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Old 03-29-2011, 02:10 AM   #1
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Default GHD Deluxe Midnight Collection|GHD Deluxe Midnight

新闻中心:新闻 | 图片 | 本地 | 国内 | 国际 | 娱乐 | 体育 | 财经 | 社会 您当前的位置:洛阳网 > 新闻频道 > 明星八卦 张国荣“最后午餐”对话曝光:要死跳楼最直接 字号 最大 较大 默认 较小 背景 2011-3-28 10:05:35 [来源:现代快报]  收藏 电邮 打印 评论0条

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  前天最新出炉的香港一份刊物刊登了一篇名为“密封八年首度曝光”的文章,描述了张国荣死前六小时与挚友 、室内设计师莫华炳的最后午餐。莫华炳首度披露了哥哥去世前的点点滴滴――离开当天,哥哥吃了什么?胃口如 何?平日哥哥与朋友又如何相处?还有哪些苦闷?
  时间倒转至2003年的3月30日。当时刚从内地回港的莫华炳得知干儿子的马匹跑了冠军,而这匹马的名 字正是张国荣起的。于是他打电话给这个朋友,当时对方没有接听,莫华炳只好留言说:“我回来了。”翌日上午 10点多,莫华炳收到张国荣回电,开头便是:“我们吃午饭吧。”当时莫华炳还打趣地反问道:“打电话给你又 不听,你怎么知我今天有空呢!”但又隐约感觉到哥哥很想见他,于是他们相约中午在莫华炳上班写字楼的附近餐 厅见面。
  电话后,哥哥就驾着保时捷出去,漫无目的地兜风,在午饭见面时,哥哥曾跟莫华炳说,那一天早上他感到辛 苦,他只想开车开得好快,最好就这样撞车算了,他想到自己约了莫华炳,cheap ghd,才赶赴约会。
  莫华炳完整回忆了当天中午见面的场景。当时正是SARS肆虐期间,一向不迟到的张国荣早已戴着口罩坐着 ,见到莫华炳他就问道:“隔壁有人咳嗽,GHD Deluxe Midnight Collection,你为什么不戴口罩。”两人坐下就点餐,一聊便聊了三个小时。哥哥当时点了一份意大利粉,胃口 还算好。
  莫华炳还说道,当时张国荣还记得问他身份证号码,“他六个月前就问过我,那天他又多问了一次。”哥哥记 下身份证号码,主要是为了在遗嘱中留下一份小礼物给莫华炳,但莫华炳不肯透露是什么礼物。而吃完午餐后,哥 哥宁愿兜个圈都坚持要送莫华炳回公司,当时他无论是推门还是开车门,都表现得非常小心,不用手去碰,“他好 怕SARS,戴口罩,有人认得他,他跟人家笑,一切如常,他掩饰得这么好,或者他是演戏好叻,又或者不想让 我发现。”莫华炳忆述道。
  导演梦破碎 对哥哥打击很大
  在张国荣发病期间,莫华炳都保持与他一周1-2次的见面,每次都充当心理医生,帮助哥哥舒缓情绪。对于哥哥为何会患上情绪病,凭着朋友间的了解,莫华炳 分析道:“他一向想做导演,内地有一个老板非常欣赏他,打算斥资支持他拍戏,完成导演的心愿。”当时哥哥满 腔热情挑好剧本、问友人意见修改内容,但后来却感到剧本与外景拍摄有些距离,莫华炳说当时哥哥已开始感到沮 丧,后来又遇到投资的老板出了问题,资金未到位,情绪越见低落,“哥哥有情绪病,主要是遇到一 些问题,ghd rare,他看不开,脑袋打结。”莫华炳回忆哥哥病情严重时说道:“那段时间,他不停抽烟,一支接一支,连手上拿个 水杯都颤得不得了,坐立不安,魂不守舍。”
  嗓子不好 还为朋友K歌45分钟
  莫华炳与哥哥也有许多美好的回忆。每逢莫华炳生日,哥哥一定是座上客,也会积极加入生日聚会中安排的“ 赌档”,与一众朋友玩21点,还会赢回赌输的钱。而令莫华炳印象深刻的一次,就是九年前在KTV的生日派对 上。当时的莫华炳知道哥哥嗓子不好,不想唱歌,为提高他的兴致,莫华炳特别订了一间卡拉OK房,拿着麦克风 准备要唱哥哥的歌曲,一开口唱,哥哥听着不顺,说道:“你好像要掐死我的歌。”然后一手抢了麦克风让寿星朋 友点歌,莫华炳记得当时随口就点了《侬本多情》,哥哥一开口唱即唱足45分钟,脸上也越见开心,后来还与胡 兵合唱了一首《月亮代表我的心》。
  谈论死亡 哥哥提及跳楼
  张国荣:“如果你病得好紧要,没有药医,你将会怎样解决呢?”莫华炳:“我会吃安眠药,万一人家找到了 都有得救。”张国荣:“你错了,要死,最直接的是跳楼。”这是张国荣生前与莫华炳闲聊时讨论过的话题。最后 他也如闲聊中讲的一样,选择了以最直接的方式离开。
  在哥哥离开之后,公众得知了莫华炳是与哥哥吃了一顿最后午餐的人,各地传媒都曾找过他,而在八年之后终 于决定开腔谈张国荣,莫华炳的目的很明确,就是为了呼吁更多人关心患情绪病的群体。在接受访问的当天,莫华 炳一个亲戚也选择了与哥哥同样的方式离开。访问结束他再次呼吁,请大家关注身边人及朋友的情绪病,应及早陪 同他们去看医生,不要让病情恶化。
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Old 03-29-2011, 03:13 AM   #2
General of the Army
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 1,698
a2bzyoc3 is on a distinguished road

Examination Answer Sheet -
language examinations -
Ruzikejiao -
words fill in the blank -
too hard -
not ask you to find X where X! -
about points -
can not do about ah -
primary language is too difficult now to see them a job title: -
requirements: that the following four sentences connected with related words: -
1, Zhang Haidi sister paralyzed; -
2, Zhang Haidi sister stubborn to learn; -
3, Zhang Haidi sister learned several foreign languages; -
4, Zhang Haidi sister learned acupuncture. -
(Note: The correct answer should be: Zhang Haidi sister though paralyzed, but tough to learn, not only learned several foreign languages, but also learned acupuncture.) -
results have a child to write: -
Although Zhang Haidi sister
tenaciously learned acupuncture and several foreign languages, she was paralyzed. -
later and found the more violent kids wrote: -
Zhang Haidi sister learned not only language, but also acupuncture, she was so tough to learn, and finally paralyzed. -
The reason why Zhang Haidi sister
paralyzed because of tough to learn, not only learned several foreign languages, and even learned to acupuncture. -
Zhang Haidi sister is so tough to learn, not only learned several foreign languages ​​and acupuncture, and finally learned paralysis. -
Zhang Haidi sister learned several foreign languages, learned acupuncture, but also in the tenacious learning paralysis. -
Zhang Haidi sister
learning through tenacious, learned several foreign languages ​​and acupuncture, the results of acupuncture according to a foreign version of the book to tie their own paralyzed -
sentence: -
1. Title: One -
children write: I am one of an injured left foot. -
Teacher comments: You are centipede it? -
2. Title: after another -
children write: work, my father's home after another. -
Teacher comments: You have several fathers in the end it? -
3. Title: another and -
children write: my mother was short and tall, fat and thin. -
teacher comments; your mother is a deformation of magic it? -
4. Title: thriving -
children write: thriving Wing confession. -
Teacher comments: Do not look too much drama! -
5. Title: delicious -
children write: delicious ass. -
Teacher comments: Some things can not eat. -
6. Title: Sure enough -
children wrote: Yesterday I ate fruit, and turbid water. -
Teacher comments: a phrase, can not be separated. -
7. Title: The first ... ... further ... ..., example: eat first, then ablution. -
children write: Sir, good-bye! -
Teacher comments: Imagination is more than the wisdom of the Earth -
1. a student essay: to ride with my classmates and I went out to play Zhang, valve inside his car suddenly broke down, I'll pull down my fitted him, and later we were happy with the ride a ride home. -
2. primary composition when good deeds are often written, so someone is always finding money to write, and later intensified, and some students in order to exaggerate their achievements, writing in the park picked up 100 million yuan, is 10 yuan, the thickness of a language book (fourth grade) so thick, the teacher read out the spot, and that students are trembling ... ... -
3. I walked into a department store, ah, it seems really improve people's living standards, you see the farmer, old man, left a refrigerator, a TV set right, trotted - p>
4. That world is raining cats and dogs, and thunder, I thought he was not coming, but he did Mao Zhaoyu to the ... ... next day he burned to death because of high fever, and I will always remember the friends -
5. primary language exam has a reading problem, the effect is about a mother who suffered the pain for the child, the last of his decease. After reading, ask students to the festival year after the mother said something from the heart. A primary school wrote:
6. Today I did on duty, I saw the ground had been chewed pieces of gum to pick up and eat them. Ah, teachers praise me returning lost money! I am so happy ah! (You're sick ... how do you pleasure every day, and you keep up the teacher said the teacher was spit gum ... and how you eat will be returning lost money, chewing gum is worthless? And you ate .. how?) -
a2bzyoc3 is offline   Reply With Quote

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