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08-04-2011, 05:22 AM
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奥迪AUDI 奥迪轿车的标志为四个圆环,代表着合并前的四家公司。这些公司曾经是自行车、摩托车及小客车的生产厂家 。由于该公司原是由4家公司合并而成,因此每一环都是其中一个公司的象征。
奔驰BENZ 1909年6月申请戴姆勒公司登记了三叉星做为轿车的标志,象征着陆上、水上和空中的机械化。1916 年在它的四周加上了一个圆圈,在圆的上方镶嵌了4个小星,下面有梅赛德斯“Mercedes”字样。“梅赛 德斯”是幸福的意思,意为戴姆勒生产的汽车将为车主们带来幸福。
大众VOLKSWAGEN 大众汽车公司的德文Volks Wagenwerk,意为大众使用的汽车,标志中的VW为全称中头一个字母, Puma Soccer Shoes。标志像是由三个用中指和食指作出的“V”组成,表示大众公司及其产品必胜-必胜-必胜。
丰田TOYOTA 丰田公司的三个椭圆的标志是从1990年初开始使用的。标志中的大椭圆代表地球,中间由两个椭圆垂直组 合成一个T字,代表丰田公司。
福特FORD 福特汽车的标志是采用福特英文Ford字样,蓝底白字。由于创建人亨利・福特喜欢小动物,所以标志设计 者把福特的英文画成一只小白兔样子的图案。
宝马BMW 宝马标志中间的蓝白相间图案,代表蓝天,白云和旋转不停的螺旋浆,喻示宝马公司渊源悠久的历史,象征该 公司过去在航空发动机技术方面的领先地位,又象征公司一贯宗旨和目标:
劳斯莱斯ROLLS-ROYCE 劳尔斯・罗劳易斯汽车的标志图案采用两个“R”重叠在一起,象征着你中有我,我中有你,体现了两人融洽 及和谐的关系。
法拉利 FERRARI 法拉利车的标志是一匹跃起的马。在第一次世界大战中意大利有一位表现非常出色的飞行员;他的飞机上就有 这样一匹会给他带来好运气的跃马。在法拉利最初的赛车比赛获胜后,该飞行员的父母亲――一对伯爵夫妇建议: 法拉利也应在车上印上这匹带来好运气的跃马。后来这位飞行员战死了,马就变成了黑颜色;而标志底色为公司所 在地摩德纳的金丝雀的颜色, asics。
标致PEUGEOT 标致汽车公司的前身,是19世纪初标致家族皮埃尔兄弟开办的一家生产拉锯、弹簧等铁制工具的小作坊。这 些铁制品的商标是一个威武的雄狮,它是公司所在地弗南修・昆蒂省的标志,有不可征服的喻意。体现了标致拉锯 的三大优点:锯齿象雄狮的牙齿久经耐磨、锯身象狮子的脊梁骨富有弹性、拉锯的性能象狮子一样所 向无阻, air jordan CA464269880。当1890年,第一辆标致汽车问世时,为表明它的高品质,公司决定仍沿用“雄狮”商标。
阿斯顿・马丁ASTONMARTIN 阿斯顿・马丁汽车标志为一只展翅飞翔的大鹏,分别注有奥斯顿、马丁英文字样。喻示该公司象大鹏一样,具 有从天而降的冲刺速度和远大的志向。
本特利(宾利)Bentley 尔特・欧文・本特利1919年生产第一辆四汽缸赛车时车上就带有一个徽章,上面是一对隼鹰翅膀簇拥着本 特利的开头字母“B”。现在四汽缸汽车已不再生产,而“B”字徽章仍是本特利的象征。本特利轿车标志是以公 司名的第一个字母“B”为主体,生出一对翅膀,似凌空翱翔的雄鹰,此标志一直沿用至今。
林肯LINCOLN 林肯汽车是福特汽车公司拥有的第二个品牌。林肯汽车公司是亨利・利兰先生于1907年创立的,1922 年被福特汽车公司收购。初期以生产飞机发动机为业。林肯汽车是第一个以总统的名字命名的品牌,专为总统和国 家元首生产的高档轿车, CA Expedition Parka。
美洲虎JAGUAR 美洲虎汽车的名字起源,则可追溯到一九三七年。该年六月SS汽车公司正式接收了Sunbeam(Wol verhampton)汽车公司。当时,里昂斯爵士最后拣选了一个在各种语言中都发音清脆的名字―Jagu ar,它是根据第一次世界大战的一种飞行机器而命名。美洲虎又称捷豹,香港人还称“积架”,缘由英文JAG UAR的音译,
雪佛兰CHEVROLET 雪佛兰商标表示了图案化了的蝴蝶结,Chevrolet是瑞士的赛车手、工程师路易斯・雪 佛兰的名字。
雷克萨斯LEXUS 雷克萨斯的标志取车名的英文第一个字母,即LEXUS的第一个字母“L”。
兰博基尼LAMBORGHINI 公司的标志是一头浑身充满了力气,正准备向对手发动猛烈的攻击。据说兰伯基尼本人就是这种不甘示弱的牛 脾气,也体现了兰伯基尼公司产品的特点,因为公司生产的汽车都是大功率、高速的运动型轿车。车头和车尾上的 商标省去了公司名, nike air,只剩下一头犟牛。
凯迪拉克CADILLAC 选用“凯迪拉克”之名是为了向法国的皇家贵族、探险家、美国底特律城的创始人安东尼・门斯・凯迪拉克表 示敬意,商标图形主要由冠和盾组成。冠象征着凯迪拉克家族的纹章,冠上7颗珍珠喻示皇家的贵族血统。盾象征 着凯迪拉克军队的英勇善战。
阿尔法-罗蜜欧ALFAROMEO 阿尔法・罗米欧的标志于30年代初就开始使用,这是米兰市的市徽,也是中世纪米兰的领主维斯康泰公爵的 家徽, PUMA Slacker Mid Shoes,标志中的十字部分来源于十字军从米兰向外远征的故事;右边部分是米兰大公的徽章;关于蛇正在吞食撒拉迅人 的图案有种种传说,其中之一的说法是象征着维斯康泰的祖先曾经击退了使人民遭受苦难的“龙”, birkenstock kids。
沃尔沃VOLVO “沃尔沃”(VOLVO),也译为“富豪”。车标由图标和文字商标两部分组成。沃尔沃图形车标是由双圆 环组成车轮的形状,并有指向右上方的箭头。中间的拉丁语文字“VOLVO”,是滚滚向前的意思 , birkenstock sandal,寓意着沃尔沃汽车的车轮滚滚向前和公司兴旺发达、前途无量。
马自达MAZDA 马自达汽车公司的原名为东洋工业公司,生产的汽车用公司创始人“松田”来命名,又因“松田”的拼音为M AZDA(马自达), munich acropol shoes,所以人们便习惯称为马自达。 马自达公司与福特公司合作之后,采用了新的车标,椭圆中展翅飞翔的海鸥,同时又组成“M”字样。“M” 是MAZDA第一个大写字母,
旁蒂克PONTIAC 旁蒂克车标,由字母和图形两部分组成。字母“PONTIAC”,取自美国密执安州的一个地名:图形车标是带 十字标记的箭头。而十字形标记,则表示旁蒂克是通用汽车公司的重要成员,也象征旁蒂克汽车安全可靠;箭头则 代表旁蒂克的技术超前和攻关精神,预示着旁蒂克汽车跑遍全球。
莲花LOTUS 莲花车标,是在椭圆形底板上镶嵌着抽象了的莲花造型,上面除了有“莲花”(LOTUS)字样外,还以创 始人查普曼姓名全称(A.C.B.CHAPMAN)的四个英文字母“A.C.B.C”叠加在一 起而成。 莲花公司是英国人查普曼1951年创立的,主要生产跑车,由于规模小,在激烈的竞争中几经易手,现落户 到意大利的菲亚特汽车公司。
雷诺 1898年,路易斯・雷诺三兄弟在法国比仰古创建雷诺汽车公司。它是世界上最悠久的汽车公司之一。主要 产品有雷诺牌轿车、公务用车和运动车等。 雷诺车标是四个菱形拼成的图案, soft footbed birkenstock,象征雷诺三兄弟与汽车工业融为一体,表示“雷诺”能在无限的(四维)空间中竞争、生存、发展 。
通用别克BUICK 别克商标中形似“三利剑”的图案为共图形商标,那三把颜色不同的利剑(从左到右分别为红、白、蓝三种颜 色),依次排列在不同的高度位置上,给人一种积极进取、不断攀登的感觉, 别克轿车的英文车标来源于该公司的创始人大卫・别克的姓氏。而整个商标是一只展翅的雄鹰即将落在别克的 英文字母上。它象征着别克是雄鹰最理想的栖息之地, Birkenstock Mayari Sandals,
保时捷 保时捷的英文车标采用德国保时捷公司创始人费迪南德・保时捷的姓氏。图形车标采用公司所在地斯图加特市 的盾形市徽。
欧宝 德国欧宝公司是美国通用汽车公司的子公司,是通用公司在欧洲的一个窗口。它由亚当・欧宝所创立,至今已 有百多年历史。
菲亚特FIAT 意大利菲亚特公司创建于1899年7月现在菲亚特是意大利最为重要的汽车制造中心及最大的私有企业集团 。领域涉及商用车辆、船舶、飞机、火车、农用拖拉机及建筑机械等。 菲亚特(FIAT)意大利都灵汽车制造厂(Fabbrica Itliana Auto-mobi Ledi Torino)的译文缩写“fiat”在英语中的词意为“法会”、“许可”、“批准”。
罗孚 Rover Mascot源自世界上最著名的流浪族――维京人的双关语。而“Rover”这个词,英语中包含流浪者、航 海者的意思。从1902年起,这个标志便放在了一辆辆汽车前正中的位置上。20世纪20年代,戴头盔的维京 人形象和三角形徽章吸引了一代喜爱Rover车的年轻人。后来,Rover标志中站立的维京人逐渐让位于他 的头像,不过他仍然带着头盔。准确而符合逻辑地说,是让位于维京人大海船的船头雕像。维京人海船的船首和帆 于1929年首次出现在散热器的标志牌上,它作为吉祥象征贯串于Rover 车的百年历史。
1947年,郑周永创建现代汽车公司,经50多年的发展,它已成为韩国最大的汽车生产厂家,并进入世界 著名汽车大公司行列。其商标是在椭圆中采用斜体字H,H是现代汽车公司英文名HYUNDAI的第一个大写字 母
斯柯达 斯柯达商标的含义是:巨大的圆环象征着斯柯达为全世界无可挑剔的产品, 煎鱼不散、烧鱼不碎、蒸鱼不腥有绝招;鸟翼象征着技术进步的产品行销全世界;向右飞行着的箭头,则象征着先进的工艺; 现在生产的斯柯达・弗雷西亚牌汽车的商标最下边部分的桂枝树叶,表示胜利。
克莱斯勒 克莱斯勒(Chrysler)公司是创始人沃尔特・克莱斯勒的姓氏命名的汽车公司。图形商标像一枚五角 星勋章,
铃木 铃木商标图案是的S是SUZAUKI的第一个商标图案中的S是SUZUKI的第一个大写字 母, 1909年铃木先生在静冈县滨名郡创建了铃木织机制作所,1954年改称铃木汽车工业公司 。 公司主要生产微型轿车、轻型货车、摩托车等。从1979年以来,公司生产的微型汽车在日本销售量居首位 ,
雪铁龙 1900年,安德烈・雪铁龙发明了人字形齿轮。1912年, 痛过伤过早已淡漠,安德列・雪铁龙开始用人字形齿轮作为雪铁龙公司产品的商标。
08-04-2011, 05:24 AM
General of the Army
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Reprinted from 177988688 at 19:07 on April 14, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
Guide: Want to lose weight and do not want to pay attention to movement of MM you, as long as the following seven weight loss remedies can lose weight by eating it, oh do not require special diet, many people could cut ten pounds on it.
1, raw pear
weight loss principle: Wash the pears raw skin, increase the fiber content and access to a variety of vitamins. A crisp and rich pear juice, belstaff leather, heat is 50 cards.
thin eat: breakfast egg
a pear plus a cup of morning to get up and salt water, then add an egg to eat a pear can, get your lunch to eat, but only 7 minutes to eat full, and avoid fried and greasy food. Dinner with vegetables and pear-based, and then drink a bowl of vegetable soup.
intimate reminder: three meals a day to be careful not to eat snacks outside! Hungry for a pear. Adhere to two weeks, this method results became clear, especially in the trouble and sisters eager to lose weight.
2, carrot diet
1) freshly squeezed carrot juice
1, to 2 carrots washed, cut each into a round lump.
2, to cut carrots into the juicer to squeeze until the mud was thick like carrots can be eaten.
thin eat:
drink carrot juice 1 to 2 times, before meals, drink, do not have to diet, according to their physical and health conditions to determine the amount of drinking, as long as the will adhere to a month, you can easily thin 10 kg.
2) boiled carrots
weight loss principle: elements with carrots and vitamin B1, B2, C, D, E, K and folic acid, calcium and dietary fiber and other nutrients, a dozen, so that the body absorb nutrients more comprehensive. Containing plant fibers can improve the body metabolism, natural weight loss purposes.
1, the 1,2-washed carrots, sliced.
2, into the two bowls of water in the pot, then add carrots to a medium heat and simmer until the carrots are soft.
thin eat:
carrot soup every morning with empty stomach to drink it, eat lunch and dinner as usual. If you want to continue to lose weight, interval and then taking a week, belstaff sale, will be able to achieve the desired objectives MM.
3, Houttuynia
weight loss diet principle: Houttuynia is the \Houttuynia slightly cold, there is heat, detoxifying, diuretic, reduces swelling, belstaff jackets outlet, soft stools, adjust blood pressure, eliminate toxins and so on. It has a strong diuretic effect, it makes telangiectasia, increased renal blood flow and urine secretion, so the quality of urinary tract infections to urinary frequency astringent pain.
1), Houttuynia + dates
Material: Houttuynia (dry) 75 grams, jujube cut 15, a large cup of water 7
Method: Place all ingredients into the pot, plus a good water to the fire boil, simmer 20 minutes. Houttuynia, etc. will be filtered out after cooked, leaving the juice on it.
2), Houttuynia soaked
Material: Houttuynia (dry) weight 75 grams
eat: with open blisters into the cup, 5 minutes after drinking, can be repeated brewing , 8 glasses every day, more than two weeks, weight-loss effect is remarkable.
intimate reminder: But we can not think that you can eat snacks, ah, try to eat light.
weight loss diet bitter principle of Artemisia: Artemisia also known as bitter Artemisia annua, or incense, heat, diuretic.
weight loss: 4 bowl in the pot by adding water, add 40 grams of bitter wormwood, cook for 10 minutes, 5 minutes to dry after drinking three times a day, a cup, but also at any time when the beverage drink.
Disadvantages: a bit bitter, but the weight loss thing, the expense of points worth
two sisters have 17 pounds of lean months, with half of 7 pounds of lean, there are six pounds of lean month. Pharmacies are selling, we can try, do eat light point ah.
5, lemonade diet to lose weight
principle: Lemon is the world's most one of the medicinal value of fruit, which are rich in vitamin C, belstaff outlet, citric acid, malic acid, high levels of potassium and low such as the amount of sodium in the human body is very useful. The main purpose of the lemon diet is to start the body's self-purification process, dissolving excess fat, remove the body of various organs (liver, kidney, belstaff jacket, lung, lymphatic system and skin) of the waste and toxins, purify blood, improve blood quality, promote metabolism, Clean and repair throughout the digestion and absorption system, enhance digestion, absorption adjustment balance.
reminded that some people do not fit the weight loss:
1, heat dry mouth, irritability, dyspepsia, vitamin C deficiency, fetal movement disturbed the pregnant women, patients with kidney stones, hypertension, myocardial infarction fit for human consumption;
2, gastric ulcer, gastric acid hypersecretion, with dental caries and diabetes Shensi.
lemonade to quench their thirst and watered down to the desire to eat something, it can inhibit the improper diet, coupled with a total of 15 minutes of exercise a day, the effect will be very significant. The diet is now the most popular in Japan, at home their operation can achieve weight loss results, it is known as \
weight loss:
1, one liter of water with half a lemon juice, and placed in the refrigerator, the temperature is low tend to have a cool and refreshing feeling.
2, at least a day to drink three liters of lemonade, belstaff uk, no special diet or the banning of snacks, but must always add lemonade.
3, must be used with 15 minutes of exercise a day, without a continuous basis, the time may also help disperse perspiration purpose is to rid the body of harmful substances.
08-04-2011, 05:41 AM
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Oct 2010
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49219 2006 年 12 月 21 日 12:05 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: MSN-personal diary This year, the World Bank report, there are two reports, very shocked. The first is the World Bank experts in the April 17 announcement of the economic situation on the Russian report that Russia's economic growth is consistent with the interests of the poor economic growth. The second is the World Bank announced on December 1 expert analysis of reports: 2001 to 2003, the Chinese economy's annual growth rate of close to 10%, but 1.3 billion people in the poorest 10% of the population has declined in real income 2.4%.
first report of a shocking, is to let people know, there is a growth, called Russia's economic growth began in 1999. From 1999 to 2006, average annual growth rate of about 6%, total economy increased by 70%. However, wages and per capita income in Russia has increased by 500%, after inflation, tods shoe, real growth in per capita income, more than 200%. Eight years, Russia's per capita real wages and real income per capita growth rate than the growth rate of GDP per capita, higher than twice. Russia's people, real sharing of the fruits of economic growth. Moment, the average monthly wage of 10,800 Russian rubles, or about 3650 yuan. The highest per-capita wages in Moscow which is currently about 2 million rubles per capita, equivalent to 6,700 yuan; and the Far East bordering China, the lowest average monthly wage in 9500 to 10,000 rubles (People 3200-3360 yuan) between.
real wage growth far exceeded the growth rate of GDP, but the Russian people to share an aspect of economic growth. Another aspect is that the Russian Federation and the federal body, local government, the third of the financial expenditure for education, health care, relief and other areas. To establish and maintain a sound social welfare system. To retirement, unemployment, children, students, and so vulnerable, but also a solid share of the fruits of economic growth.
with economic growth across Russia are adjusted every quarter, Each quarter of the minimum standard of living of all by the Russian Federation of the main development, living standards for the assessment as well as the development of grants, compensation and other social security payments. Moscow in the third quarter, the per capita monthly minimum living standards for 5124 rubles (equivalent to the people of 1700 yuan per month, Beijing July 1, 2006, the basic living expenses defined as 448 yuan per person per month, only the lowest in Moscow target 26% cost of living), are able to work the minimum living standards for 5795 rubles, 3533 rubles retirees, children are 4381 rubles. Northeast border with China in the second quarter of Primorsky Territory the lowest per capita living standards are set for the month 4362 rubles (equivalent to 1,450 yuan a month the people, with which borders the existing residents of Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, the minimum living security standards established in 1997 , 200 yuan per person per month city, A city, Shangzhi, Mulan and Yanshou 117 million), the residents have the ability to work a minimum cost of living index for 4687 rubles, tods shoe online, 3383 rubles retirees, children 4202 rubles. As the Moscow Children's 2007 budget to subsidize the project, for example, the city's budget next year for a total amount of social support for families with children 36 billion rubles (108 billion RMB), second child and more families with children received one-time grant will be increased 4-fold from 2000 to 10,000 rubles range; the amount of monthly allowance per child will increase by 1 to 1.5 times; more than the annual uniform allowance for families with children from 1,000 rubles to 5,000 rubles; due to the age of 3 at home to take care of disabled children of working parents can not go out will be 4,500 rubles per month (1, tods shoes uk,300 people); raising children under three years old the family monthly food subsidy Students will triple, from 550 rubles to 1,650 rubles; for the prevention of social orphans there and development of family education, support was given to the guardian for the guardian of the amount of funds increased from 4,500 rubles to 6,000 rubles. (Note: the latest exchange rate of 10 rubles = 2.9731 people)
can say that today's Russia, Elected officials, desperate to please the voters, in addition to free medical care, free education, the Russian government subsidies, relief items, a total of as many as several hundred. Such circumstances, the economic recovery of Russia, want to be poor, not easy to do. April 10, Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin announced that Russia 2007 to 2009 under the three-year budget plan for the next three years, real wages will be increased by 50%. Russian Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting,
fifteen years of transition, the Russian people, and truly achieve a humane, democratic socialism of the century dream.
October 11 this year, tods sale, Putin's visit to Germany, told German ARD television station and the We will try our best to follow the principles of modern civilization and democratic principles, protection of the rights and freedoms of our citizens. At present, there are nearly four thousand Russian television stations, more than forty thousand copies of newspapers and magazines, of which more than half of the foreign media department and co. many other countries is different is that Russia does not intend to monitor the Internet. Russia is not going to return to Soviet-era political system, we just explore an appropriate system can guarantee the freedom of our citizens, and protect them management of state to enjoy the rights and solve problems, while the country as a tool to benefit the people.
the second, the World Bank on December 1 will be completed in Beijing issued a As the World Bank experts have not complete the data obtained after 2004, tods shoes sale, research in progress. There are signs that China's poorest people is being further slide into the abyss of poverty. The report, was aroused uproar around the world, is the result, completely subvert the development economics And corruption, crony capitalism symbiotic society, will produce the extreme gap between rich and poor, but rapid economic growth, the emergence of a large reduction in real income groups, the first recorded worldwide.
by World Bank economists found that in China's rapid economic development is now at the same time, China's poor people poorer, not relative poverty, but absolute poverty. The World Bank said China's poor population is no longer concentrated in certain areas, but scattered throughout the country. The new survey, more than half of China's poor people are not officially designated poor living in villages, the poor are not only located in rural areas, and has spread to cities all developed regions and cities have developed.
in the planned economy period, the city no matter what kind of person, basically the first charge have a personal life are guaranteed. Most poverty in rural areas. Now there have been a large number of urban poor groups, and groups of urban poverty than rural poverty groups sometimes are even sad. Because environmental conditions in the city, its water, electricity, gas, grocery shopping, buy all the oil all these things need money. Once there is no money, than in rural areas but also sad. The author's uncle and aunt in a small town in eastern Guangdong coast, a few days ago I asked two of them on the number of pension each month? 189.94 yuan per person. My uncle said that he was a collective eight workers wages over eighty yuan 30 years ago, and now get 189.94 yuan per month, while a bottle of liquefied gas to 90 million.
This is the foundation of development economics, but also for its institutional legitimacy and legitimacy discussed commitments. China's rapid economic growth, while growth in Russia started in 1999, growing faster. However, the same or even higher economic growth, reflected in the people's real incomes and living standards, improving the quality of life is completely different, like different.
1999 年 to 2006, China's economy more than doubled. Economic growth, GDP, tod shoes, the whole society the proportion of total wages declining, most were non-wage public employment and economic growth is not synchronized. At the same time, rapidly expanding gap between rich and poor, public groups and business people of the rapid accumulation of wealth. A large portion of people do not share the results of the rapid economic development. It is incredible that wage stagnation and non-public officers in stark contrast to that, seven years, state revenue increased by nearly twice that fast-growing far more than economic development. State revenue increased from 1.5 trillion in 1999 close to 4 trillion yuan this year, under the social security system has almost completely disappeared. People in health, education, pension, housing four mountains, the gas was not over the weight of some breath. Even a 10% decline in poverty is still actually accept. World Bank chief economist in China, Bert Hofman (Bert Hofman) said: Worrying is that the meager savings they can subsidize their duration; six years ago 1.5 trillion in revenue, the establishment can not afford the social security system, six years later, on 4 trillion of the national revenue, and no one sets formed the social security system, their hopes, how remote.
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