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Old 05-13-2011, 06:40 PM   #1
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Default Windows 7 Pro my ideal netbook

image editing demands a shade display screen of substantial resolution. effective blogging demands a platform with a resolution that compares for the normal web person – according to hitslink 1024*768 is the most popular resolution of world wide web browsing systems at 28.34% and the most popular resolution that is less than 1024*768 is 800*600 at 3.28% [4]. so even the most casual blogger will have an incentive to get a display that is of higher resolution than all but the latest netbooks. the recently released eeepc 1201 has a display resolution of 1366*768 which should be barely adequate for those tasks.
reading electronic books requires a reasonable resolution. based on my experience with the 1400*1050 display in my thinkpad it seems that a resolution of 1366*768 would be barely adequate for reading an academic paper that has two columns in a small font. but as the original kindle had a resolution of 600*800 and the latest kindle has a resolution of 824*1200 [5] it seems that perhaps the epaper displays are good enough to allow reading the text at a lower resolution. a display that can draw little or no power when idling (as epaper does) is simply required for an ebook. the pixel-qi hybrid displays are claimed to offer the best features of tft and epaper displays [6] but they haven’t been released yet. i think it’s reasonable to assume that someone will achieve that pixel-qi is attempting and that it will become the standard display for a netbook.
watching movies and playing games (even games like wesnoth) calls for better video performance than epaper can deliver,Windows 7 Pro, we just have to hope that pixel-qi release something soon.
watching movies and reading ebooks are both things that are best done without a keyboard in the way. the always innovating “touch book” [7] seems like a good solution to this problem. it’s a tablet pc that can be connected to a keyboard base if/when you desire. it should also be good for web browsing and reading email while on the move,Office 2007 Enterprise, i find that my eeepc is unreasonably heavy and awkward for typing email while walking.
intel cpus are not particularly energy efficient. as there are arm cpus with clock speeds as substantial as 2ghz and with as many as four cpu cores it seems that the arm architecture can provide as much cpu power as is required. debian currently supports two versions of the arm cpu,Windows 7 Home Premium, if another one became commonly used it wouldn’t be that difficult to run debian build servers for it.
given a display resolution equal for the latest kindle, cpu power greater than the early netbooks,Windows 7 64 Bit, and the ability to run a free software os the range of educational and gaming software should be adequate.
so it seems that the ideal netbook would have a detachable keyboard and base and a touch-screen in the computer part. it would have a pixel-qi display (or equivalent) which has a resolution of 1400*1050 or better. it would have usb, gig-e,Microsoft Office 2007 Product Key, wifi, and bluetooth connectivity and the ability to have an internally mounted usb dongle (as the always innovating touch book does). i think that this is not overly difficult to achieve – it is basically an always innovating system using a better display.
update: another criteria is the ability to start operating quickly when requested. even mobile phones are often limited in their utility by the time that is taken to activate them (i can’t get my mobile phone to take a photo in much less than 7 seconds after removing it from my pocket). the always innovating system is apparently always in suspend to ram mode when it’s not being used so that it can start quickly. that combined with fast application load times and a good menu system could allow turning the system on and launching an application in less than 2 seconds.
if i was buying a netbook right now the only thing that would stop me from buying an always innovating device is the shipping delay. but as my eeepc is working quite well i’m not going to buy another system unless i am going to get significant benefits – such as a large resolution pixelqi display.
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