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Old 08-10-2011, 06:58 PM   #1
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Default Ugg Kensington Short Boots

At some time,Ugg Kensington Short Boots, these procedures must have worked well enough to stop hiccups that others began using them. I’m sure you’ve already noticed that each cure mentioned above changes the victim’s breathing rhythm, which may be why they sometimes stop annoying hiccups.
Look Past The Obvious
The hiccup example demonstrates the assertion that home cures and folk remedies have at least a grain of truth in them. Think about that the next time you rub aloe vera juice on a burn,moncler coats, starve a cold (or feed a fever), or hear of a mother who puts her child with chicken pox together with her healthy children so they all catch it now rather than later.
Are home remedies things of the past? I don't think so!
Doug Smith is a Chemical Engineer and the webmaster of You get free & natural remedies for fungus, lice, acid reflux,motorcycle jackets, cold sores, yeast & more. Stay up to date with our Natural Remedies News
Copyright 2005 by Doug Smith. You may reuse this copyrighted article provided no content is changed - other than line length - and the author’s box is intact. All links must be active hyperlinks or made active.
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