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Old 03-31-2011, 09:07 AM   #1
Commander In Chief
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Default 占豪午评 回踩颈线 多头共振节点的留神事项——黄金游

欧洲股市昨天涨跌互现,美国股市昨天收涨,总体对 A 股影响有限.早盘两市基本平开,开盘后冲高回落最低下探至头肩底颈线邻近.从量能上看,成交已经大幅萎缩, 大盘再次回踩头肩底颈线与 10 日线和 20 日线的位置,需要的就是缩量,缩量能力回稳,回稳才能再次有行情.但对于后市来说,颈线这个地位仍是很主要 的,究竟这是第二次突破了颈线,回踩取得支持后须要放量打破才行.而假如没有放量突破,再冲高就是要留神下 降仓位的机遇了.
从状态上看,大盘真的有复制去年八玄月份行情的架势,整个走势是那么相像.但我们需要说的是,这个相像不能 作为标原来参考.由于上一轮下跌时可以很明确地感觉到行情不可能停止,即下跌即诱空,tods shoes for women,诱空即内情,所以那时候笔者敢在国庆前下跌时强调在 60 日线布局.但当初不同,现在是短、中、长线的共振节骨眼,如果多头共振确认,paul smith tee shirts,则未来数月行家情将是单边市;相反,如果这个多头共振以失败而告终,其结果就是再次回调今年七月份低点四 周甚至更低.所以,这次比上次的机会大,但危险也大.上次可以很明白地说向下没有空间,但这次在没有确认多 头共振前,就不能那么勇敢.
今天行情最好收一根缩量锤头线,这样放工走就还会向上突破;若要以时间换空间,十字星也可以.但无论如何, 技术上今天在颈线失掉支撑很有必要.
操作上,中长线等候大盘最终给的谜底,再无奈突破注意降低仓位;短线则主要根据个股情况,已经冲高较多的躲 避,短线回调幅度较大、技术上开端企稳的股票可短线关注.
厨娘看了早盘的交流说,其实这种邮件没必要太理睬,自身就一个自圆其说的邮件,像她看了都感到有些可笑,让 笔者看看只是想我晓得有这样的人存在.笔者交换没有别的意思,重要是想表白一下个人立场.既然有这样的一个 交流平台存在,那么这样的平台就不是容不下相反的观点.既然是交流,当然包含观点相左的交流,那么有相反的 观点能够亮出来,所谓不辨不明,这样实在对大家都是一个进步当然也包括笔者本人.所以,相似这样的邮件,至 少应当让战友们看到,至少知道这个平台可能容下不同观点.这里是谈独破思考、白手起家的,不是谈同一思维的 ,这又不是政工,不存在这样的玩意.就像前多少天交流毛泽东的邮件,固然说观点不同但个人以为那是在交流, 至于说大家意识不同、保存看法都没有问题,个人心中都有杆秤.有一点,那就是既然来交流对事错误人.像早盘 那样的邮件,名义似乎装出一副恭谦,实则语言中夹枪带棒(语言修辞是一门学识,而且只有心怀坦荡荡说出来的 字词才干铿锵有力,心中昏暗,有得失心,语言修辞再富丽那也是花把式不堪一击),这既不是求教也不是挑衅更 不是交流,所以对里面的所谓问题笔者一个不作相应回复.而且,老战友们都懂得占豪的作风,即与人为善但却极 有准则,作人的底线不可冲破.
另:《黄金游戏(五)——智慧赢财产》行将出厂,预计四月初会与战友们会晤,最快能够拿到货的估量就是近水 楼台的淘宝特约店,预计周末就能拿到书,心急的友人可到淘宝特约店去看看,淘宝特约店地址: http://www.goldengame.net/
《黄金游戏》交流平台(《黄金游戏》交流邮箱: goldengame@163.com .平台交流主旨:同等、没有门槛,大家一起游戏的技术交流平台.这里没有老师,只有朋友和 " 战友 " .三类问题不答复: 1 、直接征询个股; 2 、适度敏感问题; 3 、私家问题.特殊提示:,《黄金游戏》系列书籍购买、问题咨询请发邮箱: nanamail89@126.com ,会有人及时回复.)
您好!拜读您的博客已经将近一年的时间了,很敬仰您对股市、时势还有人生哲学的懂得和见解,通过《黄金游戏 》 1-4 使我对中国股市的概貌有了一定的认识,进而学会了应用均线、 K 线等一些常用的技术指标看盘,对豪哥的感激之情在此省略 1 万字.现在有几个问题在实盘当中一直困扰着我,特求教豪哥:
1 、 选股问题.入市一年半,阅历了瞎蒙、朋友推举、专家荐股、看财经消息等小散买股过程,因为不知道"为什么" 买入,所以总感觉像是赌.现阶段自己已经发展到看均线的状况基本可以判定这个股票可否买入的功力,但还是未 能解决"买什么"的问题.请问,豪哥一般是靠什么指标或者是依据什么资讯来选股的?
2 、 资金调配问题.根据你在书里说的普通是买两三支股票,所以我个别是对半分,爱好中长线持股.可这次在年初选 入的两只股票,有一只都快翻倍了,可是另一只却原地踏步,呵呵,那种感到您懂的.仿佛满仓一支票倒还显得清 洁爽利.请问,要么空仓要么满仓一支票这样的操作模式在实盘中可行否?
感谢谈不上,我个人的观点始终是缘分之上,既然是缘分就不存在感谢问题,我既然把东西共享了就无需感激,共 享出来就属于大家,谁乐意拿谁拿,这都与我无关了.如果不是这样,那也不必共享,遮遮蔽掩、神秘化、神化都 不是我的风格,我的风格就是是扒皮抽筋地全"裸".
第一个问题.对于选股,恐怕是许多人的问题,包括我自己也不是说每选必准,究其起因良多时候除了个人问题外 还有福气成分.炒股,本身就有三分运气在,运气好的时候怎么做怎么行,运气不好的时候怎么做怎么不行,所谓 流年不利.所以,入选股呈现问题时不必纠结也不用懊恼,尽量去调剂,调整不外来就休息.当然,如果是本身问 题那就得修炼.
不过,有一点可以确定,选股就是自己的事,什么朋友推荐、专家推荐、新闻等等都是白瞎的东西.就像吃饭能让 别人代吃吗?炒股的每个进程都必需亲力亲为,外来的因素全是参考,我曾经在博客中说过 N 遍,即看博客要看剖析思路,不要看结果,要以参考的心态去看而不是照着去做.试想,我是照着大盘分析,而炒 股炒的又不是大盘,jimmy choo 2009,不可能完整同步,那就一定要结合自己的状态有一个调整,所谓独立思考也.
《黄金游戏》的整体思路是什么?就是要站在一个绝对高的高点上去看这个市场,然后通过一种逻辑来断定、取舍 和验证,这就是《黄金游戏三》中的六个流程模块,且是一个动态的流程模块.买股票的根据是什么?无非是几个 大的面:技巧面、政策面、资金面、新闻面、根本面,这些面终极会统一在技术面去验证.而咱们看市场首先要看 慷慨向,即将来中国经济走向,影响经济的重大因素政策走向,依据政策走向去看哪些行业有发展空间,而后再根 据资金面大势对市场发生什么样的影响,消息面的影响,基础面的变更预期等等,这样就可以先从两千多只股票里 分出哪些是你的目的,然后再逐步筛,一箩一箩地筛,过滤,最后就能有一个范畴跟成果.再通过技术面的考量, 其实抉择什么、机会就都出来了.当然,这个也并不是相对的十拿九稳,discounted mbt shoes,但至少亏的时候少亏,赚的时候可以大赚,在股市能做到这个你就是那 5% 的赢家.而这些,其实都是《黄金游戏》的论述内容,《黄金游戏五》又将股票的货色提高到哲学和思惟境界的层 面上,同时把全部操作系统给体系化了.看书,必定要看思路,这毫不是套话,而是实切实在的,不存在半点虚的 东西.
第二个问题.资金分配问题其实本不是问题,因为很多时候资金都是动态的,没有绝对静态如何的资金.但,一般 情形下对于新手来说,在初期还是有必要有一个计划.我给一半一般投资者资金划分的倡议是,初期可有四成长线 、三成中线、三成短线,股票数目只有再一百万以下的资金最好不要超过 5 只,无论如何也不要超过 7 只,一般 30 万以下两三只足以.之所以不能太分散,在于资金太疏散即便有些股票涨得再猛也不会太影响资产增值,而一旦大 势不好大局部股票下跌,结果就是丧失惨重,这十分不利于资产管理.那么,三五只股票正常可以尽量实现比拟好 的资金治理,捉住机会资产增值会较快.哪怕资金千万甚至数千万,一般也不会超过十只股票.只有当资产过亿甚 至更多,才有一个资产配比的概念,即可以通过向不同方向很多只股票来投资,来确保资金的持重增值,这和普通 的投资者操盘思维是不同的.
满仓一只股票也是不对头的,那影响资产稳定幅度太大,会很不稳固,哪怕就是高手,一轮行情连续押错注也可能 会持续错过行情,这样的风险太高.当然,如果资产范围太小,是可以在行情很好、掌握性很大的时候这么干得, 这样可以提高资金应用率,但操作的时候最好也是是非联合,即要抓住波段的操作机会,这样通过波 段提高收益.
《 黄金游戏(四)—看透阴阳线》、《黄金游戏(三)—交易靠自己》、《黄金游戏(二)—熊市能赚钱》、《黄金 游戏(一)-从A股获利》淘宝特约销售:http://www.goldengame.net/
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Old 03-31-2011, 09:07 AM   #2
Sergeant First Class
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yuming41327 is on a distinguished road

thank you!
For years now we have been inundated with offers of Free Reports. Most promise to tell you how, in a few hours per week, you can make incredibly huge sums of money or achieve some other benefit. And it's not only on the web you find these offers. I subscribe to an informative, inexpensivemagazine called "Australian Business & Money Making Opportunities", ostentibly to keep my finger on the pulse of small business. Every issue is chock full of advertisements, many offering a free report. Just a few offer free information.But what pulling power do free reports or free information have over readers if they simply provide them with information advertisers want them to read to progress a sale? My guess is that it is minimal. And would anyone really expect to pay someone to provide them information about something they are trying to sell? I doubt it. So the "free" part is superfluous. And the reports aren't really reports, they are sales pitches. Everyone knows that.I've seen so many free reports that I'm no longer drawn to offers to obtain them. In fact, I find the habitual and invariable offers of free reports almost nauseating; I wonder why people don't use some alternatives. After all, if you are surrounded with too much of anything it loses impact doesn't it?If the free report is dead, the question that arises is, what will take its place?Obviously the concept underlying free reports is to sell something to a prospect. In rare cases the value of the free report may be such that it provides useful, valuable information. This being the case, it might generate a feeling of reciprocity between givers and receivers. Then, when receivers are ready to buy, they might buy from the person who has given them something valuable.So, what can we, as marketers give people that will be valuable to them, cost effective for us and generate an attitude of reciprocity? Information products are popular. That is, I'll give you invaluable information eg, about how to prepare your house for sale if you consider using me as the real estate agent who makes the sale. So-called 'viral marketing' media have effectively taken over some of this role. Viral marketing is where you give someone useful information free (usually as an ebook) and include links to yours or affiliates' sales sites. Because it's both useful and free, it spreads like a virus (So proponents say). Then, when readers click on the links and make purchases, you earn income.I understand some people are having great success with viral marketing. That's wonderful. Perhaps now we need to be more creative and find some other novel ways in which to lure our prospects. For example, one company that sells link management software provides a small, free piece of software that lets you see how many other sites link to yours. It's an intelligent way to provide both a feeling of reciprocity and demonstrating the value of their primary software product. It also has longevity ... whenever users run the software they are reminded how useful it would be to have a link management program.I give clients a software program which, when opened, displays a splash screen with my business logo and site link. Others use screen savers and applications programs that do such things as spam check an ezine or repaginate a block of text to have only 60 characters before a line return. Dr Ken Evoy has a monthly prize for people who enter a draw at his site. In the past I've given away PDF calendars, discount coupons and in the physical world, bookmarks.If you want people to sit up and take notice, don't flog the dead horse of free reports. What you, what we all need, is something that costs almost nothing to produce, develops an attitude of reciprocity in recipients,Tory Burch Red Ballet Flat, sells our products or services and, if possible, is enduring.It's up to you. For heaven's sake, get your creative juices flowing, give us all a break from free reports and come up with something of value that will pique our interest. When you've done that, you'll get my attention. In the mean time, anyone for a free report (just kiddin).Copyright Robin Henry 2005Robin Henry is an educator, human resources specialist and Internet marketer. He helps small to middle-sized businesses and individuals improve performance by accessing smart technology and processes and personal development. He runs his business Desert Wave Enterprises from Alice Springs, Central Australia and can be found at http://www.dwave.com.au
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