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Old 08-01-2011, 01:32 PM   #1
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Default Leave Your Job on Good Terms and Save Yourself Reg

Leave Your Job on Good Terms and Save Yourself Regret
The exit interview is not a time to burn bridges with your old company. It has become a very common ritual throughout corporate America, and the idea behind it is to find out from departing staff members, when they no longer have to worry about protecting jobs, exactly what things at the company can be improved upon. The interview is deigned to be a tool for making a company more efficient and a better place to work. However, many employees who are leaving an organization use this as a time to vent frustrations they may have felt. They see it as a personal gripe session,http://kepche.net/social/pg/blog/cha...ad/250031/_583, and loose inhibitions, sometimes venting personal ad homonym attacks against co-workers,sweat franklin marshall, and especially against former supervisors and bosses.

This is never a wise idea. Dale Carnegie and other personal growth gurus have told business people for many years that it is never good to burn bridges and offend someone when you could just as easily avoid it. It comes down to the old saying, ou can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.? Keep that saying in mind before the exit interview. Remember that if you make personal attacks they will be seen as such by the people who read the interview report. If you have genuine suggestions for improvement, your case could be weakened by making personal attacks. You don really gain anything from attacking or bad mouthing the people you used to work with or work for anyway, and you may regret saying something in anger later on when you are thinking more clearly.

Use the interview as a constructive tool, with good intentions. The company you used to work for did, after all,http://x.dxszz.com/space.php?uid=182...blog&id=330536, provide you with a way of making a living for the time you spent with them. Granted, you provided services to them that they needed. And, they paid you a salary or wages. Hopefully it was a fair exchange. If you have honest concerns, then the interview can be constructive.

For example, one reporter for a local weekly newspaper stressed that the computers being used were old and out of date, and that the firewall software used was ineffective. The system had suffered attacks of computer viruses in the past, and it was obvious to the reporter that the managing editor was not computer literate enough to understand how to fix the problem. The reporter knew that the publisher and the business manager would both read the exit interview report,http://www.xinlvwang.com/city/home/s...blog&id=427883, so she carefully and diplomatically worded her comments, showing that buying new computers and new software would save the newspaper money in the long run. By wording it carefully during her exit interview she got her ideas across to the appropriate people, and they took her comments seriously because she had nothing to gain and nothing to loose, and seemed to be reporting this situation for the good of the newspaper and staff. In this manner the exit interview benefited everyone involved.

Are you guilty of sabotaging your own job search along with the opportunity to earn more money? Heather Eagar, a former professional resume writer and creator of ResumeLines.com, provides reviews of the top resume writing services that put you in charge of your career so you can get the job you deserve. Sign-up for your free Job Search Tips E-Course.
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Old 08-01-2011, 01:36 PM   #2
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 397
d5ssa7dn0us is on a distinguished road


2555975 2010年06月09日 09:46 阅读(loading...) 评论(1) 分类:个人日记

  我31岁才结婚,现在过得很好。自己也经历了好几段非常让人痛苦的感情。现在,和爱人及其家人相处非常 好。我想,我还是有些经验可以给还在感情路上摸索的姐妹们借鉴的。我不是想自夸什么自己过得好,只是我觉得 我们更需要从自己的错误中学会成长,决不能在自己摔过的坑里一摔再摔。希望这些经验姐妹们在恋爱和婚姻中用 得上。

  台湾有名广告词:认真的女人最美丽。每个人都有选择自己生活方式的权利,但一定要认真。对自己;对工作 ;对生活。这样的女人就算不是天生丽质,也有一种自信从容的美‘也只有这样的美,才能和时间对抗,其实也是 好男人欣赏的类型。
  可能很多姐妹不是工作上很出色的人,ecco shoes online,那么能把自己收拾得干净清爽,也是
一个很大的优点。不管怎么说,现实中的男人还是首先容易以貌取人的,不是所有的男人都只爱最美的女人,对于 干净清爽的女人,大多数男人都是有好感的。
这样的男人,婚后变成毒舌男的机率最高。我们姐妹嫁人,最少要求的是被自己的丈夫尊重,认为自己有权利对妻 子呼来喝去的男人不是好的结婚对象。
个性不同,两个人平日里都说不来,就算是全世界都公认是金童玉女,天生一对,也是不能嫁的,毕竟你的一生中 大多数时间是要与他共度的,冷暖自知。

  对一些出色的女生来说,总会遇上一些看似潜力股的男人,你为他改变自己,付出全部,他却说,你对他太好 了,他的(学历,金钱,能力,地位,相貌等等)配不上你,ecco mens shoes。我身边好多姐妹们的例子证明,没有自信,只能靠你屈就才能交往的男人,以后对你不会好的,你的出色只会让 他更自卑。
  不是看他家有多少钱,是看他家家人是不是家庭和睦,关心礼让。一个家人中有男人打女人,大家还不闻不问 ,装作没看见的家庭,以后也不会管你的死活的。每个家庭都有缺点,要问清自己男友的态度,一味愚忠的男人, 心里对妻子的尊重是有限的。
  金钱是最能看出一个男人本质和感情的东西。姐妹们谈恋爱不是谈钱,但如果他在钱上让你感觉不对,就该好 好想想他是不是合适你了。在谈恋爱的时候,正常的消费是应该的,见面开始就说清要AA的男人太精于算计,也 太怕吃亏了。在未来的婚姻中,有许多需要人牺牲的地方, 这样的男人会最先跑掉。

  7.打人的男人不能要,被打一次一定要分手。花心的,脚踩几条船的男人不能要,发现一次一定要分手。老 话说了,当断不断,反受其乱。
  决不能因为爱他,就放弃自己的尊严,侮辱自己的父母,抛弃自己的工作。好的感情,婚姻一定是双赢,而不 是单方面的牺牲和成全。
  有什么想法,说出来,不要让男人去猜,能沟通,你的生活会更快乐。不能沟通,说明你们的幸福还没有保证 。我想,没有一个男人是以猜女友心思为乐的。为这个原因,失去一个好男人,真的很可惜。
  如果他对你的付出心安理得,却不懂回报,他有大男子主义的嫌疑。如果你时间长了,心里放松了,做得没有 以前好,他会很受伤,会觉得你骗了他或是你不爱他了。
不如一开始,就有分寸的表达爱意,给他表现的机会,让他为你做些事。说实话,男人对自己付出的东西印象比较 深刻。他为你做得越多,付出越多,他对你越留恋,越不开。反而,你的付出,他的获得他比较没感觉。在婚姻中 ,常干家务活,常照顾孩子的男人放弃婚姻的可能性要低得多,也正是因为这个家是他辛苦造就的,他更舍不得放 弃。
很多花心狠心的男人都有一个最贤惠,无私的女人在默默付出。我最终下决心嫁给自己的男友,是因为他和我说: 我非常操心你,,我总怕你过得不好,或是遇上什么事,只要一不看见你,我就非常担心你。他的付出和我的感激 是我们俩最好的相处模式。
  人人都有犯错的可能,但如果一错再错,就是自己有问题。好多姐妹因为“和他在一起N年了”,“他是我第 一个男人”,“我为他流过N个孩子了”,“我为了付出了……”“我已经……岁了”而忍受和一个不善待自己的 男人生活在一起,最后受伤的还是自己。我的一个朋友和我说过:这个世界上的事,没有一成不变的,它要么变好 ,要么变坏,总之,没有不变的。这句话直接促使我走出了一段不好的感情。因为,我知道,如果要变,那段感情 只会变得更差,以后我受得伤会更多。我的勇敢是我现在过得不错最坚实的基础。
  13.因为爱而爱,ecco shoes sale,不是为了一场漂亮的婚礼或是梦想中奢华的生活而爱。

  一切幸福都需付出代价,但不要让有些代价毁了你的一生。年轻的女生容易被虚荣所蒙蔽,但在真正的婚姻中 ,那个能在夜里给你盖上蹬掉的被子的男人才是值得托付一生的男人。
  好的男人会以真正对你有益的方式对你好,ecco women shoes,不是纵容你,也不是以爱你的名义束缚你。这样的男人很少,如果遇到了,一定要珍惜。年轻的男人往往会以纯 真的方式爱自己的女友,他可能不成熟,但他的爱是真的,不要轻意放弃。以后在社会上历练多了,你才会知道一 颗真心有多宝贵。
  这个世上有很多好男人正是苦苦寻找另一半。不是所有的男人都只爱处女,也不是所有的男人都会在乎你以前 的婚姻,更不是所有的男人都在意你的年龄学历。有很多好的婚姻中,ecco outlet,男人爱的,是自己女人的笨,天真及及圆圆的身材,或是嘴角的那颗痣。你受过的伤,他会加倍疼惜,你的勇敢 ,会让他更加尊重。所以,即使受了伤,也要像金三顺一样,勇敢去爱,就像没有受过伤一样。你只有首先开放了 自己,这个世界才会放开你。
好男人和坏男人在追求你之初,都会关心你,接你送你,给你发短信,在你生病时照顾你。不要一有人对你好,你 就马上陷进去,想一想,多看一看,再做决定。一般,四个月,足够的接触,足以让你了解他。网上的交往不算的 ,再长时间的网络接触也不算的,真实的生活才有意义。你要和他一起吃饭,逛街,一起做些事,才能了解他。你 过得快不快乐,你自己知道。很多时候,不是男人在欺骗我们,是我们自己在骗自己。
  如果他能改,当然最好,不然,就想一想,你能不能接受。婚前的每一个缺点,婚后都会被放大。他抽烟,而 你又爱他,就努力接受吧,婚后戒烟的男人太少了。其他缺点也是一样。
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Old 08-01-2011, 01:55 PM   #3
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ketty5950 is on a distinguished road

Christmas is almost over, and February is already here. Although it may feel like the year is just beginning in February means, of course, Valentine. There are many signs that winter is dying and one of them is the graphical development of pale color mode, tone the richest winter palettes juicier.
It may seem strange to say while it is still unusually cold winter and which, on the east coast of the United States. But from a perspective of fashion, we can say that the color change is the way fashion announces the birth of spring. However, it could also be just an excuse to wear the bright red blood - just in time for Valentine's Day.
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labels are featured in their collections at the beginning of the season.
People can say whatever they want on the commercialism involved in this business-oriented party, but it's just the perfect time to finally chase the perfect pair of red shoes. It is often said that "every woman should own a pair of red shoes," but this is true for men. And especially on Valentine's Day.
If you have ever fallen in love with a pair of boots of red fire that were for sale, trust us, you're not alone. But even if the red is of course much of the season, how can you go red?
If you're worried, maybe you should consider using a darker, almost brown-red. The downside,moncler womens coats, dynamite red boots can be a color that most women can use to illuminate the gray suit.
In other words, nothing is more relevant than the boots and shoes red for Valentine's Day. However, this does not mean that the shoes cannot be used at the end of February. While we are waiting for spring to arrive, with some bright colors can help to enliven the day. Just make sure to choose a pair of warm,vibram five fingers bikila vs kso, if it is still snow outside. For More Information : http://www.treds.co.uk/manufacturer/sugar/90/1
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