GPS tracking systems, which aresurprisingly affordable in the first place, also have the advantage that theypay back the initial capital investment quickly by improving a company��sability to monitor, protect and manage its assets and its personnel.
GPS trackingallows a company to know where its people and its assets are at any givenmoment, which brings a host of benefits. Among these are the ability to improveadministration processes and protect personnel
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Some of thebiggest and most successful companies in the UK are already using GPS tracking systems to improve theirprofit and their competitive edge. Whether a company is small and privatelyowned or a large international conglomerate, this technology could be a bigstep forward in boosting profits and keeping customers happy. The time toinvest is now.
If a servicecompany, for example
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Most of usare familiar with satellite navigation systems in our cars, which use globalpositioning system - GPS - technology to provide directions that get us to ourdestination as quickly as possible, even when we are in places we have nevervisited before. This, however, is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes toharnessing the true capability of GPS systems.
Savings onfleet management can be a quick route to wider profit margins or lower pricesfor customers. Better utilisation of mobile assets, from aeroplanes and boatsto trailers and excavators, or even goods in transit, can lower costs andincrease revenues by reducing downtime and improving security.
Acompetitively price personal tracking system improves the performance of amobile workforce, improves customer satisfaction and helps employers complywith the duty of care for lone workers by utilising cellular devices. GPS tracking of company vehiclesensures they make the most efficient use of resources and gives a company a lotof detailed information about routes taken and whether or not they could becombined to improve efficiency.
Forbusinesses with fleets of vehicles or personnel who travel to visit customers, GPS tracking is the latest idea forfleet management, which is made far easier and more efficient with thistechnology.
Forinstance, SimplyTrak, which has recently signed an exclusive agreement withBlackbox Telematics for the sale and distribution of its cutting edgetelematics solutions in the UK, bases its business case on the fact that GPS tracking devices can save acompany, money. The idea behind the technology is that it enables a moreefficient and profitable business by improving a company��s administrativefunctions such as checking timesheets, more accurate invoicing, improvingcustomer care and reducing complaints.