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Old 05-04-2011, 04:08 PM   #1
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 2,399
uestradeqk28 is on a distinguished road
Default 对中国人寿 中国安全 中国铝业 建设银行 北京银行 用

现在确定是存在泡沫,coach men,是不是很大的泡沫?目前还无奈断定,但泡沫显然不小了!如果因而而空仓,将显得异常好笑,毕竟:一方面是 只有在泡沫横行的市面里,能力赚到大钱;另一方面是不知道泡沫什么时候幻灭?也就是说传说中的"顶"还确认 没有到来之前,任何时候的退却都是很幽默可笑的,在收益是也是可悲可痛的.
大蓝筹:前期资金参与很深的有:有色金融、金融、地产、钢铁、航空、铁路、煤炭.这些板块的大蓝筹,还有多 少高地要去占据?上涨,一方面培养了高收益的造成;另一方面也造就了高危险的构成.友人们,留一半留一半苏 醒吧,ghd iv!
中小板:2006年下半年与2007上半年表现得可圈可点,但这一段时光以来,表现确切差能人意,有些个股 甚至走得很是恶劣!!尤其是新上市的中小板,我真的搞不懂:上市第一天的价钱竟然是当前一段时间的最高价, 你说不主力,那么高的首日价是如何造成的?你说有主力,那么岂非做主力的最高境界就是套住本人 ?
科技股:良多科技股,象海虹控股、深科技A(现改名长城开发)在这两年的表示太寂寞了,昔日的龙头风范了然 无存.
依照风水轮流转的情理,在大蓝筹表现得比拟充分(至少是有些充足)之后,中小板(尤其是其中的科技股)、老 牌科技股(尤其是质优价不高的科技股)是不是也有可能猖狂一把?
1、保险股几乎就是"金刚不坏之身",当初未然进入加息周期的时期,但每一次的加息,对于保险股来说,都是 利好;每一次的提高筹备金,对于保险股来说,也是利好.而政府调控股市的招术,也不过乎就是加息、提高预备 金罢了.
2、在保险程度还不高的中国,保险企业的赔付固然引来无数争议,但也阐明了还有很大的完美与发展 空间.
3、保险公司原来就是机构,每一个保险公司投入股市的资金远弘远于一只基金,也就是说,因为中国平安、中国 人寿操盘运作是分成N个帐户的来完成的,所以保险公司自身就是一个"航母基金群".
4、中国平安的混业经营已经处于播种阶段,而中国人寿混业经营的平台还远远没有搭建起来,而且中国人寿在很 多方面所盘踞的优势,显然不是中国平安所能比较的.所以,在我看来:中国平安已经是"市场化生存"了,而中 国人寿,还是有许多政府傍靠的.就性命力而言,中国平安的生存才能显然高于中国人寿,但中国人寿的那些政府 优势会让中国人寿收益颇丰的,例如中信证券的定向增发、南方电网的参股等等.
1、中国平安的主力很有可能是中国人寿,早已高度控盘,200元的股价今年年底就可达到,触手可及,盘面沉 甸甸.
2、中国人寿的主力很有可能是中国安然,控盘水平小于中国安全,但目前控盘程度有了很大的改良与进步,10 0元的股价同样也是年底能够到达,同样地触手可及.
两只股票的流畅盘大抵相称,可能是因为中国平安操盘的实力远远小于中国人寿,prada 2011,不谈股价(因为事迹相差太远),只谈上涨幅度与控盘程度来说,中国平安到目前为止,显然比中国人寿要强得 多,至于以后两者的上涨幅度与控盘程度,就不知道了,兴许人寿会胜出一筹,毕竟由于:一方面作为企业来说, 发展空间更大一些;另一方面作为股票来说,上涨空间更大一些.
相信中国铝业前期的出色表演给了大家无穷的回味,本来只晓得大象可以跳舞,如工行那样的舞蹈,谁知还有象中 国铝业这样的似服了摇头丸般的持续疾走!
2、据大智慧介绍:中国铝业是寰球鞋第二大氧化铝生产商、第四大原铝出产商,也是中国范围最大的氧化铝跟原 铝经营商.
3、中国铝业的操盘为何如斯急不可待,完整没有上市初期的那般"微风细雨"?可能有一个起因就是:以后中国 铝业会不停地购并,而购并是须要特殊停盘的,所以留给操盘手的操盘时间并不是很拮据,所以,拉升起来也是那 般急风暴雨.
4、从技巧面长进行分析,目前这个46-48元的平台,构筑的时间越长,风险越大,变盘是早晚的,变盘无非就是两种可能:向上或向下.我个人认为向 上的可能性要远远大于向下的可能性.
建行发行价为6.45元,节前收盘9.35元,在四大行里面业绩属上乘,当然目前股价也是最高的,可贵的是 :
1、上市首日收盘8.53元,比发行价仅上涨2.08元,30%左右;越日在8.55与8.7这个0.15 元的、不足2%的区间稳固地稳定;第三日长阳翻新高;第四日(也就是节前最后一个交易日)收阴线,微涨4分 钱;价格低,就是上风,假如再加上品质好,就更OK了.
3、对于新基金而言,建行与行将上市的中国神华,确实是很好的种类,究竟现在:不论是如许S的优质企业的股 票,涨幅都在3倍以上了.
4、据大智慧先容:建行目前是国内最大的个人贷款银行、最大的个人住房贷款银行、第二大信誉卡发卡行、第二 大基础建设贷款银行、海内商业银行中最早发展资产证券化业务的银行、国内贸易银行中独一领有工程造价评估资 质的银行.
据大智慧介绍,有三点更显难能宝贵:中国最大的城市商业银行,在国内的城市商业银行中居于当先位置;策略配 合者ING银行动第一大股东;普遍且布局公道的分销网络.与泥沙俱下的城商行比拟,出发点不一样,就是不一 样!
虽然现在网上在暴什么最小股东什么的,实在很多事件不说大家也都知道:人无完人!中国的上市公司或多或少地 总有那些不太令人满足的处所,这是很畸形的.在我看来:小的瑕疵难掩北京银行的高成长性.一个企业,一只股 票,没有什么比成长性更主要的了,在银行里面,目前的价格和居于前列的高成长性,我想还是很有引诱力的.相 比之下,南京银行与宁波银行,就差远了.
可以这么说:用友软件身上的光环足可以照射全部IT行业,19年的发展过程,现在回首看来,简直就是一个奇 观!我个人认为,用友的亮点在于:
1、打算于4季度推出的基于SOA架构开发的U9产品套件(SOA是什么东东啊?我也不知道!哈哈!),号 称世界上第一款完全基于SOA架构的ERP产品.
但用友的走势确实令人大跌眼镜,现在的价格与2007年元月份的价格相差无比,也就是说,在波浪壮阔的20 07行情中,用友居然没有表现,而且仍是基金云集!
对于用友将来的走势,不敢冀望太多,但保险性应当是一流的,感到现在的用友很像N年前的茅台,只是这多少年 花费行业无比牛,科技股十分弱罢了.何时才干望得风水轮流转?
在中国的高科技企业中,我认可的就是:华为、中兴、用友、金蝶、腾讯之流,作为盘算机硬件方面做得不错的中 兴,我寄托了厚望,惋惜它的走势只是比用友略微强一点.中兴的亮点太多了,看看大智慧的材料,就给留下很深 的印象.净资产有11元之多,就是不提未来的发展举力,paul smith on line,就足以支持50多元的股价!
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Old 05-04-2011, 04:17 PM   #2
Join Date: Mar 2011
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g1oyu2of is on a distinguished road

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Reprinted from 271584847 at 3:46 pm on November 2, 2006 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary KartRider gave the driver skills (Reprinted)
1: linear collision
line, everyone is basically the same speed, you want to approach a person is knocked over by NO2, when you are away from other vehicles from 2 to 3 body, the use of N02, aimed at the corners of the vehicle in front grazed, it is easy to the other hit a 180-degree swing, as selection is hit or hit the left-right, then look at the front of the road, and hit a left turn to the left, a right turn to hit the right,new balance sneakers, so you can ensure that the other party fails to 180 degrees the case of swing against the wall, but also each other as much as possible to delay the speed of recovery time!
2: linear scraping car
If you use the car than the other car a little faster, or faster than you are cornering each other after that, you slowly close the other conditions! Then you stick to each other when the rear right and left rear wheel swing rub each other's position, a round can make 180-degree turn before the car, of course, a round (from side to side a) can not bring the other side roll,Migratory birds - Qzone log, then you will be added to speed before the car body, but you will spin-down!
3: a reasonable straight line collision:
whether the other party is the teammate or the enemy you hit! Even when your body has a leading position of one tenth of a body next to anyone who is hit! This will increase the speed of each other in your body can make you the next one or two leading at least one light hit the car, (from side to side is very important)
4: uphill crash!
uphill successful collision is the easiest place, the disadvantage is the need to NO2! Time to slow down because of a serious uphill! After using NO2 relative speed difference with the other large! The same approach with a collision, saw the rear left and right point of each other - hit!
two: turn collision
1 cornering collision:
This is the key to
collision! The vehicle in front because the corners had to slow down to cornering,new balance shoes, after the car and then gave the driver can select the first turn! So do not rely on NO2! When turning in the other ,(2) ~ The Two Sides of Perversion - Qzone log, after the car had been targeted and to infer the location of each vehicle, calculate in advance the location of the turn, straight line before the car crash near the rear of the site from you,new balance outlet! It will put him back 180 degree turn! And the way you slow down in the collision in the safety of cornering.
2 bend before the collision:
into the corners before, saw the location of the other into the corners into the corners ~ in its preparation, when the body has just turned to graze a little into the corners under the best position to snatch a simple and effective!
this sub is in your other car before or after you, in front, hit the corner post, the body in the post-graze with the other car.
3 NO2 bend in the collision
half in cornering, when both sides use the same line NO2,If everything can never!! NO2 acceleration with more stable rear graze each other,new balance 574!
position if the two sides are parallel, then the use of NO2 in the light hit the rock at about the same gear can make the other party, or deviation from the best cornering location!
say scratch the car!
when the drift will have any impact which can not be used after the spray drift! You can not take the world to butt is not great, you can choose to use the body gently rubbing each other, that the slight friction collision could not even hear the voice of the body. But it can effectively prevent the other jet, a significant reduction in the accumulation of other blue-air! This car is best to calculate the scraping angle when cornering drift in the other touch each other when the first light after you drift after the fire-breathing again! Or drift in the corners, or touch him spray half. There is a cover for the team against each other hand to the audience the main driver with the most effective means!
(with spray and double spray did not grip quick release even in the spray when the hand can once again cover the gently stroked each other, so as to give partner a lot of time and NO2 left edge)
III: collision that impact defense finished!
defense of the most important impact is not your deal after the impact, but in motion the opportunity not to hit each other!
the running to observe each other,new balance mens! Estimate the number of other NO2, after learning about cars by location map! Collision of the most simple truth is that before the car when the collision will accept any speed,new new balance shoes, the driver can make good use of collision, will play better than the time of the race results (theory only)
position when you know each other when ~ then you will know if using the arrow keys to stabilize the body against it!
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