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Old 07-24-2011, 10:36 PM   #1
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Default Replica RayBan Sunglasses Information on Eye Healt

Thus it's very important to take care of your eyes on a regular basis so that you do not fall prey to the harmful effects of stress. Maintaining your eye health is really easy. All you have to do is keep some of the following tips in mind...and of course, follow them regularly and you'll find your eyesight is as sharp as it was during your teenage!
Some of the foods containing vitamin A are papayas and carrots, whilst citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C. So make sure you have a healthy portion of these in your daily diet.

o Whether you're reading, or working, make sure that the lighting is alright. Avoid working in dim lights, as it can strain your eyes. It's also a proven fact that bright lights can damage the eyes just as much. So make sure that before you sit to work Cheap Oakley How Do Polarized Sunglasses Work-_910, the lighting is appropriate and soothing to the eyes. Eye exercises are necessary if you care for your ease your eyes off some of the strain, you can try blinking exercises. It's a proven fact that much of the strain in our eyes is due to the long hours spent in front of the computer. Eye exercises can give you temporary relief from this soreness, and also keep your eyes healthy.
Eyes are our windows to the world. It is because of the gift of eyes that we can see and appreciate the beauty of the world round us. Imagine where you'd be without eyesight?
A simple task like crossing a road would become a Herculean task, let alone driving, traveling or reading. Blindness can occur due to many causes-brain diseases, glaucoma, cancer, and it can also be congenital. The one modern disease (if it can be called that) that is responsible for a lot of eye diseases is stress.
o You thought contact lenses were the best gifts you could give your eyes? Well, yes and no! Contact lenses are a very good option for your eyes, as they offer better protection than glasses Replica RayBan Sunglasses, but remember that there are as many types of contact lenses as the people who need them! While one type of contact lens may perfectly suit your eye type, there are others that can damage your eyes further. Choose your contacts wisely and you'll find that you can minimize your eye problems to a much larger extent.
You may not think of it as a disease, but it is actually bothering all of us, everyday! Think of what your eyes go through when you are working on your computer for the entire day. Think of the stress on your eyes when you burn the midnight oil, working or partying or driving back after a long day. Most of us are hardly aware of the poison that we expose our eyes to when we are out in the sun; it may be in the form of dust, pollution, or the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.
Covering the sleeping child with a mysterious power, the beautiful white goose spreads a lyrical mass of soft feathers expressing celestial protection from his outstretched wings. A small, six-year-old girl, Kaitlynn was running from the chilling danger of violence at home, and was seeking refuge in the deserted marsh area near a quiet lake. The exhausted young child had fallen asleep on a blanket of long, damp grass, and was resting without fear in a secret corner of nature's mystical womb.
o The first eye health routine that should be followed stringently is getting a regular eye check up. To your incompetent eye, most temporary eye problems might seem trivial, but if you don't get a check up done regularly, these trivial problems will result in a bigger illness that will take up a huge treatment regime! If you are wearing one pair of glasses for quite a long time, or continuing with the same contact lenses for the past one's time to take some time out of your busy schedule and pay a visit to the eye doctor! Get your power checked regularly, your doctor will be able to tell you if the reason for those constant throbbing headaches are your old specs.
There is one nutraceutical company which has decided to use a Japanese seaweed or kelp in their products. This is widely consumed in Japan and the results are evident as I mentioned above. But why is this seaweed so special? Well it actually inhibits a harmful enzyme from breaking down our supplies of hyaluronic acid which is essential to prevent face wrinkles. Why not check this out and see what the other ingredients are which make their products so special.
o Lastly, food habits are as important for your eyes as the other things. Keep a check on what you are consuming throughout the day. Include a lot of fresh fruits, salads and vegetables to your diet. Maintain a healthy fluid intake, this should include juices and lots and lots of water. Healthy food habits have the great boon of arresting many diseases in their primary stages, and preventing a lot of others as well! A healthy "eye" diet should ideally include a lot of Vitamin A and C, as they are very good for the eye.
o Wearing sunglasses on a regular basis is a great way to maintain eye health. But there is absolutely no excuse for not wearing sunglasses if you're already wearing sun protective contact lens. The same goes for cloudy days. According to doctors, sunglasses are a must for every season, for every kind of weather. The harmful UV rays of the sun can easily penetrate clouds. Even the best protection offered by contacts is not enough to protect your eyes. Sunglasses should cover the entire area of the eye to effectively minimize sun damage.
William Colbert is a natural health enthusiast. Discover what are the best natural ingredients for a safe and effective anti aging skin care treatment at his site:- You can find out what are the really effective ingredients to help prevent wrinkles.
Suzanne Hughes is an online eyewear style consultant who loves helping those new to eyeglasses find the perfect pair of reading glasses. For great styles of eyeglasses, including mens and womens reading glasses, sunglasses, and folding specs, be sure to visit her website.
It is the cumulative effect of all these, and more that affects our eyes to a great extent. I'm sure that most of us suffer from sore eyes, or temporary insomnia...all these result from the stress of our daily life, and leave a lasting effect on our eyes.
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