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Old 08-04-2011, 12:49 PM   #1
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Default vibram five fingers review Chaos's corruption

I awoke to the clang of commander Tusine Ma'cef rapping his arm across his battle worn power armour. "Inquisitor Torden we have arrived at Mallegan IX it seems as tho someone else also wanted to see the chancellor the hive city has been completely destroyed and we assume that the chancellor has been taken hostage." Tusine said in a deep worried voice. "I feared that this would happen I can scene a great evil here." I paused could the chaos Gods corruption spread as far as to the ranks of the crew of the "fist of fire"(my ship). I wounder for a moment but saw those hawk eyes of commander Tusine searching my facial expression to see if I too were fearing the consequences of that happening. I hurried back from my train of thought "I must go to the planet and investigate for if this chancellor knew of a way to bring the cripple creator back to us this could well be the moment in which the battle turns on those that assail us and the great imperium of man shall be once more."
With that the commander turned on heel and walked back to the bridge to give the crew further instruction. With the help of my two side initiates I was in full armour and sword of gallie holstered to my side once again I was ready to face this spawn of Evil. Soon I would board I thunder halk and descend to the now ruins of what once was the capital of Mallegan IX.
* * * As I stepped out a rush of fresh cold bitting air hit my face and rushed over my now goose bump infested body I closed my eyes and breathed in the thin air it was like to see the last great sun rise on my home planet I felt alive once more. I open my eyes and saw the great destruction all that once was the city had been reduced to dust and waste. I felt my blood boil my muscles tense and eyes narrow. "Commander Tusine assemble a team of your best 20 men we are going to find the alien scum that did this."
Don't you think we should scan the area for lif.." I stoped Commander Tusine in mid sentence "No all that was here is now dead or gone you know as well as I do that chaos live no survivors they would rather die then than do that."
The convocation was over he left. I walked around searching for clues after 10 minuets I decided it was useless I could find nothing using my eyes so I stretched out with my mind above the countless ruins and scatted bodies in the city I saw a strange black aurora covering it, it seemed to raise from the sewers below I sort the source of this darkness but every thing was a mist and I was overcome I breathed sharply and came back to the physical plain I had been beaten the power of this being was too much I could not find the exact point of its origin but below the surface would have to do in the dark and slippery sewers we would have to go right where it wanted us with no where to run in its maze where it would find it easy to destroy us.
* * * Tusine returned with his twenty men all had seen the face of pure evil on the battlefield they knew that some of them would not return. I examined each one in turn one of them stuck out from the rest a young warrior named Falx he seemed to loom above the rest tho he was the shortest he had a bright aroua around him. We could wait no longer we had to leave so we set out looking for an opening to the sewers. Not to long after we left it hit me the stench of dead corpses and a green sticky oozy lead a path to the entrance. Every now and then we saw a part of some unfortunate soul,mbt schweiz, a leg severed with the white bone sticking out where the thy used to be, a torso ripped down the centre rib cage sprung and the head four meters away crushed in to a rock it, the look of terror in its open eyes blood was every where in great pools and drag marks leading their way to a be gaping hole in the ground I had not see such slaughter in a hundred years back when I was optimistic about the universe but scene then I have change much I no longer have hope when all I see is death all I have is my sword and in it I trust my life.
We were now 10 meters from the opening the smell became worse many rotting corpses littered the area festering with puss and maggots thousands of maggots. "Tusine get one of your men to flame these corpses now I can not stand to look at them any longer." One stepped forward an un hitched the flamer from his back and began to burn the foal corpses, the high pitched sessile and pop of meat and maggot cooking soon a slightly more pleasant smell of cooking bodies wafted up in to our nostrils.
"Men it is time to enter the lair of the beast I know he is a psyker so expect you body and mind to be tried for he shall show no mercy so be prepared" I said to the nervous men all but one Falx he seemed to like the challenge.
We descended in to the foul pits slowly it became darker and darker "torches men" I look down with the new light I could see a lager sewer tunnel then normal no doubt it had re-arraigned things and scatted every where from the ceiling to the river of blood below were bodies and parts of bodies a head here a arm there I was a gruesome sight to behold. We travelled along the tunnel at a run for about 20km when we came across a section which seemed to spilt into 5 which way to chose they all look the same all identical "rest while I try to figure out what we must do now" I examined each carefully from a distance I was left with no answers to my question it was a risk but I had to do it.
I look out with my mind and saw it the great menacing beast of chaos festering and oozing with power it grind a twisted grin,skechers Munich Men Shoes, a axe appeared in its hands and its black aroua flushed a bright red I drew out gallie and steadied for the blow a push of tremendous physic energy hit me and my left arm became limp I had underestimated it and I payed dearly for my faults I counted with my own power and swang gallie far above my head coming down in a ball of blue energy,MBT Schuhe Amali Damen, he just stood there and let it hit. He seemed to absorb it in to his being I was finished I could not face such a brutal power so evil and self absorbed. He walked closer to me across the abyss and became ever lager thrice the size of a man and so evil then I felt the presents of some been behind me Falx had come he held in his hand but a mire wooded staff to stand against the greater demon "falx leave me you are no match for this beast" I pleaded he just ignored me and kept on walking to the beast, it just walked right past me as if Falx was the greater challenged. Falx halted ten meters from it and stuck the wooden staff in to the space below him and stared in to the blood stained eyes of the demon it looked as tho he was slowing the beast down he was winning it could not be happening how could my power do nothing and a mire warrior be slowing the beast down.
It did not work for long the demon broke the stair and came charging down upon him axe swing and cutting the flesh of Falx he seemed to smile as his arm were severed the demon picked him up by the remanding arm and hurled him to the ground I heard a loud crunch like when you chomp on uncooked carrots his leg was twisted to the outside and his rib cage must have been completely crushed because then is flipped open and I could see his gu. wait he had no guts there was just green gunk it came rushing towards me like a speeding fighter and I was knocked back in to my physical form.
"Run everyone run out of the tunnels now Falx is a ." before I could finish a terrible transformation happened the body which had been Falx's explored and a great demon arose in its place its teeth like that of a mutated wolf were a yellow green, its eyes a unnatural bright blood red, horns and spikes pierced its body, its skin scaly an a cold blue and in its hands it held a mighty axe of power no doubt chaos had brewed this one for the occasion. Decapitating the few guard that had been standing close, their blood sprayed across my face and armour. It showed no weakness,mbt sicherheitsschuhe, no feeling,skechers deutschland, no remorse it stood there as if nothing had happened,vibram five fingers review, the guard fell back behind me and readied for the counter I drew gallie from my side and summoned my power I could only hope I was strong enough to fight it. A fizzle and flash of blue energy. I heard a howl followed by a deep gut growl I had hurt it I had took a large chunk of flesh off its side and green blood boiled and steamed from it "fire men fire. It can be hurt" it swooped over to me so fast I had no time to dodge the attack, it knocked me in to the skeleton filled wall a sharp sting and sudden release of pressure hit my leg I looked down I was not to surprised a large bone had completely gone through it and my leg bone was now poking out in a very unusual fashion the bottom half above the bottom of the top half almost side by side if it wasn't for the bone in the middle from the wall blood was pumping out of me on to the skull floor I could feel my weaking I had to finish off the demon before it killed my men or I would be left defenceless. I gave a shout to challenge the beast to combat but it saw me as no threat I shouted again but this time I sent a psychic blast with it and burnt a hole in its vein filled arm it popped as it burned and turned to face me its jaw dripping with blood and durule 'what do I do next?' I asked myself, as it beared down on me its enormous figurer became ever lager and menacing. 'Fight' I told my self and with that I summoned all my remaining power and strength to slow it down so my men could stand a chance after I had pass on. My strength was leaving me fast and the pool of blood growing soon I would pass out and the demon was almost upon me it was becoming dim I had to try now. With the energy I had built up I sent an explosion of blue light at the monstrous demon we were all blinded by it and I could not see if my enemy had been defeated suddenly I felt a hand grab my side I swang gallie to kill the owner of it my eyes came back to me I looked in front of me out in the middle of the blood river and on the surrounding walls were the remains of the demon and in front of me on the ground laid a armless guard a look of pure horror on his face I had attacked my own men and almost kill one this crime was almost as bad as the killing and murder of countless lives tho it does not matter the slaying of a demon is fair greater feat then the crime of attacking my on men it was a acceptable price to pay.
Out of the corner of my eyes I saw a grey old man the chancellor he had not be kill as he walked over to me I saw that he was not well he had been torched he was shaking and saying things in the demonic language the demon had achieved its goal we would never know what the chancellor had found out and I would be lost my head was heavy my armour stained with the blood of the demon and my slain comrades my arms came weak and eyelids closed I remembered Holy Terra the last sunset on the planet of my beginning on the planet which the emperor had originated from and at this moment sat crippled in the golden thorn from his battle with Horus and now I am leaving this plain may my soul remain untainted by chaos and may the imperiallum be restored to its former greatness.
Basic Plan Start Crimes Crimes are attacking the imperiallum of man defying the emperor our god and the killing and murder of countless lives, kidnapping and for being a pawn of chaos and generally being alive.
Find a clue in the old major building claw marks going in to the surge tunnels. Follow in to the pits of the fell demons lair. Have to face minions and optical deceptions. The fast decreasing numbers of imperial guard. Compleat darkness.
End Great battle between the inquisitor and the demon. After suffering great wounds he wins but to have lost all his
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