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05-23-2011, 08:10 AM
1、鼎力敲击回车键 这个恐怕是人所共有的通病了,因为回车键通常是我们完成一件事情时,最后要敲击的一个键,大略是出于一种成 功的高兴感,每个人在输入这个回车键时总是那么鼎力而爽直地敲击.自己的多个键盘就是这样报废的,最先不看 见字的是AWSD(呵呵,心知肚明),最先不能使用的按键却是Enter. 解决措施:解决方法有两个,第一是节制好你的情感,第二是筹备好你的钱包.我选的第二个,有时候善意情是钱 买不来的,你呢? 2、在键盘上面吃零食,喝饮料 这个习惯恐怕是很广泛了,我看到很多人都是这样的,特殊是着迷者更是把电脑台当成饭桌来使用.我想你要是拆 一回你的键盘,兴许同样的行为就会减少的,你可以看到你的键盘就像水积岩一样,为你平时的习惯,保存了很多 的"化石",饭粒、饼干渣、头发等等亘古未有,难怪有人说:公用机房里的键盘比公厕还脏.同时这样的碎片还 可能进入你的键盘里面,梗塞你键盘上的电路,从而造成输入艰苦.饮料的迫害就更加厉害了,一次就足以灭绝你 的键盘.就是你的键盘幸运没有被覆灭,恐怕打起字来,也是粘粘糊糊很不好过. 解决方法:避免在键盘上吃东西,要不然像我一样买一个防水的PHILIPS键盘,然后每过一段时间就给他打 扫卫生,擦澡(虽然这样仍是很脏的);你要是腰包更加饱的话,可以斟酌半年换一个键盘(我素来不建议用差的 键盘,那可是关乎健康的问题)尝尝,应该情况会好一些.还有记得给你房间买一个饭桌了. 3、光碟总是放在光驱里(还有看VCD时,暂停后出玩或吃饭) 很多人总是喜欢把光碟放在光驱里,特别是CD碟,其实这种习惯是很不好的.光碟放在光驱里,光驱会每过一段 时光,就会进行检测,特别是刻录机,总是在一直的检测光驱,而高倍速光驱在工作时,电机及把持部件都会产生 很高的热量,为此光驱厂商们始终在竭力想办法解决. 固然现在已有多少种方法能将光驱温度控制在公道的规模内,但假如光驱长时间处于工作状况,那么,即便再进步 的技巧也仍无奈有效掌握高温的发生.热量不仅会影响部件的稳固性,同时也会加速机械部件的磨损和激光头的老 化.所以令光驱长时间工作,切实是不智之举,除非你想把你的光碟和光驱煮熟. 解决方法:尽量把光碟上的内容转到硬盘上来使用,好比把CD转化为MP3的,如果你是一个完善主义者,那就 用虚拟光驱的情势管理你的常用CD碟吧;游戏则尽量使用硬盘版的;大多数光碟版的游戏,都可以在网上找到把 光碟版转化为硬盘版的软件;不然就同样采取虚拟光驱的形式.网上有很多虚构光驱可以下载,怕麻烦的话可以用 国产的《东方光驱魔术师3》或《VirtualDrive7.0》, 界面很简略,而且没有了E文的问题,很好上手. 4、关了机又立刻重新启动 时常有人一关机就想起来光碟没有拿出来,或者还有某个事件没有完成等等,笔者就是其中一个,可以说有同样弊 病的人还是许多的.很多人反映迅速,在封闭电源的刚完成绩能想起来,然后就伸出手来开机;更有DIY好手, 总是动作敏锐,关机,十秒钟处理完故障,重新开机;殊不知这样对计算机伤害有多大. 首先,短时间频繁脉冲的电压冲击,可能会伤害盘算机上的集成电路;其次,受到伤害最大的是硬盘,现在的硬盘 都是高速硬盘,从堵截电源到盘片完整结束动弹,须要比较长的时间.如果盘片没有停转,就重新开机,就相称于 让处在减速状态的硬盘从新加速.长此下去,这样的冲击必定会使得你的硬盘一命归西的. 解决办法:关机后有事情忘了做,也就放下他;一定要完成的,请等候一分钟以上再重新开机,要不就在机子没有 断开电源的时候按下机箱上的热启动键.要是你以上的方法都做不到,为了你爱机的健康,我建议你在电脑桌上系 一个绳索,以便用来绑住你的手一分钟以上. 5、开机箱盖运行 开机箱盖运行一看就晓得是DIY们常干的事情.确实开了机箱盖,是可能使得CPU凉爽一些,但是这样的代价 是以就义其它配件的好处来实现的.因为开了机箱盖,机箱里将失去前后对流,空气流将不再经由内存等配件,最 受苦的是机箱前面的光驱和硬盘们,失去了对流,将会使得他们位于下部的电路板产生的热质变成向回升,不单单 散不掉,还用来加热自己,特别是刻录机,温度会比平时高很多. 不信你比较一下开不开机箱盖的光驱温度.开机箱盖还会带来电磁辐射,噪音等危害,而且会使得机箱中的配件更 加轻易脏,带来静电的危害,并妨碍风扇的滚动.同时,让其余隐患有机可乘,比方你在电脑前边喝茶边观看一部 电影,一个爆笑的镜头使你将口中的清茶悉数喷进了敞开的机箱内…… 解决办法:很简单,给你机箱盖锁上锁头,然后把钥匙寄给我.要是怕超频不稳定,就不要超频了,现在的CPU 够快了,在市场上的主流CPU就够用了.要是你用的是老掉牙的CPU,我提议你还是换一个的好,换一个也就 是几百元左右(赛扬D或P4、AMD也都不错)何必受胆战心惊和电磁辐射、噪音的苦?还是那句话:快活是用 钱买不到的. 6、用手摸屏幕 实在无论是CRT或者是LCD都是不能用手摸的.计算机在使用进程中会在元器件名义积累大批的静电电荷.最 典范的就是显示器在使用后用手去触摸显示屏幕,会产生激烈的静电放电现象,静电放电可能会损害显示器,特别 是软弱的LCD. 另外,CRT的表面有防强光、防静电的AGAS(Anti-GlareAnti-Static)涂层,防反射、防静电的ARAS(Anti-ReflectionAnti-Static)涂层,用手触摸,还会在上面留下手印,不信你从侧面看显示器,就能看到一个个手印在你的屏幕 上,岂非你想帮==局叔叔们的忙,提条件掏出伤害显示器"凶手"的指纹吗?同时,用手摸显示器,还会因为手 上的油脂损坏显示器表面的涂层. LCD显示器比CRT显示器懦弱很多, mens gucci,用手对着LCD显示屏指指导点或使劲地戳显示屏都是不可取的,虽然对于CRT显示器这不算什么大问题,但 LCD显示器则不同,这可能对维护层造成划伤、侵害显示器的液晶分子,使得显示后果大打折扣,因而这个坏习 惯必需纠正,究竟你的LCD显示器并不是触摸屏. 解决方法:在你的显示器上贴一个制止手模的标记,更不能用指甲在显示器上划道道;想在你的屏幕上"指点山河 ",就去买一个激光指定笔吧.强烈的冲击和振动更应该防止,LCD显示器中的屏幕和敏感的电器元件如果受到 强烈冲击会导致破坏;显示器清洗应当在专门的音像店里买到相应的荡涤剂,然后用眼镜布等柔软的 布微微擦洗. 7、一直使用同一张墙纸或存在静止画面的屏保 无论是CRT或者是LCD的显示器,长时间显示同样的画面,都会使得相应区域的老化速度加快,长此下去,确 定会涌现显示失真的现象.要是你有机遇看看机房里的计算机,你就会发明,良多上面已经有了一个显明的画面轮 廓.何况人生是多姿多彩的,何必总是用同一副嘴脸呢? 解决办法:每过一定的时间就改换一个主题,最好不要超过半年.平时比较长时间不必时,可以把显示器关掉.要 是你没有这样的习惯,可以在显示属性的屏幕保护那里设定好适合的时间,让WINDOWS帮你完 成. 8、把光碟或者其他东西放在显示器上. 显示器在正常运转的时候会变热.为了避免过热,显示器会吸入冷空气,使它通过内部电路,而后将它从顶端排出 .不信你当初摸摸你放在上面的光碟,是不是热热的象烙饼?若你总是把光碟或纸张放在显示器上头;更加夸大的 是让你家猫咪冬地利在上头蜷着睡觉,当显示器是温床,这会让热气在显示器内部累积的.那么颜色失真、影像问 题、甚至坏掉都会找上你的显示器. 解决方法:如果你想让显示器保有最好的画质,以及延伸它的寿命,赶紧叫醒你的猫咪,让它到别处去睡吧.并把 你的"烙饼"收到光碟袋里去. 9、拿电脑主机来垫脚 如果想要杀死你的台式计算机,那么开车带它去越野兜风,或是背着它去爬山、蹦迪,那样会更快一些;你的这种 方法震撼太小了,要比较长的时间才干出成绩.如果你乐意保持下去, paul smith shops,估量获得的第一个成就就是产生一出个美满归西的是硬盘吧,死因是硬盘坏道. 解决方法:把你把脚架在电脑上的照片作为你的桌面,让你看看那一个姿态有多灾看,这样你就不会把脚再次伸向 主机;要不然就把你的电脑发票贴在显示器上,看着发票上的金额,你应当不会金石为开吧.如果上面的方法都不 能禁止你的行动的话,我想你就该考虑去买一个带有脚扣的椅子了. 10、计算机与空调、电视机等家用电器使用相同的电源插座 这是因为带有电机的家电运行时会产生尖峰、浪涌等常见的电力传染景象,会有可能弄坏计算机的电力系统,使你 的系统无法运何为至损坏.同时他们在启动时,也会和计算机争取电源,电量的小幅减少的成果是可能会忽然令你 的系统重启或关机. 解决方法:为了你的计算机不受饿或者是吃的"食品(电力)"不清洁,首先应使用品德好的计算机开关稳压电源 ,如长城等品牌.其次,对一些电力环境很不稳定的用户,倡议购置UPS或是稳压电源之类的装备,以保证为计 算机提供干净的电力供给.还有就是优化布线,尽量减少各种电器间的影响. 11、给你的计算机抽二手烟 就像香烟、雪茄或渺小烟粒会伤害你的肺一样,烟也可能会跑进你的软驱并危及资料.烟雾也可能会 笼罩CD-ROM、DVD驱动器的读取头,造成读取错误.烟头烟灰更有可能使得你的打印机和扫描仪品质大大降. 解决方法:要掩护你的系统和你自己的最佳方式,就是不要抽烟.如果你就是戒不掉吸烟这个习惯的话,到外面去 抽,或在计算机四处打开空气清爽器吧!当然更不要把你的键盘当烟灰缸用. 看完了硬件方面的问题,我们来看看在软件方面的问题吧. 12、不停的调换驱动程序 很多的DIY很喜欢不断的更新驱动程序,虽然更新驱动程序有可能提升机能和兼容性,但是不恰当的新版本可能 会引起硬件功能的异常,在旧版本运行畸形的时候建议不要随便进级驱动.先细心浏览驱动的README文件, 对你有利益.就是像显卡这样更新换代敏捷的硬件最好不要总是追新,不要随便使用最新版的驱动程序,应该使用 适合自己硬件情况的驱动程序,因为每一代的驱动程序都是针对当时市道上最风行的显卡芯片设计,老芯片就不要 随便使用新的驱动,更不要随意使用测试版的驱动,测试版的驱动就先留给网站的编纂们去测试他们 的系统. 解决方式:到专业的网站上去看看新驱动的先容,我认为最保险的办法是:显卡最多用芯片推出半年后的驱动;主 板最多用芯片组推出6-9个月的驱动;声卡等最多用推出一年后的驱动;再往后的驱动就不要用了(除非你试过前面的驱动统统有问题) . 13、装很多测试版的或者共享版的软件 追新一族总是爱好在自己的机子用上最新的软件,和驱动程序一样,更新程序有可能晋升性能、增添功能和兼容性 ,但是不适当的新版本可能会引起系统的异样.特别是测试版的程序,更是害处更多,既然不推出正式版,就阐明 该软件还存在着很多不断定的BUG,这些小虫就像定时炸弹一样,随时可能在你的系统中爆炸,损 坏你的系统. 共享版的软件有一些过一段时间(或次数)就会生效,要是你的系统通过共享版软件更改了某方面的功能,而共享 版软件又因为失效而无法运行,那么你的系统就不能回到你想要的状态了;还有就是应用了共享版的软件来树立的 资料或者文档,因为共享版软件失效,而无法翻开.所以装置共享版时应当留神共享版提供使用的次数或者时间, 免得无法还原系统和丢失材料. 解决办法:如果不是一定要使用新版本能力解决问题的话,尽量使用最新的正式版的软件,测试的工作就留给专家 们去实现吧.尽可能注册你的共享版软件,不然就要注意共享版软件的限度,以免丢失主要的文件或 者损害系统. 14、在系统运行中进行非正常重启 在系统运行时,进行非正常重启(包含按机箱上的重启键、电源键和Ctrl Alt Del),可能使得系统丢失系统文件、存盘过错以及丧失设置等.原来windows是供给了磁盘扫描工具, 可以改正局部出错的文件,然而因为扫描需要一段比较长的时间,很多人都会中止他的工作,常常呈现这样的情形 ,还有可能使得硬盘上的数据的犯错几率和次数大大增长,从而使得全部体系瓦解. 解决方法:尽量使用比拟稳定的系统,建议CPU频率在750MHz和内存在256M以上的用户使用WINX P的系统,其他的可以考虑WIN2000,还有就是最好把硬盘转化为NTFS的格式,它比FAT32的格局 要更加保险,不容易出错.还有就是FAT32和FAT16的用户,最好让磁盘扫描工具履行完它的工作.当然 最好的办法是找出逝世机的起因,杜绝此类现象的出现. 15、不扫描和整理硬盘 常常看到很多人的硬盘里充斥了错误和碎片,老是感到很不好受,其实那些东西岂但会使得你的系统出错的几率加 大,还有可能让你的系统变的很慢,甚至无法运行.其实很好懂得这样的坏处,就像你的房间东西到处扔,还有的 缠在一起、甚至损坏了,当然找起货色来效率很低,遇到缠住的,还要先解开;甚至找到了也用不了,由于他们是 坏的. 解决方法:平时记得给你硬盘扫除卫生,每过一段时间就应该清算一下硬盘,并且进行整理.如果是增添删除*作 比较多的用户,应当一个月整顿一次,一般的用户可以三个月整理一次.WINDOWS自带的磁盘收拾工具效力 很低,能够使用VoptXP、诺顿等工具来进步速度. 16、虚拟内存不指定范畴内 虚拟内存顾名思义就是在硬盘上用硬盘的空间模仿内存,以保证大过系统内存的内存恳求,保障程序的运行.个别 WINDOWS默认是由WINDOWS自己治理虚拟内存的大小,这样的话有两个坏处:首先每次要求的数值并 不一致,所以系统会随意在硬盘分区上划出一个处所,寄存常设文件,过后又没有及时删除,使得硬盘上的碎片增 多,从而影响系统的效率.其次,普通WINDOWS都是指定本人所在的硬盘做为虚拟内存的存放的默认盘,但 是因为很多的用户总是把程序装在统一个分区下,使得该分区的空间越来越小,也就是说虚拟内存能使用的空间在 减少,少于一定的水平时,将不能执行大型的软件, Prada Leather Sneakers,甚至无法进入系统. 解决办法:应当手动指定虚拟内存的位置和大小,准则上指定系统虚拟内存的大小为512M以上为好(最小跟最 大空间一样,以保证WINDOWS不会转变地位),位置看看那个分区有过剩的空间就行了. 17、不用卸载,而是直接删除文件夹 很多的软件安装时会在注册表和SYSTEM文件夹下面添加注册信息和文件,如果不通过软件自身的卸载程序来 卸载的话,注册表和SYSTEM文件夹里面的信息和文件将永远残留在里面.他们的存在将会使得你的系统变得 很宏大,效率越来越低下,超过你的忍受限度,你就不得不重装你的系统了. 解决办法:删除程序时,应该到控制面板中的删除增加程序去执行(你可以做一个快捷方法在桌面上就便利多了) ,或者在开端菜单栏中找到程序的目录里的删除快捷方式,通过它来删除程序.还有就是尽量使用绿色免安装的软 件. 18、加载或者安装太多同样功能的软件 同样功能的软件势必会行使相同功效的职责,从而引起争端.我以为雷同功能的软件应当有所取舍,抉择最适合自 己使用习惯的软件.特别防病毒软件应入选择一个就可以了,而不是同时加载很多个在系统后盾,加载太多会产生 耗费太多的系统资源、软件抵触的弊病,在发现病毒时,还有可能出现因为"争杀"病毒而引起系统崩溃的麻烦; 就单单对着多个弹出的窗口,分辨进行处置,也是一个麻烦. 解决方法:尽可能"从一而终",不要太花心,取舍一个合适自己使用习惯的软件,其他的可以卸载掉;准确看待 防病毒软件,应中选择一个病毒库更新速度快的防病毒软件,并及时将自己的病毒库更新到最新的病毒库,而不是 安装多个防病毒软件. 人无完人,知错就改就是好同道.我们要矫正平时的一些不良的用机习惯, womensbelts,毕竟电脑是我们的好搭档,不要因为某些毛病习惯而一再损害咱们的友人. http://toulanji.cctve.cn/先把知识装满脑袋,再把金钱填满口袋!常识发明财产,财富推翻人生!!!!!!!!
05-23-2011, 08:21 AM
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174841229 2007 年 10 月 05 日 10:35 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
often in silence, when suddenly the thought of some of the past.
I always thought, my whole life, met with Eric's struggle and the fate of related. In fact, I am a very people who believe in fate, but this time I recognized it!
in a person's world, I can quietly write, sleep, occasional trance meditation. Good mood, I will faint smile, gently singing, or to the balcony to dry mood. I thought my day could have been so bland, placid; I thought I had no one else can do, self-righteous. However, when I met Eric, my life has changed since.
He is a clean and tidy, sun motivated the man, with wheat-colored skin and warm smile. In the afternoon, evening, my whole world is suddenly filled the whole atmosphere about him.
Eric lived in my downstairs, very strange, lots of work in the previous days work, often through his door, how come I never noticed, the original downstairs also home to such a nice handsome man.
since that day, we always encounter unexpectedly, and then smile and say hello, say hello to each other. In this way, slowly conversational up. I was suddenly quiet boring life Live Flesh, a lot of bright, feel life has a flavor, a little more color.
Eric is a painter, in this ancient city, he was a minor celebrity. Eric know that I like art, like painting, like literature, and he often invited me to poetry and painting his house.
I like to go to his house and see a painting Manqiang, it is Manqiang above the hills, but not a tree, a grass, a figure or a petal of loess hill and dale, a broad straight dust flying in the Road powerful, chanel sunglasses 2011, bleak, tragic life of a powerful force to speak in such a silence, the look magnificent, a call out.
I have often been the scene of the magnificence of this broad and deeply attracted to deter forward in life, suffering great vortex rotation, can not come.
whenever this time, his voice as if from the end of the road, the day came from across the other side: This is my heart Dunhuang!
grandeur and tragic life, only a thousand eyes can penetrate.
he said, like the Dunhuang it?
like it! I said.
I like flying in the desert where Dan Yiqu pipa, wanton lips smile micro-Yang is Swordsman's broad-minded, rather than southern women during the Ching Ming lane in the rain, the light and shallow sing insisted paper umbrella .
his eyes snapped at that moment, I saw a ball of fire, oakley sunglasses 2011, very hot.
Eric that distant and very realistic magnetic voice, my heart beats wildly and often tremor. Then I turned around will be a long time watching him. Then, in his smile warm and clean, I put myself into his arms wide, deep down feeling that comes from the deepest love.
there is a man, there is a strength, not saying a word, you hit in to pieces!
and Eric together, I always happy like a child.
my favorite post in the bath wearing his broad shirt, barefoot in his walk around the house. When the total lightly this time with Eric behind me, standing on my feet and I frolic, and then hugged me tightly from behind.
generous warmth of his chest, his fingers soft and strong. So I am deeply fascinated with, sink with, that can give me that hug the whole world. But, I never dared to expect, or touch the heart about \
every night, I will be clean and soft and the quilt Eric sleeping, feeling very warm, very safe, very practical. He often hold me tightly from behind, without a word tender, love me, then I'll make love breathing in, gently fall, sink.
time, I feel happy to open into a blooming flower.
you know how good I met a man.
Yes, he is so gentle and deep eyes, as if the afternoon sun under a pool of water, waves bursts of waves, in my heart echoed, ups and downs; his thinking is so deep wisdom, as if a splendid cultural and artistic treasure house, exudes an attractive charm, people relaxed and happy, imagination. Stroking his fingertips over every inch of my body, I can feel the thrill of a happy, seems to be able to hear the voice of a bloom.
with him every second, are happy, the air is full of honey flavor.
I thought this day would come along with me many days and nights. However, some people are always unexpected things can not stay.
a warm afternoon in the evening, we said goodbye.
he was going to Dunhuang, to that distant, has a straight Smoke in the desert city, their dreams! The only blessing to find his heart's dream! Until then, I gradually realized that only the Dunhuang is the favorite of his life!
and I, not!
I clearly see his eyes, he turned to leave the last moment, filled with a deep melancholy and nostalgic songs like LOUKES wet, deep and shallow, intermittently, beat me drop blood of the soul.
He looked at me deeply, and said, sunglasses hut, good, obedient, remember to be happy, good life! Will have to wait for me back then, I use my soul and wisdom, belonging to our room, arranged the world's most creative, most warm, most romantic home. I want to give you a surprise, give you all my world!
this way, he walked.
moment so I really want to run over in his hands, just as he had been hugging me, hugging him, he said he loved him, and asked him to take me with you. However, I still bite hard Yaochun, overflowing with tears, watched as he gradually step by step out of my sight.
which his eyes fluttering jet flame in that group is still the most thorough pain in my heart!
Since then, I'm afraid of the night, crushing those who fear the rise overlooking the stars. I have boundless empty lonely day, no end who said, \expect love.
days in the absence of Eric, I have been firmly shut himself in a person's room, endless trance, sleeping, dreaming.
had it for some time, I thought I could not continue to live. Night so deep, so deep, lonely and afraid to touch the wounds of pain, really a painful experience had never experienced before.
night, drove much of the light, a person sitting in front of the computer cold, crying, tears, harsh Yao Zhaochun until a faint salty taste of blood Xing Xing, big drops of tears to be large drops fall.
I love lost, far, cast a harsh outside world.
most pain Nannai in this day, I met Mike. He is one of my friends, is very optimistic about the progress, very light open-minded, very gentle and kind, in particular, understanding of a person.
Yes, he is not my friend, we never met. But he is my only loyal listeners, he always so cold the other side of the network, quietly listen to me sigh, listening to me, listen to me cry, and then gently comfort.
he often gently said to me, good, you have to listen, we must take life. My tears suddenly opened the floodgates as water, surging out of the big stars big stars dripping on the keyboard.
my face I do not know a stranger, why be so fragile, so wronged, so sad!
has, Eric often said to me, good, obedient, study hard, work hard. He also gave me a lot of warm and pleasant name, call me naughty, naughty, silly girl ... ... so I have a been Chongni, the feeling of being pampered.
in front of him, I'm like a worldly child, spoiled, cry. At this time, he would trembling hands tightly over me into his arms, his hands holding my face in his palm, then gently put his warm lips covered with two pieces of me cheek, slowly, dior sunglasses 2011, drop by drop to help me dry the tears, until I smile through tears.
This is a very gentle, and sentimental man, ah. There was a moment, I quietly said to myself in the future, marry, they will marry a man like him.
But now, I do not know myself, why this strange man named Mike in front of sad, cried.
between me and Mike, that is not online dating, or even no connection with online dating. I just need that heart to heart communication between and warm. And Eric, heard from since he was now walking without a trace. Perhaps he never knows what I need.
Eric left in the day, I often can not sleep night after night.
one day walking in the street, I saw a lot like Eric's back, and suddenly want to miss him, that fresh, capable, moderate, and has given me a secure happy man. But right where he is now? He said that I will never change No, it will not stop, and if so how do you find me?
whenever I can, always like to accomplish as a sacred wish, once again, to try to set aside the pious well known to the numbers, that there always came the cold voice of the operator: \Sorry, your number has been dialed down ... ... \br> Eric, he do not want me, he's really gone, he left me the only large tracts of blank pieces of life. I often think, he has occasionally think of me? Did he really forget me?
I whisper to herself, and to do a daze, smiling. No one knows the kind of heartbreak, it is so piercing.
Mike, often at midnight 2:00 time on the line. He kept looking at the QQ beating head, my heart will suddenly and inexplicably rise of a temperature. Trance, I think he is I accidentally lost the Eric.
and Mike chat is always pleasant, I feel that my body seems to inject new blood, and I feel much better, life is getting bright again.
a lot of time in later years, I tried those out of the shadow of the past. In leisure time, I will walk a person wandering the streets in a long, quiet look at people coming and going.
feel is autumn season, the northern city, Chuanjie the wind was cold. I turned my collar, down the street slowly forward, those stores have been very old, but the owner has been no replacement. But, my Eric, where he now? Once, in the street, our wanton joking loudly, in the wind run to frolic, then we are so passionately yet radiant, full of tension. Yes, it records the number of song and laughter me and Eric, recording how much happiness with us through good times romantic ah.
Today, people have changed, only one person I silently remembered.
in this corner of the street, a man guarding where the old book stalls, few pedestrians, who visited his shop is very few. I hesitated, and then went in to hand, those who still turned the old book.
Suddenly, my eyes lit up, there is a thin layer of celebrity pictures very prominently in sight. It is an illustrated biography of his memoirs.
Xinshou I opened, a line of text are visible at once attracted my attention, \on the heart, then stirred my soul, this book, I know. At that time, Eric often mention his name before me. Academy of Art he is a senior professor, has a unique way of thinking, deep insight and wisdom of the mind, when he was Eric's talents are particularly appreciated, they are like-minded Wangnianzhijiao.
moment my mind blank, dior sunglasses, and how? Eric him? Is ... ... I can not continue to go on. Hurry quickly paid, hands Jinjinzuanzhao this book, fled also like staggered out of the bookstore's doors in this book, the story of a professor I had never expected to do. Eric, at the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes where to concentrate his paintings, which are unfortunately the collapse of a cave, there is no time to get away, never to leave themselves a thousand years of silence Dunhuang, with sand dance forever.
Eric, he never come back, and he completely forget me out. Was whether awake or asleep, the moment can not bear to let go of my hand the big man, sunglasses 2011, Eric, he is gone, he really never left, he threw me a man so recklessly away.
my heart, loss, helplessness, loss, is a large a large a vast and empty.
Since then, I rarely online. I just want to slowly learn Xinruzhishui.
Occasionally, you may see non-stop beating Mike lit the QQ head, looked at his long list of message: the baby, how are you? Where have you been? Long time no see you, ah, how to find you but you all over the world who really want you! I know your heart is very sad ... ... Believe me, I will give you the whole sky! See the reply message must be sure to remember me Oh ... ...
see these words, I still cry, shed tears, still crying splinters, pain nerve numbness. But, Mike, you know? You will never be in my heart Eric.
memory of the thousands and thousands of hate of a thousand million, must love in many, hated, Chennai Ruo He? !
I decided to go to Dunhuang, a man alone, to pursue my life, the only soul.
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