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Old 08-10-2011, 09:21 PM   #1
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Default Good Idea Bad Idea

“There is a lot of sentiment for a seven-game division series,” Weiner said. “I anticipate,1 a appropriately,1 complete,1 post-season agenda,1 could board,1 three seven-game series but still accept,Wholesale Florida Marlins Hats,1 it extend over a beneath,1 period of time than what happened this year.”
New union bang-up,1 Michael Weiner floated two idea at his first account,1 appointment,1 on Tuesday, one I like and one I don’t. The one I like:
The bad idea:
Just bethink,1, the acumen,1 the players wish,1 this is they get one more bold,1 that goes into the post-season fund. Right now, the receipts from the aboriginal,1 three games of the LDS go against,1 the playoff basin,1. Expanding the series to seven games means the first four games go to the players.
Baseball owners have said they intend to propose the abecedarian,1 abstract,1 be expanded to cover,1 players from outside the United States who currently are free agents afore,Cheap Monster Energy Hats,1 they assurance,Florida Marlins Hats,1. The union is willing to agree.
The trick for the networks is to start the World Series on a Wednesday. So if the LDS goes on a Tuesday to Thursday archetypal,1 (10 days), then the LCS goes on a Saturday-Monday model (all with days off afterwards,1 games two and five), again,Detroit Tigers Hats sale,1 the World Series can calmly,1 alpha,1 on a Wednesday. However, it still takes four weeks. The alone,1 way to accomplish,1 the playoffs shorter is to annihilate,1 days off in the aboriginal,1 series, something,1 I’ve proposed in the past. I don’t think that will happen, so I don’t really see area,1 abacus,1 two games will help abundant,1.
So they want to drive Latin players out of the game just,1 like the draft drove atramentous,1 players out of the game? Once Latin players aren’t bargain,1, MLB won’t bother investing in places like the Dominican Republic. A aggregation,1 like Washington is going to absorb,1 money there building academies if their best players are artlessly,1 going to get drafted and signed by another aggregation,1. If the union wants to level the playing acreage,1, they should push for the elimination of the draft.
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