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Old 05-21-2011, 03:15 PM   #1
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Default blog sweaty-palms-a-possible-remedy

A number of months in the past, I blogged about my perpetually sweaty palms and fearfulness of shaking hands. Talk about sharing personal information! But after writing that post, I received a lot of email from others who suffer from the same condition and phobia … and there are a lot of us out there! Last week, my pup Oliver had surgery, and I worked from home on Friday so I could take care of him. What’s working from home without also watching some “good” daytime TV? On The View (yes, I admit it), they discussed “the latest and greatest cutting edge beauty products out on the market." Among these products was Dry Touch Fingers. Per their website: Dry Touch is a clear, thin, instant-drying barrier against moisture. It was originally created for use by Hollywood professionals—actors under hot studio lights, film crews, stunt men… anyone whose performance can be affected by sweaty hands.

Dry Touch is an ideal problem-solver in any professional or social situation where dry hands are a necessity. Athletes, business professionals, surgeons, dancers, musicians, mechanics, construction workers, couples, computer users, etc, all rely on this remarkable product.

Dry Touch is effective in all physical activities that require dry hands for top performance—golf, tennis, bowling, gymnastics, aerobic exercise, basketball, baseball, football, and skeet shooting, just to name a handful of examples. The ad also says the effect lasts up to 5 hours. Has anyone tried this product? If it works, I’ll be heaven. I think I’ll buy a bottle, and let you know. gretchen
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