teach you how to become electronic draft is issued to print recently, I just go to work on a friend always complained to me that the boss really is not new to those of us who work improperly viewed ah What are we to do menial work, it does not, yesterday took 10 pages of the document to, that he labeled as electronic draft, he said that almost turned into typing tool, both for after I heard he was sympathetic, At the same time taught him a simple method, you can easily print the draft into electronic draft, I would also be useful to everyone after it, show it to share with you.
first you have to print the first draft of these documents through the scanner or scan to a computer up, generally have a scanner unit, if not it does not matter, with the digital camera can do, into a picture into WORD in there, but In some before you have to install about WORD own components, 03 and 07 will do. Start - programs - Control Panel - Add / Remove Programs,
团购网站大全, find the Office-found Microsoft Office Document Imaging to modify the component, Microsoft Office Document Imaging Writer point run on the machine, installed on it.
scanner installed first, followed by the Start menu \
Tip: Office 2003 default installation does not have this component, if you first use this function may require you to insert the CD to install Office2003. As is usually the text scanning select \There should also be set to \After scanning the picture automatically transferred back to Office 2003 种 another component \
click in the toolbar of the \Press the \If you want to get some of the text, simply use the mouse to marquee the text you want, and click the right mouse button select \
this software there is a trick: by changing the option in the OCR language that can more accurately extract the text. For example, the picture is in English, the OCR language to \
should say, PDF document specification makes the viewer a lot of easy reading, but if these data extracted from the inside, it is troublesome to. Recalled the provisions of the original design to do graduation in English translation, painful death, even knows better than to use the Print Screen Screenshots drawing board, come back to stick to the word in white enough: (the most recent business with several bids to do, from Honeywell Part of the performance information for all English PDF, in order not to be tortured, spent a night time to study the conversion of PDF and Word files, locate the following 2 methods, the so-called thick and thin for the heart of the proletariat, under shared :)
北京团购网, implementation tools: Office 2003 that comes with Microsoft Office Document Imaging
application scenarios: support for the present,
上海团购网, many foreign software use the PDF the way information is released, if not Adobe Reader, can not see its contents, if not related to editing software and can not edit PDF. DOC format is converted to a editing function can be achieved. Although some software can also convert PDF DOC to complete the work, but many do not support Chinese, we use Office 2003, Microsoft Office Document Imaging component to achieve this requirement is most convenient.
first step: the first to use Adobe Reader to open PDF files to be converted, then choose \Printer \
Editor's note: If you are in the \2003 installation CD in the \
Step: Run the Microsoft Office Document Imaging, and use it to open MDI file just saved, choose \to maintain the same image format \
Editor's note: At present, the tool including all software, including the recognition rate of DOC PDF transfer is not particularly perfect, and conversion loss of the original layout after format, so you even after the conversion late them by hand typesetting and proofreading work.
2, implementation tools: Solid Converter PDF
application scenario: the use of Office 2003, Microsoft Office Document Imaging component to achieve the transfer Word documents PDF to some extent, can do to a Word document, PDF document conversion, but for many \, using the above method to convert from the Word document is often garbled one. In order to restore the original PDF,
qq团购, recommended that the software can realize the full layout retention, without adjustment, and can be adjusted to require a model form.
团购网, download the installation files Solid Converter PDF, click Install.
Editor's note: there is a pre-installation process to download and install plug-ins, so the need to ensure smooth network connection.
2, run the software, according to asked to select the toolbar to convert PDF document,
团购导航, click on the lower right of the \complete the conversion