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Old 03-30-2011, 10:18 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 1,492
haxhklm2x8 is on a distinguished road
Default 司机载4名搭便车者被查处 带着上钩鱼讨说法


  今年3月初,郑松伟驾车从郑州市回新密途中,带了4个要搭便车的人,被郑州市客运管理处以“涉嫌非法营 运”查处,车辆被暂扣了17天。此外,还有另外两名司机也遭遇到相似情形。昨天,这3名司机认为郑州市客运 管理处属于“钓鱼执法”,拿着一条被钓上钩的鱼走进客运管理处,要讨个说法。

  对此,客运管理处表示,郑松伟非法营运的事实清楚、取证确凿、暂扣车辆依据充分、定性准确、执法程序合 法,不存在当事人向外称的“钓鱼执法”现象。



  昨天上午,在郑州市客运管理处门前,两名男子的举止引起了众人关注,只见一个男子手持钓鱼竿,鱼钩上钓 条大鱼;另一男子举着牌子,牌子上画着一幅漫画:一个执法人员坐在船上,钓起一条大鱼,嘴里说“哈哈,拿钱 ”。漫画的整体类似交通禁行标志,不过内容是“禁止钓鱼执法”(如图)。

  据其中一名叫郑松伟的男子介绍,3月4日晚9点多钟,他驾驶五菱之光面包车从郑州市区回新密,途经嵩山 南路黄岗寺村附近时,发现三男一女站路边,向他招手示意停车。

  郑松伟称,他在老家经营服装生意,突然遇到有人拦车,以为是熟人遂停车。“我说去新密,对方说去新密白 寨,想搭个便车。”几人上车后,他并未收取任何费用。前行约1公里,乘车的一名男子要求在路边的加油站停车 。“车刚停下,突然冲来五六个男子,把我拽下车。”郑松伟气愤地说,几人既没有穿制服,也没有出示证件,只 声称是郑州市客运管理处稽查人员,以其涉嫌违法拉客暂扣车辆。

  “我好心捎人回新密,却被扣上非法营运的帽子,心里说啥也想不通。”事发时,郑松伟拒绝在车辆暂扣凭证 上签字。

  此后,经过郑松伟多次向有关部门反映问题,车子终于在被扣17天后归还,对他则免予处罚。车辆被扣和归 还,均没有得到任何手续。

  “这就是钓鱼执法!”事后,他了解到和自己遭遇类似的司机,远非他一个人。郑松伟称,在此之前,几人并 不认识,他们能走到一起,是在投诉时相识的。



  另一个车主袁华明表示,2月24日上午9点,他驾驶面包车行至瑞达路,一男子拦车称去汽车南站拉些货。 双方商定,运费为80元钱。车行至南站,男子还未装货,便丢下100元钱离开车,并高喊“在这 儿”。

  “我不知道啥情况,就被客运管理处的人围住。说我非法营运,将车暂扣,并要罚款2万元。” 袁华明说。

  面对处罚,袁华明随即托关系找熟人想尽早把车子弄出来。几天前,他委托的一个熟人要走了4000元,说 可以摆平此事。这个熟人称,其中3000元作为罚款上交,另外1000元分别买了500元的油卡和500元 购物券,交给客运管理处的一名书记。

  在此期间,袁多了个心眼,将双方对话录了下来,并把这个影像资料交到郑州市交通委优化办。之后,车辆很 快就归还了,4000元也被熟人退了回来。从车辆被扣到归还,整整用了29天。

  还有一个车主叫李淑军。据她介绍,3月7日,她的车停在郑州火车站自家超市门口卸货,来了两个人说要去 南站运货。她不同意,可对方还主动帮其卸货,临走时扔下30元钱。“车子根本没动,就被客运管理处的处罚为 涉嫌非法营运。”通过中间人运作,李淑军花了6000元将车弄了出来。后来,随着她不断投诉,中间人又把这 些钱全部退回来。

  李淑军称,她的车被扣在陇海西路停车场8天,取车时被告知每天收费20元。交了160元停车费后,停车 场未开具票据。待开车时,她发现丢了半箱油。停车场工作人员赔偿了120元钱。



  既然车辆涉嫌非法营运,为何找中间人说情就能变更处罚金额?如果客运管理处没有过错,为何将车辆暂扣1 7天不作处罚后归还?郑松伟对此表示不解。

  昨天上午10时30分许,郑松伟等人举着鱼竿、拿着大鱼来到客运管理处。几名司机在二楼信访科吃了闭门 羹后,来到五楼客运管理处纪委询问。在503室,一位女工作人员称自己不能负责这件事,更不能代表客运管理 处。车主们要求联系领导。她拨打一阵电话后表示,领导都开会去了。


  几位车主表示,不想背负非法营运的名声,他们要求客运管理处公开道歉,并赔偿扣车期间造成 的经济损失。



  客运管理处提供的调查情况说明称:郑松伟在车辆被查扣后,隐瞒实情以车辆被盗抢为由报警,并向新闻部门 提供不实情况,影响我处正常工作,坚称自己没有从事非法营运。我处稽查部门向其出具现场查处影像资料等证据 后,郑松伟在事实面前无法自圆其说,又改口称自己被“钓鱼执法”。客运管理处纪检监察室对整个事件进行了调 查,认为该车非法营运事实清楚、稽查大队取证确凿、暂扣车辆依据充分、定性准确、执法程序合法,不存在当事 人向外称的“钓鱼执法”现象。因该车系首次被我处查处,情节较轻微,决定进行告诫登记违法行为后,不予罚款 处罚。

  王科长认为,投诉人称中间人协调降低处罚金额,且表示给“书记”好处费,其情节已经涉嫌严重违规,将向 领导反映调查处理。

  至于车辆暂扣期间,造成的经济损失谁买单,“可以通过法律途径解决。”王科长说,对于司机的疑惑,她能 做的是反馈给领导调查,手机监听器,自己不便做过多评述。

  而在此之前,郑州市客运管理处纪委书记赵斌向媒体透露,他们不是钓鱼执法,而是在取证,他们不进行罚款 把车辆放了,依据的是司机的载客行为没有给市场经营环境造成恶劣影响。根据规定,可以批评教育,免予经济处 罚。



  昨天,郑州市客运管理处发来电子邮件称,近期接到多位群众举报称,在城乡接合部等人口密集场所,非法营 运现象抬头,严重影响了城市文明形象,成为社会各界反映的热点问题。为了有效维护出租汽车行业市场经营秩序 ,他们将2011年定为打击“非法营运”行为专项治理年。制定具体措施,严厉打击非法营运。

  “打击非法营运可以,但操作过程要科学严谨,经得起被执法者的推敲。”市民刘先生称,两年前,发生在上 海的“孙中界事件”,已经给各个职能部门执法人员进行了深刻的提醒。如果真像投诉者所指以欺骗的手段获取证 据,那执法的环节的确有待商榷。



  钓鱼执法,也称执法圈套(entrapment)。它和正当防卫等一样,都是当事人无罪免责的理由。从 法理上分析,当事人如果是在执法人员的引诱之下,才从事了违法活动,是不应该惩罚的。这种行为如果运用不当 将致人犯罪,诱发严重社会问题。

  2009年10月14日晚,上海一交通行政执法大队在打击非法营运时,截下一辆金杯面包车,驾车者为孙 中界(河南籍)。为了证明自己的清白,年仅18岁的孙中界竟然用刀砍下左手小指。之后成立的联合调查组得出 结论:执法大队在执法过程当中使用了不正当的取证手段。W
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Old 03-30-2011, 10:22 AM   #2
Private First Class
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 28
sahkd299 is on a distinguished road

2003, the Jiangxi Qingfeng Cement Co., Ltd. (state-owned enterprises, hereinafter referred to Qingfeng company) purchased the Pingxiang Mining Industry Group under the Bureau of Mines cement,sac a main chanel, cement bonded company which Qingfeng 500 million, staff set 300 million shares. After the 8-bit leadership by the company on behalf of Qingfeng Stock in trade unions, registered as joint-stock long Jiangxi Cement Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as long the company.)
2005 replenishment of their investment, the representative of employees who hold shares changed one of them, while also adding a new shareholder. In 2008, two shareholders of the company's overall sale to a long time. A series of options for change, many knowledge workers, saying they violated the rights of shareholders.
around a long time the nature of the company's registration, stock transfer is suspected of secret operations, corporate governance, dense fog in the share transfer process

5 21, Pingxiang, long the company.
sky is inundated with rain, a long time in ramping up production, Liu Chunliang did not even had time to shoot the gray body, pointing to the clothes covered with dirt, said: / p>
Liu Chunliang is a long time general manager Liu Zhiming,3-year university graduates find jobs not been arrested smashing traffic lights to vent their anger, chairman and son of his company is now primarily responsible for the management. Liu Chunliang said: and purchase.
Qingfeng some workers said the company was first Qingfeng more than 1,000 companies and investors to buy the long time employees, shareholders should have been them and Qingfeng companies, but the company transferred a long time, they have no knowledge, After we agree.
after a lapse of seven years, as well as staff that
planted two disputes sale agreement paved the way for
long time to reveal the company's
year, Ping Qingfeng Mining Group Company sold to its cement plant in Pingxiang Mining Administration (now the company a long time).
order to raise funds to buy, February 21, 2003, Qingfeng company issued to the unit offering employees informed, after more than 1,000 employees Qingfeng finance company 300 million, while another 500 million by Qingfeng company with cement in compensation.

2003 年 12 19, Qingfeng company a long time to re-register the company (joint-stock private enterprise), legal representative for Lixin Lin.
and two identical, the purchaser is different protocols, in particular
Qingfeng resume after the company canceled, staff equity The reason is as of 2003 June 20, Qingfeng company owes the Bank of China branch in Pingxiang City, 62.18 million yuan loan principal and interest, and long overdue. As the company gradually declining business conditions, has been unable to return.
Qingfeng company's decision to transfer land use rights and the sale of plant and equipment in order to repay the debt, the Bank of China branch of Pingxiang City, Pingxiang City Economic and Trade Commission, Building Material Industry Association, SME security center, Qingfeng company, Lixin Lin,sacs chanel pas cher, this After the six-party negotiations, in the September 3, 2003 signed a
agreement the third show, Pingxiang City Branch of Bank of China, the company will Qingfeng remaining loan principal and interest owed by the bank reported write-off of about 55 million yuan. This became the Qingfeng Company
2003 年 10 29, Pingxiang City, the City of Industry,chanel 2.55 Women were not together with her ​​husband on Val,sacs chanel pas c, Economic and Trade Commission issued a Please go through the business sector first cancellation of the company, the procedures given in the restructuring is completed filled, this way, Qingfeng related procedures in the case were not in place
employees were revealed in 2006 Qingfeng company resumed business registration. Employees were questioned, the operation of the process, not only caused the company 55 million yuan Qingfeng was successfully written off the bank debt, and indirectly led to their success more than 1,000 employees of the shares were eight lead.
private companies or state-owned company is a long time doubtful

2003 年 11 18,sacs chanel pas cher Female students was cut-throat continued the suspect , sai, after the transformation fund the acquisition cement gaps, Qingfeng had also issued a notice to the company, said the company decided that internal fund raising 500 million (per capita fund-raising 5000), commitment to raise funds at 15%, once every three months to pay interest from time to time within 1 year of principal.
a staff, said: 5 months after receipt of the masses, for a long time the company issues related to the investigation group was set up, Sun Changyong Qingfeng representatives of the employees as well as long time shareholders of the Company, joined the investigation group.
in the Sun Changyong view, long after the company was registered as private companies, has been state-owned management. This is more than Qingfeng from the company and the company issued a long time be reflected in various documents: April 28, 2004, Qingfeng Li Xinlin other eight companies sent 32 people, including leaders, are listed in The system of long visits to check the company and to address a long time in the company problems. After the appointment and removal of long Qingfeng several companies issued a document the company cadres.
2005 on 1 19 Pingxiang City Qingfeng company to apply for financial loans Building Materials Industry Association, a document expressly stated that the. Lixin Lin said: million (this figure in a long time after the transfer of the documents the company's overall display as 11.83 million yuan.) Pingxiang City Manager's Office building materials industry who confirmed that the company in the long reconstruction period, the City Centre SME guarantee long the company has lent 10 million yuan of funds.
a long time the company is private enterprise or state -owned enterprises in the end? Sun Changyong perplexed.
also has doubts, as well as the building materials industry management office of Pingxiang City,Man Found close video phone with the owner extortion, vice researcher Tong Jianhui.
in Tong Jianhui view, long the company has always been the name of the Qingfeng management subsidiary, but the company purchases from Qingfeng business registration, the long time the company actually has the private nature of the enterprise.
after a long time to change the overall transfer of equity, employee share money into loans

acquired from April 2003 to early 2005, long after the company, Lixin Lin has been a long time part-time legal representative of the company.
2005 年 1 27, the company's registration application to change a long time to display,Man was brutally cut-throat way to work in the morning, long time so the company's shareholders from Lixin Lin Qing Feng led the company changed to Zhang Xinghao 8 (formerly Qingfeng, deputy general manager) and Wang Hui two, the legal representative of change from the Lixin Lin Zhang Xinghao. Zhang Xinghao replenishment of 1.5 million yuan of which received 4.5 million yuan shares, Wang injection of 3.5 million yuan, the company completed a long time to increase their investment.
Tong Jianhui said the change in the legal process, attract customers into the capital injection of funds is Wang Hui merchants.
2006 年 9 4, long the company Pingxiang Municipal People's Government to consult the overall transfer.
consult documents, said a long time are registered as joint-stock enterprises, including employees of the company set Qingfeng stock 4.5 million yuan, 3.5 million yuan of social set of shares (refer to Zhang Xinghao 4.5 million yuan, Wang 3.5 million yuan). Long time from March 2004 the company running less than a year since, the cumulative loss of 11.03 million yuan, in February 2005 so far (September 4, 2006) all stop, total debt had reached 44.996 million yuan.
the losses, the mouth of the Tong Jianhui confirmed.
asked the paper also said that the shareholders decided a long time to 25 million yuan to sell to the public as a whole, and requested the city center on the city's loan guarantees for SMEs to be free also, Qingfeng relief money to repay the company's transactions; In addition to staff raised funds to repay in full, the other between the fund (including equity capital) to repay all the discount.
2008 年 6 months, the company long associated with the overall transfer of debt to the merchant Liu Zhiming.
change of equity in this series , the staff of the three million yuan capital stock shares are also in accordance with the amount of the original staff returned in full (currently has a 70% refund). But they are not satisfied employees: landed.
□ former chairman of the board

transfer of equity share capital in order to ensure employees

Lixin Lin said: had to transfer their ownership, protection of workers against loss, to refund the money paid for shares their first. workers who have no knowledge,
this, Lixin Lin and Zhang Xinghao responded that more than 1,000 employees hard together to meet, Option to change.
Lixin Lin said:: also my conscience. in case of loss of money paid for shares returned to the original shareholders, looks reasonable in the circumstances, but in practice the law has been suspected of infringement and breach of contract,
Wen-Jun Xiao believes that this dispute, there are still many questions, since it is a long time the company purchased Qingfeng, and that the sale agreement should clearly reflect this fact and the true,sacs chanel, not only as a loan Incoming simple.
. is a state-owned enterprises, under the
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