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2126262 2008 年 01 月 24 日 01:08 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (1) Category: Personal Diary
Opera Introduction:
Wagner opera of the time with a long written two decades, can be described as vomit will drain the blood. Opera is divided into four, followed by \The opera was originally written in Wagner wanted the gold to the oppression of the human struggle against forces of the heroic history, and eventually wrote the original intention of preaching against the power of God and the fate of the supreme authority, and will come to an end of the world works focused his fatalism and pessimism.
Nevertheless, the \The opera brings together reform Wagner opera at that time remarkable achievements, a landmark. He made plays to achieve harmony with the music, shaping the music collaborative story characters. In the opera orchestra in his use of sound practices in the use of the rich music scene and many other description of techniques used most creative innovations, etc., will be the opera into a new height. Although Wagner's creation is full of contradictions, but he is still one of Germany's most distinguished composers, after the German composer Beethoven No one among the kind of courage as he has the courage.
\The. Wagner opera plot according to the needs of the circumstances surrounding the original after a re-creation,
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first \world, but love the person must be discarded. Nigerian dwarf root of the whole dragon by Albert Dietrich unlucky in love and vowed to abandon love,
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fourth \Hilde Siegfried the ring to Bulun, riding his sword moved to the house of King Gunther, by courtesy. Hagen,
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