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Old 08-29-2011, 06:23 PM   #1
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Default Dr.Dre Beats Studio Limited Edition Headphones-Bla

Apparently the fragment had some memories of its own tactical work. But there was no way Johanna could explain Vendacious's reasoning to it. "Don't worry, we will make it okay." "You sure? You promise?" Johanna smiled gently at what was left of a rather nice fellow. "Yes. I promise." "Ah-ah-ah.... Okay." Now all three had their muzzles stuck into stew bowls. This was one of the lucky ones,复件 (36) air max1, really. It showed plenty of interest in what went on around it. Just as important, it had childlike enthusiasms. Pilgrim said that fragments like this could grow back easily if they were just treated right long enough to bear a puppy or two. She pushed the cart a few meters further, to the fenced square that was the symbolic corral for a singleton. There was a faint odor of shit in the air. Some of the singletons and duos were not housebroken; in any case,复件 (32) air max2, the camp latrines were a hundred meters away. "Here, Blacky. Blacky?" Johanna banged an empty bowl against the side of the cart. A single head eased up from behind some root bushes; sometimes this one wouldn't even do that much. Johanna got on her knees so her eyes weren't much higher than the black-faced one. "Blacky?" The creature pulled himself out of the bushes and slowly approached. This was all that was left of one of Scrupilo's cannoneers. She vaguely remembered the pack,复件 (59) air max1, a handsome sixsome all large and fast. But now, even "Blacky" wasn't whole: a falling gun had crushed his rear legs. He dragged his legless rear on a little wagon with thirty centimeter wheels... sort of like a Skroderider with forelegs. She pushed a bowl of stew toward him,复件 (73) air max, and made the noises that Pilgrim coached her in. Blacky had refused food the last three days, but today he rolled and walked close enough that she could pet his head. After a moment he lowered his muzzle to the stew. Johanna grinned in surprised pleasure. This hospital was a strange place. A year ago she would have been horrified by it; even now she didn't have the proper Tinish outlook on the wounded. As she continued to pet Blacky's lowered head, Johanna looked across the forest floor at the crude tents, the patients and parts of patients. It really was a hospital. The surgeons did try to save lives,复件 (35) air max1, even if the medical science was a horrifying process of cutting and splinting without anesthetics. In that regard, it was quite comparable to the medieval human medicine that Johanna had seen on Dataset. But with the Tines there was something more. This place was almost a spare parts warehouse. The medics were interested in the welfare of packs. To them,Dr.Dre Beats Studio Limited Edition Headphones-Black/Yellow, singletons were pieces that might have a use in making larger fragments workable, at least temporarily. Injured singletons were at the bottom of all medical priorities. "There's not much left to save in such cases," one medic had said to her via Pilgrim, "And even if there was, would you want a crippled, loose-bonded member in your self?" The fellow had been too tired to notice the absurdity of his question. His muzzles had been dripping blood; he'd been working for hours to save wounded members of whole packs. Besides, most wounded singletons just stopped eating and died in less than a tenday. Even after a year with Tines, Johanna couldn't quite accept it. Every singleton reminded her of dear Scriber; she wanted them to have a better chance than his last remnant had. She had taken over the food cart and spent as much time with the wounded singletons as she did with any of the other patients.
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