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Old 07-25-2011, 01:42 AM   #1
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Default Moncler Women's Coats

charges are higher thanthose on the receipt, immediately contact your credit cardcompany.
4. Never give out your credit card to anyone! This includespeople in your family and any of your friends. It is notthat you cannot trust these individuals, but you cannottrack purchases you are not even making.
5. When you charge more than you can repay, a lot cango wrong. This can limit your future potential of gettingany kind of credit, including car loans,Moncler Women's Coats, home mortgagesand other forms of loans.
6. Pay your credit card bills on time or even beforethey are due. Doing so will not only help improve yourcredit scores,coach handbags, but also help avoid additional costsassociated with late payment charges and accrued interest.
7. Pay your credit card bills in full every month.This is easy to do if, based on your income,Moncler Girl Jackets, you establisha monthly budget for your credit card purchases and thennot exceed that.
8. Keep your credit cards for new purchasing. don't pay onecredit card bill with a different credit card. This willinevitably lead to more charging and higher balances.
Connie Gutchrif is the President and Editor ofFN Credit - An excellentresource for information on credit. To learn more, be sureto visit:
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