Louis Vuitton Handbag
We can't really say there is a "best"
Louis Vuitton handbag although some styles are more popular than others and sell much better in stores. The
Louis Vuitton handbags and ladies backpacks come in a variety of styles - monogram canvas, monogram denim, monogram multicolore, monogram mini, monogram mini lin, monogram Vernis, monogram Perfo, Damier Azur, Damier canvas, Suhali, Epi leather, Antigua, monogram satin, and Nomade.
The monogram canvas handbags are the most common and range in price from $600 all the way up to $3000. The Monogram Canvas Lockit Vertical ($920) and the Popincourt ($750) are reasonably priced and still have a stylish design. The Suhali line of handbags from Louis Vuitton are quite expensive with the cheapest model starting at $1500. Messenger bags are popular in the city and my wife owns a Damier Canvas Messenger Melville ($1120) that is actually quite nice. Comes with smooth dark chocolate leather trim, brass hardware, snap-lock closures, interior patch pocket and cell phone pocket, large front zipped pocket. It's secure, has plenty of storage space, and is considered a very versatile bag. The Louis Vuitton Noe ($900) is another unique looking purse done in monogram canvas and was originally produced in 1932 to carry 5 bottles of champagne (hence the unique shape). It has an adjustable shoulder strap with roller buckle, a D-ring inside for attaching a key ring or accessory pouch, a natural cowhide base, and a drawstring closure. The Noe has become one of the favorite bags in the LV collections and is considered a signature product. designer bag, replicas handbag, Looking for a smaller clutch or pouch to carry out at night. The
Louis Vuitton collection of small purses are not only less expensive compared to the larger handbags and bags, they are more fashionable in clubs and around town at night. Women are no longer carrying large
purses and handbags to go out at night. Just load in a few necessities and off you go for a fun night out. The Trotteur ($635) and the Pochette Tikal ($525) are great for evenings out without having to lug around a heavy bag. The Pochette Tikal comes with a twist-lock, a zip top closure, and microfiber lining with interior pocket. It's a great petite pouch for any women. In the Damier Canvas line, the Damier Accessories Pouch ($285) has a chocolate leather trim, removable leather strap, snap hook that attaches to the D-ring on most LV handbags. Louis Vuitton clutches and pouches and a great gift for men to give to women since they don't wipe out your budget and are still very practical and much appreciated by women.
For the major
designer handbags makers like
Louis Vuitton, Coach, Chanel, Fendi,
louis vuitton summer 2011 handbags, Prada, Versace, etc. the knockoff or ######## handbag market has exploded recently and it's worldwide. The authentic LV handbags are so expensive that most people can't afford them but they are willing to purchase ########
Louis Vuitton handbags just to be a part of the latest fashion and style that the celebrities represent in Hollywood. The problem with all the ######## and replica handbags on the market is that some people are unloading these bags as the "real" or "authentic"
Louis Vuitton bags and ripping innocent buyers off. As the old adage goes, "if it sounds to good to be true it probably is". The top designers in the handbag industry are trying to cut down on the replica market by shutting down websites that sell ########s or forcing sellers on Ebay to remove knockoffs posted as the real thing.
Louis Vuitton and the others do have a reputation to maintain and having thousands of replica
Louis Vuitton handbags floating around the world doesn't help. Buyer beware and only purchase name brand handbags and purses from recognized and well known stores. It is tempting to buy a replica
Louis Vuitton bag for $200 when the real product costs $2000, but don't support counterfeiters.