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Old 04-23-2011, 01:09 AM   #1
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Default 宋国青 把持总需要是要害

汪涛 《财经》杂志 总第213期[06-09 18:37 ]
震灾不会改变宏观经济走向,中国经济的最大风险不在于增速减缓.应加大财政支出以救灾,继续采用从紧货币政 策以抵抗通胀
"5.12"大地震捣毁了数百万人的家园,造成了巨大职员伤亡,直接丧失已超过千亿元.地震对性命的残害和 打击无以估计,终极的经济损失也还需要经由一段时光才干估量出来.
在此之前,波及南方十多少个省市的一场多年不遇的冰雪灾难,已经对电网、交通设施、农作物等造成侵害,对经 济运动造成影响,并因为导致鲜活产品价钱暴涨而带动了近几个月消费物价的继承攀升.
这些内部冲击又是在全球经济放缓且不肯定性增加的外部环境中产生的.因为美国需求削弱,中国出口增长已开始 放缓,并预计会继续下滑.内外冲击引起了很多人对中国经济远景的担心,从新审阅目前宏观调控政策、放松从紧 政策的呼声越来越大.
那么,中国经济是否面临大幅减速的危险?宏观经济政策取向是否应改变?宏观调控和从紧货币政策是否已分歧时 宜且可能让经济"硬着陆"?应该用什么政策组合应对通胀问题?
做出断定之前,先让咱们回想一下目前从紧政策的出台背景,以及地震前的宏观调控力度和经济增长态势,再看看 地震是否改变了宏观经济面临的根本问题.
本轮宏观调控加鼎力度并定调货币政策从紧,是由去年四季度中共十七大及中心经济工作会议开端的.当时,中国 经济以年均近12%的速度增长,新增贷款范围大大高出年初目标,固定资产投资在10月以30%以上的速度突 飞猛进,消费者物价因食物价格突涨而快捷升到11年新高.在此情况下,"双防"即预防经济过热和避免全面通 胀成了经济工作的重要目的.
之后,美国经济自去年底以来显著减速,并逐步影响全球.国际金融市场达观情感洋溢,美元大幅贬值,但国际经 济减缓的幅度比人们预期的要小.中国对美出口增长则明显放缓.
面对不断定的外部环境和全球经济放缓,中国政府一方面保持从紧的宏观调控基调,一方面在实行调控办法上控制 力度,对不同行业差别看待,并没有在总体上采取过紧的政策.
何以见得?在信贷控制上,今年增强了信贷额度的按季管理,一季度贷款增长虽比去年放缓,但信贷发放却比去年 底大大宽松;在固定投资上,虽然对高耗能和高传染行业及一些房地产开发从严控制,但全社会固定资产投资仍得 以保持高速增长,a&f coupon code,且今年4月房地产投资的增长也高达32%.
信贷额度和窗口领导是目前控制信贷和货币政策最倚重的手段.银行贷款增长得到了有效控制,但信贷比去年底其 实有所松动.利率自去年12月以来并未再次上调;存款筹备金虽屡次调整,但它已经是央行管理流动性、下降对 冲本钱的常用手腕,并不形成资金面压力.资金富余的基本局势从央行七天回购的加权平均利率的安稳也可见一斑 .货币政策收紧的另一个手段是加大汇率升值.从去年底到今年3月,人民币对美元升值加快.但因为美元同期大 幅贬值,人民币有效汇率也就是对贸易搭档国的加权平均汇率,并没有升那么多.
这也就难怪,中国经济在一季度依然实现了10%以上的增速,固然比去年有所放缓,但斟酌到种种 艰苦,salvatore ferragamo bags,切实已超乎预期.固定资产投资增长25%以上,据说是备受打压的房地产投资也意外到达了32%的增速.花 费在高物价压力下,仿佛并不萎缩,由收入增加带动了实际消费品零售总额的稳固高速增长.
即便是出口,mens asics,也并没有像人们担忧的那样面临重大打击.
确实,中国今年前四个月的出口增长已经放缓,而且对于某些地域大量出口企业关门的报道也层出不穷.然而,对 美国的出口虽然显明放缓,对东南亚和欧盟的出口却稳定高速增长,对新兴市场和大宗商品出口国的出口更是突飞 猛进.在美国经济放弛缓雨雪灾害的影响下,21%以上的出口增速在任何国度都算得上高速,中国参加世贸组织 以前20多年平均出口增长也不外15%.
实在,作为中国这样一个经济大国,出口增长持续几年濒临或超过30%已是十分少有,并异常态.有些市场如鞋 类、玩具等中国所占的市场份额已经无比大,增长的空间有限.在外部需要减少的大条件下,这些行业的出口受的 打击可能更大.
瞻望将来,可能下滑更多的出口跟目前的地震灾祸,是否会转变中国宏观经济的基础态势,使得中国经济的最大风 险变成经济增长的大幅减速呢?是否因此须要改变宏观政策的取向来应答呢?谜底是否认的.
笔者以为,出口很可能跟着寰球经济的进一步放缓而减速,有的月份增速可能低至10%左右,全年均匀增速应会 小于20%.而入口将因为大批商品价格的高企和海内的茂盛需求超越出口的增长.即使如斯,今年的外贸顺差也 有望与去年持平,超过2500亿美元.也就是说,今年外贸面临的将仍是伟大顺差的挑衅.而且,出口的降落是 因为外部环境的周期性放缓,不是因为中国的竞争力降低,对中国作为制作业基地、宏大市场的信念,将支撑与之 相干的投资.
地震造成巨大的人员伤亡和经济损失,重建家园、完整恢回生产可能要破费数年的时间.然而因为重要灾区的工农 业出产在全国经济中占的比重不大,并且灾后重建还会拉动投资需求,sale tods,地震对GDP增长的净影响应当有限,不会改变今年经济增长的态势.
那么,现在经济中面临的最主要问题是什么呢?一方面,灾区有千百万人仍旧面临生存难题,亟待安置,重建家园 ;一方面,通胀高企而且有全面蔓延的风险, 大灾之后更要重视安定人心,更要担心物价攀升,通胀加剧.
救灾重建需要加大财政投入,疾速有效的让资金和物质到位,这毋庸置疑.长期的重建工作需要多年才能实现,需 要财政支出,需要信贷给予支持.但是,放松其他地区的信贷额度或是降息,是不能有效解决灾民安顿和灾区重建 问题的.相反,投资和信贷过快增长可能对已经高企的通胀火上浇油,让灾区国民的生涯负担加重,并影响社会和 人心的安宁.
在通胀压力加大,尤其是进口价格攀升的情况下,履行从紧的货币政策,包含让人民币升值,继续控制信贷增长, 有助于控制通胀.
假如由于地震而夸张中国经济大幅下滑的危险,因此过早全面放松宏观政策,那么本轮调控可能流产,经济增长再 次被推进加速,而通胀可能因而连续恶化,并进一步延迟结构性政策的出台,延缓经济的构造转型,加重能源环境 问题,并使未来的调剂代价更大.
如果全球经济比当初预计的情况要坏得多,外部需求瓦解影响中国出口增长,那么问题会是全部外部市场的缩减, 而不是中国本身出口竞争力的消退.让人民币疲软不能令美国的需求起逝世复生.但是,加大财政支出可以刺激国 内的投资和消费.到时候,可以考虑通过部分加大对灾区的投入,直到全面履行踊跃的财政政策,来拉动经济增长 .
如果要确实防止通货膨胀率在较长时间居高不下甚至在目前程度上继续回升,那么继续实施从紧的宏观经济政策就 是必定的.这里没有用从紧的货币政策的说法,是考虑到扩大财政支出救灾和从紧的货币政策这些话可能意思不清 楚.
从控制通货膨胀的角度考虑,抑制总需求是要害,也可以说两者是一件事情.考虑到出口和商业顺差的情况,目前 控制总需求主要是掌握内需,也就是控制投资和消费的名义总支出.在这个前提下,增加救灾和灾后重建支出必需 压缩其他的社会支出.
详细到财政支出,一个措施是加税,用增加的税收作为救灾开支.考虑到加税可能同时抑制税收累赘者的消费和储 蓄,增加的税收还要比救灾开支大一些才能坚持总需求不变.这个效果和直接社会捐助的后果一样.另一个方法是 压缩其他财政开支,将压出来的钱用于救灾开支.
如果不是这样,而是在不加税的前提下增加财政总支出,那就是扩大总需求,这样的财政政策实际上就是扩大的货 币政策.从总需求的角度看,这个问题是清晰的,只是在波及货币政策和财政这些词语时有一些歧义.如果从更狭 义货币的角度看,扩大财政赤字或者减小财政盈余的财政政策自身,就是扩大货币供给的政策.如果是扩大财政赤 字,就要增加国债发行,而国债和银行按期存款简直是等价的,两者的货币功能难分高低.所以增加国债几乎等价 于增加货币供应.如果是将原来可能的财政盈余拿出来用于救灾,效果也一样,因为财政盈余可以用 来还债.
压缩其他财政开支的详细内容还涉及另外一些问题.压缩财政的投资性支出确切有压缩总需求的效果,但是在公民 收入调配方面的效果和加税差未几.这是因为,财政投资性支出增加了,将来的国有资产多了,可以少收税,反之 未来的消费者要多交税.这样说没有考虑财政投资和民间投资的效力问题.如果是在保持政府畸形运行的情况下压 缩财政的消费性支出,那就对政府雇员以外的消费者没有影响.压缩国有企业的同类开支也一样.这样的压缩开支 ,存在国民收入分配调整的效果.
当然,这样的政府开支对其别人来说是挥霍,不管有没有天然灾害都应当压缩.不过,如行政治理费这样的开支, 在过去几年激烈增长,没有灾害可以从缓压缩,有了灾害就可以考虑从快压缩,遭受的抵制应当会小 一些.
单从把持当前总需求的角度考虑,更明白的提法应当是,在不扩展财政总支出的前提下增长财政的救灾支出.这不 是说救灾支出的增加要以紧缩其他开支为前提,其余开销压不下来就减少救灾支出.救灾当然要做到公道合情,如 果其他财政开支真实 未审压不下来,在没有取舍的情况下也只好增添赤字或者减少财政盈余来救灾.如果呈现了这样的情形,货币政策 就应该更紧一些,能力克制总需求.
以倾斜的银行信贷政策来支持救灾是最蹩脚的抉择.如果需要银行支持救灾,能够直接向银行加税,拿这个钱去救 灾,也是亲兄弟明算账的意思.从前的银行信贷,有些分不明白贸易功效和财政功能,引起了良多麻 烦.
这样的事件,简略看起来又能办事又不要财政花钱,其实最后财政往往要花更多的钱.到了报亏损的时候,政策性 亏损是个大口袋,什么都可以往里装.你要他帮你一阵子,他可能赖你一辈子.
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Old 04-23-2011, 01:11 AM   #2
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33087 2010 年 09 月 06 日 13:09 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
Check out our flower of the national auto industry FAW, SAIC are doing ---- the number of foot pinned money! Shanghai Santana 1983, the introduction of the model is not a backward, when a Volkswagen 1982 models! However, we make the world a person in a persistent fear of the spirit of the production for 25 years, and on this basis, self-reliance, hard work, continuous improvement of production 2000,3000 series, localization rate of 90%! This is Shanghai Automotive car who left us a valuable national treasure! But they forget that the engine should upgrade and replacement of the. We have this 70's engine manufacturing for 25 years. Because in the hearts of people, car is 4 wheels + shell + gorgeous luxurious interior and equipment.
Talent is not so smart
Shanghai, people's favorite is the most widely used Mitsubishi 4G18 launch (almost all of the national car is used or is this engine), Dongan was introduced in 2001, this engine prototype 4G92 is developed in the late 80's, 90's main engine of Mitsubishi, in 2000 developed specifically for Asian markets, including the Taiwan version and the mainland version. 4G92 MIVEC in 96 years to develop a similar technology with VVT, it should be at a more advanced engine. However, we introduced the first generation not only others, but also to reduce the cost basis of simplified. We produce 8 years, not only do not use the DOHC and MIVEC technology upgrade, but latest 1.5L4G15S is based on the 4G18 further reduce the cost of using the cast iron engine block.
because in our mind, the price is: lower prices, the largest space (car length), shape is more beautiful, more luxurious interior, electronic equipment, the more the better! Alone ignores the engine and gearbox, people who hold this view are dominant! They think Santana is sufficient engine power (1.8L74KW), it will ask you, how much time will have 180,200 KM / H,dolce & gabbana Handbag, so the conclusion is: the engine of new technologies - not used, is wasted. We have to admit that the Chinese are the world's most savvy consumers, the understanding of the car is the most brilliant. But we forget to evaluate the performance of a car when, in addition to security is dynamic. Automotive engine technology is the core technology, the latest fuel-efficient and more environmentally friendly engines only. We often say that fuel-efficient Japanese cars, but we never look at the weight of the car, the car more than 1 ton 1.2 tons of cars, fuel economy of 10% is called the fuel it? Rugged sheet metal and do not have much use for life insurance, but we will occur when the standard 45KM / H test impact speed? The answer is almost! Usually in urban areas are much smaller than the speed of the collision, this time is the car than sheet metal, whose thicker, who have less deformation, vehicle damage and repairs to a minimum. When life-threatening high-speed collision occurs are much higher than this rate, this time 45KM / H basic safety crash test not used, than is your reaction speed and safety equipment for normal operation. Who did not wear a seat belt has been flying out the air bag did not have to open the ribs are more likely than the basic, the car body side crash reinforced hardness not enough space inside the car quickly compressed, you basically climb to get out , but also how to escape, praying to God to stay in the car!
car \Therefore, in China, the car is a symbol of identity and status, is a luxury for individuals to show off! Because the Chinese people value the shape of the first car, a black car ownership in China is the world's highest country, as distinguished black representatives. Secondly, we value the configuration, note that this configuration refers to the interior and electronic equipment! Domestic automobile became popular only in recent years is also equipped with ABS, EBD, airbags,mulberry bag, and afraid people do not know they have this thing will be the most eye-catching place in the body with the metal plating Los words specified. So there is not a security configuration in fact, we did not care, we care about or whether it represents the identity and face. Little do they know the security configuration of equipment in Europe is essential, just like fighters must have ejection seats and parachutes, car has spare tire and brakes, is necessary configuration.
In China, when a synchronization with the global car market, we favor encouraging, we will evaluate, or German (the Japanese) and kind, but we have never not pay attention to his engine, variable box, site whether it is with foreign countries, we are not being replaced brake drum brake, we can not see the place is not material and workmanship and abroad the same! We note that only the exterior, interior, electronic equipment and details (see details). When the Japanese cars sold more fire when the Germans turned then wake up, the original China needs is not new technology, just need to face! From Germany to Japan as a teacher, the French have the hang of it, Koreans have come to the Chinese people --- the original is so pay any money, before we blame the stupid! Since then Japanese cars, German cars, French cars,gucci bags, Italian cars, Korean cars (heard that India's Tata Group wants to enter the Chinese) are the same, and the world as black as a crow at last! Geely is also foolish when the hard modeled to study the engine and gearbox, we have the national auto industry also learn from their mistakes Star of Hope,chloe bag, repentant, and Chery engine outsourced to Austrian AVL Company, more than Yadi Mitsubishi engine with the rapid rise of China Junjie Mitsubishi engine also achieved by Nirvana reborn. An enterprise doomed to not understand the mentality of customers can not be successful, gorgeous interior shell + luxury foreign brands and electronic equipment + = good car, this is the people's car consumption mentality. Therefore, we have so many China-made cars out of the engine as the heart of love, so out of the garbage trucks driving in the land of China.
When the Chinese first invented gunpowder, but keen on making fireworks for people to enjoy the gorgeous, Europeans use it as a tool to conquer the world, so we declined it! When intel releases new CPU; Microsoft's new operating system release, Americans queuing up to buy, the Chinese people feel funny, that has fed Americans support the lie,coach handbag! When our Long March rocket successfully launched ten consecutive times, and the Japanese H2 rocket Gesanchawu the fall, we are somewhat encouraged by whom schadenfreude! But when the Japanese goddess of the moon is far more important than quality time with our moth, we surprised to find that our long-term conservative as the Long March rockets used UDMH fuel, resulting thrust far behind the world level. The Japanese began to study in the 80's and use the high-thrust liquid oxygen liquid hydrogen engine, our success rate of the Long March was saved before the new technology behind it!
when a people lose their desire for new technology and the pursuit of the spirit of fanaticism,mulberry bags, when behind has become a necessity! A great man has admonished us to \
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