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Old 05-15-2011, 12:22 AM   #2
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China's logistics industry system integration constraints,sci论文
According to the number of market makers,sci论文写作, and the degree of product differentiation of these two standards,论文发表, the market can be divided into a perfectly competitive market,发表论文, complete monopoly,science citation index, monopolistic competition and oligopoly market for four categories (Division Chunlin,论文定制, Arthur Gu,职称论文发表, Yu Yihong,代写包发, 2001). When the market is a monopoly or oligopoly,课题研究报告, because the existence of monopoly power,毕业论文检测, high barriers to entry,2010 sci, leading to an external company to monopolize the market difficult to enter the direct impact of technology among enterprises of different industries,论文下载, companies,ei village, products and other elements of mobility.
(3) market structure monopoly elements
(1) control of industrial policy
Industry is in the middle between the macro and micro levels,sci投稿指南, with the development of China's socialist market economy,ei收录期刊, economic system reform,论文写作指导, governmental or regulatory agencies increasingly through industrial policy factors to strengthen the management of enterprises. If 19% of the United States enacted the "Telecommunications Reform Act",sci论文发表, provides long distance and local phone open to each other,sci 代写, to encourage telecommunications cable to carry out,ei中国, without access to telecommunications services,sci 影响因子, licensing,LED, allowing telecom operators operating video services and more. December 20,课题结题报告, 2006 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has adopted new regulations,ei期刊, making it easier for telecom operators to enter the television market to compete with cable companies [1]. United States Government through the enactment of industrial policies to promote the openness of the industrial system. 75 in 1999 China issued document,论文写作助理, the two departments against each other broadcasting and telecommunications penetration,博士论文, does not allow the telecommunications sector operating radio and television services,毕业论文查重, radio and television networks may not operate basic telecommunications services. The immediate results of the closed nature of China's industrial system,light-emitting diode, directly affects China's computer,sci投稿, communications and radio and television industry,论文写作, the integration of three processes.
(2)Industrial management system is composed of different industries and their relationship constitutes a regulatory body,论文代写, the different industries to the industrial management system of a direct impact on the openness of the system. If the British Government in 2003 promulgated the "Communications Act" and the reform of management system were established OFCOM management body,ei检索会议, which by the Telecommunications Authority,论文网, Radio Communications Authority,ei sci, the Independent Television Commission,ei论文发表, Radio Authority,sci期刊, the player Standards Committee five agencies from integration with overall responsibility for British Telecom,反学术不端, television and radio regulation,sci发表, thus contributing to the openness of the system the three major industries. Industrial policy,毕业论文, industrial control requires the appropriate management system for support.

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