, it was not to worry about Li Cunxu commander who advised him to kill some, consolidate its position. Li Cunxu not agree, he knows to be commander in chief of this group of people, first of all let them convinced! So his soldiers to surrender in the selection of the five hundred cavalry,belstaff jackets outlet, riding a white horse they use Yinqiang, the Governor called Yinqiang school section. Act as their guards, whenever encountered tough one, when Lee took his troops on the door of his dry brother said: \rushed to the other solution. The results were more and more afraid of these men more and more services.

while Lee also pay attention to promote young talent, to enrich their own team, he was elected this time the young able Guochong Tao. Guo The man was very great, really is a last Ma Zhijun, under Ma Zhimin talent. The beginning of a lot of people are not him,belstaff coat, then he repeated the meritorious, it is increasingly admire him, calling him a rising star of the Tang Dynasty. After the Tang Liguo, Tang began to lay the credit Zhuangzong of Latter Li Cunxu enjoy this, but this time as the Book of Pu She has Guochong Tao, try to maintain the overall situation better. Later, Guo Zhuangzong of Latter command to the crusade with Prince Edward,belstaff jacket, Sichuan, along the way, Guo dedication, with wisdom and discretion Shu quickly put down, and the Prince learn the teachings of day and night. Prince does, just a ten-year-old child, a little rebellious character of the nagging and control of Guo impatient. Results Guo Prince jealous men have started briefing the Minister, said: \. \layout of the palace in a good Prince, Prince's orders to leave pass, so that the recent procedure of Guo. Guo little preparedness are not in the hall to see the Prince and his side into the slander that person. Went up and bowed, knelt down and just have not had time to speak, that person take the lead out of the hammer sleeve is all of a sudden, the Kuo crushed to death on the spot! ! !

after a little afraid of Prince Edward, the assassin said: \Zhuangzong of Latter started seeing very surprised, murmured: \What ah. Now Prince in Sichuan, he can not desperate, as it agreed to help things along. \! !

this event in the ruling and opposition parties has caused considerable shock, a lot of ministers saw this thing Zhuangzong of Latter really confused. His brother began to stir in those who are. Later, Prince Edward Guo of the absence of adjuvant, and soon was driven out from Sichuan, awkward fled the capital, know wronged Zhuangzong of Latter Guo, very sorry, prestige has been great damage. One night, Li Siyuan Zhuangzong of Latter dry brother soldier burst into the palace. . .

wronged Index: 9.5
NO2 Song Emperor to kill Yue Fei
Yue Fei died of it, may also not wrong, why do I say. This kid cutting payments to cutting your gold bar, gold cutting more people. But you should not put forward the \back, I where to put ah.

fact, had Emperor of Yue Fei is a very trusted and loved, and Yue Fei it, what background I am not, nor is the birth family. Simply because the fighting was fierce Zongze appreciated, once you click on the Emperor raised. Emperor to pay attention to this talent, deliberately training, just a few years to be promoted to the same level with the Hanshizhong general. Later in the Xiangyang Mita Yue Fei, Yue Fei was the right into the slander that is too large, you may want to rebel. Emperor did not believe the letters of a packet to Yue Fei package that I believe in you, and later a similar letter is sent to you intact. Yue Fei in particular gratitude to the emperor, so to ensure that the emperor: the emperor Do not worry, I will overcome Huanglong House, welcome back to the Emperor! Gao hematemesis immediately after reading.

Finally, the history of organized a hapless child out of responsibility for the emperor, and this person is Qin Hui. This bad boy also know that toppled the Yue Fei, but he caught the emperor's psychology, one day, he trembled, ����'s said: \can have three sun ah. \

Yue Fei was finally dead, the Zhi Changzi to death did not figure out where the mystery. He claims to discuss the emperor, the emperor no way, to the words \

wronged Index: 6.5
NO1 Chongzhen kill Yuanchonghuan

Yuanchonghuan Ningyuan outside the off (today near Jinzhou) near the wearer into the curb of the bowls off the hub, so you can free hand to the Ming Dynasty, Li Zicheng dedicated to deal with the rebels. Clear from the Nurhachi to Taiji, repeatedly frustrated the city under the Ning, Yuanchonghuan as bone stuck in throat, swallow, spit. Also choke the life and life's Dynasty Emperor Nurhachi! ! !

who can not be resolved on the battlefield, the battlefield can be settled. Pham Van process then had an idea, let Taiji from Mongolia by road, from Horqin south, attacking Beijing. It was a real adventure, Qing abandoned baggage, light troops radical. This time the Beijing government was kept Negotiations on moving the capital, when Yuanchonghuan back from the off and killed, move toward the jubilant. The good news one after another, Yuanchonghuan defeated outside the city Shouzhang Huang Taiji, the two armies are now north of the city against the camp. Then rumors began to Beijing in the city, said Yuan and Qing to the peace talks, and later more and more rumors of God, said Yuan privately to open a port Shanhaiguan line, put into the customs Qing. Increasingly heavy suspicion of the emperor, while the process is outside of Taiji, and Pham Van lucky. . .

a eunuch come back this time, he is a prisoner of the camp from the Qing came back and said to sleep at night to hear the off-balance in the celebration of the garrison commanders, said Yuanchonghuan surrendered immediately to the Qing, and also Taiji should Chongzhen it as a gift. Chongzhen to fire up a hit, did not think of a physically very weak little eunuchs is how to close the Qing from a large fortified camp out.

things later development is very heartbreaking, Chongzhen penalty with the most cruel treatment of Yuan, Yuan also launched the body of the people to bite. People who do not know why, have cut up the flesh Yuan, the Yuan to the alive and killed. Treat hero to all loyal to the Ming dynasty generals despise. Later, Hong Chengchou in Matsuyama was arrested after the battle, found in the Qing surrendered over the Yuanchonghuan Department would Zuda Shou, began scolding sharply: \Zu Taishou no way that insulted, harshly hit back: \

wrong index: 10
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