But don't get fooled by its simplicity and low price. Just like his other signature sneakers, the Lebron Ambassador comes with the cushioning system that brings comfort to the foot. The sleeves and added padding seen in other Lebron shoes are left out, but the Zoom air units on its mid sole more than compensates for these.
This limited edition signature collection is unlike any other. For one, it was designed with the Chinese ballers in mind - simplistic design but top of the line form and function. Its minimalistic design is not a typical Lebron signature series trait - most of the shoes in his lineup are known to have modernistic style replete with prominent trademark LBJ logos (except for the Zoom Lebron Generation). Second, it is mostly marketed in the Asian region, particularly in China, where he played alongside the current NBA stars as part of the "Redeem" USA Team at the 2008 Olympics (it will also be on a limited release in the US). Third, it is perhaps one of the cheapest Lebron shoes out there, only retailing between $80 and $90.
You know it is useless to use logic to persuade them that their thoughts and actions don't make sense. They are still convinced that there is a problem.This emotional pattern can also be seen in the way we buy and even in the way we convince ourselves of something. Our heads see the numbers and tell us to stick with a car that's more modestly priced
Dunk low top women, while our hearts see the gleaming sports car
Dunk High Top Men, telling us to go home with a Jaguar. Our heads tell us it's ridiculous to buy another pair of shoes since we already have fourteen pairs.
From the time he came out alongside Yao Ming in a popular beverage commercial, the Chinese Community embraced him like he was one of their own. And so for this, the King had an answer, the Lebron Ambassador.
On the other hand, a logical message with no appeal to emotion doesn't create a strong enough response in the audience. A Master Persuader will create a proper balance between logic and emotion in order to create the perfect persuasive message.We are persuaded by reason, but we are moved by emotion. Several studies conclude that up to 90 percent of the decisions we make are based on emotion. We use logic to justify our actions to ourselves and others. Take note that emotion will always win over logic and that imagination will always win over reality. Think about talking to children about their fear of the dark, or to someone about their phobia of snakes.
There's no doubt that Lebron James, the National Basketball Association's reigning Most Valuable Player, is an international celebrity. But at the 2008 Beijing Olympics
Nike Jordan True Flight, we have seen how the Chinese people warmed up with the NBA superstar in James.