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Old 05-12-2011, 12:13 PM   #3
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Networks ring wedding belles
SEVEN won the rankings by an English homeland mile on Friday, and here is why; it had moderately hot, up to date Bateau Bridesmaid Dresses, mostly understated treatment of the regal marriage, anchored by a serene and polite Chris Bath.
Nine went the other way, using Dame Edna to sweetly take the mickey and, to Diary's brain, this too was a triumph. Nine's genius was to have Edna talking before and after the observance, significance the absurd Strapless Bridesmaid Dresses, silly, pompous limits on satire throughout the nuptials were not ever transgressed. Diary has a vague recollection of Edna renouncing her regal name in a gladioli-swirling press seminar at Sydney aerodrome about the time of the Republican referendum but Gold Bridesmaid Dresses, like most Australians, she was joyous to put values apart for a party. Her head knack - and this is immensely tough - was to get the pitch right: she's not snide; she's skeletal part dry. Edna reached at the commentary carton in a dress made, she said, from the fur of an albino wombat in the identical shadow as "Julia's thong". Surveying the visitors, she said: "Colonel Gaddafi isn't coming. He'd conflict with the bridesmaids." About Julia Gillard and her colleague, Tim Mathieson, she was wicked, saying: 'He's likely wanting that one day she'll suggest to him!" before adding: "Is he her only colleague, or just as far as we know?"
Dame right on
EDNA mentioned to the Gyngell family as the "traditional proprietors of this network" [Nine] and asserted to have been at an previous regal marriage, where Rupert Murdoch said to her: "I don't understand why I'm here either. And winked at me." She paid tribute to Australian Aborigines "sitting round the billabong, feeling so pleased" for the regal twosome, and said she was pleased of Kate, because "she's not pregnant. That's so uncommon these days." Then too, she recalled viewers, "sitting on a beanbag somewhere is . . . Fergie, observing this." "She's in Thailand," said co-host Karl Stefanovic, helpfully. "In Thailand?" said the Dame. "Bless her."
Another Kate
BY compare, manage we require to discover any more from Kathy Lette?
FOR the record, Beatrice's head covering now has its own website. But Pippa Middleton's base has three.
Chasing controversy
THERE was much fuss before the marriage about the ABC being organised to drag the Chaser's satirical treatment from ABC2, lest the regal twosome be offended. So numerous other systems round the world were designing to have not less than a little joy with the marriage, so why goal only that show? A note author in The Sydney Morning Herald was certain they had the response, recalling readers of an infamous ditty by the Chaser's Andrew Hansen called Even Pricks Turn Into Top Blokes After Death. Key lines, which you can find on YouTube, mention to Diana as a "just a slut for ######", and worse.
Not so mystery service
CLAIRE Brittain of Claremont, Western Australia, composing to the Oz notes sheet, was dismayed by the Chaser ostracise, saying: "I would have considered the royals would have liked the Chaser engaged in the marriage Tea-length Bridesmaid Dresses, if not for any other cause than to check security."
Dressing the issue
DIARY furthermore relished Sky owner David Speers' nuptials assistance, at the size of the fuss about if Gillard appreciated she could not wear trousers. He tweeted: "Taxi person going by car quiet for 10 mins, then states 'I've not ever glimpsed Gillard in a dress'. Obviously been worrying him for a while."
Abbey inroads
SERIOUSLY good get of the marriage proceeds to Paola Totaro of the SMH, who was the only reporter for an Australian newspapers outlet to get interior Westminster Abbey. Totaro coyly documented this herself, but humbly failed to mention what Media notified you last week: she's a VP of the London-based Foreign Press Association, which presented out the tickets. She repaid in kind, making a dazzling part for the front of Saturday's edition. Diary is intrigued to understand how this was achieved. Does the Abbey have wifi?
Counting sheep
PRETTY good get proceeds to Miranda Devine, in London for Sydney's The Daily Telegraph, broadcast that every room at the Goring Hotel, where Catherine Middleton expended her last evening as a unmarried woman, has a large, stuffed sheep - rather an unattractive one, if we may be so bold - on the bed. A sheep! On the bed? It's a nod to New Zealand.
Red-eye special
THERE was a angry hurry for the aerodrome attractive much directly after the marriage, because nearly every individual who was there - Karl Silver Bridesmaid Dresses, Nine's Lisa Wilkinson Orange Bridesmaid Dresses, Ten's Carrie Bickmore, and every individual additional - had to be back for last night's Logies. Frequent flyers will be well renowned with the BA-QF cipher share from London: it countries at 6am on Sunday. Then it was all day in hair Spaghetti Strap Bridesmaid Dresses, make-up, compressing into Spanx, for last night's do.
Upper classes
SPEAKING of air journey, Diary learns 2GB owner Alan Jones took air journey first class to London, which might have miffed his employees except that they took air journey enterprise class Scoop Bridesmaid Dresses, which is attractive fine, too.
Deep end
BAPTISM of fire: Paul Whittaker left the Oz, where he was reviewer, at 10pm on Thursday, and begun at the Tele, where he's the new reviewer, at 10am on Friday, to stifle a three-million-page exceptional on the wedding. As one wag put it: "He's going to understand he's alive."
Doing the sums
IN non-wedding report, somebody is putting it round that Michael Gill is considering of litigating for his go out from The Australian Financial Review because, having revised the affidavits from Seven's court case, he conceives he didn't get paid enough. Diary hasn't been adept to find a number for him, so we're still ascertaining that out. Meanwhile, Glenn Burge hosted his own farewell from the editorship at the Point Hotel in Sydney's Pyrmont not last week but the week before. The turnout was good (drinks were free) and he ribbed employees, saying not less than the paper would arrive out on time. He's not left Fairfax and is probable to be employed on certain thing for head of digital Jack Matthews.
Sad occasion
EIGHT century persons turned out for the tremendously miserable burial of Blair Milan, 29-year-old child of previous SBS overseer Nigel Milan - who assisted to convey his son's white coffin from the chapel at Barker College - and cookbook author, Lyndey Milan, whose preparing nourishment display with her child had just traded to SBS. Since the venue could scarcely comprise them, they stood in pouring rainfall for 90 minutes, to yield their respects.
Double booked
IT's a worthy origin, but the timing was shocking: last Friday's Alliance-Walkley Press Freedom evening serving of food dropped on the evening of the wedding. People were yawning, fidgeting and texting, and consuming an alarming allotment just to get through it. By compare, the adorned trousers Ultimate Girly High Tea fundraiser for the Queensland inundate victims hosted by Brisbane journo Bec Sparrow boasting every high-profile newspapers woman in Queensland, encompassing The Courier-Mail columnist Frances Whiting, Triple M's The Cage co-host Emily-Jade O'Keeffe, Paris showgirl Shay Stafford, reporter (and KAK's latest tendency week host) Paula Joye yesterday was a high-energy, intensely feminine Empire Bridesmaid Dresses, cucumber sandwich-fuelled success.
Porous borders
FREEDOM of data is very much a warm button topic these days (see our article, sheet 32) with some campaigners believing large-scale government bureaus have cruelled any reporter's possibility of getting an FOI scoop by issuing facts and numbers to competitor newspapers organisations at the identical time. The Australian's flexibility of data reviewer Sean Parnell considered he was on to a victor when he wise of a consultant's report into the Customs and Border Protection Service. Alas, he had misread the title of the report and completed up with some market study about the top-rating Seven Network display Border Security.
Logies buzz
DIARY is filed on Sundays before any Logies gossip filters out. That said, owner Shane Bourne was on wireless on Saturday, saying he wasn't tense about the gig that so often finishes in tears: "I'm going to set the bar so reduced, any individual will be adept to manage it." We'll understand this forenoon how well he succeeded.Topics related articles:
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